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Look into the past - 1975

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Don't know if Victor and Lance actually shared scenes, but Victor was very angry with Lance for not supporting Lorie during the Vanessa murder trial. That motivated Victor to initiate the proxy scheme and take over Prentiss Industries. So, don't know if they actually interacted but they sure talked about each other a lot

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There wasn't much interaction but i did read in some 1981 episode that Vanessa was about to attack Lorie and victor came for a visit right in time which stopped Vanessa and I've also seen 1 clip of lance and victor having a confrontation over Lorie about Vanessa murder.


So i think they did probably have maybe 1 or 2 interactions, one thing i liked about this show was that certain players never crossed paths but still managed to know each other lol.

Also there is one 1982 episode where Lorie and victor are talking and Lorie is asking victor what conversation he had with Lucas in his office.

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Here's the summary from June '82 SOD: "Lucas demands to know how Victor obtained Lorie's proxies. Victor explains that Lorie gave him her stocks willingly, without any hesitation or trickery on his part. Lucas doesn't believe Victor for a moment and decides he's going to find out what really happened".

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Oh there you go i guess that explains what i was trying to say, i only know of that interaction and Lucas was pretty much gone by August.


Does anyone know did Lucas leave with Andy ex wife or did Lucas just disappear like everyone else?

Oh really i had no clue he came back for a little, i wish i could see some scenes of him as lance 

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There was this whole story about some dictator in Santa Leandro. At this point Leslie was Priscilla and living in another town with Jonas. A man named Sebastian came to ask Lucas and Jonas to help him. The trio (with Leslie stashed away) headed to Santa Leandro. Lucas sees Leslie but realises she has no idea who he is or who she is. He gets shot and goes to hospital. Lance is called and heads back to GC to see his brother. He reunites with Lorie and they have a brief reconcilliation before Lance realises Lorie no longer needs him in her life and he leaves again.


There is no mention at all of Lance and Leslie seeing each other. Honestly the whole story and Lance's brief return seemed like a dud. One of the many stories that fell flat in 1980.


Pretty sure John McCook left the show early to make a movie in Paris. He may have agreed to return to wrap things up, since Lance just left abruptly. The whole Lorie divorcing Lance story just zoomed by, like the show wasn't ready for John to leave so suddenly.

Yeah around Sep 80 it was announced Tom Ligon was off the show. The last mention of him was when he was saying goodbye to Lorie in early Aug. If he appeared again it must have been brief. Not sure he got a goodbye episode. Karen (Andy's ex-wife) also seemed to just vanish as well. Same with Brooks, which we discussed previously in the thread. There is no mention of either Lorie or Leslie taking Brooks. Once Lance (then Dennis Cole) left, Leslie and Lorie seemed to have forgotten Brooks ever existed.

Edited by will81
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I always wonder what the direction the show would have went in if Lorie stayed on pass 82 and for the other 3 daughters cause it seems like Lorie was the only popular one that could continue to have stories.


I think chris, leslie, Peggy would have just phased out eventually. What do you guys think?

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I agree. Chris and Snapper had been totally uninteresting for years before they were written out. Leslie’s insecurities were played out. Lorie had great potential. She could have been brought back easily at any time. Such a missed opportunity 

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Well apparently she did back in 80-81 for abit, but yes peggy could have been apart of the jack/patty/diane/jill triangle going on and that would have been a mess.


I liked leslie but im not sure for long term if she could have stood the test of time on the show with all the different moving parts developed.


Chris and snapper seemed very phased out even when they were on the show, i think maybe if Chris moved on from snapper or if they got a divorce perhaps they could have generated a new life into Chris maybe.


And Lorie was always there favourite and she could have ran story with alot of people that she's connected with.

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I am actually leaning towards Jill giving birth on New Years Eve, not Christmas Day. Looking at SOD synopsis, they also have Jill going into labour after Christmas Day. Since Dec 26, 1975 was pre-empted. It means Jill gave birth the week of Dec 29 - Jan 2. Makes more sense as to why Bryna Laub had that plot point at the start of the Jan synopsis. 

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