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Look into the past - 1975

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Hello everyone. I tried to take some time from isolation to work on the 1975 summaries I had in a closet. I already posted January 1975 a long time ago but in a smaller version. I typed it all for you and if you like, I will try to publish all of 1975.




All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Since her recovery from pneumonia following her miscarriage, Erica had been emotionally unable to face the fac that she lost her baby as she subconsciously realized the child was the primary reason Philip married her. Phil was close to the breaking point and, when finally goaded beyond control, he blurted out to her that there was no baby, she lost it. When Mona confirmed the miscarriage, Erica was sure that Mona and Phil were trying to drive her out of her mind and make her miscarry. She later wiped this confirmation out of her mind and was again delightfully obsessed by the child she insisted she was carrying. Tara told Phil no matter how Erica acted, she really loved him and needed him now, that he was all Erica had. However, Dr. Mary Hansen, a psychiatrist, visited Erica under the guise of being Mona’s friend and convinced her that she might risk losing the baby unless she was hospitalized, preferably at Oakhaven Sanitarium. Erica, who had confined herself to a bed to insure against miscarriage agreed to enter Oakhaven believing it best for her baby. On the morning before she left, however, Erica asked Mary Martin to tell Tara to stay away from Phil and not try to break up her marriage in her absence. Erica was angry when Mary said she couldn’t do this and she summoned Tara to visit. She asked Tara directly to stay away from Phil, adding she might have convinced Chuck that she was over Phil but she, Erica, wasn’t fooled. Tara angrily replied nobody could be Erica’s friend and if she was more sure of her husband she wouldn’t mistrust everyone. Phil left the tearful Erica at Oakhave promising to visit her as soon as the doctors would allow it. Learning this might be weeks, Phil was in deep depression asking “What have I done?” Phil recognized a pair of gloves in his living room as Tara’s – she forgot them when hastily leaving Erica – and realized she was there. He visited her and was agitatedly pressing her to tell him what Erica said when Chuck walked in. Chuck was annoyed that Phil felt he had the right to freely visit and question Tara. Tara reluctantly admitted Erica did bring up the past but tried to make excuses citing Erica’s illness.


Charles told Mary her physical condition was fine and she and her husband Jeff planned to start a family.


Ann was finally able to gain a little perspective on the recent tragedy she became involved in while working on the “COPE-Child Abuse” Hotline and understood that adopting a child couldn’t make up for the death of the little girl whose mother contacted Ann on the hotline. Ann had been dating Nick to whom she was married several years ago, but Nick felt Ann was waiting for Paul and Margo’s marriage to breakup. Linc told Kitty that Ann was still in love with Paul and their marriage would not have ended if Margo hadn’t interfered. He added Margo was a tough, had woman who ruthlessly took what she wanted without regard for anyone else and she wanted Paul. Determined to get over a few rough spots in their marriage, Margo and Paul had been making a tremendous effort to keep their marriage smooth and happy and Paul even sought reassurance in his marriage from his mother Kate. Kate worriedly told Joe she felt Paul and Margo had to try too hard. Margo learned her daughter, Claudette Montgomery, had joined her husband Spencer in Europe where he was on a business trip. However, Claudette later called saying she was on her way home and would come to Margo’s. She arrived telling Margo she had left Spencer for good because she was not happy with him, never loved him and wouldn’t have married him if Margo hadn’t pushed her into it because of his socially prominent family. Margo refused to believe this, sure the Montgomerys drove Claudette away as she was below Spencer’s social station. Margo covered up Claudette’s confusion when Paul referred to Margo’s visit the previous summer and Margo later made Claudette promise never to tell Paul she didn’t go to visit her in Newport – she actually had a face life in New York -. Margo was upset to realize Claudette expected to go on living in her current style even without alimony for, as Claudette pointed out, that’s how Margo raised her.


Phoebe returned from her worlmd cruise unannounced expecting to find her family biding its time until her return. She was furious to find that Ann was dating Nick and was shocked when Ann made it firmly clear Phoebe had nothing to say about how she, Ann, ran her life. She was amazed to learn that Paul was married to Margo and appalled to find Linc had been dating Kitty, a reaction Kitty had fully expected. Linc told Kitty not to concern herself – Phoebe would just have to learn to live with it. However, the greatest shock was Phoebe’s realization that her husband Charles had been seen in public with his secretary Mona. Mona had been a source of contention between Phoebe and Charles before her departure as she felt his friendship with his secretary was imprudent and embarrassing. Charles who often enjoyed Mona’s company in Phoebe’s absence finally told Phoebe he missed her but his life went on smoothly in her absence and if she disturbed this tranquility he wouldn’t tolerate that and was putting her on notice.


Tragedy stroke when little Philip, staying with his grandmother Kate while Tara toured art galleries in New York, fell from Tad’s tree house. Rushed by Joe to the hospital, he was unconscious and had a ruptured spleen. The surgery would be risky in any event but was complicated by little Philip’s rare B- blood. Tara, the only woman donor, couldn’t be reached. But Phil, refering to his army ID, discovered he had the same rare B- blood. Chuck fervently hoped Phil wouldn’t learn that when a mother and child both had B- blood, the father almost certainly must have it too. But the hemotologist assured Phil was the baby’s father and told him why – the blood factor. Shaken, Phil tried to think this through.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Beginning on Monday, January 6th, the soap expanded to one hour, airing from 3pm to 4pm.


Furious at Iris’s summarily returning Rachel’s Christmas presents to her father, Mac, Rachel confronted Iris accusing her of trying to interfere and humiliate her. Iris told Rachel never to come to her home again. When Carol told Mac how hurt Rachel was, Mac warned Iris that if she persisted in interfering in his relationship with Rachel, he would have to move out. Mac, dating Rachel frequently, had taken over arrangements for her son Jamie’s visits to his father Steven who was remarried to Alice. Mac told Rachel she was becoming bery important in his life and that he had been lonely for too long. And sensing her mother Ada’s reservations about him, Mac told Ada and her husband Gil he trusted and loved Rachel and asked Ada to give them a chance. Ada, however, feared that Rachel couldn’t be happy in Mac’s social world. Liz, who was a house guest at Iris’, was continually mortified at Mac’s attention to Rachel inasmuch as Mac had, until recently, been dating her. To point up Rachel’s insuitability in their social circle, Iris planned a “Welcome to Bay City” party for Dr. Richard Gavin and didn’t invite Rachel. Upset at this exclusion, Rachel arrived uninvited. Mac tried to over for her but the other guest, realizing what had happened, ignored her, forcing her to run humiliated from the room. Furious at this insult, Mac followed her and proposed marriage. Upon her acceptance, he returned to the party to announce their engagement causing horror to Iris and shock to all the women guests. Furious at Iris’ vehement refusal to accept it, Mac moved to a hotel. Liz was badly shocked but Dr. Gavin tried to ease her through it. During the next several days, Liz asked everyone to talk to Mac to make him see Rachel would ruin his life and she was angry when they refused to interfere. Iris convinced Russ to try to make Mac listen to reason as he was once Rachel’s husband, but Mac explained to Russ that Rachel’s past was immaterial, she needed love and to be loved and he needed to be needed, to give love to someone he loved and thus Rachel completed his life. Iris attempted to buy Rachel off, but Rachel refused saying she wanted the love and respect Mac offered her. Ada was furious when Liz asked her to talk Rachel out of marrying Mac and decided her own doubts didn’t matter, if Rachel wanted Mac, she should have him. Ada began to realize that Rachel was indeed beginning to fall in love with Mac and his happiness was very important to her. Desperate to stop this marriage, Iris remembered her friend Cynthia Whitfield managed to break up her son’s engagement to an unsuitable girl and visited Cynthia in New York. Cynthia introduced Iris to Phillip Wainwright, a charming, socially well-connected man who, since his own dissipation of his family fortune, had made his living exposing predatory young men who were trying to marry into wealthy families. For a very substantial fee, Iris persuaded him to drop his present assignment and come to Bay City to work on Rachel.


John talked to Rachel about her feelings for Mac and he was convinced that she really wanted to be a good wife to him. He told Rachel he realized that she had changed and he would support her in her engagement. However, his wife Pat, argued with John over his championing Rachel and their daughter, Marianne, overhearing, feared she was the cause of their argument as Pat also mentioned John was harshed with Michael, Marianne’s twin, than he was with her. Jim, Pat’s father, told Pat that Marianne felt left out, that no one had time for her, obviously resenting Pat for any disagreements Pat and John might have. Marianne attemps to belittle Pat in John’s eyes but when he called her on this, she did an about-face and was immediately Pat’s loving daughter.


