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Looking back...Primetime Ratings from the 80's

Paul Raven

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Interesting. Thanks for posting.


Valerie Harper returned to CBS with 'City' but it flopped.


Full House was low rated and most of the shows with similar ratings  were dropped. ABC stuck with it and it went Top 10 several seasons later.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Yes indeed, fun memories of the late 80's/early 90's when NBC Saturday nights (which of course are female-oriented shows) were my favorite. Golden Girls, Empty Nest, and Sisters. There was one year in particular (1991-1992; Golden Girls' final season) when they had Golden Girls, Empty Nest, and Nurses. Nurses also lived in the same fictional universe as the other two, and they would crossover on each other's shows. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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While there were some great series broadcast during the 1980s, I must say that Saturday nights on CBS in the early 1970s remain the gold standard of high-quality, extremely-satisfying programming for me. On that one evening we were treated to All in the Family,  MASH, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Bob Newhart Show and The Carol Burnett Show. 


I waited all week for Saturday nights, and not because I could go out and party, but because I could stay in and curl up on the couch with Mary and Rhoda and all my other "friends"!



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Wk 3 of the 87/88 Season.

NBC had baseball from Tues thru Sunday which meant their blockbuster Th and Sat shows didn't air (except for Cosby)

A few shows saw a bump in their ratings as those viewers not into baseball sampled something different.

The first cancellation : Once a Hero on ABC Sat replaced by a Carol Burnett rpt special.


