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New schedule beginning on Monday, November 7th






11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life



12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless



12 :30 – 1 :00 pm


Ryan’s Hope

Search For Tomorrow



1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


All My Children




1 :30 – 2 :00 pm


As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives


2 :00 – 2 :30 pm




2 :30 – 3 :00 pm


One Life To Live

The Guiding Light

The Doctors


3 :00 – 3 :30 pm


Another World


General Hospital


3 :30 – 4 :00 pm




4 :00 – 4 :30 pm


The Edge of Night




All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon
Produced by: Bud Kloss

Dr. Joe Martin and his wife Ruth havde quarreled over the fact that he returned to Pine Valley after breaking off contact with Ray Gardner without obtaining a release from Gardner that would enable the Martins to legally adopt their foster child, Tad. When the boy guessed the reason for Joe's trip, Ruth allowed him to accompany her to the airport to meet Dr. Martin's plane and Tad had to be told then and there that his sister was living with another couple across the country and his mother had since died. Dr. Martin refused to consider paying Gardner $10,000 but Ruth finally convinced her husband to allow her to phone Gardner while Tad was at school to offer $5,000. In her anxiety, Ruth had inadvertently revealed that Tad was living in Pine Valley. 

At Erica Kane’s insistance, Phil Brent checked on the circumstances of Claudette Montgomery's parole and learned that she had violated her probation agreement by leaving for Costa Rica upon her release from prison after serving time for drug pushing. He told Erica that Claudette was subject to immediate revocation of the present agreement if she was found to be in possession of even less than an ounce of grass. 

Erica arranged a "buy" but Brooke English alerted Nick Davis who saw Erica take possession of a small amount of marijuana at the Chateau, and finding the packet was in Claudette's purse after Erica had planted it there, slipped it into Erica's own handbag. Nick learned later that Phil had had to stop Claudette and check her out after an anonymous phone call to police headquarters. 

When Nick stormed into Erica's house, she told him hysterically that she was arrested for speeding and possession - a misdemeanor first offense for Erica -, when she had seconds thoughts and was trying to drive back to the Chateau before Claudette was arrested. Erica broke down and told Nick that she did it out of jealousy and insisted that she was in love with him. 

Dr. David Thornton had been considering "kidnapping" his daughter Dottie when he realized he couldn’t go on being virtually blackmailed into living with his wife, Edna, in order to ensure that she would not leave town, taking Dottie, an epileptic child who had been dangerously neglected by her mother. His former fiancee, Dr. Christina Karras had been trying to keep David from making such a move, which would mean they would have to take the little girl out of the country and jeopardize both Chris' and David's medical careers. Christina had agreed to go with David to Bermuda for a "honeymoon." - Christina and Thornton had planned to marry around Thanksgiving before Edna turned up in Pine Valley with the news that her divorce was invalid. – 

Dr. Jeff Martin was aware of their plans for the trip and that Edna believed David would be in Bermuda for a convention of surgeons. In love with Christina himself, Jeff was hopeful that Nancy Grant's conviction that Chris was merely grateful to David to his kindness to her and was mesmerized by him and concerned for his troubled daughter, was the truth. Nancy - Chris' roommate - had urged Jeff not to give up on Christina. Edna tricked David into inviting her for a cocktail at the Chateau. When David saw Jeff and Christina dining together, David’s jealousy hit a roof.

In her own desperation at having to serve her week-end sentence for reckless driving without the liquid "comforts" of home, Phoebe Tyler set up a scheme to have her chauffeur Benny Sago bring liquor to her under the guise of "medication." When a soon to be retired police matron got wise, Phoebe attempted to bribe her, first with money and then with an offer of a cushy place in the Tyler household staff. The woman answered that she was a professional police woman, "I don't do windows."

When Mark Dalton’s mother ran into Mark and Ellen Shephard on their week-end in New York and arranged a private talk with Ellen, she suggested that Ellen break off their affair saying Mark had a brilliant social and professional career she would prefer not to see hampered by an aging wife. Ellen attributed Mrs. Teller's rudeness to vanity rather than concern for her son and told Mark she was ready to stand up for her love for him, but back at Mark's apartment in Pine Valley, Ellen encountered one of Mark's moon-struck young students and she left Mark to return home, telling her father all the circumstances of her relationship with Mark when her deception toward him and her daughter Devon was about to become apparent. 

Devon and Dan Kennicott attended a college dance after her help with a term paper enabled him to restore his shaky scholarship, but the following day Brooke managed to get Dan to skip work at the Zodiac bookstore for an expensive dinner - paid for by Brooke - at the Chateau and an overnight stay at the Tyler's while Phoebe was safely locked up. 

Linc visited Phoebe and told Charles that she was begging to have him attend her, adding that it was obvious that Phoebe was exhibiting withdrawal symptoms and had refused to see the prison doctor. Charles urged Phoebe to make use of the time she was forced to be without liquor to conquer its hold on her, making it clear that a marital reconciliation was out of the question but pledging all his personal support if she would try to get her life in order. 

Erica talked Nick into attending her court appearance with her, and claimed it had all been worthwile if it had brought them back together. At Charles' office Nick told Mona he loved Erica in his own way, after Mona remarked it was obvious to her that Nick missed Erica for the time they were apart. Nick admitted he cared for Erica beyond the label of "chemistry" he had always put on their relationship and also conceded his fear of marriage. For her part, Erica turned down a date with Tom Cudahy, whom she had always kept in reserve, saying she was engaged, unofficially, but it was only a matter of time before it was on her terms. 

Tara Brent had kept her son's teacher's report of his disruptive behavior from her husband Phil after Chuck and she attended a Parent's Night at school with the boy. The following day, Phil had to go in search of little Philip who had left school after recess to play truant for the remainder of the day, when he learned he was to be kept after school. Phil located the boy, who had been playing pin-ball machines with the money Chuck had given him and refused to bring him back to Tara when he called her, returning him instead to school to face the music. Once again Phil and Tara quarreled when she pointed out that Phil's working hours kept him from attending Parent's Night and learning about little Phil's behavior at first hand. 

Ruth had reported to Joe that she spoke with Gardner, assuring him that she was careful to give nothing away. Later in the day, Kate Martin found Ruth to report that Tad had had a phone call at the Martin home, from a woman with a southern accent and when the boy took the phone, a man inquired for him by name and then hung up. She said she was able to convince Tad that the call was a mistake but it was obvious to both she and Ruth that Gardner had located the boy. - Gardner called area codes systematically, through long distance information. – 

Caroline Murray was trying on a gown for her wedding to Frank Grant when Nancy walked in to the Boutique – Frank and Nancy were officially divorced -. Nancy gave Caroline her best wishes but was overcome emotionally after leaving the Boutique. She also became dizzy as she stood up abruptly when she ran into Lincoln Tyler at lunch time. - Frank had not told Caroline about the evening he made love to his then-ex-wife Nancy and his concern that she might have become pregnant after their many months of estrangement. When Nancy assured him she could take care of herself, Frank took his customary easy way out, agreeing with Jeff Martin that Nancy, though claiming to still love him, was not vindictive. – 

Billy Clyde was determined to make Donna Beck Tyler’s life miserable. Her former pimp, Ty, had told Billy that Donna had her tubes tied. He tried to reach Phoebe Tyler. Donna was showing Edna Thornton her apartment when Chuck returned from obtaining Dr. Clader's report of a second set of lab tests which were again negative. After Edna left, Chuck told Donna, once more telling her that he believed as she did that she was pregnant, but urged her for the baby's sake to allow Dr. Clader to examine her again in person. When she finally gave in, Donna was told that though she had the subjective symptoms of pregnancy, he could detect no objective signs. Clader recommended a wait-and-see attitude but Donna grasped the pre-natal instruction booklets he offered, saying that in six months time her baby would be the sign. 

Phoebe made an arrangement to meet with Billy Clyde to find out what information he wanted to sell her at a high price. Benny found out about their plans to meet and warned Chuck who in turn made plans to waylay the two. 

Ruth had Joe phone Gardner and their suspicions were confirmed. Gardner insisted on speaking with Ruth and gave her a hard luck story about needing an operation for his new "wife" and insisted she send $5,000 by certified check and he would sign the papers later. Ruth told Joe she thought Gardner was crude but he seemed honest. When Joe absolutely refused to send the money without consulting Paul, Ruth said she would take the money out of her own savings.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay
Produced by: Paul Rauch

Raymond Gordon, estranged from wife Alice, dropped by her house to have her sign leases for heavy equipment. In conversation, Alice let Ray know her first husband Steve's brother, Willis Frame, had told her about the prospects of their getting the construction contract for the Scanlan department store. Ray, running the firm Alice's late husband founded, told Alice he wouldn’t take the Scanlan project because of Willis. Alice accused Ray, whose ineptitude at running the business was becoming clear to everyone, of deliberately courting failure. Alice further stated that she would take back management of the firm if Ray didn’t start putting it above his feelings about Willis. Back at the office, Ray canceled the Scanlan deal. Angie Perrini begged him to reinstate the deal, pointing out it was the only one they had. Ray refused. 

Willis and Alice finally confessed their feelings for each other. Alice felt her marriage to Ray was a mistake from the very beginning. They admitted they felt secure only with each other. Willis felt he was someplace he belonged, for the first time in his life. 

Jim Matthews visited Alice to ask if she had seen the firm's books lately. Ray was late getting them to Jim for their quarterly report. Alice and Jim went to see Ray together and found that he would have to dip into reserves to meet the month's payroll. Alice decided to dissolve the company, rather than have it slip into bankruptcy. 

Willis was confused and thus confusing about the women in his life. He told Burt McGowan he was in love with Alice. Burt asked his feelings for Angie. Willis admitted to Burt, and later to Angie, that he loved both women. Angie said she would fight for him because she thought he only wanted Alice because she was Steve's wife, and Willis had always wanted everything Steve had. Ray swore to use Angie to get back at Willis for stealing Alice. Ray refused to give Alice a divorce. Jamie Frame, Steve's son, was upset to learn his father's firm was being dissolved. Rachel told him Steve would have been proud of him, no matter what, and if a firm like Steve's was what he wanted, he would have it. 

Evan Webster and Olive Randolph were busily plotting the dissolution of Olive's marriage to John. However, their ideas on procedure differed. Olive planned to divorce John by using Molly, her step-daughter-in-law, to falsely testify that John had been unfaithful with his secretary, Joan Barnard. To entrap Molly, Olive had been letting her use a cabin at the lake to conduct an affair with Cliff Tanner. Evan, meanwhile, had been in contact with his old friend Claude Kelly, who had found a hit-man who would kill John in a hit and run accident. Evan had chosen this method because then Olive would collect double indemnity on John's insurance, an amount bound to be more than John would give her in a divorce settlement. 

John was still having financial troubles due to Olive's extravagance about the new house Evan was building for them. The question arose about what to do with the present Randolph house. Pat, John's ex-wife, gave him permission to sell it, if neither of their children wanted it. Mike refused to move into it, aware John needed the proceeds from the sale. Marianne was working in Europe. When Pat verified that John was strapped for cash, she gave him her half of the sale proceeds as a loan, to be paid back at his convenience, since she had been promoted to acting editor-in-chief. 

Kelly suspected Evan wasn't levelling with him when Evan said Olive knew all about their plans. Evan finally admitted it, and Kelly refused to go any further until Olive knew as much as they, so she couldn’t blow the whistle on them. Evan had given Kelly $5,000 from Olive's settlement from Ray and had to get another $5,000 from her. He did so under the pretext that it was to pay the girl who would set John up in a compromising situation. When Olive learned the truth about Evan and Kelly's plan, she backed out, demanding they call the whole thing off. Evan agreed, then gave Kelly the go-ahead, promising to pay $50,000 when he and Olive collected. 

Gallery 285 opened. Rachel's work was a great success with the critics, and she sold two pieces, giving her enough money to get through the next few months. 

