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General Hospital March 2022 Discussion Thread

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Sure enough (timestamped):

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I expect there were several with Tyler, but this is the first I found.

It is truly bizarre to see Gia complaining to Nikolas about Zander dumping her for Emily. A year before he and Gia were passionately in love! Zander and Gia DGAF about each other! The show really went upside down with them quickly, which could've worked except they had zero investment in Gia and Zander in '03.

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Another one from earlier:

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I'd forgotten how quickly this story moved, lol. IIRC NL's Emily debuted on April 1st and by the end of May she and Nik were scamming everyone that they were 'falling in love' so Zander could move on after she died, or something like that. And then of course they actually did fall in love. Stefan was in and out in a matter of months! The Nikolas/Emily thing had been percolating since Amber Tamblyn was in the role, and Zander/Emily were also very popular. They could've played that triangle honestly for years to come, but the pacing seemed like it was on meth.

On paper it was a great idea and they totally mangled it. 2003 was such a rough year for the show and I put a lot of it on Pratt and Frons, frankly. Guza shares plenty of blame for so much of what has rotted at GH in the 21st century, but he used to know how to pace and plot (and did much slower builds again later, once Pratt was gone).  Anyway, this should be in the Classic thread I guess.

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Since Spencer believes Esme is pregnant he is willing to push Trina away. He knows she is innocent but doing this will keep her safe from Esme. 

Even though I detest the "Revenge Porn" Story. The pay-off is gonna be excellent when Trina is vindicated & Esme is found out to be the culprit. Spencer is in for a world of hurt that there is NO Baby & that Esme is Ryan's daughter & never loved him.

-Spencer is siding with Esme that in case she is pregnant that he will be able to keep his baby safe. -Spencer is pushing Trina away to keep her safe from Esme. -Spencer KNOWS Trina is innocent & that Esme is the culprit -Trina knows this too

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Those final Sprina scenes though. Le sigh. It was nice to have a teen romance again and see some lightning in a bottle for sure. And I thought they played it extremely well. 


Hmmmm...interesting that Jake has been talking to Jeff and Grandma behind Liz's back. And given her reaction, now I am wondering what's going on. It makes me think about to when she first showed up. She was sent to Audrey's because she was being rebellious, right? If they are going for a DID angle, was she acting out because something had happened? Kinda weird, but...???


Just NO to Carly/Drew. CM has so much chemistry with everyone (like Liz) than Carly. 



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Yoga is the hot spot in town?  Carly goes to Yoga?  Sam and Carly as bffs?  Isn't the joke that Carly loves fast food and chips and all that?  Carly has never once given off the vibe to me that she relaxes and works out to yoga.  Her hairdo for the class makes me feel I am right about that.

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