John had hired Barbara Weaver as the new attorney to handle the Frame Enterprises’ account. Vic seems genuinely pleased that Lenore was happy as a housewife but often told her how much she was missed at the Frame office. On a dinner date with Vic, Barbara remarked he was acting as though he was trying to get over a woman in his life. He admitted that there was someone but she didn’t evern know it and it was hopeless.


In the months that Carol had been working as Robert’s architectural assistant, Pat and Lenore had discussed their unchanging, instinctive dislike and distrust towards Carol. She seemed to rub them both the wrong way. Despite Carol’s frequent cajoling she be allowed to accompany him on the business trip to New York, Robert sticked to his decision that she was needed in Bay City, so Carol faked a phone call to her mother’s doctor in New York and announced her mother was in a medical crisis. Arriving at Mac’s New York townhouse when Robert was staying, she convinced him she needed his advice about her mother’s situation but when he realized Carol planned to spend the night with him in the townhouse, he refused to allow it. Later, back in Bay City, Carol was upset when Robert told her there would be much traveling associated with the Cory account and he wanted her to do it as she was unattached. She tried to beg off but he told her it would be necessary to the business. Rachel realized that Carol was very interested in Robert and resentful of Lenore’s continuing coldness towards her, Rachel encouraged Carol not to give up on Robert just yet. Carol begins dating Dr. Dave Gilchrist frequently. Despite Robert’s firm instructions that the bedroom in their office apartment was for storage use only, Carol made up the bedroom for her own use, then told this to Dave when he arrived for a date and, realizing it was an invitation, he joined her there and they spent the night. Dave narrowly avoided running into Robert in the morning. When Robert realized tat Carol slept there the previous night – she explained she worked late – Robert told her the room was not to be used again. Robert had an uncomfortable moment when Mac arrived while Carol’s dressing as he had to make an explanation he shouldn’t have to make. When Robert later found a man’s cufflinks in the spare room, he assumed they were their co-worker, Neal Johnson’s. When confronted with them, Neal allowed Robert to assume that he and Carol were involved. Later by process of elimination, Neal figured out the cufflinks were Dave’s and gave them to him explaining just what he had figured out.


Mac asked Lenore to be nicer to Rachel, to give her a chance to show her she had changed. Lenore is cool to the suggestion causing Mac to later tell Vic that Lenore had better been friendlier to the woman who was marrying the man who employed her husband. Mac asked Robert to be his best man. Lenore was aghast that he would even consider this, feeling it was totally unacceptable. When Robert had to tell Mac he couldn’t accept as Lenore objected too much, Mac graciously accepted but questioned Robert as to why everybody’s resentment of Rachel seems almost irrationally vehement. Robert reluctantly said that Rachel had hurt many people and they couldn’t accept that she might have changed.


Liz had moved into an apartment with Helen Moore, Lenore’s mother, but was becoming almost a recluse in her misery over Mac’s “sure destruction.” Dr. Gavin tried to make her see that there was still a world out there. Ada realied that Carol was pushing Rachel to pay Lenore back for the insult over the best man situation and asked Lenore to give Rachel a chance to show she had changed. Lenore replied there was Liz to think of and loyalty to the Matthews family.


Back in Bay City with Phillip, Iris began her plans. She apologized to Rachel and Mac assuring them that she had accepted their engagement and invited them to cocktails where they met her “old friend Phillip.” Unfortunately for Iris, Russ, whose romance with Iris had been quite serious, took an instant dislike to Phillip and had stopped dropping by after work. Iris’ annoyance at this was intensified by Phillip’s continuous passes at her. When she coldly reminded him he was being paid for his work, he replied he was used to getting “fringe benefits.” Liz was horrified to see Iris shopping with Rachel – she felt betrayed. Iris realized what this happened but was unable to see Liz to explain. This intensified Liz’s emotional strain and her family was very worried about her. After Iris’ visit to go over the bride’s mother’s duties, Ada told Gil that Iris might say she accepted the wedding but underneath she was still dead set against it. Mac commissioned Robert to build a house for Rachel as a wedding gift and planned to immediately change his will in her favor. John persuaded him to hold off the will until after the honeymoon.


Willis Frame, Steven’s younger brother, arrived at Steven’s unannounced. Steven was thrilled to see his younger brother grown to manhood and couldn’t do enough for him. But Willis met Steven’s overtures with a mixture of appreciation and desire for the better things in life and resentment towards Steve for neglecting his family all these years. When Willis told Alice his parents’ marriage had convinced him he didn’t want marriage or children, Alice explained she couldn’t have children adding he might want them if he found he couldn’t have them. Willis replied that it was fortunate that Steve had Jamie by Rachel. Willis was increasingly enchanted with Steve’s possessions and lifestyle but resented Steve’s attempts to provide social contacts for him saying he could make it on his own. Willis was attracted to Carol, perhaps partially because she was so cold towards him. He began working in construction at a Frame Enterprises’ site and seemed most willing to accept Alice’s mothering of him. Willis drove Jamie home from one of his visits to Steve’s house and met Rachel. She was rather uncomfortable in his presence admitting he reminded her so much of Steve.


At John’s suggestion, Mac asked Dave to be his best man in order to avoid putting anyone with Matthews’ connection in an embarrassing position. Dave accepted and was later floored at Carol’s reaction. As Rachel’s maid of honor, Carol had been hoping Robert could be made to reconsider and furious at Dave’s unwitting monkey wrench in her plans, she frostily cancelled her date with Dave implying he had overstepped his bounds with her and in front of him accepted a last minute dinner date with Willis.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Dan decided that even though he had little chance of winning a courtroom battle against his ex-wife Susan, for the custody of their 4 year-old daughter, Emmy, he would go ahead with it. To catch Dan and his lawyer Grant off-guard, Stan McKeller, Susan’s lawyer, got the hearing set immediately. Susan had to be admonished by the judge about outbursts when she denied that she didn’t want the responsibility of a child and was glad when an unplanned pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Dan told how Susan deliberately became pregnant with Emmy to hold him and then when he was married to Liz, Susan caused Liz’s death through carelessness. After Ellen testified that Susan was distressed that Dan would find out that Emmy had wandered away, McKeller told Susan they had won the case, but Susan insisted on testifying without telling McKeller what she would say. Susan told the judge that Betsy, whom Dan called his nece, was really the child of an affair between Dan and Liz while Susan was still Dan’s wife. Julia, Susan’s mother, could no longer contain herself and told the judge that Susan didn’t really want the responsibility of Emmy although she did love her. And, Julia added, if he didn’t believe her to ask Mark Galloway, Susan’s lover. After Mark had to say that Susan told him she didn’t want the responsibility, Susan walked out, saying she gave up, Dan might have Emmy. Dan was concerned about Susan who, after a fight with Mark, drank herself into unconsciousness, but both she and Mark realized the following morning that they needed each other and things would be better. Susan was so upset when Julia tried to explain her feelings that she took Mark drinking late at night even though she knew she had to be at the hospital early to assist in a skin gradt. David had to apologize for her when she showed up several hours later, her only excuse being that she forgot.


John, who was recovring from an accident, was feeling sorry for himself since he realized he had no real friends. John was in pain, but no one could convince him to go back to the hospital for tests and he wouldn’t consent to an examination. After a week of constant pain, drainage appears on his cast and when his wife Kim couldn’t reach Dan who was in court, she called Bob, her brother-in-law. Bob could see through John and said he was covering up his symptoms to keep Kim since she was promised to stay until he was on his feet, but this time he was hurting himself as well. Kim decided that for his own good she would sign the hospital consent, but then broke down in front of her sister, Jennifer, and admitted that the indefinite time is getting her down. Dan did surgery on John’s ankle and when John found out that he had to stay in the hospital for many weeks, go home to a wheelchair and possibly be back for more surgery, he prodded Dan into confirming this to Kim. When Kim reaffirmed her vow to stay with John, Dan stormed out of the room. When Kim visited John at the hospital, he told her that he had really intended to change and still wanted to, but because his leg hurt so badly he couldn’t pull himself together enough to try.


Joyce asked Grant, her estranged husband, if they might have dinner to talk over something important. Joyce gave Grant a birthday present of one cufflink to match one of a set that he had lost over the Golden Gate Bridge. She managed to bring up many old lovely memories. Tom brought his mother Lisa, who had been dating Grant, to the same restaurant where Lisa remains calm until Grant caught her eye, then she agreed to leave. Joyce asked the Hugheses and Grant to her new apartment for dinner and spent the evening reminding Grant of all the little things she remembered from their past, which made Nancy very nervous. After they left, Joyce recalled her first wedding and visualized her second. Joyce was sure that careful tending of Grant would bring him back to her. Lisa became very ill with flu and although Bob had given her medication and asked Nancy to stay with her, Lisa was so miserable that she refused her help. Grant found out that she was by herself and went to Lisa’s, set about building a fire and fixing soup and tea refusing to listen to her protests. When she was comfortable, Grant explained how miserable he had been since their separation and Lisa cried because she looked so terrible.


