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FX Pose - **Spoliers if you're not up to date**

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Tonight's episode is why I'm going to miss this show when it's over.


I love when a show has a recurring subplot. And it grows over time...or even seasons...and then they give it a payoff. And tonight it got that. And I loved how it showed how characters have grown. I loved how it revealed Elektra's backstory. We even got flashbacks with cameos from gone characters, giving it true continuity.


That said







.sorry, I believe in holding off on spoilers for those who have not seen it yet...like my BFF...so don't read more if you have not








....Lemar and Angel are cousins!?!?!?! Did I hear that right?


And it took me half of the episode to realize that 3 person with Cubby and Lemar WAS ANGEL!!! WOW. They dressed her down good because I did not realize that. That made how Angel looks NOW that more of a transformation. She truly is a butterfly. 


AND...CANDY'S BACK!!!! It was clear throughout the episode how much the writers missed writing for her. They even brought back her hammer. LOVE.


Now...Elektra's backstory. It was so well done.It explained so much of who Elektra is. And you could see how Ms. Jackson has grown into her role over 3 seasons because you were with her the whole entire time. And Ms. UNDOING lawyer as her mother...was GOLD. I wanted to see more of her in fact. Was that the end of the story? Time will tell. 


And it was awesome to see the House of Abundance walk together for the first (and last) time!!! Category: Once Upon a Time was EVERYTHING!!! The dress. The direction. The camera angles. The nuances. It was funny to see how more edgier Angel was started out and still had a spark. Lemar and Cubby together again!!! Candy getting a moment as Sleeping Beauty and the crowd with her and still her and Pray Tell shading each other. And Ooooo...Blanca...she's been serving nothing but looks so far and her Snow White was great. Oh my God, her walk, her vibe, she reminded me of a close raver friend of mine who has worn similar. And Elektra...QUEEN.


My only worry...where is Lulu in current time. She left a voicemail at the beginning of the episode. And I suspect Elektra would have looked for her except for the police arrival. 

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@Elsa I agree. I loved this episode, but I cannot say that it did not stand out more because everyone was back to how it used to be with Pray Tell a hilarious background character, allowing everyone else to shine. It made it more noticeable how in front Pray Tell has become over a season and a half. 


And speaking of last week...in case anyone had not seen it (and while it's still up) That first House of Abundance walk. Great song choice btw...


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@Elsa @Taoboi As much as i like Prey Tell. His eating a lot of airtime. This Sunday's episode spotlights him yet again. I do wish this season was longer than 7 episodes. I hope Damon gets a spotlight episode. Before Pose ends it's run. Just want to see everyone shine. Here's my favorite House of Abundance scenes.

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Edited by victoria foxton
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I liked Pray Tell in his original function on the show. Now this is too much. It has been too much for quite some time. All the crying and the yelling and all the stories and the young, sexy lover. They even gave him an addiction storyline. Next week's trailer of only scenes of BP acting like a martyr, crying and yelling, yelling and crying. I am not interested in that and this is not what the show is supposed to be about. 



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Same @victoria foxton. I didn't even notice until last week how much airtime Pray Tell has now until the flashback. Not that I have not liked his storylines (and they do keep us talking), but perhaps small doses are best going into this last season so that yes, everyone has a moment. Especially since this is the last time we will see them. Again, I too hate it is only 7 episodes. I worry it will be rushed.


I am worried about Damon as well. As our entry/pov character along with Blanca, he has been there since Day 1 and definitely deserve an ending that fits with his character as well. I know why he was written out and understand, but I do not like how the writers/producers are being coy about whether he will appear before series' end.


@Elsa well I wouldn't mind some backstory on him, but yeah definitely don't want to be a lot of yelling, screaming, and Emmy baiting. 

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227, AMEN, and FRESH PRINCE OF BELAIR all in one room...PERFECTION.


I liked tonight's. Not as good as last week, but good. 


I liked it. I did not feel like it was rushed at all surprisingly and that ending was bittersweet, but that is usually how it goes in real life sadly...


Favorite scene was Pray Tell and Mama Thelma talking about their Gods. That made my eyes tear up. It made me think of my own mother and how much I miss her. 


And then next week...OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo childe!!!!




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