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DAYS: October 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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So, good morning, it's Friday, September 30, 2022, and we get to have the other A story today. That's right we've gone all week with no Doc, no Kayla, no Kate, no sniffles, no sneezes, no coughs & now we get to have them & it all. So, the cast of characters, Kayla, in bed at the hospital with symptoms & Stephanie & Steve; Marlena's in the hospital too but so sick we haven't even seen her as the prologue begins. John's been in the chapel praying & talking about whether the devil is engaged in these events or not. Kate is out of the hospital but in the bed with Roman tending to her. Early in her day Rex appears & he is intent on gathering medical records & coming up with a plan. Apparently we think Rex is brilliant enough for his task. We the gentle audience know that he is relating this to when Roman almost died & Stefano asked Rolf to save him, which he did. Kristen wants something from or of Rolf but he keeps putting her off because this other work is greater & more genius. The ISA is getting nowhere. Today they are repeating tests that were inconclusive yesterday.

Rolf has this one orchid, in a potted plant, that is key to everything.  Kristen just starts to yammer at any opportunity. All she wants is for Rolf to shrink Chloe's brain to the size of a pecan. He is only interested in saving lives. Kristen just cannot understand what happened yesterday. She was doing a fantastic job of representing herself so that she thought she'd win & then ... something shifted and she lost.

Rolf's talking to Stefano even though he's not in the presence of the portrait. He's remembering Stefano introducing him as a brilliant researcher. He's admiring the orchid. He's trying to ignore Kristen. He, too, is going back in time to saving Roman's life & that Orpheus had introduced a toxin to his bloodstream & only this orchid could provide the anti-toxin.

Stefan is taking to the portait. He had gone to Chloe that morning with flowers & gifts & champagne & OJ. Only he had remembered that today is Chloe's birthday & he has waxed euphoric about her, a Libra.

In the past, Rolf had saved Roman's life & it is exactly that, that he relates to saving Salem's 3 ladies. From the orchid will come the anti-toxin, which will thwart Orpheus's plan.

Stephanie has gotten on the phone & convinced Joey & Tripp not to fly to Salem, per Kayla's wishes. Now she takes over ice chips & neck rubs.

It feels like a day when things are begun.

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Monday, October 3, 2022 Be warned if you do not want to be spoiled.

Sonny's in his hospital bed when Will comes in with good news from Sarah, that Sonny is doing so well he can go home today or tomorrow. With Clyde being transferred back to prison the coast should be clear. Jennifer is on the phone to Mike & she says she will make travel arrangements. Oh, Jenn is going to check herself into a rehab.

Gwen is just awake & is remembering walking out of the police station, being hit with bright lights & then, she loses the thought. Sarah has just come into her room. She wants them to talk! What is on Sarah's mind is when Gwen got out of prison, wore a Sarah mask & tried to get Sarah into trouble so she'd be sent away. Gwen's not very receptive to the conversation.

Leo comes in with flowers, to Sonny's room. Neither Will nor Sonny is glad to see him. He says that they saved his life & he will be eternally grateful. Sounds like it is costing him dearly to say these things.

Now we're at the Pub where Jack is waiting to get some chowder to take it to Gwen. No one has any leads on the driver of the hit and run.

Sarah is glad she's awake. They're going to be running more tests later on. Sarah says they should talk about Gwen having her hidden away & maybe gaslighting her to get to have Xander for herself.

Stephanie is on  the phone in the open area beside the Nurses's desks. "Joey, you just heard Mom tell you she's okay. Stop calling here every 5 minutes."

Alex walks up, "Stephanie, what's wrong?"

Leo says if it had not been for your smelling the vanilla on Clyde I would be rotting in prison for something I did not do. Now he'd like his job back at Titan. Sonny is incredulous that he would ask after falsely accusing Sonny of sexual harassment! Leo says he does not remember that. Will remembers! As Leo is leaving he says they are a cute couple, even though he personally is partial to brunettes. (In other words, he likes Sonny & doesn't like Will.)

Chad comes in & Jenn is crying some. (She shed real tears today, which should make some fans happy.) He has heard the end of her conversation & asks if I she's going somewhere. She tells him she's going to rehab & that her brother is affiliated with a hospital in NY where they are holding a bed for her. She tells him she lets herself get addicted to pills again. She relapsed. He is concerned & sorry & feels like he leaned on her too much & wasn't there for her.

Jenn says that at least they now have justice for Abigail. That it's not enough but at least it is something.

Chad reveals to her that he saw Abigail & talked to her & now he knows he needs to be strong.

Jack says they have nothing on the driver of the hit and run yet. The cameras on that side of the building were not working that night. Something about budget cuts.