Carol filed for divorce from Tom and was plagued with the whole family telling her she had not given it enough time and that she shouldn’t see Jay. Jay, working in construction and development, had taken over much of Carol’s time having her help with the leasing, furnishing, and staffing with his impressive suite of offices. Carol hired a very efficient secretary for Jay’s approval, but he offered the position to Carol telling her he had strong feelings for her and would eventually “get her” even though she protested that they were only friends. When Carol visited Jennifer, she confessed that she missed Tom and Jen gave her hope that there was still time by telling her how hopeless she thought things were between Bob and herself. But Tom and Natalie were getting much closer. Bob realized Natalie was very possessive of Tom when she came in for her check up.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: Betty Corday


Julie was shocked to learn that her husband Bob had sent his ex-wife Phyllis a $600 music box as a get well gift. With this the last straw, Julie saw attorney Jim Phillips about divorce grounds. When Amanda and Neil told Julie they were planning a Las Vegas wedding and wanted her to be the Maid of Honor, she told them she would be glad to go with them. Learning Julie had seen Jim Phillips, Bob angrily assumed Don Craig was involved and said if she wanted a divroce to get on with it. When she added she was going to Vegas, he assumed that was with Don also and stormed out of Doug’s Place. Seeing Julie’s misery, Doug was moved both by her sadness and his own need for a woman. He warned Julie he was not sure, it could be a need for any woman but asked her if it was over between her and Bob. He added that only if she decided she wanted a divorce for her own sake, then they could see if what they once had was still there. She insisted it was, but he replied they had to play by the rules, not as they did when she was married to Scott Banning. Jeri later told Julie she had to be there for Doug tonight, Bob or no Bob, but Julie said it had to be right this time, not a back room where her mother’s ghost lived, but out in the open. Bob had moved out leaving Julie alone at the house.


On the night before their wedding, Neil confessed to Amanda that he was in bad financial trouble because of stock deals. She gave him a blank check saying her husband should enter their marriage without debt. After he left, Amanda decided there was no need to be provincial about waiting until the wedding tomorrow and went unannounced to his apartment only to find him in pajamas with a negligeed young woman. Neil told Amanda the girl was a one night stand to fill his physical needs because Amanda hadn’t been intimate with him recently. He insisted it was only her he wanted but he had male needs. Amanda walked blindly out. Neil, later realizing the emotional shock this must have been, went to Amanda’s apartment and found she was not there. Fearing suicide, he called the police, his associate Greg and Julie and Doug. Julie and Doug joined the search and check the cottage at the Anderson lake house where Julie found a note from Amanda saying it was too late for anything. Amanda, meanwhile, at the lake, recalled her happiness over the planned wedding, the blank check then decided Neil only wanted her money. Feeling there was nothing left to live for, she started walking into the lake. Greg stopped at his home after a fruitless search for Amanda. His wife Susan told him she had never seen him so upset about anything. Greg, who had been growing sick and tired of Susan’s constant analysis of his feelings and reactions towards Amanda, told Susan that her wish might have come true, Amanda might have committed suicide, and he returned to the lake where, at times half out of his mind, he crashed through the woods, looking for Amanda, seeing images of her happily marrying Neil. Greg angrily berated Neil for not knowing the first thing about love and said he would like to kill him. Neil, deeply guilt-ridden, insisted to Julie that he truly loved Amanda, and he drove her to this, he killed her. Later while waiting out the night so the police could begin dragging the lake again in the morning, Neil told Greg he chose Amanda because she had class, the rich were different, and he had vowed that he would get out away from his impoverished childhood with a bitter father who had raised him alone. Neil, near exhaustion, insisted on continuins his search in the snowstorm. Tormented and near collapse, he imagined Amanda coming to him to forgive him. Finally suffering from exposure and nervous exhaustion, Neil submitted to Tom Horton’s sedation.


Marty Hansen – Mickey suffering from amnesia – was deeply upset when his new wife Maggie apparently had no feeling in her legs after the first surgical attempt to restore her ability to walk. He was miserable that he couldn’t relieve Maggie’s despair and was deeply touched and grateful when his mother, Alice, was able to bring Maggie faith and hope through the gift of her late daughter Addie’s mustard seed. Realizing the biggest obstacle to Maggie’s emotiona and physical recovery was insecurity and the fear that she would somehow lose Marty to his ex-wife, Laura, Laura told Maggie that she and her new husband Bill – Mickey’s brother – were expecting a child and were ecstatically happy. Laura had planned to tell her son Michael about the baby that evening and was shocked to learn that he visited Maggie who accidentally told him first. Michael was deeply resentful and angry, feeling that everybody had been told this news before he was. He concluded that he was excess baggage in his mother and Uncle Bill’s home and packed to move. He asked his grandmother Alice if he could stay at her home but she refused assuming he would have to go back home. But Michael moved a cot into his girlfriend Trish’s apartment and they both told themselves that they could live together, as buddies, just roomates with nothing physical between them. Jeri was very upset about Laura’s negative attitude about Michael’s moving in with Trish but Mike promised Jeri she could trust him. During their discussion, Jeri’s husband, Jack arrived at Trish’s apartment fluidly saying that he was there to make sure Trish was all right. Ironically, Trish had just told Mike the reason she moved out is because Jake, her stepfather, used to walk in on her while she was undressed, she was afraid he would try something. Jeri confided to Jack it would kill her if in a moment of anger he revealed the miserable details of her, Jeri’s, past to her daughter. Jack promised he wouldn’t keep reminding Jeri of what she was like when was Trish’s age and reminded her she was Trish’s mother. Jeri later warned Trish that even with the best intentions she and Mike could make a mistake. Learning what Mike had done, Alice went to Trish’s apartment and finding Trish and Mike were both so nervous they couldn’t even sleep, she gently said she understood what they were trying to do but she expected Michael to move to her house that night.


The Doctors


Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Joseph Stuart


Michael, whom everyone believed died in an explosion at sea, preferred to remain “dead” and not inform his wife Toni of the contrary. Mike after his whirlwind visit to the States returned to Singapore believing his wife had forgotten him and married his cousin Alan. He was unaware that the sudden death of Alan’s wife, Margo, postponed Alan and Toni’s marriage plans until February 14th. Mike was drawn to lonely and sympathetic British nurse, Dawn Eddington who cared for him during all those months of recovery while renowed plastic surgeon Dr. Chaing rebuilt a completely new facial structure for Mike. Mike admitted to Dawn that he still loved Toni but Dawn openly declared her love for him and insisted that she would not be hurt if Mike would move in with her. Dr. Chaing, Dawn’s foster father, was incensed over such an arrangement without Mike first obstaining a divorce, but Mike, haunted by his boyhood fantasies of his domineering father, Dr. Matt Powers, feared contact with his family would only bring unwanted interference from his demanding father and refused to write a letter instigating a divorce from Toni. Alan is surprised and pleased when an old army buddy arrived just before his wedding because Alan would like the Reverend Joe Turner, Hospital Chaplain, to perform the marriage vows. Rev. Turner told Alan that after three year ordeal in the prisoner of war camp, he had lost his conviction that he could ever be of religious help to anyone again. When a grief-stricken patient attempts suicide because of the loss of his family in an unexpected fire, Rev. Turner persuaded the man to live and found he did have his calling after all.


Tom and Althea finally traced down Mrs. Iris Fonteyne after she returned from Florida with her constant companion, Rex Everlee. They explained about her exposure to Ann’s Obanda Fever and requestes that she enter Hope Memorial immediately for tests. Everlee was enraged with the suggestion at first claiming that they were the ones who “killed” his close friend Brendan, Iris’s husband, despite the stated fact that the man died of terminal cancer. Everlee’s close bond with Brendan gave him complete power over Iris and he persuaded her to sign a letter drafted by him to turn over Brendan’s two million dollars worth of South African Gold Mine Stock to Iris so that she can fulfil Brendan’s last wish to establish Everlee’s Cosmic Force Institute. Surprisingly, after a short confrontation with Everlee, Tom and Althea persuade him to take Iris to the hospital, where various tests porved that she had not contracted the killer Obanda Fever. Yet, Althea, not content with the findings, insisted on further tests because Iris was running a mysterious, consistent low-grade fever and she couldn’t in good conscience dismiss her patient under these circumstances. Everlee again confronted Althea and berated the medical profession, but again surprinsingly did an about-face and agreed to have Iris remain for further testing and to return once a week thereafter as an outpatient until the cause of the fever could be determined. However, he privately pressured Iris to leave with him for South Africa and demanded to have his financial power increased. Althea told Tom of her gut dislike of Everlee who seemed to remind Althea of her own dead husband’s manipulative powers and she worried for the well-being of the vulnerable Iris. Althea, at first reluctant to become involved with attracte Tom, planned to accept his invitation for skiing over the Valentine holiday weekend and politely avoided attending Toni’s wedding where Althea felt she would only be an outsider.