Iris Carrington Bancroft asked husband Brian's permission to go to Europe to search for Mac Cory, her father. When he said no, she vowed to go anyway, until he asked if she'd desert her husband for her father. That stopped her. But she begged Brian to contact Mac and have him straighten out things at his house, meaning Sven's take-over. After Brian left for work, Iris went to Mac's house. She offered to set up Regine, Helga and Sven elsewhere. Regine was amenable, but Sven intervened, having bigger plans. Iris swore she would tell Mac of her own collusion with Sven to break up Mac and Rachel's marriage. Sven said it was too late, that the trap was already sprung. He threatened Iris with bodily harm or worse. Iris next asked Ada McGowan, Rachel's mother, to speak to Rachel, saying Mac's being set up by Sven. Ada sent Rachel to Iris, but Rachel took lawyer Greg Barnard along, afraid of being alone with Iris. Thus, Iris refused to talk to her. 

Mac returned. Brian warned Mac that Rachel was proceeding with her suit for a legal separation and could subpoena Regine. - Sven drugged Regine and Mac, then arranged things to look like they'd spent the night together, especially for Rachel's benefit. Since Mac couldn’t remember that night, he couldn’t refute Sven. - Mac had decided he wanted Rachel back, no matter what, and that she could have a career, be her own person. Mac called Rachel, but hung up when Greg answered. - Greg and Joan were dining with Rachel and Jamie. - Learning Mac was home the following day, Rachel took Greg with her to see Mac about the separation. Mac was at Iris'. Rachel promised to call later. Sven told Regine they had to move fast. Alone, Helga suggested Regine have an abortion. Regine refused, saying the baby was all she had left of Cliff. Sven said they had to soon tell Mac about the baby. Regine didn’t want to go along with Sven's plans, but as usual, he threatened to harm Helga. 
Rachel called and Mac assured her he had changed. Rachel asked why he didn't wait for her, instead of turning to Regine. She hung up and Mac started out to confront her and straighten things out. Sven stopped him. Twisting Regine's arm to ensure her cooperation, he told Mac that Regine was pregnant with his baby. Mac was incredulous. The following morning, Mac confided it all to Brian, who asked if Mac was sure, suggesting he could still be sterile. Mac assured Brian that Fred Morley cured him. Rachel and Greg asked Mac to sign the separation papers. Rachel was aghast when he did, without protest. 

Cliff, worried about Regine, barged into the Cory house. Sven told him Regine was pregnant, delighting Cliff, until Regine, again unwillingly, told him the baby was Mac's. Sven next drugged Regine to make it look like a suicide attempt, making a production of blaming Mac, saying Regina couldn’t stand the thought that her baby wouldn’t have its father's name. Unable to bear Regine's death on his conscience, Mac instructed Brian to suggest Rachel get an immediate divorce. 

Russ Matthews was enjoying the simultaneous attentions of Elena de Polignac and Gwen Parrish. The two women had discussed their mutual interest in Russ. Gwen found it hard to accept Elena's friendly competitors attitude. 

Charley Hobson, Clarice McGowan's father, appeared in Bay City. Clarice had unhappy memories of life with a travelling-salesman father, and found it hard to get close to her father, even though she and Burt gave him a home with them. Charley eventually pointed out that it was hard for him, too, to leave his children, but he had no other means of making a living. Ada had given Charley permission to use Gil's workshop to make toys for Clarice's son, Cory. Ada still wasn’t over the loss of her husband Gil. Jim Matthews wasn't sure he liked having Charley around. 

Amy and Austin Cushing, newlyweds, arrived in town to visit Rachel. Amy and Rachel used to model together. Austin was an aspiring artist. Rachel liked his work. 

Alice was appointed head nurse at the hospital, with Sally's approval. Angie accepted a part-time job with Jim Matthews. Angie told Alice that she thought Alice and Willis were making a big mistake: Willis only thought he loved Alice because she was Steve's wife, and Willis had always wanted everything Steve had; Alice was looking for Steve in Willis. 

Ray presented a prospectus to Mac, who agreed to finance an insurance office for him. Jim pointed out that Ray still owed Alice the money for the divorce settlement he gave Olive. Ray promised to pay it back someday. Angie suggested Charley Hobson ask Ray for a job. 

Olive couldn’t face moving into her new house with John, so she set up a series of squabbles, then persuaded John to let her move in alone, as a trial separation. 

Jamie tried to persuade Mac to reconcile with Rachel, to no avail. Rachel refused to go out of state for a divorce, telling Brian she would get her divorce when she was ready. She was very hurt. Iris accidentally learned from Brian that Mac wanted to divorce Rachel to marry Regine because Regine was carrying his child. She tried to convince Mac to handle the situation some other way. He refused to have Regine's possible suicide on his conscience. Regine told Helga she would marry Mac, but get away from Mac and Sven after the baby was born by telling Mac the truth then. 

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer
Produced by: Joe Willmore

Beau and Annie Spencer had returned from their honeymoon and were living temporarily in Beau's mother's house. Beau was surprised that Jane Spencer didn’t spend most of her time trying to run their lives. She did suggest that there was no hurry for them to find an apartment of their own. Beau and Annie were disappointed that they couldn’t find anything that they could afford; even a studio apartment was out of their reach. Dick Martin chastized Jane for trying to keep them dependent and was amazed when she suggested they look into buying a mobile home. Jane visited the law office and offered to give Beau the loan he needed to get into the apartment and left it up to him whether or not he would tell Annie. Then she suggested to Judge Lowell that Beau be given a raise. Beau told Annie he got the loan at the office, but unable to stand the secrecy, he told her the truth. They fixed up their new apartment with help from Dee and Ellen Stewart. Jane tried to appear pleased, but continued her campaign to get Beau a raise. Finally Judge Lowell explained that they had to go by the rules. 

Mary and Teddy Ellison were staying at Valerie Conway's farm while their apartment was being renovated after the fire. Grant Colman visited Teddy regularly and saw Valerie while he was there. Grant also saw Valerie at the office while trying to help her deal with the internal revenue service. - Nick Conway filed a fraudulent return during their marriage and was staying put in Europe. Since Valerie signed it she could be held responsible for the money plus a fine.- Grant arranged a loan so that Valerie didn’t have to sell the farm. Valerie had tried to warn Dr. Bob Hughes that his ex-wife, Lisa Colman, was in love with him, but he had refused to listen, causing a strain in their relationship. Valerie had come to have some feelings for Grant. 

Lisa had a jolt when Bob told her that he did not love her. She began to look at things differently and decided life was pretty good with Grant. 

Sandy Garrison and Kevin Thompson were married at the Conway farm. Sandy decided to ask Lisa and Grant and hoped that they would both come. Since Lisa had decided she wanted Grant back, she spoke to Mary Ellison, feeling that was natural for Grant to turn to the mother of his adopted son. Mary was confused and asked Grant if he felt anything other than friendship toward her. Grant respected her as a friend. Lisa told Tom her son, that she and Grant were reconciling and he passed the word. Lisa told Grant how she felt, but he had become attracted to Valerie and wasn’t willing to jump back into marriage with Lisa. Lisa had let it be known that she was trying everything to get Grant back. She planned a family Thanksgiving, but Grant said he couldn’t pretend to be a family when things weren’t settled. 

Jay Stalling was having problems with his construction firm. His new project was costing much more than projected and he thought his foreman, Pete Larson, was stealing from the construction sites. He and Carol went over the books and could find no evidence. Pete lived cheaply, but went to Chicago on weekends. Jay heard that Pete was taking a week off and Jay planned on following him to Chicago. Carol and his lawyer Tom Hughes tried talking him out of it, but he insisted on going himself.

Melinda Grey had made friends with Jay's secretary, Laurie Keaton, and questioned her about Jay and his relationship with Carol. She volunteered to work in his office and found him much easier going than Laurie described. 

Natalie Hughes was under a lot of pressure. Her real estate office was doing so well that other firms had tried to keep business away from her. She owed everyone and couldn’t even pay Ralph Mitchell the commission he had earned. She asked Jay for more money, but he told her that he was strapped himself. Her ex-husband Tom tried to get her exclusive listings on estate settlements but wasn’t successful. 

Carol couldn’t resist buying a few things for the baby. - She and Jay were adopting Natalie and Jay's baby. - Carol didn’t mean to hurt her, but Natalie walked into the apartment and saw the basinet. Carol knew that Natalie was upset by this. 

Dr. John Dixon was still in critical condition from the burns and injuries he received rescuing people from an apartment house fire. Mary Ellison continued to visit John because she felt he saved her life. During a crisis, Dr. Alexander Keith asked Kim Dixon Stewart to see John and made Dr. Dan Stewart even madder. Keith had accused Dan of talking against him to the surgical staff when in fact Dan had asked people to stay with Keith. 

John almost died from an embolism and Kim saw him again because John told Dan he wished he had died. Kim was hurt by all that John had done in the past, but he was her son's father. 

Dr. Keith and his young patient, Mark Lewis, both noticed that Kim Stewart looked like Mark's late mother. Keith, who was Mark's friend as well as his doctor, tried to pretend that he hadn't noticed the resemblence. Mark Lewis had decided to help fight for his life because of a frank talk with research doctor Susan Stewart. Dr. Keith told Mark that Susan was an alcoholic, bringing Mark's wrath on himself. He asked Susan to straighten this out. Reluctantly she did. Mark confessed to Susan that he loved her. Alexander Keith said that if it was to his patient's best interest he wanted her to go along with this. It was Susan's avoidance of personal relationships that had kept her from drinking these past months. Dr. David Stewart relied on her help in the lab and hoped that her involvement with Mark wouldn’t hurt her. 

When Grant visited Valerie at the farm to discuss business, she asked him to Thanksgiving dinner after hearing he was spending the day alone. Grant didn’t feel it would be right to accept her invitation when he refused Lisa's. Valerie said this showed he iwa a very honorable man. 

Jay Stallings made the mistake of telling Natalie that he had a reserve, but wouldn’t touch it to pay the commission he owed her early. Because she was over a month late on her rent, the management gave her notice. The day Jay's bill came due, Natalie rushed to the office to find that Jay had left town without leaving her a check. Laurie refused to make out a check in Jay's absence. Carol walked in then and agreed to listen. Natalie explained that Jay owed her this money and the stress of worrying over her debts was hard on her and the baby. As a partner Carol wrote the check and callsed the bank to clear it immediately. 

Natalie returned to the office and told Ralph that she had his check, but he wouldn’t be able to deposit until Friday because she just couldn't ask Carol to call the bank. She went off to the bank where she asked for one thousand dollars in cash, the rest in travelers checks and the balance of her personal account. 

Joyce Colman was making plans of her own rather than be concerned with helping Nancy with the Thanksgiving dinner. She spent the morning discussing the redecorating of her new house. She planned to measure the rooms after she picked up the key from Natalie at the real estate office. Ralph had an appointment and left Joyce alone in the office to wait for Natalie. When the phone rang Joyce answered it because Natalie had let her secretary go. The airline was confirming Natalie's reservation to New York. She asked if the return flight had been confirmed and learned that there was none.

Joyce found Natalie at home and reminded her that she was to receive the house key today. She gave her the message from the airline and questioned her about her trip. Natalie explained that she was taking a short vacation and would appreciate it if Joyce would not tell anyone. As she went out the door, she said she didn’t think Natalie would be returning. 

As Natalie was preparing to leave town, Tom stopped by to offer her a loan to get her ailing business on its feet. To get rid of him, she agreed to think about it, but said it was too late then. Natalie sent Carol on a wild goose chase to keep her from the apartment build-in.

Donald Hughes had settled into the family law firm and no longer resented the fact that Grant Colman, his wife's ex-husband, was in charge of the criminal cases, Don's specialty. Recently Don had handled several large divorce cases which had brought him a lot of money. It was on the strength of these that Donald bought Joyce the expensive house she wanted. Joyce hoped that Donald continued to do well because she had many plans that required money and a position in the community. She outdid herself one day when she tried to wangle an invitation to meet Annie Stewart's new mother-in-law, Jane Spencer, of the Spencer Hotel. Ellen was about to ask her to lunch to meet Jane, but Joyce had invented a luncheon date. 

