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Amy Walter/Cook have been going into overdrive lately about how Harris still isn't beating the polling spread enough, that Trump did not blame Democrats when he was "shot" but now he is so numbers will favor him, etc. I do agree that polling is probably too rosy for Harris but still the propaganda is not subtle.


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Why has all the polling been wrong since Dobbs? Not in favor of democrats by the way yet dems have way outperformed.  Are we suggesting that the polling industry is still that broken that none of these polling organizations have fixed their polling to reflect "enthusiasm" or whatever you want to call it to account for the errors in 2016 and 2020? We all believe the polling was correct when Biden was in the race and it was tight with a slight advantage for Trump but it's impossible for the current numbers to be accurate when a democrat is ahead.   I don't believe any of it for one reason DOBBS.  

By the way I am not suggesting ignoring the polls and to not be skeptical. I am probably the biggest skeptic.  I am not paying attention to any of them. But I am looking at what Tom Bonier's stats show and whatever model Chris Bouzy has been using(he won't disclose all of his measurements) who has been saying for months Florida is in play and IOWA of all places will be in play. He's been saying this for months not just now and boom.  I'm a skeptic but might turn into a true believer if his projections are correct.

The answer is work.  Ignore the polls and everyone do what they can. I'm still recovering from some health issues but I intend to goto Iowa to help do canvassing and do phone banking for swing states for NARAL again. Postcards are easy to do. And anyone here who wants information on how to help, is welcome to message me, but there is a load of information available on ways to help online.

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Seeing the race barreling in a direction they don't like, Axios is pissed (and ratio'ed).


The co-author is of course Alex Thompson, who has been hardcore chumming for drama/oppo on Harris since Biden dropped out (who he relentlessly pursued, particularly after losing a book deal). He hasn't tweeted anything positive for Biden/Harris in... I don't know how long.

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Of course it'd be fewer, she wasn't the presumptive nominee until a few months ago. Smh. The media expects her and Walz to play catch up with the interviews tally compared to Trump/Biden who have been running for president for well over a year. Thankfully Harris/Walz aren't taking the bait. 

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I think they're angrier that she isn't courting them vs. local media and more diverse journalists (who they consider lesser).

The 'define her' game has largely ended, according to the new polling - Harris' favorables among voters are all up. They've gotten to know her and like her. I do think Harris should do more interviews both as candidate and potential POTUS, but for now the campaign knows Axios, etc. mostly want to play gotcha games and drive narrative with responding to Trump and she's not giving them that oxygen. She's doing media and interviews her way.

Harris has an interview with Oprah today, I believe.

Meanwhile: The ever-angrier Jonathan Martin continues to play "Here's How Bernie Trump Can Still Win", inexplicably citing states that Trump lost 2 out of 3 last time as an 'electoral firewall':


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This attempt to ignore it won't matter, btw. Nuzzi has enough friends in the Beltway club who are all struggling to report on this right now, but I am willing to bet a lot of other dirt on her has gone underreported til now and will begin coming out more and more (in addition to her existing bad priors).

They will attempt to rehab Nuzzi - she will likely crop up as a panelist on CNN or MSNBC or something in the next 6-18 months, she will maybe get a confessional piece in the Atlantic or somewhere. People will signal boost it. But she can't hide what she is anymore or what she's always been. Nuzzi's final destination has always been the right wing fever swamp, just like people like Bari Weiss, Taibbi, etc. I knew she would end up there eventually and she's been trending there for some time, going more and more mask off even in polite Beltway circles. So any rehab won't last. She will be on Newsmax in 5 years, maybe ahead of schedule from what I'd always expected. Lara Loganville.

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