Nick had settled down in the warm desert climate with his fiancess Ann to help her recover from the ravages of the Obanda Fever.


Hank and his young bride Lauri, settled in their rustic apartment above the Aldrich’s garage, faced the awesome task of working for and passing the rigorous medical boards that Hank had to take to become a neurosurgeon.


Karen, tormented by her inability to remember her past and her little son Erich whom she desperately wanted to reclaim as her own again, tried various ways to spark her memory of the past. When all the paths led to failure, Karen boldly decided to leave Germany and fly to America and confront Steve and Carolee about seeing her son. Dr. Rolf Krilling forewarned Steve and Carolee. In a desperate move to protect Erich from the confrontation with a woman who might tell him she was her real mother and destroy all the the security that it took so long to instill in him, Carolee and Steve moved him temporarily to Boston to his grandmother Mona. When Karen arrived demanding to see her son, hostilities erupted between Carolee and Karen. But Steve finally convinced Carolee that Karen meant no harm and sincerely needed to see Erich before returning to Germany. Unfortunately when Erich finally did meet Karen, he was aloof and hostile and Karen was hurt by this initial reception. She returned once again with a gift before leaving for the airport with Steve. As her plan was to take off, there was a sudden accident and Karen was rushed unconscious to the hospital where she regained momentary consciousness and recognized Maggie whom she hadn’t seen since before she lost her memory, proving to everyone that the trauma of a second plane crash had restored her memory. Karen, suffering from a concussion and whiplash, was contrite over the foolish attempt to kidnap Erich away from his father, Steve, which nearly resulted in Erich’s death. However, realizing she lost out on all those early formative years with Erich, Karen told Steve that she wouldn’t be deprived of her son any longer.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


As the murder trial of Taffy Sims continued, Judge Cameron Davis presiding, tension ran high between Adam, Martha’s defense lawyer, and Brandy, Assistant D.A., and attorney for the prosecution. Various close friends of Martha’s were forced to recount Martha’s open antagonism towards Taffy which could damage Martha’s case before the jury. Even Adam’s forceful examination of the crooked lawyer Paul Fairchild and how the adoption of little Jennifer was actually an elaborate extortion scheme did not seem to overshadow the gravity of Martha’s confessed shooting of Taffy. Everyone in court was stunned when a package containing the missing murder gun suddenly and mysteriously was handed to the prosecution – the gun had originally disappeared when it was stolen from Kevin after an attempt to purchase it from an anonymous stranger -. With Martha’s case going so badly there appeared to be one course open for Adam, to place Martha on the stand to testify on her behalf. Bill, fearful of his wife’s mental state, went to Mike who was still at home recovering from a severe case of hepatitis and convinced Mike and Adam to allow him to testify at the risk of exposing his exemplary police career to scandal once the facts about his unfortunate involvement with the underworld were known. Martha, anguised by yet another disgrace she had caused her beloved husband, begged him not to ruin his career, but Bill, assuring Martha he had to for his own peace of mind exposed everything, told the court of his orders to release from police custody Harry Johnson and Floyd Porter because of the threats by Fairchild to end the adoption and Bill’s concern for his wife’s health. However, when Adam called Lt. Luke Chandler who convincingly explained that these criminals would have had to been released for lack of hard evidence anyway, Luke undid all bad impressions of possible corruption on Bill’s part and vindicated his admired superior. Later, the police commissioner made a personal visit and assured Bill and Martha that they mayor and the commissioner wouldn’t allow Bill’s testimony to jeopardize his job his job and he had their vote of confidence. Martha took the stand and poured out the story of her love and fear for little Jennifer's well-being and how, driven to desperation, she picked up Taffy's loaded gun to threaten her into opening the locked bedroom door when Jennifer was crying, only to have the gun go off almost by itself, killing Taffy. Brandy then produced the murder gun and in a surprise demonstration insisted Martha fire the gun into a protective shield. Since Martha had to exert extreme force to pull the trigger, this proved to the astonished court that Martha's contention of a hair trigger is false, and Taffy's death was far from accidental, completely destroying her defense case. In a secret meeting with Walter LePage, head of the Crime Syndicate, his henchman Morlock and the shady lawyer Fairchild, who feared for his own skin should Martha be indicted, LePage assured Fairchild that his son-in-law Vic Lamont would be his lawyer should he need legal assistance. Privately Morlock recounted his role in recovering the murder gun from Kevin and altering the trigger mechanism to insure Martha and Fairchild both go to jail. Morlock boasted to Johnny Dallas, who, unaware to Morlock, was a double agent with the Crime Syndicate and the police, that Martha would be indicted which puzzles and upset both Johnny and Mike. When Kevin, desperately searching for some sort of clue which could exonerate Martha, showed the police photos of Taffy's corpse to Adam, Adam recalled in Martha's testimony that Taffy had been putting her hair up in curlers when she was shot. Yet, the photos showed Taffy with no curlers in her hair at the time she died. Adam's contention is that Morlock and Fairchild, in a further attempt to frame Martha in another blackmail plot, were really the ones responsible for Taffy's death sometime after Martha left Taffy's apartment believing she had killed the woman. Brandy, who softened her cross examination of Martha, incured DA Ira Paulson's wrath, because he felt she had not forcefully nailed down the prosecution's case and insisted Brandy show her mettle in another showdown in court against Adam. Brandy couldn’t accept Adam's hopeful theory about Martha's innocence because she did not consider Martha's statement about Taffy's hair curlers as real evidence, only the word of the accused. Adam and Brandy again polarized in a confrontation when he insisted he would prove his case of "reasonable doubt" and would win Martha's freedom.


Jim faced the most important decision of his life while his wife Liz and their baby son cared for the cantankerous Orin Hillyer in his villa in Italy. He had to consider accepting an important psychiatric post In Toronto, Canada which would mean leaving Monticello.


Geraldine Whitney, a woman who had lost her husband and her sons, found renewed happiness in making young Kevin her sole heir to the immense Whitney fortune, Her only request was that Kevin and Phoebe Smith postpone their marriage plans.


Danny Muselli and Tracy Dallas, John's sister, appeared to be getting along better to the joyous relief of Laurie and Johnny Dallas. Suave, charming financial advisor Noel Douglas, who was slowly captivating beautiful widowed Tiffany Whitney, pursued Tracy to her apartment where he forced himself upon her reminding Tracy of her one time profession in Chicago where he along with others came frequently to her luxurious apartment for her favors. John and Laurie were surprised but pleased that Vic and Kay were willing to let bygones be bygones and to resume a more friendly atmosphere. Vic who knew of John’s secret double agent role had no idea that his father-in-law Walter LePage was head of the Crime Syndicate. Vic was pleased when John and Laurie accepted a dinner invitation.


General Hospital


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: James Young


District Attorney Chase Murdock and his dedicated young assistant Ross Jeanelle aggressively pursued the investigation of Dr. Phil Brewer's bludgeoned death by the hand of an unknown assaillant. When the clear set of fingerprints taken from the smooth crystalline side of the geode, the alleged murder weapon, proved to be Jessie's, the police dramatically arrested her during working hours at General Hospital. The complete 7th floor staff and her friends stood helplessly by stunned as Jeanelle guided Jessie past the whirring TV cameras and interviewer Kira Faulkner to police headquarters where she was proficiently stripped of all dignity, booked, mugged and incarcerated. Lesley and Joel rushed to Jessie's aid only to discover a mere shell of the once vital woman they knew. Lee, a close friend and excellent lawyer, arranged for Jessie's release on $35,000 bail and stood by her at the arraignment to enter a plea of not guilty for the preliminary hearing which Lee wanted held as soon as possible. At home again Lee confessed of his love for Jessie through the years and pledged his support throughout this whole ordeal. Lee's stepson Scotty also echoed his father's desire to be of help to Jessie. However, Jessie begged Lee and all her friends not to be concerned about her well-being and staunchly rejected Diana's appearance in court claiming she and Peter had suffered enough and had to lead the peaceful life they deserved. Steve, furious with the part Kira played in the publicity of Jessie's arrest, defended Jessie's right to return to work even in the face of extreme opposition from Mr. Thurston, the hospital administrator, who claimed Jessie had caused patients to refuse care in a hospital where a murder had occurred. Steve finally convinced Jessie to return to work despite her reluctance. Kira, suspicious of Jessie's weakened condition contacted Dr. Thompson, Jessie's physician, who told her that her friend was seriously in need of medical care, but when Kira confronted Jessie, Jessie forced her to remain silent about her poor condition. Unknown to everyone, she was suffering from San Joaquin Valley Fever.