1 Cosby Show NBC 28.2/45

2 Murder, She Wrote CBS 23.3/36

3 Growing Pains ABC 23.1/37

4 Who the Boss? ABC 21.9/36

5 Moonlighting ABC 21.8/34

6 Dallas CBS 20.2/35

7 Newhart CBS 19.5/30

8 CBS Sunday Movie CBS 19.2/30

9 Head of the Class ABC 18.7/29

10 A.L. Championship, game 2 NBC 18.7/32

11 Designing Women CBS 18.6/29

12 Magnum, P.I. CBS 18.6/28

13 60 Minutes CBS 18.5/32

14 ALF NBC 18.5/30

15 Valerie's Family NBC 17.6/27

16 A.L. Championship, game 1 NBC 17.2/28

17 Perfect Strangers ABC 17.0/28

18 Hooperman ABC 16.8/26

19 A.L. Championship, game 4 NBC 16.8/28

20 Monday Night at the Movies NBC 16.7/27

21 Knots Landing CBS 16.5/28

22 Falcon Crest CBS 16.4/31

23 Thirtysomething ABC 15.8/28

24 Cagney & Lacey CBS 15.7/27

25 N.L. Championship, game 1 NBC 15.5/26

26 Dynasty ABC 15.4/26

27 Dolly ABC 15.1/23

28 Kate & Allie CBS 15.1/23

29 Slap Maxwell Story ABC 14.9/23

30 Jake and the Fatman CBS 14.8/23

31 N.L. Championship, game 3 NBC 14.6/27

32 N.L. Championship, game 4 NBC 14.5/27

33 Equalizer CBS 14.2/24

34 Monday Night Football ABC 13.8/25

35 Wiseguy CBS 13.8/22

36 Franks Place CBS 13.7/22

37 Law and Harry McGraw CBS 13.6/24

38 Charmings ABC 13.2/21

39 Beauty and the Beast CBS 13.0/23

40 Houston Knights CBS 12.7/20

41 A.L. Champ., pre -game 1 NBC 12.3/22

42 MacGyver ABC 12.2/20

43  Oldest Rookie CBS 12.2/19

44 Spenser: For Hire ABC 12.1/19

45 Tour of Duty CBS 12.0/19

46 Hotel ABC 11.9/24

47 A.L. Champ., pregame 4 NBC 11.9/20

48 Married Dora ABC 11.6/20

49  Full House ABC 11.4/21

50 Disney Sunday Movie ABC 11.3/19

51 NBC Nightly News (Sun.) NBC 11.2/20

52 Buck Names ABC 10.9/18

53 20/20 ABC 10.8/20

54 N.L. Champ., pregame 1 NBC 10.7/19

55 ABC Thursday Night Movie ABC 10.6/17

56  O'Hara ABC 10.5/19

57 My Sister Sam CBS 10.1/19

58 . N.L. Champ., pregame 3 NBC 10.1/20

59 . Everything's Relative CBS 10.0/18

60 . N.L. Champ., pregame 4 NBC 9.6/19

61. Sledge Hammer! ABC 9.3/15

62. Leg Work CBS 8.6/16

63. Carol Burnett Special ABC 7.8/14

64. Wést 57th CBS 7.6/15

65. Max Headroom ABC 7.1/12

Edited by Paul Raven
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And the changes began...


ABC replaced Once A Hero with another superhero Sable (not a Colby's spin off!) at 8pm Saturday.After 2 airings they swapped it with O'Hara and aired at 9pm and then cancelled it.

Max Headroom replaced by Mr Belvedere and The Pursuit of Happiness.


CBS,coming third announced a raft of changes


Frank's Place and Kate & Allie swapped timeslots.

Wiseguy moved from Thurs to Monday @ 10 replacing Cagney & Lacey



48 Hours @ 8 replacing Houston Knights

Cagney & Lacey @ 10 replacing Law & Harry McGraw 



Law & Harry McGraw @ 8 replacing Oldest Rookie (on hiatus)



Simon & Simon @  9 ( replacing Wiseguy)



High Mountain Rangers @8  Houston Knights @9 replacing My Sister sam (on hiatus) Everything's Relative and Leg work (cancelled)

Edited by Paul Raven
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Wk 7

NBC won the week making it 7 for 7.

CBS pre-empted all Monday shows for Echoes in The darkness pt 2

NBC premiered Beverly Hills Buntz following Cheers/pre-empting Night Court .BHB was planned to be showed occasionally before getting a regular run

ABC pre-empted The Charmings for an 8.30 start for A View To A Kill. Premiere of Sable Sat @ 8

Last showings for Everything's Relative, My Sister Sam and Leg Work.

  1. 31.4/48 Cosby Show

  2. 29.7/45 Different World

  3. 26.4/41 Cheers.

  4. 24.0/38 60 Minutes

  5. 23.3/35 Growing Pains

  6. 23.1/41 Golden Girls

  7. 22.3/34 Murder, She Wrote

  8. 22.1/34Who's The Boss

  9. 22.0/33 CBS Special Movie – Mon Echoes in The Darkness Pt 2.

  10. 20.7/34 NBC Sunday Night Movie

  11. 20.4/34 Beverly Hills Buntz

  12. 19.9/31 Moonlighting

  13. 19.1/35 Amen

  14. 18.7/32 L.A. Law

  15. 18.2/27 ALF

  16. 18.1/27 My Two Dads

  17. 17.7/27 Family Ties

  18. 17.5/30 Monday Night Football

  19. 17.5/31 227

  20. 17.3/29 Dallas

  21. 17.3/34 Hunter

  22. 17.1/27 Head of the Class

  23. 16.8/24 Valerie's Family

  24. 16.5/27 Perfect Strangers

  25. 16.5/27 CBS Sunday Movie Echoes in The Darkness Pt 1

  26. 16.5/25 Matlock

  27. 15.9/25 Hooperman

  28. 15.2/26 Knots Landing

  29. 15.0/28 Facts of Life

  30. 14.9/26 Dynasty

  31. 14.6/27 Falcon Crest

  32. 13.6/22 Magnum, P.I.