Chris Hughes, Donald’s father and senior member of the law firm, was concerned that Donald was taking on too many divorce cases and would give the firm a bad reputation. He mentioned to Donald that he would like him to think over the possibility of limiting this kind of case. When Don mentioned this to Joyce, she suggested that Grant was the one instigating this because he was still jealous. - Joyce had done her best to cause a rift between Donald and Grant, using any means at her finger tips. - Chris made it clear that he was the one who brought this up and he was only suggesting that Donald not take cases that, would get a lot of publicity. 

Beau had started a program of study so he could keep on top of the knowledge needed to take the bar exam in the spring. He planned to study Monday through Thursday of every week. Jane was irritated when he refused to give up a night of study to have dinner with her. Jane was sure it was Annie's doing.  

Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus
Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Linda Phillips had been using a proposal of marriage from Tommy Horton to try to make wealthy Bob Anderson jealous enough to propose to her. However, Bob's offer was a job as his executive assistant. Linda feared accepting the job would interfere with her chances of becoming Bob's wife. Bob's daughter, Mary, head of public relations for his firm, had accidentally learned of the offer to Linda and was furious, feeling Linda wanted to take over more than the firm. After talking the matter over with Maggie Horton, Linda invited Tommy to dinner and told him she was accepting Bob's offer to give herself and daughter Melissa more security. Tommy pointed out that he was more than able to take care of them. Linda tried to prod Tommy into quitting his job at the hospital and go into private practice. It didn’t work, and Linda, saying she still needed time before accepting his proposal, accepted Bob's job offer. 

Meanwhile, Mary took Bob to task for hiring Linda, saying she might have been a good legal secretary for Horton and Craig, but wondered if Linda could handle the duties of an executive assistant. Bob took it as a put-down of his business acuity. Mary brought up his mistake with the late Brooke Hamilton, reminding Bob that they couldn’t afford another mistake like Brooke, who almost plunged the company into ruin through embezzlement and selling company secrets. After Mary left, Bob wondered if Mary knew Brooke was his illegitimate daughter. Linda began her work by touring the company and finding out the fuction of each department, ascertaining Mary's hostility. 

Dr. Marlena Evans, having been recently rescued from Bayview Sanitarium, where she had been put by her twin sister, Samantha – Sam -, was keeping a tight rein on her feelings, fearful she would lose herself if she let go. Both Laura Horton and Paul Whitman, psychiatrists, told Marlena she had to deal with her emotions before she could lead a full life again. Don Craig, Marlena's lover, was threatened by Paul's presence, as Marlena was once in love with Paul – Paul left his invalid wife to help Marlena -. In sessions with Paul, Marlena revealed that she blamed herself for her sister's actions, that she didn't act soon enough to help Sam, even knowing how ill she was. Meanwhile, in California, where she was an actress, Sam was having trouble on the set — forgetting her lines, blaming others for her mistakes. The director and her agent warned that if she blew this picture, she was through. Sam was haunted by what she did to Marlena. 

Paul told Laura that he felt Marlena was still in trouble, comparing her experience in the hospital to that of a hijacking hostage —feelings of humiliation and powerlessness—and pointing out that Marlena had to deal with those feelings as soon as possible if she was to recover. Don had presented evidence to the district attorney in Salem that Sam was guilty of impersonating a physician, practicing medicine without a license, committing assault and battery, forging checks, etc. Sam was arrested and extradicted to Salem. Shown to her cell, Sam began to come apart, deprived of cigarettes and the uppers and downers she was addicted to. The public defender arrived. At first Sam wouldn’t talk to him, then fed him the story that she switched places with Marlena to protect her because Marlena was having a breakdown after breaking up with Don. Noting her nervousness, the PD suggested they plead not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity. Sam freaked at the word "insanity," driving the PD away. Paul and Don leveled with each other, and Paul gave Don a clear path to Marlena. The two men agreed that the best way to help Marlena was to have her testify against Sam. 

Marlena called her parents, who arrived in Salem. After hearing the whole story from Marlena, they decided they had to stand behind Sam. At her arraignment, they took charge of her. Mrs. Evans was shocked to learn how sick Sam was when she found her searching her purse for pills, then begged her to get pills for her. At the preliminary hearing, for which Marlena wouldn’t promise either Paul or Don she would appear, Sam kept insisting that she be allowed to testify in her own behalf. Finally, against the advice of the judge and her lawyer, Sam took the stand, just as Marlena arrived. Sam's testimony deteriorated into incoherent ramblings between the past and present, between fantasy and reality. The judge called a recess and pointed out the lack or need to go to trial. Marlena went to Sam. 

Kate Winograd, head of anesthesiology, pleaded with chief of staff Greg Peters to put Bill Horton on the day shift, because his personal life with Laura was suffering. Kate persuaded Greg, who told Bill that if he screwed up or irritated Walter Griffin, it would be Kate's neck, too. - Bill felt Griffin was knife-happy, and as a former surgeon, had passed judgment on Griffin several times. Bill was studying anesthesiology to stay near the OR until his injured right hand had recovered enough to resume surgery. - Bill took the good news, along with plans for a romantic evening, to Laura, who had to forego the evening to stay with Marlena. Kate ran into Bill, who thanked her for her consideration, then told her Laura had other commitments. She realized she was falling for Bill.

Walther Griffin was having problems of his own with his teenage daughter Patti. Griffin was very strict with her. Both Griffins, however, had found a sympathetic ear in Sister Marie Horton, who counseled Griffin to cool it a bit, and was able to show Patti her father's side of things. Walter Griffin admitted to Marie that his wife died because a surgery wasn’t performed on due time which could explain his tendancy to promote surgery as a solution. Patti dropped by the Center for Family Living Marie ran to talk with Marie. Mike Horton dropped in and Patti left, finding an excuse to return later. Patti didn’t fool Marie, who ascertained Patti returned to get a better look at Mike. With Marie's support, Patti was able to defend her father to Ron Garvey, a boy she had been dating, of whom Griffin disapproved. However, Griffin allowed Patti to go to a dance with Ron, setting down rules, which the kids obeyed. But Griffin was at the hospital when they returned and was supposed to be there for hours. Ron talked Patti into going out again. Griffin returned and was furious when Patti and Ron weren’t there. 

Jean Barton was blooming after leaving her husband Fred. Fred had a pattern of venting his anger by beating Jean. Maggie persuaded husband Mickey Horton to give Jean a job in his law offices. Jean did very well, but was only too willing to dwell on her mistakes. Fred, meanwhile, surprised the Hortons by apologizing for his conduct with Jean and promising to get help. But in his own apartment, Fred promised Jean would pay for humiliating him. He found Jean at work and later called her, asking that they take a weekend to talk things out. Jean agreed. She was jumpy with Fred. He asked her to come back. Jean pointed out that even if she did, she would continue working. Fred's sense of masculinity was threatened by this. Finally, as Fred talked, Jean realized he had no intention of getting help. She left the apartment. In following her, Fred tripped over her suitcase and fell down the stairs. Jean blamed herself. Bill and Laura were with Mickey and Maggie and attended to Fred. At the hospital, Bill begged Griffin to look at Fred, fearing internal brain hemorrhage. Griffin was too wrapped up in not being able to contact Patti and with other patients to listen. Griffin went home. 

As Bill feared, Fred began to hemorrhage. The chief resident in neurosurgery was busy and the only other available man, Rick Stevens, was only a 2nd year resident. Kate and Bill decided they had tp operate immediately, hoping Bill could talk Stevens through it. Stevens ran out of the OR and Bill, with Kate assisting, performed the surgery, realizing only afterwards that his hand was well. Stevens, to cover, called Griffin and told him Bill took over and ordered him out. Griffin had Stevens call Greg. Griffin castigated Patti, who returned with Ron, then rushed to the hospital. Greg suspended Bill, and when Kate defended him, Greg also suspended her, for not stopping Bill. The surgery was successful. Amanda and Greg quarelled because she didn’t approve his decision.

Fred claimed to have no feeling in his legs. When tests were inconclusive as to whether the paralysis was permanent, Fred prepared to sue the hospital. Rick Stevens, his career on the line and his wife pregnant, refused to tell the truth to the hospital board of inquiry. 

Doug and Julie Williams returned from a short vacation to find Julie had been granted a temporary liquor license. During Doug's last evening performing at the club, a tough time for them both, Larry Atwood offered Doug a job singing at his club, the Pines, since Doug wouldn’t be allowed on the premises of Doug's Place. Doug refused, then was upset to learn Atwood had also signed Jeri Clayton to an exclusive contract. Meanwhile, Larry was planning to force Julie out of business.

Toni Johnson’s premature daughter Naobi was rushed to the hospital with Hyalene Membrane disease. Trish comforted Toni. The doctors pulled her through and Marie gave Toni a job at the Center. The job included a place to stay and day care for Naobi. Toni accepted. Trish and David opened up to each other about their former loves, Mike and Valerie, and thus moved closer together. 

Phyllis Anderson Curtis, bored with her game of trying to emasculate husband Neil, finally left on a world tour, unable to stand being around Neil, knowing he had an affair with her daughter Mary. Neil began drinking heavily. 

Chris Kositchek found Mary in a vulnerable moment and learned she was quite a woman. Mary was still determined not to let herself get hurt, as she was with Neil. 

Tom Horton felt he was ready to resume his practice and post as head of internal medicine at the hospital. Greg wanted him back, but reminded Tom the Board had a mandatory retirement age that Tom had to get around. For Thanksgiving, Mike introduced Margo, the girl he was dating to his parents.

The Doctors

Written by: Douglas Marland / Mel & Ethel Brez
Produced by: Jeff Young / Chuck Weiss

Shortly after Tom Carroll and MJ Match were married, MJ’s sister Betsy and husband were killed in an auto accident, leaving MJ the responsibility for their young son, Ricky. Tom pleaded with MJ to let another relative care for Ricky, at least until they had settled into married life. Because she'd made a deathbed promise to Betsy to care for Ricky, MJ refused. Tom was haunted by an experience in Vietnam. While stationed at an orphanage, Tom badly beat an orphan there, a boy he'd considered adopting. The memory of the incident haunted Tom, so much so that he had given up teaching for other work. Tom lost his most recent job in a bank because he lost his temper with the child of a prospective customer. 

While Tom was on the phone trying to get a job interview, Ricky kept tugging at his sleeve and interrupting. Unsuccessful, Tom hung up and yelled at Ricky. When Ricky didn’t respond as Tom expected, he pushed the boy, knocking him down. Tom was immediately contrite, making a deal with Ricky not to tell MJ, who was at work. However, while changing Ricky's shirt, MJ discovered a nasty bruise, and the truth came out. Tom was angry with Ricky, and the following day, while the we're alone, frightened Ricky with his questions about why Ricky tattled. Ricky ran into his room and locked the door. Tom broke the door down and beat Ricky. Again they concocted a story, but MJ was very leery, confiding to cousin Carolee Aldrich that she couldn’t trust Tom. 

Carolee pointed out that MJ had to trust and help Tom, that Ricky might unconsciously be trying to come between them, to have MJ to himself. Tom, meanwhile confided his story to Steve Aldrich, who urged Tom to talk to MJ. Tom couldn’t. That night MJ admitted her over-protective attitude towards Ricky. She suggested they start being honest with each other and promised to understand if he hit Ricky. Tom admitted to the previous day's beating, and promised never to do it again. Tom tried other tactics for punishment, but found Ricky's presence in their life a real hassle, finally demanding MJ choose between them. 

After losing his temper with Ricky and almost hurting him again, Tom moved out. Steve learned Tom had abused at least one other child and, fearful of having kids of his own, Tom convinced his first wife to have an abortion. Tom refused to go to Parents Anonymous. 