Jim, who had stopped drinking immediately after Phil's death, resumed his old habits when Jessie was arrested. He had only a hazy recollection of the murder night because of his heavy drinking that evening. Jim, constantly tormented by nightmares of his presence in the room with the dead Brewer, finally confessed to Audrey, his wife, the truth of being in the hospital and Audrey immediately called Lee who was both pleased that Jim would testify that he saw Brewer already dead before Jessie was found with the body and angry that neither Jim nor Augusta came forward sooner to prevent Jessie's arrest ordeal. Lee planned to use Jim as a surprise witness at the preliminary hearing and force Jeanelle to dismiss all charges against Jessie. Jeanelle, curious about Baldwin's defense case, was furious when he learned from Augusta that Hobart had been on the 7th floor the night of the murder and the police investigation Jeanelle spear-headed hadn't been as thorough as he had thought. Jeanelle recalled that his father once owned matched geode bookends and wondered if the police exhibit murder weapon might not also have a matching half. Lee, confident and expectant that Jim's testimony would vindicate Jessie, reassured everyone that Jessie's ordeal would soon be over. He was stunned, however, when Hobart, who had been drinking, took the stand and under oath claimed he saw Brewer alive and well, except for a bloody lip, at their meeting in Dr. Williams' office at 10:30 p.m.


Peter, having learned that Augusta was going to have his child, was alarmed when he discovered she had left town on the pretext of a short rest cure. He knew she had made plans to have an abortion in a clinic in the town of Greenbriar and, telling Diana he had to leave for a business consultation, he went to the clinic to speak to Dr. Ackerman, and discovered that Augusta's illness and slight fever had caused her to postpone her plans. When Diana was called out of town for an emergency family affair, Peter confronted Augusta who admitted that, although she once planned to become pregnant with his child, she only did it out of love for him and the sincere belief that he had permanently separated from Diana, She declared the abortion was her decision to make so that they both could get on with their lives, and she made plans to leave for Greenbriar just as soon as she finished testifying at the hearing.

Lesley and Joel had been at odds since Jessie's arrest because Lesley believed Joel was convinced that Jessie was guilty. Wealthy Cameron Faulkner, acrimoniously separated from his former wife Kira, invested a large endowment fund in Lesley's free clinic and informed Kira that he had plans for Lesley despite Stratton's obvious interest in Leslie too. Kira and Dr. Hardy had become very close friends and there appeared to be a romance starting for the dedicated doctor.


Henry and Jane worked together at the free clinic to deliver a lovely set of twins and found that each other's company provided the solace needed now that Henry had to face the reality that the lovely Mai-Lin would probably never return from China to become his bride.


Guiding Light


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


After several negative reports on Dr. Tim Ryan's abrasive attitude, Ed warned Tim he had to learn to treat people with respect. He was annoyed but agreed. Later while talking to Pam Chandler, Tim realized she was suffering swelling in her joints and rushed her for tests. He discovered that she had symptoms of toxemia and he was worried that the baby she was carrying might have to be taken prematurely, which was dangerous as in toxemia the baby's development was slowed. When he asked for family medical history, Pam said she had none, her parents were killed in a car crash when she was twelve and there were no relatives nor friends. Tim explained he had to locate the family doctor as any family history of kidney disease or high blood pressure could make the difference in her condition. Pam and Sara tried to figure out why Tim was so apparently upset when Pam talked of her love for David, the baby's father, a young man who was unready for the responsibilities of marriage or parenthood so Pam left him to have his baby on her own. Tim's worst fears were confirmed when the Chandler family physician was tracked down and told him both conditions were part of her history and he would recommend taking the baby now to save Pam's life. Tim tried to conceal this but Pam did her own research on toxemia and was terrified to realize what might be necessary.


Janet was hired as the evening administrator in Cedar's Free Outpatient Clinic. Her esstranged husband Ken was furious at this feeling Janet had taken the job at Cedar's to gain further independence from him. Ken was currently blind as a result of papiledema, intercranial pressure brought on by his concealing his symptoms following concussion after an automobile accident in which Janet was driving. Holly, Ken's sister, offered to share her inheritance from their father with Ken but he refused saying he would make it on his own.


Ed was thrilled to learn that he wass going to be a father but realized Janet would never be completely out of his mind. Holly was pleased at Ed's reaction but was upset at his insistance that she see the Head of Obstetrics, Dr. Heller. She fortuitously managed to miss Heller and saw instead his resident, Dr, Hartman. She managed to convince Hartman to record that she was one month pregnant on her records despite his saying that she seemed more like two months. Having managed this, Holly told Hartman she wanted him to be her doctor of record. If Ed were to learn that Holly was two months pregnant, he would know that he could not be the father and it might come out that Roger Thorpe was indeed the child's father. Ed was concerned when his son Freddy - by Leslie, now Ed's brother Michael's wife - was upset at the news his father would have a new baby. Leslie assured Ed that Freddy would soon put it in perspective.


Roger Thorpe's financial situation had not improved and loan shark Mr. Lewis had given him only 24 hours to come up with all the money he owed. When he was unable to do this, Lewis' thugs visited Roger and beat him severely. Roger, hospitalized, insisted he had been beaten by crooks, but Mike, his attorney, suspected that Roger's financial transfusion was from a loan shark because he had discovered it was cash rather than by check. Holly was horrified at learning of Roger's beating and surreptitiously visited him in the hospital, again assuring him the child she was carrying was his. Peggy, who had been dating Roger seriously, was puzzled to see Holly there as Holly gave the impression that she hated Roger because of the miserable affair they had 2 years ago. Roger sticked by his thieves story as Mr. Lewis called reminding him if he told the police his girlfriend Peggy and her son Billy would pay. However, Peggy was nearly hit by a car, received a telephone scare reference to her son Billy, and then found a knife stuck in her front door. When the police was told of these anonymous threats, she was given limited surveillance. She had no idea why this was happening. Learning Peggy was in danger, Roger quickly admitted the whole story to Mike and Adam, his father, and realizing the only way out was to bail Roger out financially, Adam was trying to liquidate his stock-holdings knowing it would wipe him out financially. He refused to allow his wife Barbara to sell her house. Finally Adam had to tell Peggy why these terrifying things were happening to her and her faith in Roger was destroyed. When Adam mentionned to Roger that Holly had $100,000 inheritance Roger left the hospital and went directly to Holly to ask for a loan. As he was about to ask her, he realized it was wrong, he couldn’t do it and abruptly left. Barbara explained the whole story to Holly asking her to loan Roger, whom she purportedly hated, the money in order to save Peggy and BIlly. Ironically this argument tore Holly apart because, by stressing Peggy's danger, Barbara was not making a request to help Roger, but to save Peggy, her rival. But, when Leslie later told Holly that Peggy was through with Roger as she was disillusioned by this deceit, Holly immediately told Adam that Roger could have the money. Roger thanked Holly promising to repay the loan but she wasn't concerned about this – she was convinced, as he painfully realizds, that he was trying to tell her he had reconsidered and wanted a future with her and the baby. She told him she knew he needed time and when he was ready she would tell Ed the truth. Peggy, refusing to even talk to Roger, emotionally thanked Holly for ending the threat to Billy and herself adding she could never forgive Roger for the danger he put Billy in. Roger, desperate at losing Peggy, went to her to apologize but she told him if he had any feeling for her to get out. Billy was crushed when Peggy said Roger was no longer in their lives.


How To Survive A Marriage


Written by: Rick Edelstein / Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Peter Engel


Recently widowed Fran Bachman had decided that she had to get a job, but found that she was either overeducated or not educated enough for every available job. Chris Kirby, her best friend, told her that her boss, Dr. Max Cooper, was expanding his office and she should apply there. Fran got an appointment, but Max misunderstood and thought she was a patient and then had to break the bad news to her that it was a registered nurse he was looking for. Finally Fran and her neighbor, Maria McGhee, decided to run a thrift shop out of Fran's garage featuring refurnished antiques and handmade crafts. Fran hoped that with her share of the profits and Rachel's contribution of her tips from the super-market she could make the extra $86 a week for the mortgage. Johnny and Maria thought Fran should find a nice man who could provide companionship and help Fran out of her financial problems, but Fran was still too in love with David's memory to consider it.


Johnny McGhee realized that taking the job as night bartender at Noah's Ark had solved some of his problems because it gave him space, and space had never gotten a woman pregnant. Maria saw Johnny and Sandra kissing at Noah's Ark and jumped to the conclusion that they'd been sleeping together. It took a very big fight to clear the air but they finally agreed that with a lot of cooperation their marriage could survive. JB, the owner of Noah's Ark, had been approached by Jerry Nelson to make change for large counterfeit bills. To cover himself, he had pictures taken of Johnny giving change when he, JB, had made a point of being absent, asking Johnny to make out the night deposit and to give change for large bills late in the evening so the deposit wouldn't be so heavy. Jerry didn't feel it was necessary, but JB, had never been to prison and didn't intend to go. In order to further protect himself he burnt the negative. JB came back to find Johnny hadn't com-pleted the night deposit because he was $300 over and had three $100 bills, so JB said these were from a catered party so no questions were asked. At first Johnny wasn't sure he wanted the responsibility of being manager, but then he liked the idea that someone trusted and depended on him. In fact he was so content that he told Maria they could afford to start the family that she had been wanting. Maria ecstatically began planning their future.