  33. 13.4/22 Slap Maxwell Story

  34. 13.1/23 Equalizer

  35. 13.1/21 Highway to Heaven

  36. 13.0/24 Thirtysomething

  37. 13.0/23 St. Elsewhere

  38. 12.1/22 Crime Story

  39. 12.1/19 Our House

  40. 12.0/18 Dolly

  41. 12.0/21 Beauty and the Beast

  42. 11.6/18 J.J. Starbuck

  43. 11.4/21 20/20

  44. 11.4/18 Year in the Life

  45. 11.3/18 Jake and the Fatman

  46. 11.2/17 MacGyver

  47. 11.2/19 Married Dora

  48. 11.2/17 NBC Monday Night Movie Oh God You Devil

  49. 11.1/19 Miami Vice

  50. 10.9/19 Full House

  51. 11.0/17 Wiseguy

  52. 10.2/16 Tour of Duty

  53. 10.1/16 Disney Sunday Movie

  54. 10.0/17 Mr. Belvedere

  55. 10.0/16 Oldest Rookie

  56. 9.9/18 Sable

  57. 9.7/18 Private Eye

  58. 9.6/18 Law and Harry McGraw

  59. 9.5/15 ABC Thursday Night Movie A View To A Kill

  60. 9.4/16 Buck James

  61. 9.2/16 Ohara

  62. 9.0/16 Rags to Riches

  63. .8.6/17 A Hotel

  64. 8.2/12 Spenser: For Hire

  65. 8.2/13 C Houston Knights

  66. 7.7/12 Sledge Hammer!

  67. 7.6/13 Pursuit of Happiness

  68. 7.6/15 West 57th 57.

  69. 6.9/13 My Sister Sam

  70. 5.6/10 Everything's Relative

  71. 5.3/9 Leg Work .

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Oh, I agree! I've seen the first 3 seasons and an episode here and there from others, and always found it enjoyable, so I wasn't really putting the show down. It's just that Season 7 of FC doesn't have a particularly good reputation and I was always under the impression KL was second after DALLAS/DYNASTY in terms of ratings and FC was third. Perhaps that was true of earlier seasons. 

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Thanks for posting these. Dallas was still doing well at the beginning of 87-88 season with a 20.2/35 rating and ranking #6. The cliffhanger for the 86-87 season had a rating of 23.1 rating and ranked #3 for the week(although this was the first time a Dallas cliffhanger did not rank #1 for week).  I think Morgan Brittany's brief return and what was going to happen to Pam helped out.  Once Pam's story ended after episode 5 the ratings started to erode to #20 in the ratings.


Surprising at how bad Dynasty dropped from the beginning of 87-88 season. 


I am curious as to what everyone thinks on why Dallas was the only soap to maintain its top 10 ranking in the ratings compared to Dynasty, Knots and FC which all dropped off outside the top 20.

Edited by Soapsuds
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  1. 30.0/47 N Cosby Show

  2. 27.9/43 N Different World

  3. 23.5/37 C 60 Minutes

  4. 23.1/36 N Cheers

  5. 22.6/35 N Night Court

  6. 21.9/35 A Barbara Walters Special Tues @9 (pre-empting Moonlighting)

  7. 21.9/32 C Murder, She Wrote

  8. 21.1/32 A Growing Pains

  9. 21.0/37 N Golden Girls

  10. 20.3/32 A Who's the Boss?

  11. 19.3/30 C CBS Sunday Movie - Foxfire

  12. 18.9/34 N L.A. Law

  13. 17.9/31 C Grinch Stole Christmas Fri @8.30 (pre-empting Beauty & The Beast)

  14. 17.5/27 N Matlock

  15. 17.3/31 A Monday Night Football

  16. 17.3/32 N Hunter

  17. 17.3/26 N Family Ties 8-9 (pre-empting My Two Dads)

  18. 17.2/26 N ALF

  19. 16.9/30 C Charlie Brown Christmas Fri @ 8 (pre-empting Beauty & The Beast)

  20. 16.8/26 C Night Before Christmas Wed @8 (pre-empting Oldest Rookie)

