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DAYS: September 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Well, it's Tuesday morning, Sept. 27, 2022 & I just finished watching today's DOOL episode, which for all intents & purposes is a continuation of yesterday. I must say that this was an interesting way for them to resolve this murder mystery. Let's start with an old way that we used to start to relate a day's doings.

The Cast of Characters: Jenn, Jenn's pills, Ghost Abby was only seen by Jenn & she never spoke; Jack, Leo, Gwen; Bonnie, Nancy; Chad, Clyde; Shawn, Belle; Clyde & Abby both in flashback; EJ.

We began with the camera on a picture of Abby & then widen out till we can see that Jenn has her pills in her hand but is looking at the picture, lovingly, and she's wiping her eyes so we know she's been crying. She takes a pill & talks about how she & Abigail (as if she were there) talked so much in Boston & how it helped to think how they would get by without Laura. Then, she asks who she is going to talk to about how much she misses Abigail. Jack comes in. He had left to go to the paper but had gone to the police station instead. He said he just had to go talk to Leo. He said that after talking to him, he thinks Gwen is right, that Leo did not do it. This upsets Jenn who talks a bit about how many times they've been through this, been assured they had the killer & then it not being that person at all. She's frustrated. Jack says he's got a gut feeling about it.

We see Leo in his cell, raking his metal cup against the cell & singing some version of Salem Cop Shop Blues. It sure seems early in the morning to be having visitation at the jail! When Gwen gets there, right off she tells Leo that it was Clyde! That his alibi was bogus & the the police have a warrant for his arrest but so far they can't find him. Leo works through being incredulous that this could be so!

We cut to Victor's where Nancy comes in, is crying off & on, and Bonnie is there receptive to her. She says Clyde never showed up for their wedding but that the police did show up & were looking for him to arrest him. Bonnie got the idea from her that Clyde had been the one to stab Sonny. Nancy said, no, it was worse than that, that Clyde had murdered Abigail. She said she argued & argued with them that her Clyde would not do that. Finally she seems to believe it. She cries harder. Bonnie consoles her. She says all she wanted was a man to love her & all Clyde wanted was a woman to vouch for where he'd been. And, she was just needy enough to do that.

Chad is impatient & unhappy & really just wants to shoot Clyde. But, he insists Clyde continue to tell him what happened that night. Clyde tries to tell him he really doesn't want to hear this but Chad is sure he does. So, Clyde is in the DiMera mansion & he's wearing gloves & he has some semblance of a plan. He's mad at EJ who he told if he spoke to anyone about this that Clyde would take it out on his family. So we're back to that threat again. Clyde has decided he wants to find that loud mouth attorney & strangle her to death & leave her body for EJ to find. Apparently this would be very satisfying to Clyde, that EJ would walk up on this scene. (Personally, I think this is a very strange motive for murder.)

Finally, Clyde is in the hall & Abby comes out of her bedroom & practically stumbles over him. "What are YOU doing here?" Clyde thinks fast for a lie to tell. He's there to talk to her husband. He had pitched an idea to EJ who had not paid attention & now he thought Chad was smarter & he should talk to him. Abby was incredulous that he would be in the sleeping quarters at this hour of the night because he had a business idea to discuss with Chad, who was not there, anyway. At this point Clyde started in on something about Abby when they were younger & his son Ben & a baby. And, she said that he had beaten Ben within an inch of his life when Ben was growing up. And, he said she was cheating on Ben but telling Ben the baby was his, etc. They moved into the bedroom & Clyde saw the knife lying out. He went right for it & then more aggressively went toward Abby, who tried to defend herself. They end up in a clutch like they were wrestling & suddenly this look came over Abby's face & eyes & you knew that he had stabbed her in that instant. She fell away from him & rolled on the bed. A shot rang out & we looked over to the other side of the room & there was EJ holding a handgun out.

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Today's episode

The resolution to why Clyde killed Abigail was anticlimactic. So did they forget Abigail said there were two of them when Chad found her?

The ending was better with Jennifer driving drugged up and a dead bloody Abigail on the passenger seat and EJ shooting Clyde. I found Clyde's late moan after being shot hilarious!

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Nancy saying  how stupid she was....yes we agree Nancy. 

Leo just needs to go away. He's one liners have run its course.

Edited by Soapsuds
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I have to admit I am enjoying drugged out Jen and that story.  I wish it was Missy and I wish we saw more of a gradual progression of the addiction, but Cady's doing a good job.  I just still have a hard time truly seeing her as Jen.

Clyde's motivation and explanation of this murder is ridiculous.  If he wanted to hurt EJ and keep his mouth shut he was going to kill Belle so EJ finds the body?  Wouldn't just threatening EJ over Belle accomplish the same thing?  Or threatening Shawn/Claire to Belle?   And Clyde's anger over Ben/Abigail?  Stupid.  Ben's free and living his best life, so why should Clyde care?  It's all really dumb, but, as I said before, I can't think of a resolution that would be satisfying to me on this and I am not even an Abby fan.

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I'm just pleased with Cady & with the way that bottle of pills seems to be her last friend. I can let my imagination take me to where this began awhile back & we just hadn't seen Jenn to know that. Ever since we did start to see her, she's been consistent.

Wholeheartedly agree about Clyde's motive. That he wanted EJ to find a strangled Belle & to be upset about it, is crazy. Like he wanted to make EJ have a bad mood. Really? Why not slash all 4 of his tires?! Stupid.

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Did Maggie just take Jen's word for it that she was done and disappear?  Honestly, the show should at least have Maggie involved with this story. Even Lucas would have added a lot to this story.

I didn't say this yesterday, but meant to.  I think Nancy looks really nice. It's not an ideal outfit for a wedding, but it's such an improvement from when she returned.

I know a lot is going on with Abby's murder, but are we only going to check in on Kayla/Kate/Marlena dying once a week on Wednesdays?  Way to stop the momentum on that story.

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So, to cover up a crime, Clyde commits an even worse crime. How very Peter August of him. 

I'm sorry but I hope he's dead. There's no more room for Weston's on Days anymore. And luckily, he doesn't seem like the type that Rolf would bring back to life (I hope)

And agree that Cady's doing a good job.

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More evidence of a mid-story rewrite

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LOL! What? I'm so confused on this one. Two of who? Two Abigail's? Abigail was the one who threw that stupid mask back to Gwen and told her she had one hour to get her ass back to Statesville. So, is Jennifer so high on pills that she's hallucinating and seeing her dead daughter in her car? I wonder what kind of pills she's on. God, it'd be nice to pop in a percocet and drink a local microbrew right about now. 

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