Chris Kirby, still in a turmoil emotionally, had trouble relating both to Larry, her estranged husband, and to Max, her boss. Max dropped by one evening and almost got Chris to forget herself, but she backed off and he left saying he couldn't run her moralistic obstacle course. Max tried to get her out of his system by putting on paper everything he felt. Max was where he never expected to be - caught in his own emotions. On the day Chris' divorce was final she decided that she really loves Larry. She and Larry made up, much to Monica Courtland's dismay. Monica, Chris' mother, said she loved her but couldn't respect her, then appealed to JB to do whatever was necessary to keep Larry and Chris apart, but he refused. She asked Sandra - Larry's reason for originally leaving Chris - to make a play for Larry, but Sandra replied Larry really loved Chris. As a last resort she offered Larry $30,000 to stay away from Chris. He threw her out. Larry started making plans for their marriage by asking Fran to donate her house as a chapel and tried unsuccessfully to buy back their house from Johnny McGhee. When Johnny let this slip Chris called Larry to get things straight since she was not contemplating matrimony, she felt they should just live together. Over drinks at Noah's Ark Chris made it clear to Larry he couldn't make decisions for her. As they talked, in walked Max, Robert Mundy - Max's new collegue internist - and Susan Pritchett - the new RN who had made life miserable for Chris at work by putting her down and stepping into her place in the close relationship she had with Max -. Susan - Miss Pritchett to Chris, the lowly file clerk - made a fuss over Larry and teased Chris about turning down dinner with them while Max seethed. Chris had decided that she wouldn't give Susan the satisfaction of seeing her quit this impossible situation. When Larry took Chris home Lori appeared and, seeing her mother and father acting as if they were married, was told that they love each other again. Lori, assuming they would be remarried, asked if she might have a new dress for the wedding, Chris gave in to Larry's wishes, but later decided against a long honeymoon since Larry again started planning without asking Chris' feelings. Chris admitted that she was against many of his ideas because he never asked her opinion. They decided to be married at Fran’s on Valentine's Day. Fran, Sandra and Joan all felt that something was wrong. Sandra went so far as to say they would never stick together. Monica told Larry that she would fight for her daughter no matter what.


When Max took Susan to his place and tried to explain his philosophy of men and women, Susan guessed that Max had an affair with Chris. He finally admitted it, but said it was over. The following morning Chris was a few minutes late and Susan used the opportunity to show Chris up by going through Chris' desk dumping her personal items on the desk while supposedly looking for the schedule. When Chris confronted Susan for being condescending again Susan said she was mad because Max was cold to her since their affair was over. Chris refused to believe that Max told Susan about it, but Susan took pleasure in taunting Chris.


Peter Willis was very concerned about his pregnant wife, Joan. She tried to make light of the fact that she had been staining because Max said she'd be all right as long as she rested. But when she started herorrhaging badly, Joan called Max, then passed out. Max rushed her to the hospital and couldn’t promise Joan he would protect the baby at the cost of her life. Although 2 monts early, the baby girl weighed 3 lbs., 4 oz., but Joan felt Max was not telling her everything since she was not permitted to see her baby. When they both had rested several days, Joan saw the baby and named her Joyelle. Joy because she is, to them, elle was “she” in French and is also the phonic sound of the first letter of love.


Love Of Life


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Jean Arley


Cal received a call from David, Cal's lover and "murderer" of his father, Jeff Hart, late mayor of Rosehill - David shot Jeff when he saw Jeff trying to rape Cal. - They arranged to meet at the river house. Betsy overheard and persuades Cal to tell Van and Bruce. Bruce refused to let Cal go alone, but promised to wait in the car until Cal called him in inadvertently. Betsy told Ben, Cal's brother, about the meeting, and trying to ingratiate himself with his mother, Meg, Ben told her. She called the police because she was sure her step-son David was a deranged killer. Cal almost persuaded David to turn himself in, but he saw the police and ran away. Meg's interference caused a bigger rift between Cal and her. Meg was furious that all the evidence she found against Jeff did't implicate Phil Waterman, Jeff's close associate, and Meg set out to get the goods on Phil, beginning to flirt with him and play up to his ego. They went out to the river house to retrieve papers and find evidence of David's presence. Phil called the police and Cal while Meg kept a disoriented David busy. The police arrived and handled David with kid gloves. When Cal arrived, she persuaded David to surrender. He drifted in and out of reality. Cal arranged for Jamie to defend David, who couldn't recall killing Jeff, but felt a need to be punished. A psychiatrist recommended David be institutionalized for a while and Jamie was sure charges would be dropped. David frustrated Dr. Bryson by insisting he liked the hospital and intended to stay there.


Ben found it difficult to keep Arlene in line about Betsy, but convinced Arlene that his only hope of getting the pro shop at Rick's proposed Beaver Ridge project was to show Meg that he was sincere about Betsy so Meg would be assured of his reformation and invest. Meg and Arlene took an instant dislike to each other. Ben convinced Arlene that his best chance was to become engaged to Betsy, infuriating Arlene, who reminded him bigamy was illegal. Her fears were relieved, however, when Betsy refused to commit herself to an engagement, despite her love for Ben, saying they were both too young. Betsy accepted Ben's ring as a friendship ring, and refused to move it to her left hand because everyone, including Ben, might get the wrong idea.


In her campaign to find evidence against Phil Waterman, Meg had Jamie 'bug" her house. She got Phil to admit his part in Jeff's affairs. Phil, however, was suspicious and drugged Meg, and found the bug. The next morning, Meg checked the tape recorder, listening only to the first part, and sure she had Phil's confession, Meg arranged for Jamie, the D.A., and the Sterlings to hear the whole tape with her. She introduced the tape by pointing out how she succeeded where nobody else could, gloating. Everyone was enormously pleased until the end of the tape where Phil announced the confession was untrue and Meg was a fool. Humiliated, Meg decided her whole life had been a waste, despite the efforts of others to show she was valued, and she decided to leave town, to Ben's dismay, because he saw ail his efforts towards getting the pro shop wasted.


Bruce Sterling, Jeff Hart's opponent in the election for mayor, was appointed interim mayor after Jeff's death. Van was feeling useless and somewhat resentful of Bruce's late hours.


Kate, who lost her singing voice after a bout with throat cancer, tried to sing and failed. Ted had warned her it was too soon, and assured her that her voice would return after working with a voice doctor and speech therapist. The bond between Kate and Ted had been growing, as they had the common bond of having lost loved ones, and finally Ted confessed his love. Kate was unsure of her feelings, but didn't want to lose Ted. He arrived with news of an offer to be a partner in a clinic in Monterey, California. He asked Kate to marry him and accompany him. She was still too unsure of her feelings to accept. When Ted told her he had to give his answer immediately, and he wanted Kate to go with him, she admitted she loved him, but felt she was in a bind: if she didn't marry Ted, she'd lose him, but was she did marry him, she would lose what she had left of Dan. Ted was very hurt at the reference to Dan and stormed out, saying he was going away.