Upset at Luke Dancy's rejection of her and her daughter Wendy's attempts to drive her back to the sanitarium, Eleanor Conrad attempted suicide. She was rescued in time and, thanks to Dr. Mike Powers, was making great progress, understanding that her over-dosing on pills and alcohol was a result only of something inside herself, not the fault of Luke or Wendy. Mike refused to let Wendy see Eleanor, despite Wendy's threats of legal action against him and the hospital. Mike told Matt that there were two dangers to Eleanor's well-being at that time: Luke and Wendy. When the conflict couldn’t be resolved by Mike and Matt, Maggie Powers suggested they let Eleanor decide. Eleanor agreed to see Wendy, who immediately suggested Eleanor admit herself to a psychiatric hospital. Eleanor told Wendy she was the one who needed help. Wendy brought up Luke and pills and upset Eleanor so that Mike had to intervene. Realizing that Wendy's hostility was due to her money, Eleanor made Wendy a present of her inheritence, demanding they never see each other again. Eleanor resigned from the board of the child-care center, contributing a sum sufficient to get work started.

Luke Dancy, with whom Eleanor was having an affair, found Eleanor unconscious from her overdose, and thinking her dead, fled Madison. He called home. His sister Sara asked if he knew about Eleanor, causing Luke to hang up before they could tell him Eleanor was fine. Putting their heads together, the Dancys figured out where Luke might be. Sara took time off from work and went to New York, where she found Luke. She brought him back. His first act was to reconcile with his parents, promising to do things on his own, not use other people, especially women, to make his way. He then went to Doreen Aldrich, with whom he was having an affair simultaneously with Eleanor, and asked her for $25,000 to pay back Eleanor. Doreen refused, so Luke sold her his interest in Andre's Restaurant, which Doreen had backed him in. Luke returned Eleanor's money. She refused at first, until she realized it was important to Luke. She admitted they had something beautiful, if destructive between them. They loved for the wrong reasons. They parted friends. When Luke went to get his things from Doreen's suite, she tried to keep him tied to her, promising a free rein at Andre's, but Luke refused. Eleanor then left town.

Nola Dancy had accepted Jason Aldrich's proposal of marriage, even though Jason was still married to Doreen. Doreen had promised to sign divorce papers, but Nola was leery. She went to her parents' apartment to plan her wedding, wanting the biggest wedding Madison had ever seen. She blithely told her mother that Jason would pay for it, which hurt Virginia deeply. Meanwhile, Doreen signed the divorce papers for Jason. Jason promised to break the news to her father. Virginia promised Nola that she had a lot of money saved that she'd like to spend on her wedding. Nola agreed to let her parents handle it for her. However, Virginia had only $875. She planned to rent a hall and have a friend do Nola's gown, for the cost of the materials, and do all the cooking herself. When Nola found out, she was furious, telling Jason she'd rather elope, if her wedding couldn’t be right. 

Jason was unable to persuade Virginia to let him pay for an elaborate wedding. Virginia felt it wasn't good for Nola to get everything she wanted. 

Erich Aldrich’s behavior deteriorated as Steve and Carolee's wedding day approached. He even went so far as to pour paint on his clothes so he wouldn't have to attend the wedding. Steve and Carolee conjectured that the reason for Erich's aberrant behavior was his fear, substantiated by recent events, that women who married his father abandonned him. Steve and Carolee were married. At the small gathering at Mona's house afterwards, Erich stole one of Mona's earrings, for which Mona blamed Nola. After Erich's teacher caught him trying to steal from her purse, Steve and Carolee agreed Erich needed professional help. 

Kyle Wilson, the architect with whom Maggie Powers spent one night during an estrangement from Matt during the time he was accused of murdering Joan Dancy, was invited to dinner by Matt. While Matt's changing, Kyle and Maggie were left alone. Kyle reiterated his strong feelings for Maggie, asking to continue their relationship. Maggie refused. However, Greta, Maggie's daughter, overheard Kyle's pleas. Greta later confided to Billy Aldrich that she could no longer trust Maggie, that she was sure the affair was still going on. Matt and Maggie were both puzzled by Greta's sudden open hostility towards Maggie and her almost overwhelming attentions to Matt. 

Mona was distressed to learn that Steve and Carolee were house-hunting and that Jason and Nola were apartment-hunting. She wanted her family with her. She gave Jason her husband's mother's engagement ring to give to Nola, who was very pleased.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar
Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

The Beau Richardson murder case had been solved, but only Laurie Dallas, and her father Mike Karr knew it. Mike's lawyer, Draper Scott, believed if they could prove the suspected criminal, Ray Harper, was in Monticello on Beau's fatal night, the case would be solved. He was baffled as to why a smart guy like Mike was not listening to common sense. Instead, Mike remained resolute, he had copped a plea, admitted to guilt, and no one would convince him to change what he did. If so, he'd be breaking his promise of silence to Laurie. Monticello's suspended police chief, Bill Marceau, brought new business to the Karrs’ home. The new suspect was an attractive girl. Mike evaded the subject and Bill left, frustrated he couldn’t penetrate Mike's protective barrier. Finally Bill and Draper confronted Mike with the cold facts. Adam Drake's - Mike's deceased law partner - movements were known. He tracked down Harper in San Francisco and had Laurie described to him as the person Harper saw shoot Beau. When he returned to his office, maybe it wasn't a report Adam was typing but a letter to Mike, ended by his own brutal murder. To keep Nancy from guessing, Mike warned her Bill had a "cockeyed" idea about Laurie, but his psychology backfired as Nancy put the pieces together. It was because of Laurie that Mike was being sentenced the following day, and Bill was telling the truth. 

The day of the sentence arrived and Laurie had to be left alone. The news report on the radio of a possible five year jail sentence for Mike scared her. - Since the beginning, when Beau forced Nancy to leave Mike, Laurie's sanity was shattered. She had diminished from a responsible wife and mother to a child once again, protected by her father's custody. - Mike and Nancy arrived home relieved but not elated with the judge's pronunciation of a suspended sentence. When they heard water running, they rushed to Laurie's room, finding her unconscious with a slit wrist. It was only a minor slash, which Laurie claimed was accidental. Mike and Nancy knew it was a poor attempt by Laurie by take her own life. Nancy tearfully realized that Mike sacrificed to protect his very sick daughter. 

Laurie came close to telling her sister-in-law Tracy what she did, but quit in time. Her thinking was becoming rational again, and she informed Mike and Nancy she needed to see a doctor who could cure her illness. 

With Bill’s suspension lifted, he had picked up the Adam Drake murder case. Deborah Saxon might have landed in hot soup with her amateur undercover work for her boyfriend, Officer Steve Guthrie. With all the information she had pulled out of Raney Cooper, under the guise of dating him, she had been detoured from another date to meet him elsewhere by his hood friend Otto, who, like Raney, was involved with Harper. 

Alone, in his apartment, Otto made moves to rape Deborah, as she was not a willing subject. She saw flashes of the rape that actually was forced on her by Beau. Raney came to the rescue and kicked Otto out. He escorted a shaken Deborah home and explained what happened to Tony. As a reward - Raney turned down a check for $500 from Tony -, Raney recommended himself for a job that would be suited as Tony's right-hand man. Just when Mike was suggesting to Draper he might have to find a new law firm, pessimistic about his future, Laurie intruded and confessed all to Draper. 

Draper and April Cavanaugh were in love. April refused to undergo the open heart surgery that could prolong and improve her life. Draper's love was the best thing that had happened to her, and she feared she would lose what happiness she had if the surgery were unsuccessful. She refused to take the risk despite her brother, Dr. Miles Cavanaugh's, consistent persuasion. A former love of Draper's, Raven Alexander, couldn’t stay away from April. She visited her unexpectedly and frequently, always managing to remind April that Draper once adored her also. April had been suffering from pain and gulped her pills to help conceal the real damage her heart was suffering. She had Draper believing medicine was the best way to her complete recovery. She couldn’t hide it any longer when she collapsed in front of her friend Nicole Drake and Draper. She claimed it was the vapors, but Miles laid the facts on the line, April's mitrostenosis was not going to improve, her "vapors" would reoccur and frequently. April wouldn’t let him tell Draper the truth, fearing he'd leave her if he knew how sick she was. If she lost Draper, she said she'd want to die. 

Raven didn’t take her engagement to Kevin Jamison as seriously as Kevin would like. She canceled her appointment for a blood test and was seldom at the Whitney mansion where they both resided. Instead of being home to make wedding plans, Raven was still continuing her affair with Logan Swift. Logan was in love with the ravenous Raven, but the life as a prospective politician's wife appealed to Raven's tastes more than what Logan could offer as a struggling lawyer. During a lunch of the Raven Alexander Fan Club, Draper proud to be a past member, Logan and Kevin managed to talk business, and not Raven's. Later, Draper informed Logan of Raven's affair with his father when he was engaged to Raven's mother. The afterthoughts of this had brought Raven down a notch in Logan's estimation. Raven couldn’t resist including him on the wedding invitation list. 

After Kevin bodily dragged Raven to get her blood test, he remained with Dr. Lacey to hear the results of the recent fertility test he took. It's conclusive, Kevin was sterile. Raven was getting cold feet about the wedding, so Geraldine proddes her along, assuring her that the attraction she had for Kevin would grow into love. Kevin's news to Geraldine astounded her, she loudly forbade Kevin to tell Raven about his sterility, looking further to her aspirations to make Kevin a successful politician having launched his career by supporting his appointment to the Monticello Crime Commission. 

At the Claremont Convalescent Home where Nicole was residing until her baby was born, Denise Cavanaugh was still guarding her husband's every move as Nicole's physician. She had read the riot act to nurse Carol Barclay, once in pursuit of Miles, and felt secure Carol was no longer a threat to her marriage. 

Denise had Raven pegged when Raven delivered April's luggage to the Claremont, claiming she knew a predatory female when she saw one. 

In spite of Miles' pressures to hire four new doctors for the Claremont staff, Denise persuaded him to go away for Thanksgiving. The clincher was her suggestion they invite April and Draper along, giving Miles extra time to change April's negative decision about surgery. What Denise neglected to tell Miles – intentionally - was that her father and a co-supporter of the Claremont would also be attending the festivities. - Miles prefered his medical obligations to the administrative duties at the hospital, but Denise and her father constantly pushed him into pussyfooting potential $$ contributors. – 

There was another budding romance in Monticello, that of wealthy Geraldine Whitney and the famous Tony Saxon. Tony asserted to Geraldine he was a new man and if there was an improvement in him it was because of her. He pondered that all men could change but not all were fortunate to have the right motivation, as he had found in Geraldine. 

General Hospital

Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland
Produced by: Tom Donovan

Mrs. Edna Hadley found Heather Grant packing and berated her as ungrateful and selfish, vowing she would never do anything to help another human being again. When lawyer Frank Wallace arrived to announce that he had had a telegram from the Taylors saying they were not interested in adopting a child, Heather said it was the best news she ever had. Alone with Mrs. Hadley, Wallace advised her to make things up with Heather because she was so changeable they would soon bring her around again to accept the idea of giving up her baby and there were other couples who would pay well to adopt a child. 

After Mrs. Hadley resumed her bogus supportive role and providesd Heather with a list of day-care centers - which Wallace had gotten together - Heather checked them out only to report that conditions in these places were appalling. When another wire arrived from the Taylors - Peter sent it on his own after seeing Diana's brave stand against risking another disappointment begin to crumble -, Heather, who had been advised by a clergyman that whatever she decided, Stephen Lars’ welfare had to come first, agreed to let Wallace arrange for the adoption. 

Lee Baldwin accompanied Peter and Diana to New York where Wallace presented forged certification of the death of the infant's parents along with a release from the child's aging and indigent grandmother - to be played in Florida by Mrs. Hadley -. 

Wallace secured a private agreement of abandonment from Heather for his and Mrs. Hadley's future protection and "Grandma" Hadley turned over the child to Peter and Diana in Florida, telling them that by coincidence the baby's name happened to be Peter. 

