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Days of Our Lives: November 2021 Discussion Thread

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Lol!  I know and I enjoyed the show today.  Unfortunately, pretty much everyone around town is talking about Marlena being the devil again, but only John's actively doing anything about it.  Shawn tried, but at this point shouldn't he or Rafe put out an immediate APB for Marlena?  

How Susan and Stefano managed to have such a hot son (both incarnations) is beyond me lol.

Edited by carolineg
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I mean, I agree.  As dumb as Ben was being, he really has no reason NOT to believe Marlena.  Although there is zero evidence John would ever abuse Marlena I understand why he would immediately be on her side.  I have to lol at the thought of the three of them on the run.   Pretty good episode.  Although Shawn still should have called Ciara to just let her know what's going on.

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It helps that Ben doesn't have a long history with John (they've barely interacted) + it plays into the stroke John had which led to him having outbursts. So it's not completely out of the realm that Ben would believe her and even think it was possible because of above factors.

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I agree.  The show actually tried to make it make sense with the aneurism stuff and obviously the shape shifting, so while Ciara especially should have questioned it more or actually called Shawn, at least these things were brought up.  I would assume Ciara is equally close to both John/Marlena, but she definitely interacts with Marlena more as well.

They also addressed my annoyances from the last few episodes with people getting medical attention and an APB being put out.

So I have a question about Chloe/Phillip.  I promise I watch the show almost everyday, but I tend to be working/zoning out, so have Phillip/Chloe had sex since this iteration of their relationship started?  I want to say yes, but I don't know if it has happened or been implied.  I know they haven't had a love scene, but they have been together for months and it seems weird if they haven't.  This triangle really needs some real movement because it just drags on with Phillip looking creepier and creepier.

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I haven't seen yesterday episode but Marlena said John was abusive to her? Where the hell did that come from?? And we have posters on here trying to make sense of it....which leads me to a statement.... Which makes me wonder if Guy Wilson is ghost writing days or Ron has the same philosophy...

Let the audience do the work for you." - Guy Wilson

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She went to Ben/Ciara and said John was abusing her.  She had bruises on her wrist from the handcuffs I think and said John had been having violent outbursts due to the aneurysm still.  Marlena then disappeared into Cin's bathroom and an enraged "John" showed up at Cin's house pounding on the door threatening to kill Marlena.  It was the Devil shapeshifting into a fake John, so it appeared Marlena was telling the truth.   Marlena also had a bunch of reasons why she didn't tell anyone, so someone with a long history with John wouldn't believe it but Ben did.  Ciara was questioning it, but when fake John showed up screaming at the door acting nuts it seemed to be true to them.

I rarely think anything on Days makes sense, but this whole scenario did.  I think you have to see the episode.  It wasn't the greatest moment of storytelling or anything, but I think it was plausible for Cin to believe it given the circumstances at the moment.

Edited by carolineg
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Yes lol.  I can only imagine Mardevil eyerolling Ciara and Ben making out in the twin bed next to her in some seedy hotel.  

The part about Ciara/Ben being the only ones to help her is a bit ridiculous for Cin to believe.  95% of the town would want to help Marlena and John/Marlena if this was truly the case and it wasn't Mardevil, but Cin do consider themselves very important.   If Cin and Marlena do go on the run I am sure it will get old fast.  Why wouldn't Marlena's possession be about Cin?  

Real John passed out and is currently in the hospital, so he's not actively looking for Marlena, but there is an APB out for her.

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Yes of course Ron had to get his pets involved in the Mardevil story. I really don't understand why they are still on the canvas. They've gotten married and are having a child. Not only is Ben a serial killer but the couple is boring as hell.

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Well, Cin is having Rosemary's baby right now I guess.  I appreciate Ron trying to at least integrate them with some of the cast, but I think this would be better if, say, Belle was pregnant with a demon's spawn to tie it in with the original possession better.  I actually get the reasoning behind choosing Ben to create a demon seed, but I don't need it.   I thought VK was heavily recurring.  Why is she on so much?  Maybe The CW can book her for a show soon. 

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It's very jarring going back and forth between having Eileen as "Kristen" one day and then Stacy Haiduk as Kristen the next. Man I'm over Kristen.

The EJ/Nicole scenes were nice. I'm glad they acknowledged that EJ was always embarrassed by Susan in the past. Nice work from DF. Can he be on five days a week please? I don't ask for much. EJ/Nicole is working really well - much better than Rafe/Nicole, obviously. And EJami will never be a viable option as long as AS is off making Hallmark movies for 3/4 of the year.

Why is Gwen SO desperate to hang onto Xander? I get that he's the only person in her corner but they've been together for like two seconds.

Also, I agree that they did a decent job making the Marlena's abuse claims seem believable to Ben/Ciara yesterday. Obviously MarDevil morphing into John is silly, but I would've believed it too if I were them.

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The devil is a little dizzying… to paraphrase Maya the Bee, Morphing here and morphing there, busy morphing everywhere. Trying to make sense of it is not worth our brain cells.

DF looked like he had pink eye in his right eye in today’s episode. Maybe he took some drama drops.

I like Xander and Gwen. Not sure why, but I do.


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