Diana Lamont again asked Van's help in convincing Charles to give her a divorce. Van again refused to get involved, not wanting to lose either's friendship. Charles had been growing closer to Felicia Fleming, his grandson Johnny's teacher, who helped get Johnny to move back to Charles' house. Felicia began a portrait of Charles, and they had dinner together often, and when Charles showed affection, Felicia withdrew and often made comparisons between Charles and her father. Felicia was also interested to learn that Johnny had an extensive trust fund from his dead father. Diana's and Jamie’s happiness was marred only by her growing obsession with their age difference. When they realized Charles was adamant about no divorce, they convinced themselves to be content as they were. They discussed having a child and Di realized her time for childbearing might be running out. She discussed it with Van, who said children needed the security of marriage. Van remained negative until Di brought up the personal fulfillment a child of her own would give her. Felicia accidentally learnt from Charles that Jamie gave up his job in the D.A.'s office to live with Di, and later told Di about it, aware Di didn't know. Di confronted Jamie, saying he'd put a lie between them and asked how he could expect their love to grow without trust and honesty.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Steve took time off from the Banner to accompany Cathy, who was 8 months pregnant with Joe's child, to a mountain resort to accept an award from a women's magazine. Joe tried to stop her, but was unable to since her family felt they had taken every precaution. Unfortunately the weatherman was wrong and they were overtaken by a huge snowstorm during which they ran off the road. They walked a quarter of a mile to a summer cabin where Steve tried to make Cathy comfortable and then hiked out to find a phone. He called her father, Dr. Jim Craig, who started out to find them after contacting the highway patrol. When Steve got back he found that he was the only help Cathy would have during the delivery of her baby. Help arrived after the fact and they arranged safe transportation out. Joe was not only hard on himself, but was not making things easier on his wife, Viki, who thought she could cope with the baby's birth but was finding it all very difficult. Cathy was ready to take Megan - who looked like her father - home when she developed breathing problems and had to stay in the hospital. Jim turned the case over to his brother-in-law Larry Wolek because he didn't want to be emotionally involved. After consulting many specialists Larry's fears were confirmed - Megan was born with a malformation of the heart. Jim told Cathy that Megan couldn't have corrective surgery until she was 3 months old because she had to gain weight and strength. Cathy was not reassured because he had to admit she could die before then. Since nothing could be done for the time being, Cathy decided with Larry's approval to take the baby home. When Joe heard the rumor that Megan was leaving the hospital he called Jim to voice his objection, afraid no one would hear her if she had an attack at night, but Jim told him that this was Cathy's decision and he had no rights. Viki decided that if she had a baby Joe wouldn't spend so much time concerned with Cathy and Megan, so she went to the doctor and had tests to determine her fertility.


Vinnie was finally going to marry Wanda Webb, but had to take a firm step with Wanda when she claimed they couldn't be married on their planned date because their astrological charts say something bad would happen. The charts seemed correct when Vinnie, a policeman, was shot during a hold-up, but it proved to be only a flesh wound. Everyone was happy until the day before the wedding when everything had to be called off because Vinnie had come down with measIes. Wanda decided she'd rather be married on St. Valentine's Day anyway.


Ed, who had gone to San Francisco to find Mark - wanted for perjuring himself in a negligence case -, had come down with a bad case of flu. Josh, his ward, stayed with the Craigs while Carla flied out to be with her husband. Ed was too late in arriving in San Francisco because Mark had gone, leaving such obvious clues indicating Mexico that Ed felt that was not the place to look for him.


Victor was having trouble adjusting to the fact that his son-in-law was the father of another woman's baby. Since Joe and Viki would soon be moving to their remodeled carriage house, Victor asked Matt McAllister, his protege, to stay on in his huge home, Llanfair, if he had decided to commit himself to staying on in Llanview.


Matt had tried to keep Dorian from being depressed after she was dismissed from the hospital for negligence. Her old friend John Douglas had put up the money so that she might go into private practice, but she needed a reference from Jim Craig in order to be employed as a doctor to local industries. After Jim consented, he told Larry that Dorian felt she was the injured party instead of Larry who spent much time in jail because Dorian's silence caused him to stand trial for Rachel's death which was, in fact, her fault and Mark's. When John asked her why she bothered to stay in Llanview if she obviously felt the way she did, Dorian said she intended to survive here and would use any means to do so. Steve offered John a better position in Llanview with the paper, but John had to consider it carefully because he felt he would become too involved with Dorian if he was so close.


Julie was still confused over her feelings about Mark and was upset to find out that her mother, Eileen, was seeing Ben Farmer, who had accused Larry of his wife Rachel's death. Eileen was now feeling very guilty about having taken Ben as her lover. Julie finally decided to sublet her apartment to Matt, but they found evidence that it had been broken into and she was positive it was Mark. She confronted Dorian asking if Mark wa. in town, but was jumped on by Dorian because she hadn't sat around waiting to hear from Mark. Joe advised Julie to go to the police because it could have just been a burgler.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Raney Wesner, Stephanie’s stepmother and housekeeper, met with Jo and told Jo that Dave Wilkins had admitted to her that Wendy was his child, not Tony's, but Raney asked Jo to keep her out of this because Stephanie would send her away and there would be nobody to look after Wendy. Jo promised to keep Raney's name out of it. Jo thought she had a chance to be rid of Stephanie when the nurse Stephanie had been filling in for was ready to come back and there were no jobs avaflable at the hospital. When Jo told Stephanie, Stephanie said she would take any job but Jo replied there were none. Stephanie heard about a job as head nurse 40 miles away, said she would apply, but didn't, and told a nurse friend the job was filled. Stephanie ran to Tony with her plight, saying Jo was being vindictive and trying to keep Tony from Wendy. When Tony asked Jo to give Stephanie a job, she refused because there were none available, so Tony went to Bob Rogers who created a job for Stephanie as Tony's nurse. Tony began to sleep in the den. Jo, finally having to tell someone, explained the situation to Stu. They tried to figure out what to do and Stu suggested paying Dave Wilkins to tell the truth. AgaInst her better judgement, but desperate, Jo wrote a check for $5000 and Stu gave it to Dave, pointing out that the check was postdated and they would stop payment if Dave didn't tell Tony by that date. Dave took the check to Stephanie, who said if her plan worked she could give him $15,000. Dave gave her Jo’s check and Stephanie gave it to Tony saying it was a bribe for Dave to lie and say Wendy was his own. Raney, invited to visit her cousin at Stephanie's instigation, felt Stephanie was up to something and gave Jo permission to tell Tony everything. Jo went home and found a note from Tony saying Jo's lack of trust and attempted bribery had destroyed their marriage which was over. Jo called Stu and they tried to locate Tony, who had, in the meantime, gone to Stephanie for consolation which she provided only too willingly, ending the evening with an "impulsive" kiss, which Tony returned. Jo finally swallowed her pride and went to talk to Stephanie, but left immediately, devastated, when she heard Tony inside and realized Stephanie was clad in a nightie. Jo had everyone, except Tony, frantic when she disappeared for several days. To John, Tony described Jo as impulsive and erratic, generally painting an uncomplimentary picture. Tony again went to Stephanie for consolation, and finally, after several days absence, Jo called dristraught Stu.


Jennifer's constant needed to be with him and her complete dependence on him for support was wearing heavily on Scott. He finally convinced her to see psychiatrist Wade Collins because he needed Wade's evaluation for the hearing. Wade found that Jennifer's complete dependence on Scott stemed from a teenage incident when her father refused to protect her from the advances of a business contact. Jennifer wanted someone to always protect her. Wade diagnosed Jennifer as a manic-depressIve with schizoid tendencies, who was also a psychopath - one who couldn’t distinguish between right and wrong. Scott told Wade he couldn’t carry on his charade of loving Jennifer much longer, because he was losing his wife Kathy. Wade called Kathy in and explained again that only Scott could keep Jennifer from killing herself, which Kathy couldn’t accept, saying Jennifer was only using that as a ploy to control everyone. Scott and Jennlfer ran into Kathy and Sam Hunter at dinner. Later, as Kathy was entertaining Sam over brandy in her room, Scott arrived and demanded Sam leave. To avoid a scene, Kathy asked him to go. Scott made an advance which Kathy repelled in anger, telling him she might have been able to get Hunter to transfer their case to another judge, but Scott had ruined that by his treatment of Hunter. Scott was having trouble at the office, forgetting appointments, losing material, popping tranquilizers because of the awful pressure of juggling the two women. John reported this to Kathy who went to Scott, told him she loved him and would stick with him through the hearing. Mr. Pace, meanwhile, had told Scott that he would ruin him if Jennifer didn't get a suspended sentence, but Kathy's pledge to stick with him made it easier to deal with Jennifer during the remaining time before the hearing. The pressure caused Scott to offend Judge Trainer and she sentenced him to 5 days for contempt of court. She then sentenced Jennifer to 5-15 years in prison. Wade told Liza that Jennifer would be eligible for psychiatric review in 3 months. Scott was released on a habeas corpus in time to see Jennifer before she went off to prison. She again insisted he told her he loved her, and he did. Kathy feelt their marriage was over because she hadn't heard from Scott, and considered renting Patti and Len Whiting's old house.


Liza tells Janet she wanted a love as great as that between Jennifer and Scott, but when Janet explained the reality of that relationship, Liza realized she did love Bruce in a more meaningful way and accepted his engagement ring. Bruce assured Liza that she could back out anytime. Amy Kazlo, a medical student  friend of theirs, who was in love with Bruce, was devastated by the engagement announcement.