Dr. Lesley Faulkner Webber had learned from the Taylors that her daughter Laura was the prime mover behind their offer of their cabin to Rick and Les for a honeymoon spot and Lesley realized that Laura lied to her and probably spent the time that she and Rick were away at home with Scotty Baldwin. For his part, Scotty was upset over Laura's manipulation of Lesley, which she made no secret of when they were together, but he accepted her "committment" to him after she appeared to consider dating a football player, George Allison, who was a patient at General Hospital, and he closed his eyes to Laura's resentment of her mother. Laura realized she cared about Scotty but she didn’t love him.

Lesley had been trying to cover up her own resentment of David Hamilton's presence in her house during his recuperation by over-elaborate arrangements to make him feel welcome. When Laura told her mother she signed her own report card after Lesley had it on her desk for a week without noticing - she hid it under a pile of papers - Les apologized for her neglect and assumed one more burden of guilt. She hoped to resolve things by hiring a housekeeper who would look after David, wincing when he refered to her as his personal, private nurse in the family. Rick felt he owed his whole medical career to David – David lent him the money for medical school – and he was then repaying his large debt.

Lana had taken an apartment across from General Hospital and angered Dr. Jeff Webber when she pretended to be having an attack, only to recover when he rushed over and propose that they share some cocktails she had prepared. Some days later he got a phone call from Lisa - supposedly Lana's twin sister but really another personality of the same girl -, who told him she was well but couldn’t tell him where she was. She told him that she loved him. After hanging up, Lisa lost consciousness.

Jeff remarked to Lana that she didn’t seem concerned over her sister's telephone call in view of the fact that Lisa had said disjointedly, "I'm afraid of her — afraid of what she might do." Lana replied that Lisa always was melodramatic and cited her Jane Eyre story to Dorrie as being symptomatic. Lana insisted that Lisa had always been a strange person and finding out how sick she was had pushed her over the edge. - Lana had made one slip which Jeff hadn't picked upon. Trying to keep Jeff from seeing the scar of her shoulder injury, she asked for an injection in her right arm, claiming to be left-handed. Jeff only assumed that they were not identical twins. – 

Since Gina’s breakup with Adam, she had gotten reinvolved with Gary Lansing. He had asked Gina to marry him but, in a reversal of their usual roles, Gina was insisting that they keep their relationship as was for the time. She told Gary about lunching with her brother Mark and Katie Corbin, the wife of Mark's rich, dangerously ill patient, saying she was a great gal and Gary ought to try to meet her sometime. Gary’s eyes lit up as he answered he was sure she was—if Gina said so. Adam returned and confessed he still loved Gina.

Alan Quartermaine had decided to turn down the proposal for the hospital's new Cardiac wing but proposed that Monica continue working with him on funding for a project to set up a helicopter transport service. When Monica was delighted with a test ride, Alan offered to pay for helicopter flying lessons. Monica did not give him a final yes on the project, but did talk him into buying an extra pair of tickets for Scotty and Laura to attend a big football game with Alan and herself. Laura had been turning to Monica as a substitue mother. She could talk to Monica in a way she knew she could never talk to Lesley. Monica was around the same age as Lesley but Monica saw Laura as an adult whereas her own mother still refused to accept the fact that she had grown up. She was still continuing to treat her as a child. Laura’s budding friendship with Monica had not gone unobserved by her mother and that was causing Lesley much anger. She confronted Monica. Monica didn’t want any tension between her and Lesley but she couldn’t convince Laura to see Lesley as a very fair and just person.

Heather had been feeling ill and shivering, apparently not over her bout with the flu. Mrs. Hadley told her about her trip to Florida, though Heather claimed not to want to know. She emphasized the expenses which Mr. Wallace would have to recover for the forged documents, transportation, hotel accommodations. She said that Heather would receive a full accounting but she would probably be in for a shock — there was no telling how much was left. Heather said that didn’t matter, it was done and resignedly let Mrs. Hadley dose her with her home remedy. Heather’s agent sent her on two auditions and she lost both of them. 

Steve offered Jeff more money to locate Heather. The private investigator finally located her. Jeff made plans to go to New York. Before was to leave, he had to admit Lana to the hospital after finding her collapsed in a heap on her living room floor. Rick took over the case and diagnosed a pneumonia. He told Dorrie it was a very dangerous time for Lana.

The Corbin case was tough to handle for Mark. Both Katie and Lamont wanted Mark to operate but he couldn’t do that in good conscience. He had consulted with specialist upon specialist and each one had confirmed his original diagnosis – Lamon’s chances of surviving the operation were very, very slim. He told Katie and Lamont this, but they both wanted the operation anyway. Mark was surprised when Katie rewarded him with a kiss after he condulted one more specialist. Lamont had suffered a dramatic drop in his blood pressure, a symptom of his disease. Katie told Mark, when he objected to Corbin's conducting further business over the phone, that Corbin had sent for copies of his will and she was afraid that it was a sign of resignation to death on her husband's part. Mark agreed to grant Corbin more freedom, acknowledging her belief that once Corbin gave up hope, there was nothing left for him. 

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson
Produced by: Allen Potter

The show expanded to an hour on Monday, November 7th, airing from 2:30 to 3:30

- Rita Stapleton was acquitted for the murder of Malcolm Granger. Malcolm's father disinherited his son for mistreating Rita, his nurse. Malcolm tracked Rita to Springfield for revenge where he died of a stroke. Dr. Ed Bauer withdrew his marriage proposal to Rita after trial evidence revealed she had an affair with Roger Thorpe, the man who caused Ed to divorce Holly months be-fore, as Roger—not Ed —was the natural father of Christina Bauer. – Rita’s lawyer, Mike Bauer, had contacted the Granger lawyer in Texas, Raymond Schaefer, notifying him that Malcolm's widow Georgene was in Springfield. Schaefer disagreed with Mike that Georgene's choice of cities was not coincidental. Georgene continued to haunt Rita maliciously. To ensure close proximity to Rita's life, Georgene had taken a job at Cedars Hospital. Georgene's philosophy was that her – obsessive - revenge was nature's way to balance things out, and she had her own territory – Rita - to take care of. Georgene deluded Mike when he asked that she hold no grudges against Rita because she, not Georgene, inherited the majority of Granger's estate. Georgene uses an oppor-tunity of Rita using the hospital stairs to injure her. Lost among the crowd, Georgene pushed Rita and she fell down the flight of stairs. Rita's injuries were minor, yet Ed had ordered extensive tests when he rushed to her side, hearing that she "lost her footing" accidentally. Georgene disappeared unnoticed in the confusion during the fall. 

Eve Stapleton’s physician, Ed, had conferred with a specialist, Dr. Lathrop. Dr. Lathrop reported his diagnosis to Ed, Eve had the Blake Carne Syndrome. A difficult task for Ed was reporting the findings first to Rita. She broke down in tears and Ed offered her the comfort of his embrace for consolation. Together they gave Eve the results. The syndrome was a fungus infection related to the kind that could cause meningitis. It was located in the occipital lobe of the brain, the section that had to do with vision. It was a progressive disease, but there was a possibility it could be treated by medication. Eve knew her blurred visions were serious, but not until this moment had she spoken the word BLIND. Ed sadly confirmed it. The chances were 80% Eve would lose her sight. 

As the shock set in, Eve ran out of Ed's office into the streets. Her running was aimless until she saw it was a blind woman who was knocked down. Eve helped her up, and gave her direction again. The woman went on her way, grateful for Eve's kindness. Evie cried with the reality of her own situation. She hadn't told her fiance, Ben McFarren, and both he and Viola, her mother, sensed there was an unusual problem that Evie was holding back from them. Eve was determined she wouldn’t go blind and wouldn’t tell Ben, fearing he would pity her. She asked Ben to postpone the wedding. 

Ben accepted Eve’s request, reassured her feelings for him had not changed. He asked Ed and Rita for answers. Rita's reply, reflecting her own experience with Ed, "it's hard to keep something from someone you love" settled Ben. He returned to Eve promising her his understanding and undying love. Eve confided to Rita, if she went blind, she would not marry Ben. Ed had informed Eve what to expect if blindness was inevitable. If she saw greyish and couldn’t adjust to light, the medication was failing. Ben told Eve he could only be the best as a man, an artist, because of her. They toasted "to the wedding that's going to happen." 

William Moray had reluctantly returned to Springfield to visit his stepdaughter Hillary Kincaid. She had just had an apendectomy and as she was new to Springfield, William felt she needed him there. His greatest fear was being recognized at the hospital where his son Ed was chief-of-staff and Bert Bauer, his former wife, volunteered. - The Bauers believed Bill died over 10 years ago in a plane crash. - He avoided any conversation with Hillary's doctor, Dr. Sara McIntyre, longtime friend of the Bauers. Hillary informed him that Mike Bauer was going to be presented with a "Man of the Year" award. Alone in his hotel room, Bill took out a treasured picture of his young family. He still shared Bert's pride in their sons. So much so, he postponed his trip home, risking being recognized to see Mike get his award. He told himself he had no right to be proud of his son anymore, as he gave up that right years ago. At the banquet, Rita saw Bill standing in the corridor, shedding a tear when Mike credited his interest in the community to his own father. Bill dropped his picture before leaving. Rita picked it up, and later returned it to Bill's hotel. Bill had panicked once he realized it was lost. He called Rita and they agreed to talk. Rita was stunned when he confirmed that his real name was Bill Bauer. He was even more shocked that he didn't have to tell Rita, as she wasn't clear about the connection. He explained that he was not aboard the plane that crashed as everyone thought. She urged him to tell his family; he wouldn’t upset their lives and hurt them so deeply. He begged her, if she had any feelings left for Ed, to keep the secret. She retorted she cared and loved Ed too much to ever lie to him again as she did during the trial. Bill sadly left after pleading unsuccessfully for Rita's silence. 

The banquet presented by the Chamber of Commerce in Mike's honor had spun Bert into a whirlwind of excitement. It was her responsibility to get Mike to the banquet, and keep it a surprise. Mike didn’t make it easy for her, cancelling for a business meeting. His secretary Ann Jeffers saved the day for Bert, leaving Mike free. Mike again tried to renege, claiming he should work instead. Dr. Steve Jackson intercepted and ingeniously lured Mike to go. Bert pondered, ironically, how Bill would've been the proudest of all. 

Afterward, there was a champagne party held by Jackie Marler in Mike's honor. Jackie and Ann shot dagger stares at each other when the other was in Mike's company. Mike, however, was intrigued by Jackie's houseguest, Elizabeth Spalding. 

Ann had decided to halt Jackie's pursuit of Mike by playing a tape to her that contained Jackie and Justin's conversation about the bet they made Jackie couldn't hook Mike. She lost her nerve when Jackie talked of wanting a son, reminding Ann of her own son. 

Holly Bauer felt she had to reassure Ed that she had no feelings for Roger. Ed sensed she felt pity for him. - Ed chose to raise Christina as his own. Since the trial, Roger's wife had divorced him. This coupled with the knowledge Christina was the only child Roger would have, had pressured Roger to combat his loneliness by fighting with Ed for Christina's love. - Since their own divorce, Christina had been a mutual bond to Ed and Holly. Ed demanded Holly make a choice. Adam Thorpe received a letter from Roger and reported his son's more positive attitude about reentering Christina's life to Holly. Adam asserted that Roger's behavior had made it impossible for Holly to keep his secret. Ed was adamant, if Holly and Roger persisted in this myth, why should he raise Christina? Holly then blurted out the whole story. Suddenly Ed's attitude changed. Ed stated to Holly, he had no right to decide that Roger couldn’t see Christina. Holly felt Ed was slipping through her fingers. Ed asked her if she really wanted Christina's natural father to be out of her life? Holly kept grasping for Ed's involvement, it was their decision to make. Ed disagreed, she was her mother and the fact that she was the only child Roger would have made the difference in who Christina should have as her father.

