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Star Trek: Picard

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This show is obscenely good.

The spotlight on Vadic was excellent. And if you'd told me before this year that Gates McFadden, however much I've always been fond of her, could go toe to toe with Amanda Plummer in a scene I would not have believed you. Gates has been spectacular this entire season and frankly never had anything even close to this material, ever, in over 30 years of Star Trek.

I'm sorry Marina couldn't be more involved earlier due to other commitments, but I hope the final 3 eps will be as substantial for her as the showrunners are claiming.

Edited by Vee
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@Vee I'm really interested in that Starfleet Academy show, especially since it seems to be set in the 32nd century. I like the idea of that show, which could free of canon restrictions, and then whatever Titan/Legacy show they possibly come up with for the 25th century.

I'm so interested in crew they'd use for a Titan/Legacy show. I saw Terry Matalas say that it'd be Seven and then all the kids of the TNG cast basically but I'd love if they threw in like one of O'Brien's kids, Tom Paris and B'Elanna's daughter, or even Naomi from Voyager into the group.

Anyway, about Picard, the last two episodes have been really killer. I enjoyed the first season and the second season was whatever, but this has really been a step up and exactly what I was wanting out of a project like this. I've always loved Beverly too and seeing her get a chance to shine like this has been a dream.

About the Deanna thing, I've heard the truth is probably a little of both. I know she's been going around at cons saying she was available for than ended up using her, even though she didn't want to be in the US for the whole shoot, and that she was disappointed they didn't find a way to work her in the first half better. The show says she was only available for two months. Whatever the case is, it sounds like she's the main focus of the last three and that everyone, including Marina, is happy about her part in what she gets. I don't think anyone has seen the last two, but my friend has seen the next one and says the Riker and Deanna stuff is the best she's ever seen from them and that it's heartfelt, emotional, and really heartwarming and nice. I'm looking forward to it.

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I don't acknowledge those Voyager children. 

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 But I respect your feelings!

I had heard that about Marina in the last day or so. I am happy there'll be a new show, but I feel the 32nd century shown in DSC is often a bit boring, not enough of a big change a la TOS to TNG; it feels like the same environment and trappings but with slightly better tech. I would set it further out and go really nuts.

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I find it kind of frustrating that they said episodes 7 and 8 should be watched together. As a showrunner who knew they would be airing a week apart why would you create episodes better viewed in one sitting? Kind of a rhetorical question,  but just one I have. A few people have seen all 10, and the consensus was better to watch in one batch without the wait.

when it comes to the lack of Troi, I don’t care about Marina being available or not, but if you tell me on Tuesday or Wednesday there will be a lot of Troi and then she is not on screen that week is kind of a silly move. Wait to promote seeing her the week she is airing, not before, as I will go into the episode expecting to see her and then get annoyed at having to wait yet another week. I was for example fine not seeing Geordi the first few episodes but when we had no news by episode 5 I got annoyed there is being patient and then there is the issue of being a viewer of multiple shows being played more than once which leads to skepticism. Perhaps some people who are watching Picard feel that way. 

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I mean, fair! I always kind of enjoyed Tom and B'Elanna tbh but I get it! I think a crew of the TNG kids, Seven, Shaw, and some new faces would be a good group to start with.

To be fair about Marina, judging by the clips people have posted, I think her big disappointment was that kind of silly flashback of her basically being a frazzled mother and that she wasn't included in the action a little bit earlier. If she's happy with the Riker/Deanna stuff, whatever it is they get about their kids, and her stuff in the last few episodes, then I think most of the fans will be too. They've all been hyping it up so I have high hopes. I didn't love the flashback either but I thought they did a good job working her in as best as they could with what was going on. Honestly, I feel like that character was a bit fucked when they decided to do a changeling story since she'll obviously be able to spot who is and isn't one and they can't just have her hanging around being like "oops there's a changeling!" with the story they're doing.

Totally fait about DSC and that era. I like the idea of it just in general but I also love your idea of setting it even further back and going wild. I'll be interested to see what they do.

As for Geordi, I agree that that was a bit of a misstep. I know there wasn't really a way to get him involved faster but I do thing it dragged out a bit and there being no word on when he'd appear was kind of weird. Honestly though, I've had enough of Data/Lore/whoever to last a lifetime so I don't mind him not appearing for a while lol.

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A very solid episode, even if they really should've shown us more at the cliffhanger. I understand waiting to pack the big reveals into the last two eps, but still: 

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My bet at this point: 

That's why they wanted Picard's corpse and past DNA. And Jack's 'telepathy' is actually Borg nanoprobes passed from Picard to Beverly during conception, as his brain attempts to form a kind of rudimentary Borg unimatrix communication with other minds. Seven might spot this but no one has really looped her in on Jack's issues. Data might see it. This has to be about the Borg - the real Borg, lost in the Delta Quadrant since Voyager - otherwise Vadic would not have said it's 'fitting' Seven was there with Jack.

I loved Shaw giving Seven a bit of a lecture on the captain's responsibility to hard choices. The turnabout with the bad guys was of course a lift from Air Force One, but a fun one. I did find it a little too easy that Raffi can just cut down a bunch of changelings solo with some swords.

The conference room reunion was just wonderful. Nice to see Marina back strong. And I loved the Tasha cameo.

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I was a mess during this whole episode lol. The Riker and Deanna stuff, Data and Lore, and then of course the ending. The Worf rescuing Riker and Deanna bit was gold.

I'm ready for the last two episodes of them together and I feel it'll be super satisfying, but now that they're all together, I don't want it to end. Glad Marina came in as strong as everyone else has been. I know its been a wait, but I was happy with her stuff this episode and I think the last two are going to be strong for everyone.

Surprised that was the end of Amanda Plummer so soon, but she was really great the past two episodes and got a lot to chew on. She definitely sold me on the creepy vibe she had going while also being terrified of whoever her boss is.

@Vee I agree on the cliffhanger. I feel like we should have at least had an idea what was up an episode or two ago. The Ready Room preview clip shows that 

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The description for the last two episodes makes me think we're in for some cameos, both ship wise and character wise. I'll be interested to see who outside of 


Edited by AdelaideCate007
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