  21. 16.7/30 N Amen

  22. 16.7/26 N NBC Sunday Movie – The Father Clements story

  23. 16.6/29 C Knots Landing

  24. 16.2/26 C Frosty the Snowman Wed @8 (pre-empting Oldest Rookie)

  25. 16.0/25 A Hooperman

  26. 15.9/24 C Kate and Allie

  27. 15.9/27 C Dallas

  28. 15.8/24 C Newhart

  29. 15.7/28 A Dynasty

  30. 15.7/28 N 227

  31. 15.6/24 C Designing Women

  32. 14.6/23 N Hunter Special Tues @9 (pre-empting JJ Starbuck)

  33. 14.3/26 C Falcon Crest

  34. 14.3/22 N NBC Monday Movie - Eye on the Sparrow

  35. 14.1/23 A Slap Maxwell Story

  36. 14.1/26 N Facts of Life

  37. 14.0/22 N Miami Vice

  38. 14.0/22 N Highway to Heaven

  39. 13.6/25 A 20/20

  40. 13.6/21 C Frank's Place

  41. 13.5/21 A Head of the Class

  42. 13.5/23 C Cagney & Lacey

  43. 13.2/21 A Perfect Strangers

  44. 13.2/21 N St. Elsewhere

  45. 13.1/20 C Simon and Simon

  46. 12.9/25 A Thirtysomething

  47. 12.9/23 N Bronx Zoo (pre-empting St Elsewhere)

  48. 12.6/23 N Crime Story

  49. 12.0/18 A Dolly

  50. 11.6/18 A MacGyver

  51. 11.2/18 N Mouse, Mystery and Me Sun@7 (pre-empting Our House)

  52. 10.8/20 N Private Eye

  53. 10.6/17 C Tour of Duty

  54. 10.5/18 A Mr. Belvedere

  55. 10.3/16 C Jake and the Fatman

  56. 10.2/19 C Law and Harry McGraw

  57. 10.1/16 A Disney Sunday Movie -The Christmas Star 7-9 (pre-empting Spenser For Hire)

  58. 9.5/17 A Full House

  59. 9.5/16 C Grammy Lifetime Awards Wed 9-11 (pre-empting Equalizer /wiseguy)

  60. 9.5/16 N Season to Be Smurfy sun @ 7.30 (pre-empting Our House)

  61. 9.2/16 A I Married Dora

  62. 8.9/16 A Ohara

  63. 8.8/16 A Hotel

  64. 8.6/14 A Buck James

  65. 8.5/15 A Pursuit of Happiness

  66. 8.3/13 C Houston Knights

  67. 8.2/14 A Sable

  68. 7.8/14 N Rags to Riches

  69. 7.1/12 A ABC Thursday Movie (Stranger on My Land)

  70. 6.9/12 C CBS Saturday Movie (Mrs Delafield Wants To Marry)

  71. 6.8/13 C West 57th

  72. 6.3/10 A SledgeHammer!


Week 12

CBS got some rating gains from their Xmas specials.

Otherwise nothing of particular interest.

Edited by Paul Raven
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By Week 20 of the 87/88 season ABC had moved into second place and with the Winter Olympics coming up on ABC, CBS faced the prospect of finishing 3rd for the season for the first time ever.


Dolly was shunted off to Saturday night , pretty much signalling that it would be cancelled by the end of the season. ABC had agreed to a 2 season committment so it cost them a lot to drop it after just one season.


Most mid season shows were being held to March after the Winter Olympics.


Knots Landing continued to do well considering weak lead-ins and strong competition from LA Law. It ranked 22nd, and its lead in Simon and Simon was 55th.


1. 32.3/47 N Cosby Stow

  1. 27.8/41 N Different World

  2. 24.9/37 N Cheers

  3. 24.6/39 N Golden Girls

  4. 23.9/35 A ABC Sunday Movie 'Elvis and Me' Pt1

  5. 22.5/33 A Growing Pains

  6. 22.3/32 A Who's the Boss?