Holly was discouraged as her lawyer advised her only a court restraining order could keep Roger from seeing Christina. She prefered keeping this matter out of the courts. Peggy Thorpe had returned to Springfield temporarily. She had adjusted to her life in Boise but coming home had revived old memories. Peggy and Ed talked. Ed expressed his confused feelings for Rita. Peggy stated Rita kept secrets to protect Ed and her love for him. Holly and Peggy had a strained visit, Holly retracted her plea for Peggy to talk to Roger, asserting she would fight her own battles, but she knew Ed had changed. Peggy told Ed no one had heard from Roger and Adam was worried. 

- Discovering her husband Justin was unfaithful, Jackie Marler led him to believe she aborted her pregnancy and divorced him to punish him. Only Jackie knew she gave up her son for adoption. - Jetsetter, Alan Spalding had come to Springfield for medical consultation. He and his wife Elizabeth were having marital problems, which caused Jackie to smile. She was elated to get a call from Elizabeth and had insisted she and her eight year old son Phillip stay with her, using this time to monopolize Phillip, the son she gave up to the Spaldings. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to introduce Phillip to Justin at Mike's party. It was a tender momemt when Jackie saw Justin warm up to his own son. Elizabeth was uneasy with Alan’s presence after their separation. 

Sara admitted to Justin that he was special to her. She was letting herself become involved with Justin because there was a difference in him, from the man he was when they were engaged in medical school. - Justin jilted Sara to marry Jackie, for the sake of his career. - Justin credited that to the effect Sara had made on him. Justin knew he could never replace Sara's late husband, Joe, in her life or TJ's. He wanted his own special place. Justin declared his love for Sara, he had always been in love with her, totally, completely and without reservation. The following day, Sara was glowing at the hospital which led Bert to comment how natural "Sara and Justin" was beginning to sound. Justin proposed to Sara. 

Georgene told Ed she was cast aside by the Grangers after Rita worked her magic. 

Love Of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton
Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Arlene Lovett was concerned that her conversation with Ian Russell would be bad for Dr. Tom Crawford's career. She visited Tom to tell him that she couldn’t marry him. When she returned to her mother, she found Lt. Hollenbeck waiting to question her. He tricked her into admitting that she was with Russell in the penthouse the night of his death by implying that he was going to arrest Dr. Crawford. At headquarters, Arlene refused to say any more and said she couldn’t afford a lawyer.

Carrie told Tom of Arlene's predicament and his roommate's date was a paralegal aide for a lawyer Dory Patton. Mrs. Patton agreed to see Arlene. She told Arlene that she had another reason for seeing her, legal reasons. Ian Russell had left his share - 51% - of Beaver Ridge to her. The estate hadn't been settled yet, but when it was, she would be able to pay her own legal fees. Tom was hurt when Arlene refused to see him. When she finally let him visit, he assured her that he loved her and would be with her through this. 

Ray Slater told Dory that he had advised Arlene not to mention this because it could be used against her, but then felt that her lawyer should know. He explained that Russell was connected with the mob and had Frankie Sills killed. Arlene's mother saw Frankie at Russell's and her life was in danger. He knew because Russell ordered him to arrange an accident for Carrie Johnson. 

Arlene’s past came into play when her lawyer asked for reasonable bail. She had been on parole for fraud and bail was denied. - Arlene conspired with Ben Harper to get money from his mother by his bigamously marrying Betsy Crawford. – 

Ray told Arlene that he was wrong to advise her not to tell the truth and she had to talk to her lawyer to save herself. The newspaper implied that Tom Crawford was the third side of a love triangle. Arlene used the only thing she knew to send Tom away —she told him she killed Ian. 

Tom refused to consider that Arlene could be guilty, even after she lied to save him. He continued to tell her how things would be once she was acquitted and they could be married. Arlene explained to Ray that she couldn’t stand not knowing what the future held because Tom didn’t have to on hoping they would be together if she was eventually going to jail. Ray mentioned that she could demand an immediate trial. Arlene requested this of her lawyer. Dory told Arlene that she had asked her to be honest with her and since Arlene wouldn’t confide in her and wanted an immediate trial without a hearing, she felt it was in Arlene's best interest if she give up the case. Arlene knew this would delay things even more and agreed to help Dory. Dory suggested that Arlene not testify in her own behalf because her story wasn’t believable. 

Dr. Joe Cusack had convinced Mayor Bruce Sterling that it was important for him to have a checkup before his trip to New York. Bruce's plans changed and he was unable to keep that promise. Problems during his trip caused Bruce to seek medical advice. Tests were taken and Bruce insisted the results be sent to his office rather than his doctor. The New York doctor called Bruce saying that it was important that his doctor be notified. Bruce agreed to return to New York instead. 

This whole situation put Bruce on edge. A talk with his ward, Lynn Henderson, showed him how important he was to others. He knew he should tell his wife, Van, because they had never kept secrets, but he couldn’t bring himself to confess his fears. 

Bruce went to New York where he was told he had aplastic anemia. It had developed over a period of time. If it was toxic; caused by a substance, the removal of it from the system would show remarkable improvement, but his was idiomatic; cause unknown. They would treat it with blood transfusions, but the prognosis was not good. 

Rick and Cal Latimer were waiting to hear who their new partner in Beaver Ridge was. Cal had told their boarder, Michael Blake, that they would put the house up for sale so they could buy out the new partner. When they learned that Russell left it to Arlene, they agreed to sit tight until Arlene's current problems were over. Meg Hart, Cal's mother, thought this was the time to take advantage of the situation. Rick said if Arlene wanted to sell, he would make her a fair offer. Arlene appointsed him administrator for the time being. Meg implanted in Rick's mind that he should be jealous of Michael in order to cause trouble between him and Cal. 

Mia Marriott showed Ben Harper a news item that said New York publisher Jay Edminston was coming to speak at the college. She planned to show the first few chapters of Ben's book to him. Ben mentioned that Arlene Lovett asked him what it was like in prison and Mia suggested that Ben might put his feeling about prison in the book. He became indignant, saying the character E. Newman had not been in prison and this book was not about himself. 

Mia met Edminston at the airport and implied that their friend Graham Bennett told her he was in town so that she could have him read the first part of this book with publishing it in mind. Jay went back to New York with it in his briefcase. - Mia had not seen Bennett since she arrived in Rosehill several years ago and married Andrew. Bennett was the man Mia tried to commit suicide over. - In a moment of frivolity Ben agreed to take Mia to dinner to celebrate. 

Mia talked to Jay Edminston in New York and asked if he had read Ben Harper's book. Jay asked if this was the book Graham Bennett is pushing. Mia had to confess that Bennett knew nothing of this book and asked what he said about her. Jay said that he had not checked with Bennett, but had an idea that he had nothing to do with this. Depressed about her relationship with Ben, Mia asked Andrew to Thanksgiving dinner. 

- Felicia Fleming Lamont married Charles Lamont, but because of problems in her early life she was unable to be a wife. Charles became an invalid and at the same time jealous. His treatment of her forced her into the arms of Edouard Aleata. Another accident brought Felicia back home to later find out she was carrying Eddie's child. She told Charles and he threw her out, only to regret it later. Charles agreed to a divorce when Felicia went into labor. Felicia died in childbirth and so began the custody fight over her son. – Aleata had retained Dory Patton and a hearing date had been set. Charles had refused to take a blood test. It wouldn't prove who was the father, but it might prove who wasn’t. Just before the hearing, Charles became worried because his housekeeper, Mrs. Fine and his live-in nurse, Mrs. Grimes, had another set-to which resulted in Mrs. Grimes giving notice. Charles asked Joe Cusack for help in locating another nurse. 

Both men testified at the hearing and were disappointed when it was continued and no decision was given. Charles' lawyer said this was in their favor because the longer the baby remained with him, the more reluctant they would be to take him away. 

Mrs. Grimes told Charles that Mary Owens, the nurse Doctor Joe Cusack recommended, was so young she wouldn’t be responsible. A conflict caused Charles not to take Mrs. Grimes up on her offer to stay, but later wondered if she wasn't right about Mary.

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell
Produced by: Joseph Stuart

Jenny Siegel had accepted Brad Vernon's proposal. To forget about the situation, Will had a one-night-stand with his secretary, Robin, but it couldn’t wipe out his love for Jenny. With a little more than a week before the wedding, Lana had told Brad that she was carrying his baby. At first he tried to deny paternity and then offered to drive Lana to a clinic for an abortion. After telling Brad to get lost, Lana started drinking at the same Country-Western bar where Becky Lee Hunt sang. Clint Buckley, a client and Becky Lee’s admirer, tried to pick her up. He followed Lana to a place down the road and then took her to his apartment where she managed to escape an attempted rape. Lana stumbled in at Cathy’s door and told her but refused to report it, ashamed that she wasn’t even sure who the man was.

Jenny had asked her sister Karen to be her matron of honor. Karen told Larry she would try to obtain a copy of a dress she had seen in a magazine for under the $150 he could afford but headed for the most exclusive shop in town to try on the original even after she learned the price was above $500. - A few days before Karen accepted a lovely statuette she knew had been stolen, passing off the "gift" from Gus, the plumber, as a wedding present. - When she noticed a distinguished looking older man, Talbot Huddleston, eying her, Karen began to preen and listened as he expounded on his theory that one should be good to oneself. Karen accepted the dress and the inevitable "accommodation" with Huddleston which followed that afternoon.

Brad went to Tony’s Place to make a last ditch appeal to Lana to go to Los Angeles and have an abortion. Lana said no, and screamed at Brad to get away from her. Marco came to Lana’s aid and told Brad to leave the lady alone. She was with him that night. Not wanting to draw any more attention to himself, Brad did as Marco asked. But when alone, he silently vowed he would see Lana at her apartment. He still had the key she gave him.

Lana was quite shocked to see Brad enter her living room, but she didn’t run away in fright. She continued to stand up to him. She might be quite drunk but she was no longer weak. He tried to bribe her with his mother’s ring but she took it and threw it on the floor. She ten baited him? She told Brad she had a very special wedding present for Jenny. Brad told Lana to give it to him and ransacked her apartment. He found a letter. He read it then tore it up. In the letter, Lana told all. If Jenny would have received this gift, she never would have married Brad. But Brad was sure that by the following day, he and Jenny would be man and wife. Lana would never have the guts to tell Jenny in person – and she was certainly too drunk to write a letter that night. Brad’s thoughts were interrupted by Lana’s mumbling. She said three incoherent words then dropped off. Brad assumed she passed out. He touched her cheek in good-bye and shivered. Lana’s cheek was ice-cold. He then felt for a pulse. There wasn’t one! Lana was dead! Brad panicked. No one should know he was with Lana that night. Marco pounded on the door – he said Lana he would visit her later that night – but Brad kept mum. He quickly wiped off his fingerprints from all the objects he touched and left the apartment. In his haste he forgot one important item – his mother’s ring. It was still on the floor where Lana threw it.

The following morning at Larry's house, Brad realized he has left the ring on Lana's finger, mumbled about having forgotten something and left as Cathy came to the Wolek house to ask Larry to check on Lana with her as she had been unable to reach her all night. 

Brad told his sister Samantha about finding Lana dead, omitting the facts about Lana's pregnancy, and they set out to retrieve Brad's ring after Sam planted a letter at home inviting Will to Brad's wedding to account for Brad's time. As Brad and Sam approached Lana's street, they saw the police cars and realized Larry and Cathy probably had found Lana. Sam convinced Brad that no one but she and her father knew that the ring was Brad's and the police would probably take it for Lana's personal property. 

Larry and Cathy broke break the news to Karen who fell apart. Larry told Karen that he had to tell Jenny that a half empty bottle of sleeping pills was found and there would be an inquest in which Brad was bound to be questioned. Cathy stayed on to comfort Karen and Karen learned from her that Lana was pregnant and Brad had tried to talk her into an abortion. 

Jenny postponed the wedding because she was unable to celebrate in the midst of such sorrow but Brad never told her about Lana's condition, though by this time Anna and Jim knew. 