So, back to what Sarah wants. She says that Gwen attacked Abby wearing a Sarah mask. What was that about? Was it just revenge? What has she, Sarah, ever done to Gwen to cause her to act like that? Gwen says that she did everything in her power to try to get Xander away from Sarah for herself. Congrats to you & I am sorry. Sarah says she can see in her eyes that she is not sorry! What I see there is bitterness. Gwen says that whatever the case may be she will now & forever stay away from Sarah & Xander.

Alex seems to be on a tear with Stephanie. He says she made it clear that they couldn't even have a lunch together. That they could not be friends. That they could only be colleagues. He gives her the numbers for the quarter & adds that they're not good.

Will has to take a work call. They want him to come there. The client's golden doodle has to meet Will & approve of him or they won't get signed contracts.

Back to Jenn's living room where she says to Chad, so you communicated with Abby? She tells him that she also saw Abby, right there in that room & then Abby went with her in the car. She sheds tears crying again.

Jack sort of blurts out that he thinks it was Jenn who hit Gwen.

Leo is visiting Gwen. He brought her two chocolate covered somethings but he ate one himself.  All of a sudden Gwen remembers what she saw after the bright light! It was Jennifer's face behind the wheel of the car!

Sonny reminds Will that he followed his dream of being CEO of Titan by staying in Salem. Will needs to go now to follow his dream. He & Ari can come visit him & he can come back home to visit & they will always be here for him.

Alex enters Sonny's room & the two of them begin to bicker immediately.

Jenn is crying again. She says she can't believe she left herself relapse, that she let so many people down, that she lied to Jack, etc. Chad tries to get her off the tack of feeling angry at herself by telling her that he thinks Abby would like it if they stayed close & that they are family to each other. They embrace, say they are family & that they love each other.

Xander says to Jack, you think she hit Gwen? Why? He explains that she had begun using drugs again. Oh, no. Jack asks himself why he didn't see it?

So, Xander asks Jack why he thinks that. Jack tells him she's been abusing pills again. Why didn't he see it? Xander says well you did & he says that NO, Gwen caught her & told him.

Back in Gwens' room & all of a sudden she remembers what she saw right after the bright light hit her - it was Jenn behind the wheel. She was driving! Gwen says we are going to expose her but Leo says no, they're going for blackmail as neither of them has a job! Jack is looking for Jenn when he sees Leo waiting for him.

Jenn goes into Gwen's room.

Edited by Tonksadora
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Yeah... if I was Jack, I would've beat the crap out of Leo and then called the police to report that someone had broken into my house.

I see they're still trying to write Sonny as the bad guy in order to prop Alex. And it's still not going to work 

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I still don't see why they have to keep writing Will out though. Can't he stay in Salem and just not appear on screen?

And yeah, I don't like Gwen that much anymore, but I had a little sympathy for her in her scenes with Sarah, mostly because of Lindsey Godfrey's portrayal. How are we supposed to like Sarah as a character if she always comes off as so mean?

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I find that I agree with everything you just said, to the nth degree! Wow, that is rare. Leo deserves to be dealt with harshly. He just skates on things constantly. And, Sonny has not been in the wrong. How far are they willing to go to try to make Alex look better? I would suggest that they need to have Alex BE better. On the one hand I can see why Sarah is put out with Gwen. But, she's just so snarky. Even when she is sorta on the right side of a question, her manner is so off-putting. But, with Gwen it's weird because Gwen is another one with an off putting manner! Put the two of them in scenes too much & everyone will just feel cranky!

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Well, at the time, VK wasn't really doing anything except Days. Chandler still has the other job. As for Will, they should write that he's still in Salem, but that we only see him onscreen every so often (whenever Chandler's available) like Justin and Bonnie or Doug and Julie.

Why they choose not to do that, Idk

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Punishing Gwen for her crimes with a terrible accident has an old school feel to it that I appreciate, even though it seems like they're racing though the story. I do wish that this all had sent Chad off the rails, like a traditional Dimera. 

I've followed the show on and off since Reillys first run, and I can't remember a good business story featuring male leads. I appreciate that someone on staff keeps trying, and succeeding in getting stuff to air. Hopefully for their sake Sonny/Alex pays off more than Xander/Phillip did. 

I know the actor has other jobs, but doesn't Will have to leave town to facilitate Sonny and Leo hooking up? Not a spoiler, just seems like the obvious route here. 

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The separation opens the door for Sonny using his apps freely. Will/Sonny separation should be treated equally aka Nicole/Eric. Will + Sonny should be hitting the together, cheat, makeup, cheat, counsel just like every couple on daytime.

Edited by edgeofnik
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