  7. 21.5/31 C Murder, She Wrote

  8. 21.4/32 A Moonlighting

  9. 21.3/33 C 60 Minutes

  10. 21.3/37 N Bloopers 8 Practical Jokes Sat 2 10 (pre-empting JJ Starbuck)

  11. 20.7/34 N Amen

  12. 19.3/31 N David Letterman Special Thurs 9.30 – 11 (pre-empting Night Court & LA Law)

  13. 19.0/28 C CBS Sunday Movie 'Windmill of the Gods' Pt 1

  14. 18.6/30 C Dallas

  15. 18.4/27 N Matlock

  16. 18.0/26 N ALF

  17. 17.5/28 A Head 01 the Class

  18. 17.3/28 N227 .

  19. 17.1/27 A Perfect Strangers

  20. 16.6/24 N Family Ties

  21. 16.5/27 C Knots Landing

  22. 16.5/27 N Facts of Life

  23. 16.423 A Hooperman

  24. 16.325 C Designing Women

  25. 16./24 N Valeries Family

  26. 15.6/23 C Newhart

  27. 15.5/24 N Highway to Heaven

  28. 15.5/23 N NBC Sunday Movie 'Rambo First Blood'

  29. 15.3/26 A Thirtysomething

  30. 15.2/25 N WWF Special' Main Event Fri @ 8 (Slot filler till Highwayman premieres)

  31. 15./22 N Hunter

  32. 14.9/24 A ABC Monday Movie 'Weekend War'

  33. 14.9/24 A Dynasty

  34. 14.8/26 N Unsolved Mysteries Fri @10 (slot filler till Sonny spoon premieres)

  35. 14 7/25 C Falcon Crest

  36. 14.7/21 N My Two Dads

  37. 14.6/24 C Smothers Brothers 20th Anni Wed @10 (pre-empying Equalizer)

  38. 14.1/23 N Miami Vice

  39. 13.9/23 C Beauty and the Beast

  40. 13821 A Slap Maxwell Story

  41. 13.7/20 C Kale and Allie

  42. 13.7/23 N Crime Story

  43. 13.6/20 A Disney Sunday Movie 7-9 'RocknRoll Mom'

  44. 13.6/23 C Cagney and Lacey

  45. 13.5/22 N NBC Monday Move 'Flashdance'

  46. 13.4/22 N St. Elsewhere

  47. 12.9/20 A MacGyver

  48. 12.9/20 ABC Thursday Movie 'Firefox' 8-11

  49. 12.7/20 Kate and Allie Wed @ 9 (pre-empting Magnum PI)

  50. 12.6/20 A Mr. Belvedere

  51. 12.5/21 A Full House

  52. 12.3/19 N Year in the Life

  53. 12.2/19 C Frank's Place Wed @ 9.30 (pre-empting Magnum PI)

  54. 11.9/18 C Simon and Simon

  55. 11.8/18 C Jake and the Fatman

  56. 11.7/19 C High Mountain Rangers

  57. 11.5/19 A Dolly

  58. 11.4/20 A 2020

  59. 11.4/17 C Frank's Place (Mon )

  60. 11.2/20 A Spenser. For Hire

  61. 11.1/19 C Wseguy

  62. 11./17 N Our House

  63. 10./16 C Houston Knights

  64. 8.9/13 C 48 Hours

  65. 8.8/14 A Ohara

  66. 8.6/14 A Thorns

  67. 8.4/13 C Law and Harry McGraw

  68. 8.3/13 A Sledge Hammer!

  69. 7.7/11 C Bugs Bunny's Valentine Thurs @ 8.30 (pre-empting Tour Of Duty)

  70. 71. 7.6/13 C West 57th

  71. 72. 4.9/7 C Lyndon LaRouche Special Thurs @8 (pre-empting Tour of Duty)

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