After Cathy left, Karen called Marco - who had been needling her the night before at Tony's Place over Huddleston's obvious interest in her - and spitefully told him Lana was dead and he was in trouble — the police knew Lana was expecting him back. Marco rushed over to Karen's and told her that if they checked into his background, they would learn about her part in a credit card fraud with him and so would Larry. He insisted she give him an alibi, saying he went for a drive with her after leaving Tony's Place. 

Will was puzzled by Sam's nervous behavior before the news of Lana's death, especially when she said she knew nothing about Brad's planning to give Jenny his mother's garnet ring. 

At Pat Kendall’s place, Tony and Paul quarreled and Tony threatened to tell Brian that he was his father. Paul told him to go ahead — that when Brian learned it had been kept from him all these years it would finally drive him away from both Tony and Pat, and Paul would then leave Llanview with Brian. 

Pat left after a celebration with Brian and Paul on Paul's birthday for a late meeting with Tony Lord, Brian, unknown to Paul, followed to see his mother and Tony kissing in Tony's apartment over Tony's Place. It was clear to the young boy that his mother would soon leave Paul for Tony. Brian would not tel Pat the reason for his sudden hatred and Pat was finding it very hard to cope.

The following day, Brian’s distress had caused him to suffer migrain headaches but he refused to let Pat touch him, screaming that he hated her. Finally, Dr. Peter Janssen was called in and admitted Brian to Llanview Children's Pavillion for observation.

Tony tried to talk to Brian but the boy had another migraine at the first sign of a confrontation and Peter insisted that Tony promise not to go into the boy’s room again.

Becky Lee Hunt fell prey to the smooth talking ways of Clint Buckley, and wound up in a quite a fix. Believing him to be the talent agent he represented himself as, Becky was easily lured to his apartment. He said he wanted to take some publicity photos – but what he really wanted was her. He got a maniacla glint in his eye when he he told Becky he wanted the photos done in the nude. When she only partially obliged by just removing her outergarments, Clint got rough. He said it was time to show her who was the boss. Becky ran screaming from him and locked herself in his bathroom. She heard a loud pounding on Clint’s front door. It was Richard. He had come to her rescue. He screamed at Clint to let him in. He had Ed Hall do a check on his background and what the lieutenant found wasn’t very pretty – Clint wasn’t a talent agent, he was a rapist. Clint opened the door and Richard dashed in and grabbed Becky from the bathroom. He brought the trembling young woman home. Becky looked at Richard with new eyes. She realized she cared about him very much. Richard sensed the change in Becky and gently placed a soft, tender kiss upon her lips. Meanwhile, Buckley claimed Becky freaked out. Ed told him he knew about his record of attempted rape and warned him he would be watching his every move when Becky sadly admitted she wasn't strong enough to press charges. 

Edwina Lewis still loved Richard and was determined to win him back. She didn’t consider Becky much competition. Richard would soon tire of her. He needed an intelligent aggressive woman, not a country bumpkin. She confided in her new friend, Dorian Lord, how confident she was.

Lt. Ed. Hall had received the autopsy report and there was no question in his mind that Lana’s death, caused by the fatal combination of liquor and pills, was not suicide but murder ! She was not alone when she died. There were no fingerprints in the apartment and that meant whoever murdered her wiped the place clean. Lana’s fingerprints should have been on some objects.

A convalescent Joe Riley insisted to his wife Viki he was ready to go back to work.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer
Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Maeve Ryan, Tom Desmond and Faith Coleridge had put talk behind them and with Frank's help they put their scheme for a marathon confrontation between Mary and Jack Fenelli into action. Maeve packed a week's provisions and secreted them in Ryan's soundproof storeroom — a former speakeasy. Similar but separate ruses were worked on Jack and Mary and the bolt was thrown. When Jack, enraged, pounded on some water pipes, Johnny Ryan had to be told and bowed to Maeve's entreaties not to interfere short of unlikely bloodshed when he snoopped at the outer door to hear Mary getting some of her own back verbally. 
After the first name calling session subsided into resignation, Mary felt she had to tell Jack that she and Tom were never lovers and Jack told her in turn that after his one-night-stand with Martha McKee, she advised him to go back to Mary, where he obviously belonged. 

The real turning point came when Mary learned that Jack was genuinely concerned for their daughter Ryan and had come to love and want both her and Mary. The following morning, they agreed that the place to resume their life together as a family was Jack's apartment on Weehauken Street and Jack promised to accept Mary's love for her family as part of her life, hoping to enter into it and share it with her. 

As need to leave was motivated by joy, a small fire was easily started and when Johnny rushed in at the head of a startled troupe of Ryans, Mary proclaimed it the same method as announcing the election of the Pope! 

After Jack and Mary spent some time upstairs making up time with their daughter, Johnny had his say to Jack. Mary told him that everything she had ever wanted had happened and she was not going to let anything or anyone that spelled trouble get in her way. Pleading for Ryan and herself, she said a girl needed her family, especially her father. Johnny offered his hand to Jack. 

In desperation, Delia told Dr. Pagano that she had been faking - with help — though she did not mention Roger - and convinced him to the extent that he recommended her release in the face of the impending strike at Riverside and the cutback in patient care it would necessitate. Alicia was disturbed enough to try to explain her change of attitude toward Delia to her young brother Angel, and Roger walked in, asking if she was referring to their mutual friend "Mrs. Brown." Roger was intrigued by the secret Alicia and Delia shared. 

Roger began his own intrigue when he offered his apartment and his couch as a refuge to Rae Woodard after she was dismissed from taking part in the political talk she loved between her husband and Frank Ryan out of jealousy on the part of Bill. Roger's curiosity made him overstep when he asked if Rae had had any similar encounters during her marriage and Rae put him in his place nicely but stayed on. 

To celebrate her first night of freedom, Delia staged a jealous scene with Faith early and got Pat to take her to a late movie. She saw to it that Pat got little rest and tried to get him to delay leaving the following morning for picket duty. Though Pat showed up at the strike headquarters, he was in no shape to carry on and meet with reporters and left at Clem and Faith's insistance to wash up and have coffee. Roger walked into a hospital storeroom to see Pat who had helped himself to some medication left behind by a patient — a victim of Narcolepsy. Roger did not witness the drug-taking but his entrance prevented Pat from putting the bottle back in place. 

When Jack learned that Miriam George was in on Maeve's original plot to bring out in the open Jack's concern for Ryan's welfare, he told both Miriam and Maeve he was not angry that they set him up, only relieved. Jack and Mary saw Father McShane to arrange to be remarried. They became husband and wife again.

After Pat had taken stimulants, he reported to strike headquarters. Delia showed up with coffee and doughnuts for the strikers and was panicked when she saw Pat looking so unexpectedly vigorous and chatting with Faith. When Frank announced that he had managed a negotiating session with the Board for that evening, Delia invented a dinner party and quickly invited her in-laws, including Jack and Mary, to make it look good. When Pat came home to change clothes for the meeting, she worked on him so that he canceled both his promise to attend the session with Frank and the dinner party. 

Delia had seen Alicia and Alica had told Dee that her way of manipulating people was abhorrent. Dee insisted that Pat liked to worry about her and needed to take care of her. Alicia was torn between her promise not to expose Dee and all the hurt Dee was causing as a result of a lie Alicia had agreed to uphold. 

At Ryan’s, Jack asked to stay around after the party plans were cancelled and ordered Irish Whiskey in an effort to woo Johnny Ryan. The nicer Jack tried to be, the more Johnny needled him, especially when Tom Desmond dropped by. Maeve had to call Jack into the kitchen to give him a few moments away from Johnny Ryan's barely veiled belligerance and Jack told her he expected her to supply Ryan with tales of Irish lore, saying he would like someday to visit the town in Sicily where his parents came from. Jack remarked that Mary wanted very much to visit Ireland, and when Maeve told him there were very many relatives there who were anxious to get a look at her, Jack decided to make it a honeymoon trip. Johnny saw how ecstatic Mary was and while Kevin was giving Mary a long list of "must see's" in Dublin, Tom drew Maeve to the kitchen doorway to watch as John Ryan took apart the notorious punching bag. 

Mary and Jack left for Ireland, having a warm, sensuous, loving wonderful honeymoon. On their first night there, a meal was definitely in order and what a meal it was. The telling glances and provocative overtures during the meal made no room for supposition as to what happened after the meal. Their time together was a beautiful reawakening for Mary and Jack. They visited old farmhouses and taverns, old castles and beautiful gardens. 

Bill Woodard had asked Frank Ryan to make a speech in Albany in his stead, the first step in his plans to back Frank politically. Rae was to accompany him for a previously scheduled trip of her own. Unknown to Frank, Rae had instructed her secretary, Royal, to prepare a press advance suggesting that Frank was primarily responsible for putting together a popular piece of legislation - the Adano-Lyons Bill -, a piece of fiction geared to insure Ryan a good party reception in Albany. She was sure that the originators would go along after the fact, recognizing Woodard's political clout, but told her agent he could claim a mix-up if there was a fuss made and that her husband's papers would print a small retraction, if necessary. Jill was jealous of Rae’s interest in Frank. She didn’t know Rae had admitted to Roger that her marriage had been sexually unfulfilled. She then satisfied her urges with Roger. Meanwhile, Bill apologized to Rae for a jealous tantrum and suggested they groom Frank for a senatorship.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Robert J. Shaw
Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Cindy French told Tom Bergman that they shouldn't see each other when he wanted an intimate relationship. She thought this would bring him closer to the idea of marriage, but began to regret this move when she didn’t hear from him. Suddenly Tom appeared again and this time he had his fraternity pin which he asked Cindy to wear. She asked if it was like being engaged and he explained that it was more like going steady. He invited her to a fraternity party on campus. Cindy bought a new dress to impress everyone. The others were wearing school clothes and she told Tom that they were laughing behind her back and it was all his fault. Tom went for drinks and Cindy disappeared. He waited for her at her apartment and apologized when she returned. 

Cindy finally got Tom to propose and wanted to elope, but he wanted to tell his father. She continued to bait him about having "to get permission" when Stu was out of town. 

Dr. Greg Hartford returned to Henderson with his daughter Meredith after his ex-wife, Diane, agreed to give him custody. Diane had never really enjoyed custody, but only wanted to punish Greg by not letting him see Meredith. Meredith's suicide attempt over a teacher who jilted her made it impossible for her to stay at the convent school. She asked her father not to put her in school just yet. He agreed to let her get settled first. Jo Vincente wanted to make friends with her before Meredith was told that she and Greg planned to be married. Jo suggested shopping for school clothes, but Meredith was content to remain in her suite, spending as much time as possible with her father. Greg realized she was dwelling on past memories and insisted that she start school because it would only become harder each day. She confessed that she was afraid of going to school with boys after being in convents since her parents divorced when she was seven. 

Scott Phillips was concerned about his wife, Kathy, especially when he learned from John Wyatt that she had a memory loss during a trial. John was forced to give the case to David Sutton which caused Kathy to be even more ambivalent. Scott felt Dr. Brown should know this. The nurse called home to change his appointment and reached Kathy. She stormed to the hospital and, after refusing to let Scott see the doctor, she chastized the doctor for telling Scott that she feared the baby wasn't his. Dr. Brown said he hadn't discussed anything with Scott. He again urged her to seek psychiatric help.

Scott and Eric, their adopted son, secretly shopped for the baby's room and took a day off to paint it. Eric was sure this would surprise Kathy and was totally unprepared for the fury with which it was received. She went to bed early as Scott had been urging her to do for weeks. In the night Kathy had a nightmare and protested out loud that this was not David's baby. Scott woke her and asked what she meant. Did she sleep with David? The one thing Kathy had feared all along had happened. During a moment of rejection and vulnerability she had turned to David. She shouted that she didn’t know whose baby it was. Scott probably hated her, she hated the baby and he forced her to have the baby. Scott told Eric to call Dr. Brown who gave her a shot to calm her hysteria and bring down her blood pressure. Ellie Bergman stayed with Eric through the night. Dr. Brown couldn’t keep Kathy on medication because it would be dangerous to her and the baby. 