Written by: Winifred Wolfe

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Eve told her boss, Ned Paisley, that Kate was interfering in the Paisley account at the Register because of Kate's insecurity knowing Julian only married her on the rebound from Eve. Ned talked to Kate, telling her Eve was to have whatever she wanted or he would withdraw his ads. At Ellen's urging, Kate finally explained to Julian how Eve was using Paisley's as a wedge between them. Julian called Eve for a meeting, nonbusiness, and Eve fantasized that he was going to tell her he loved her and his marriage to Kate was over. When Eve arrived at his office, she found Kate there, who told her Julian knew everything and had called the meeting to set things straight. Julian told Eve that he loved Kate and any further use of the Paisley account to come between them would cause them to reject the Paisley account. Eve left, then persuaded Ned to arrange a meeting with them and Julian to straighten things out. Julian remained adamant and Eve drank too much making a spectacle of herself. The following day, realizing her previous tactics to get Julian back would't work, Eve mended fences with Ned and Julian, saying she'd come to her senses. She found out Julian would be overnight in Detroit alone and arranged to go there herself on business. She waited for Julian in the hotel dining room and pretended complete surprise when she saw him. They spent a pleasant dinner together, but Julian refused to allow it to go any further. Kate dined with Ned, and, learning Eve and Julian were both in Detroit, cut the evening short and flied to Detroit, relieved to find Julian alone, working. Eve assured everyone she was no longer after Julian, but then in an interview with Kate about another Paisley project, Eve attempted to plant seeds of doubt about what happened in Detroit before she arrived. Eve then admitted she was just teasing Kate, and from then on her relationship with Julian would be strictly business. Eve accepts Ned Paisley's suggestion that they became closer friends. Ned urged Eve to accept Heather's decisions because she was an adult. Julian tolds Kate that Eve was playing with fire with Ned.


Stan and Teri were married in a simple, but elegant ceremony at Ellen's house. Subsequently, Stan was made Chief of Staff, and in his search for more doctors, invited Jerry Kane to come on staff. Jerry refused. Stan assured Terri he could accept her double role as doctor and wife without reservations.


Eve and her daughter Heather continued at loggerheads over Jerry. Heather and Jerry had fallen in love. Jill tried to reassure Heather's half-brother, Greg, that it would all work out, citing what had happened between her and Mitch Farmer. Greg agreed to give Jerry the benefit of the doubt and went up to the cabin where Heather went every night to fix dinner for Jerry. Greg didn't wait for explanations when he found Heather in Jerry's robe, unaware she had spilled coffee on her clothes and was waiting for them to dry. Jill got the story from Heather and told Greg, who softened in his attitude of distrust, but couldn't forget what happened between Heather and Warren Parker when Heather had trusted Warren. Jerry told Heather he was not ready for "civilization" yet, and when she offered to move in with him and turn her back on all her friends, he told her about Wendy, a girl he'd loved before. He told Heather he was responsible for Wendy's death. He left Wendy alone in his apartment and returned to find the apartment ransacked and Wendy shot. Despite the advice of other doctors, Jerry insisted on operating, and feeling her best chance was through a radical procedure, he attempted it. Wendy died on the table and Jerry blamed himself. Heather assured him he wasn't wrong and to prove her love, she moved in with him, after a horrible confrontation with Eve.


Scott MacKenzie had been escorting Ellen to parties and they agreed that it was pleasant not having to go alone. Scott told Ellen he wished his son Skipper were able to participate in sports, but he'd accept the reality of Skipper's heart condition. Skipper went to the hospital for an x-ray when he felt pain after trying to play touch football. He was okay.


Jill, aware that Greg's interest in her was growing beyond friendship, told him that she was not ready for a heavy commitment yet. Jill was Heather's chief supporter, recalling how similar Heather's situation was to her own and Mitch's. When Jill overheard Eve and Ellen discussing the similarities, too, she was furious that Ellen would even consider interfering, causing a breach between them.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Phillip was upset when he learned his stepson Brock and Jill were on a date. When they returned, Jill explained how she was pressured to go with Brock by Kay. Kay disliked the idea of Phillip working so closely with Lorie Brooks on Lorie's new novel. After Christmas, Kay had realized she forgot to get Jill a gift, so she picked out a sweater and took it down to give to Jill and discovered Jill and Phillip kissing. Kay was devastated, but the sight of Jill in Phillip's arms forced her to want to fight back. In an alcoholic stupor, Kay managed to reach Vivian Anders through AA. Aware that the only way she'd be able to win Phillip was to give up alcohol, Kay attended an AA meeting with Vivian, but disappeared. Just as Vivian was about to give up, Kay returned and confessed her alcoholism to the group. Brock, who had followed Kay, embraced her and they began a reconciliation. Kay sticked it out and finally accepted Phillip's Christmas gift - a gold cross. She did give Philip and Jill a bad moment when Jill discovered a small hand gun in a drawer and Philip couldn’t find it when he went to retrieve it. Kay surrendered the gun. Kay found it difficult to be civil to Jill, but when she discovered Jill was suspicious, Kay redoubled her efforts to be kind, confusing Jill. Philip questioned Kay to discover if she was suspicious of Jill and him, because if she was, he would ask for a divorce immediately. Kay allayed his fears, knowing she must have time.


Snapper was concerned that his mother, Liz, was wasting her life, especially when he discovered her making a payment on an insurance policy for his father who walked out 9 years ago, and demanded she finally had William Foster, Sr. declared dead. Liz was reluctant until Sam Powers, a widower, visited one afternoon at Snapper's instigation, and she rediscovered how nice it was to spend time with a man. She gave her consent to Greg's drawing up the papers. Sam Powers called again and they arranged a dinner date. Liz had a good time, in spite of herself. Greg was upset about it all feeling Snapper always got his way and he was living in Snapper's shadow. Meanwhile, occasionally we saw shots of a sick man in a flophouse. Greg persuaded Gwen to ask Leslie for her job back as a waitress at the Allegro, having already cleared it with Leslie. Gwen finally did, and Leslie welcomed her with open arms.


When her sister Lorie pointed out that a great love came only once in a lifetime, Leslie accepted Brad's proposal of marriage. Stuart was uneasy about the match because he knew so little about Brad's past. Aware that Brad's sense of responsibility for his son's death on the operating table was still eating at him, Leslie went to Chicago, and, with Barbara Anderson's help, talked to the doctors who assisted Brad in OR. Both men agreed there was nothing more Brad could have done. Leslie reported her findings to Brad, who was greatly relieved. Leslie told him he was free to return to Chicago and medicine and she loved him enough to let him go. Brad assured her he was content as he was and asked if she was trying to stop their marriage. She wasn’t, and the two of them were married in an elegant and touching ceremony at the Brooks' home. Jennifer was relieved to have the involvement of her daughter's wedding to keep her busy, as she was feeling useless and restless. She was looking forward to taking a vacation in Chicago where she planned to see Bruce Henderson. Bruce's son, Mark, finishing his internship in Genoa City, was a good friend of Peg's. Mark told Jen he felt his father was still in love with her. Lorie, too, found Mark attractive. Chris was disappointed when Snapper was unable to be Brad's best man because the hospital was sending him to Denver for a symposium.


Maestro Fausch arrived to try to persuade Leslie to return to her career as a concert pianist. Brad agreed that was where Leslie’s future in music laid.

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Hopefully, but there are some soaps and details which I remember better than others. If a show was good at a particular time, I tend to remember it well. If it bored me (for example, if the writing was bad), I wouldn't always pay close attention, so my memory is hazier.

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I am grateful for that, but reeeeeeally frustrated too. I know how excellent soap operas can be, based on my own first-hand viewing experience, but most of the evidence is gone. Okay, DAYS, Y&R, B&B, RH, TD and a few other soaps have their libraries intact, but unless they are all released to the public, we'll never get to see them again, either. Nothing being produced today illustrates the potential quality of the genre. 


All of them.


No kidding.


I was a soap opera fanatic in the 1970s. I either watched the shows "live," or I taped them to enjoy later. I had TWO recorders set up in my house; one in my bedroom and one in the basement family room. I used those recorders to tape some shows while I sat and watched the others.

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Crying REAL TEARS because this is the AMC I want to see more than any other era at all. These are the stories that placed the show as ABC's top-rated soap and would eventually help propel it to #1 across the networks in 1978-1979.

THIS is the Erica I'm so desperate to see - before she blew up and became a local celebrity, when she was still a young, immature, petulant, opportunistic little bitch who just shat on everything and everyone that stood in her way. In fact, in this synopsis, the ONLY truly wealthy, well-off family is the Tylers. Everyone else were upper middle class or lower, and it made a huge difference. Phoebe still had an actual family to play off of, not a merry-go-round of surrogate children living with her and Langley. The classic AMC leading characters of Nick, Paul Anne, Kitty, and Linc were still the stars of the show, and the younger set of Erica, Chuck, Tara, Phil, Jeff, and Mary were growing up into adult storylines. The delicious Margo and hot mess Claudette were important players.

It's just crazy how much of that foundation was chipped away once the show went to the hour, the Cortlandts and Chandlers came to town, the high school became a major setting, Erica became larger-than-life, etc. Still classic AMC, but not the same. I would kill to see more of the mid-70s.

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