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Y&R February Sweeps Spoilers

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I wonder if it is him. Or maybe JT. Whoever it is, Katie feels comfortable with them. I believe she ends up going missing and that is what the spoiler about Billy receiving distressing news is about. 


Regarding Fen/Kyle's bodies, I really like both of their bodies.  I like that Fen is kind of beefy. I noticed that one day not too long ago when he wearing a light colored shirt on the show, how buff he was looking. He was looking good in that shirt lol. Kyle has a tighter looking body which is nice as well. Kyle looks good in outfits like suits, he was looking really good in that suit he was wearing the other day to Rey/Mia's vow renewal. 

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of course it's JT. They wouldn't keep pushing the "he's dead. we's killeded him!!!!" narrative if he wasn't gonna turn up alive. I also still believe Tessa's been helping him, or something for some new, boring "twist"  that no one really cares about but the show thinks will be a stellar "gotcha!" momenT. 

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such a dreadful Feb Sweeps. 

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Here are some upcoming spoilers from SID:


Abby will work hard to play nice with Mia, Summer will push Kyle's buttons, Devon will try and push Ana into the spotlight again, Nick will step up to defend his family and Sharon will put an awkward position. Also, Victor/Nikki will put their heads together to figure out their next move, Sharon will try her best to comfort Nick, and one of the women who helped bury JT could make a decision that changes everything.  

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Even as I'm reading all these spoilers, it's like I can hear Papa Bell saying, "This [!@#$%^&*] ain't working!  Somebody cut it for God's sake!"

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Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD for the first couple of weeks in February. Billy and Victoria are going to make amends, Sharon is going to be forced to choose sides, Nikki is going to make a surprising decision,  and Nikki is going to face the music. Also,  Summer is going to move in on Kyle, Rey and Sharon will share a charged moment, and Cane will do damage control. 








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So it sounds like Lola is about to have another incident with Kyle, where she ends up being really annoying/controlling. According to an article from SOD, Lola is going to actually be upset that Kyle modeled shirtless with Fen. She is seriously going to be upset with him about this..  

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The article says that Lola finds out from Summer that Kyle modeled with Fen at the photoshoot. Lola will be upset that Kyle didn't tell her this and will be insecure about this. Kyle will think it was no big deal. It sounds like Lola is going to somehow try and tie this into Kyle having feelings for Summer. Summer will pick up on Lola's insecurity and Lola will try and cover it, but it won't work.


MM says that Kyle will know he "messed up". Lola will end up leaving and Summer won't care. This will cause a physical interaction to happen between Kyle/Summer. So now in addition to Kyle not being allowed to buy Lola expensive gifts, he can't model shirtless around other people.  Lola is so controlling and immature and her behavior keeps getting more ridiculous. 

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Here is the latest promo that focuses some on February. It's largely centered on Kyle/Summer with some Mia/Abby/Arturo thrown in and also a mention to Nick talking about protecting his family.


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Those promos are terrible. Literally nothing makes me want to watch. I guess they are going for “funny and cute” instead of dramatic or edge-of-your-seat. I guess they’ve long realized that the show won’t deliver on the latter. But they make the show feel like a bad sitcom, which I guess it sort of is, so... hooray for truth in advertising?

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That promo is certainly NOT going to induce me to start watching again. I've almost given up - I stopped reading recaps two weeks ago. I keep peeking at spoilers hoping something is going to happen to jumpstart the show. Probably the only thing that'll do that would be if Adam finally returns. 

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I'll post the recaps for the month of February in this thread since this thread is already started and the recaps will also include sweeps spoilers:


Here is the recap for tomorrow, (From soaps.com day ahead recap). This is also Kristoff St. John's last episode:


On tomorrow's show Devon is setting up for Fen's showcase. He thanks Ana for arranging for Fen to be introduced to the industry.  Ana assures Devon this will be a huge success. She texts Fen to come early. Neil arrives he tells Devon he wouldn't miss his big night. They sit down and Devon tells him how great Ana has been and that his anxiety has gotten under control. Neil is glad about this and he also chats with Ana. It's time to get started, Devon welcomes everyone and tells them to stick around for his new artist. Ana texts Fen again. 


Mariah will end up telling Sharon that Tessa got hired at Lola's restaurant and Sharon will agree to cover for Tessa if they call about the reason Tessa was fired. Sharon will look at the tip line on her computer and see an email that says that Victor Newman is a murderer, it will include an audio of Nick/Victor talking about getting rid of the murder weapon. She will ask Rey if she should get rid of the tips that are dead ends and Rey will tell her she will get fired if she did, because those tips are already logged in.


At Crimson Lights Kyle will worry that Lola is burning herself out. Kyle will suggest they go to dinner and a movie with Mariah/Tessa. Lola will agree to do this. Fen and Summer will arrive and Fen will say that Ana wants him to go to the club early but he's nervous and wants to swoop in right before he starts. Mariah and Tessa will show and Lola/Fen will join everyone. Everyone starts talking and the photoshoot that Kyle/Fen did comes up. Lola is surprised Kyle didn't mention it, an ad campaign is a big deal. Fen will get another text from Ana, he will want to go get a drink but Summer will want to stay. Summer will show pictures of Kyle/Fen.


Summer showing the pictures will  irk Kyle and Lola will decide she's too tired for the movie. She will end up stepping out and will tell Kyle that Summer is stalking him and things would be different if her and Kyle were sleeping together. Kyle will tell her he's not sure if/when she'll be ready,  but that he's professed his love for her multiple times and he thinks that she still doesn't trust him. Lola will leave crying. Fen will end up ignoring his phone and tease Kyle for not sleeping with Lola. He will realize he's late for the show and head out. Mariah will attempt to talk about celibacy and Summer will tell Kyle that his needs aren't being met by Lola. 


Devon will end up leaving an angry voicemail for Fen after he tells Neil/Ana Fen is being disrespectful. Devon is about to announce that his singer didn't show up and Neil will tell Ana that she can save the day if she performs. She ends up performing and is receiving applause as Fen shows up. Neil will tell Devon she did it for him, that's what family does. 


Sharon will tell Nick about the email and audio that she received regarding Victor. Nick will tell her he thinks whoever is framing Victor sent her that information. He will tell her he thinks it's JT, she will tell him she think it's someone else. He will ask her if she deleted the information she will tell him she couldn't. He will understand. Later Sharon will show Rey the information and he will thank her and tell her that it could help convict Victor Newman.




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