Scott walked in the rain to sort things out. He felt so sorry for himself that he stopped in a bar and ordered a double bourbon. He was about to drink it when a young woman called him a hypocrite. Scott, an alcoholic, had been a speaker at an AA meeting which she attended because of pressure from her boss. Donna Davis was a cocktail waitress who liked to drink. Because she couldn’t control her drinking, she was fired. They walked and finally ended up drinking coffee early in the morning. Scott told her that he almost took that drink after he found out that the baby his wife was carrying might not be his. She said, but it might. She slipped out when he called the hospital. 

Scott told Carolyn Hanley why Kathy was upset and she felt he should not see her until he got his feelings straight. Kathy felt everyone knew and hated her. She was stopped from leaving the hospital, but became hysterical when Scott tried to comfort her. She agreed to go to a sanitarium to rest until the baby came. 

Liza Kaslo returned to Henderson to be with her mother who was recovering from an attempt on her life. Dr. Hartford noticed that Liza was very self conscious of the scar over her eye and suggested to the surgeon that they call her in for a series of X-rays to see if there was a possibility of performing plastic surgery. They told her that it was a routine checkup so that she wouldn’t get her hopes up and have to adjust all over again. Surgery was possible and Liza wanted it even though Steve and Janet felt the emotional stress would be too much. She said she would spend the rest of her life wondering if it had been possible. 

Dr. Hartford told Liza that in his opinion the surgery was successful, but they could only tell how much so after the swelling and discoloration left the area. She should be able to leave the hospital in a few days. Liza was concerned about her mother and asked Steve if they could stay with her for a while. Steve told Janet that she had to learn to depend on others more than she had. Janet said that although she was frightened at the responsibility of her young son and the house since Wade's death, she would eventually have to learn to do for herself, so she'd better start then. Another reason she thought Liza should return to their apartment was that Steve and Liza were just beginning to work out their own marriage and needed to be alone. 

John Wyatt told Janet that she really needed a lawyer of her own since he was the corporation lawyer. Steve explained the papers to Janet and advised her. When he and Liza were first married, he was taking business courses while working at the Collins Corporation. Janet said Liza and Gary had tried to get her to go away for a while, but it was the business that was keeping her in Henderson. Since she trusted him completely, she asksed him to take care of it temporarily. 

Meredith Hartford wasn’t adjusting very well, even after she was put in school. She refused to wear the clothes Jo helped her select so that she would feel comfortable among her peers. Greg explained to his daughter that Jo helped him through a very lonely time when he first came to Henderson and that Jo would like to be her friend, too. Meredith was disturbed because she had planned to have her father's attentions to herself. Greg felt guilty about the time he wasn't allowed to be a father to her and so was doing everything she asked. 

Scott had a business lunch in the restaurant where Donna Davis was a cocktail waitress. When lunch was over, Donna had disappeared after being fired for drinking on the job. The owner had given her several chances before to straighten out, but she couldn't control the problem. Scott gave the owner his card and asked him to have her call if she should return for her wages. She helped him and he would like to return the favor. 
Stu suggested that Cindy would not be willing to live in the style Tom could provide. She said she could if they could be married immediately and talked him into a trip to Las Vegas. 

Dr. Carolyn Hanley and Gary Walton discussed getting married soon. 

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell
Produced by: John Conboy

Stuart Brooks was very grateful for all the time and comfort Liz Foster had given him since Jennifer's death. When he wanted to buy her a gift, Chris suggested he get her a coat. Liz loved the coat, but felt it was too good to wear. Chris told Snapper that she thought there was a deep friendship developing between his mother and her father. Snapper visited his mother and suggested he drop off the dinner Liz had prepared for Stuart, but she insisted on taking it over herself. Snapper told her to start wearing the coat because it would keep her warm. 

Stuart asked Chris if Liz really liked the coat because he hadn't seen her wear it. Chris mentioned that Liz' birthday was coming up. Stuart arrived home to find that Liz had tripped and sprained her ankle. He insisted she share dinner and then asked her to let him take over out for dinner on her birthday.

Chris Foster was close to hysteria thinking that Ron Becker could kidnap his daughter at any time. Snapper went to Becker's apartment to order him out of town and learned that Ron was planning on going to Alaska with his mother. He had thought it over and decided that his love for Karen was selfish. He felt that Karen would be better off if the Fosters would legally adopt her. Ron went back to their apartment to explain to Karen that he loved her, but that Snapper and Chris would be her mommy and daddy. Karen took to the arrangement eagerly. Several days later Snapper told Chris that he had been contacted to help fight cholera in Ethiopia by the Health Department. He didn’t want to leave Chris if she was still upset, but Chris felt better and understood how Snapper felt about this assignment. He would be gone for several weeks. 

Ron told his mother to go home to Alaska and he would follow after he visited his wife at the mental institution. Ron told a catatonic Nancy that he was wrong to say such horrible things to her and would be going away and so would never bother her again. He said she was a good wife and mother. 

Nancy’s nurse noticed a difference in her and reported this to Dr. Hamlin. The doctor asked Ron to see Nancy again. Nancy wanted to know if it was true that she was a good wife and mother. She asked him to stay in town another day. When he visited her again she had washed her hair and told him that she was being discharged. Ron talked about going to Alaska to start a new life where people didn’t know the terrible things he had done. She had no plans yet. They decided to start over in Alaska. Dr. Hamlin questioned Nancy because it was her love for Ron that caused her mental problems. She explained that Ron had changed and they were starting over. She never wanted to go back to the life they lived before and didn’t want to leave Genoa City before seeing her daughter.

Dr. Lionel asked Cynthia Harris to tell Leslie Brooks Eliot that Brad was in Chicago recovering from removal of a brain tumor. Cynthia had been using Brad's silence to draw him close to her, hoping to edge Leslie out of his life. She arrived in Genoa City the night Leslie was leaving for a concert tour in South America. Leslie told her that the divorce would be final while she was on tour. Cynthia didn’t tell her about Brad, but returned to Chicago where she told Brad that Leslie had gotten a divorce and she would have broken his confidence if the divorce hadn't become final. She told him that it was too late because Leslie seemed to be involved with Brock Reynolds. Brad said he would return to Genoa City and fight for his wife. 

Brock wanted to go to South America with Leslie, but she knew she would be very vulnerable following her divorce and having someone with her whom she cared for could lead to more emotional problems. Lance Prentiss questioned Brock about his interest in Leslie, suggesting he was trying to catch her on the rebound. Brock said that Lance seemed to be more concerned than acceptable for a married man. He had asked Leslie to marry him and was willing to wait as long as necessary. 

Stuart found Brad in Leslie's apartment and explained that she had decided to stay on a few days in Rio. Brad told him that his eyesight returned and he had come home to explain to Leslie why he went to Chicago. Stuart had Leslie's final divorce decree which he was delivering. In the confusion Brad had forgotten that he had started divorce preceedings until it was too late. Stuart suggested that it might not be a good idea for Brad to wait since she might not be returning alone. 

Leslie considered staying on in Rio until she realized how attracted she was to Brock. He saw her to her apartment and as he was leaving, Leslie told him that she might be falling in love with him. It was something she felt inside. After hearing Brad's explanation Leslie said she had forgiven him, but couldn’t forget and needed time to think. 

A man who had saved many people in a hotel fire in Hong Kong attracted Lorie Brooks Prentiss' attention. She confessed to her father that she thought this man was Lucas Prentiss, Lance's missing brother. Lucas left 12 years ago and Lance had never forgiven him. There was a fire which he felt Lucas was guilty of setting which burned their mother's face, disfiguring her. Lance and Vanessa spent many years trying to trace him, but Lance had then decided that he was probably dead, and if not, should return on his own. Recently Lorie blackmailed Vanessa into seeing a plastic surgeon who said he could help her after Lorie learned that she never had the heart condition she claimed kept her from having surgery. Vanessa had said she wouldn’t have the surgery unless it would be to relieve Lucas' guilt. Lorie felt that Vanessa used her disfigurement and isolation to hold Lance to her. 

Lance lent Lorie his private jet even though he had no idea where she was going on her personal business. Vanessa was sure that it was to meet another man. Vanessa set her own plan into effect. She had Mr. Campbell, her private detective, find out how to make a book a best seller. He said that books had to be ordered in small quantities all over the country and it would help if a well known critic could give it a good review. She planned to expose Lorie as the author of her book about Leslie through publicity. 

Lorie’s plans were foiled when the man registered as John Doe had the arm bandaged that would prove he was Lucas. Lance had told her about the tatoo bearing his name. He realized she was not a nurse and she confessed who she was and why she was there. John Doe finally got tripped up and had to admit that he was Lucas. She explained that he was the only one who could get Vanessa to have surgery. She said she was leaving in Lance's private jet and he was to be at the airport. Skip, the pilot, told Lorie that Lance would be furious when he found out what she had done and besides, he doubted that Lucas would show up. They waited as long as possible and finally Lucas appeared just as they prepared to take off. He told Lorie that he didn’t sleep well because he could always hear screams of pain. He showed his jealousy of Lance and all he had; his good looks, money and wife. 

Lucas’ homecoming was tempestuous for all concerned. Vanessa challenged Lucas. She would agree to the surgery and free him from his guilt on the condition that he stay until she could remove her veil. It was Lorie’s taunt that kept him there when he said he was a little too late, "You're not too late, just too little." Vanessa had finally realized Lorie was not a scheming little tramp – but it was late. She couldn’t stop her vengeful plan.

Leslie was very confused. She had seen Brad, learned of his returned vision, heard his words of apology, listened to his renowing of his love but she didn’t know how she felt for her ex-husband. She spoke to Brock of her torment and he offered these words to soothe her anguish: “Leslie, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. I will not pressure you in any way.”

Jill Foster tried to open Derek Thurston’s eyes concerning Kay – but all it served was to make Derek very angry with her. He would not believe Jill’s words that Kay was trying to buy him; that she was using her great wealth to sink her claws into him – claws, which once sunk, were not easily dug out. Rather heartedly, Derek told Jill that Kay was not made from that type of scheming cloth. She was doing what she was doing because she cared, because his dream was her dream also. He asked Jill to try and make amends with Kay, but all he could see so far was that Kay was the only one who was trying.

Derek’s feelings did not go unobserved by Kay. Kay told Jill she – Kay – might have the edge. There was a very good possibility Jill would not win Derek. Jill was not as smart as she thought she was.


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“Discovering her husband Justin was unfaithful, Jackie Marler led him to believe she aborted her pregnancy and divorced him to punish him. Only Jackie knew she gave up her son for adoption. - Jetsetter, Alan Spalding had come to Springfield for medical consultation. He and his wife Elizabeth were having marital problems, which caused Jackie to smile. She was elated to get a call from Elizabeth and had insisted she and her eight year old son Phillip stay with her, using this time to monopolize Phillip, the son she gave up to the Spaldings. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to introduce Phillip to Justin at Mike's party. It was a tender momemt when Jackie saw Justin warm up to his own son. Elizabeth was uneasy with Alan’s presence after their separation. 

And so it begins. I was interested to read how the Spauldings come on this as GL expanded to an hour. Weren’t they introduced in the first hour long episode?

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So grateful for all the work you put into these @FrenchFan

In terms of Y&R, I am not overly into it the past couple of months. I feel like stories were simmering, but nothing was really happening at this point. Just a bit of a lull, though things definitely heat up in early 78.

I'm also wondering if Bryna missed chunks of Y&R around this time. The synopsis is a little more vague than usual and there are parts that are verbatim from Soap Opera Digest. According to Mike Lyons (in another thread) he stated that the production companies had people write the synopsis from the scripts and provide them to SOD, I wonder if Bryna sometimes used these as well, maybe when she had deadlines to meet or simply missed episodes. From what I understand she wasn't very fond of Y&R, so maybe she missed the show here and there.


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