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YR Feb Sweeps

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 It won’t be. I think at the very worst we’ll get some “shock” value scene of a bald Sharon looking in her mirror with Rey and both of them smiling just like Cane and Lily back in 2010

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Or even dumber, Sharon will sleep with a giggalo/prostitute just like Michael did during his cancer tale.



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Here are some spoilers from tomorrow's episode from a recap from soaps. com. It sounds like quite a bit happens:


Noah will tell Kyle and Summer that he wants them to be happy. Sharon will tell NIkki that she has breast cancer and will ask Nikki to look after her family. Nikki will tell her about Casey having Cancer and tells Sharon that she belives she can beat the disease. Abby will find out that Chance saved Adam's life and that man involved in that has "disappeared". Phyllis and Nick will kiss after she talks with him about his relationship with his father. Nick will feel like she gets him and sees into his soul.


Someone will end up watching Amanda after she decides to go to the Gala, Billy will also go there. Adam will propose to Chelsea and she will say yes. Billy will end up being drunk at the gala and Amanda will try and convince him to leave. Ripley will be watching them and will be upset when Amanda takes Billy's face into her hands to calm him. Ripley will turn his back and Amanda will leave and be replaced by Victoria who is also wearing a white dress like her. Ripley will end up stabbing Victoria in the side and she will fall bleeding into Billy's arms. 

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How long has Ripley been on the scene? It sounds as if he was specifically brought on the show to be a criminal, then leave.  It would've been more believable had he stabbed someone who looks remotely like Hilary/Amanda, even Lily perhaps because Victoria ain't it.   I hope the scene looks better than it reads because on paper, it sounds ridiculously clumsy.

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He's been on the show about two week now. At the gala they have Victoria/Amanda dressed alike in a white dress and even their hair styled similary. People had remarked how it seemed like they had darken AH's/Victoria's hair for these scenes. It looks Ripley is supposed to mistake her for Amanda because of how they are dressed and it ends up being dark when he stabs her. 


Here are some screen shots from these scenes, including pictures of Amanda/Victoria dressed/styled similarly. 








And it supposed to be what Ripley sees when he does the stabbing. It's looks like he couldn't really tell it wasn't Amanda:



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Victoria and Amanda look nothing alike, even styled similarly.  Even in obscured lighting, one would have to be Ray Charles not to know the difference.  Lily and Victoria might have made more sense.


@xtrI ask how long Ripley (ugh, what a name!) has been on the show because I remember that when Abby's criminal boyfriend had been revealed to be a human trafficker and a pimp, he'd been on the show for months, giving the viewers an opportunity to see him as a multi-dimensional human being with actual charm and other traits before he is revealed to be a criminal, making things a bit more complex for the viewers.


Only two weeks seems like not nearly enough time to get to know this character as a human being, which means that the characters sole intent was not to be regarded as a multi-dimensional character but some thug who comes out of the woodwork to stalk and stab and quickly fade off the campus.  Given how Y&R has written actors of color in recent years (especially young black men), this doesn't surprise me.  The lack of effort seems especially sad.

You mean this dude couldn't tell the difference between a woman he supposedly was intimately involved with and another that he wouldn't know from a can of paint???  This just sounds more silly on its face than I originally imagined.

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lmao @ them going this route to give Victor back the helm of Newman. A transparent, cowardly mess. Why not just have him wrist it away from Victoria? Would have been a much more dramatic SL, even if tor would be seen as an ahole, yet again. 

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Enough of the fake medical dramas.


I 've been watching Succession and the family in fighting shows what could have been written for the Newmans over the years, with everyone having an agenda.

Heather Tom and a strong Adam actor along with Josh Morrow as ambitious but inept would have worked.

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