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Megyn Kelly Melts Down


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She is kind of a dingbat.. but her comment wasn't wrong. The definition of "blackface" has changed over the years. Dark makeup was done in the 70's on prime time, and even as late as 1989 when Delta Burke did it... Heck, Jimmy Kimmel even did that type of dark makeup recently. I think NBC was wanting a reason to get rid of her because her ratings were lackluster and she was costing them a LOT of money.  But hell, if she walks away with a golden parachute of 68 million, she should just retire and live a life of luxury. 2 million a year to live on for the rest of her life. She'd be set. I'd move to flippin New Zealand. 

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Megyn was absolutely wrong, but it wasn’t even a conversation worth having in this day and age. These morning shows just rehash the same old silly “debates.” They are just as creatively bankrupt and desperate to fill screen time as the soaps. These shows have become soooo bloated.

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She simply spoke about history and attitudes when she was a child. She was accurate, totally.  I think it was an off handed comment that blew up in her face. Nobody is immune to the PC police, hell, they even turned on Bette Midler. I suppose people in the public eye today just have to accept that part of their job will be walking on eggshells and measuring every word they say. 

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Right, like I'm gonna take seriously any arguments from someone who proudly displays two crackers and their Confederate flag-adorned hooptie in their avatar.


It figures that your racist ass would love "Dukes of Hazzard," by the way.  But seriously.  Blow away, trash.



Forget it, Vee.  You'll never get through to that garbage.  Find more productive ways to spend your days.

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I like it for the male eye candy. They could drive a pinto and I'd  still like it. I noticed you ignored the irrefutable evidence I posted to support my statement. Do I need to pull out the Designing women Delta Burke clip, too? I also noticed you ignored my comment that I thought it looked ridiculous (Which it does) You grasp at straws worse than a Trump supporter. 


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I didn't ignore your "irrefutable evidence."  I thought it was crap, so I chose not to respond.


(By the way, both Suzanne's decision to wear blackface in one episode of "Designing Women" AND her arguments to support that choice were deservedly lambasted by the others.  The fact that she horrified the others when she wore it anyway to the contest and appeared onstage with them, even after being warned not to, made her the butt of the joke, as evidenced by Charlene's reactions and Julia's attempts to hide her sister and push her away from her.  It was never Linda Bloodworth Thomason giving blackface a ringing endorsement, you knuckle-dragging, moonshine-running, cousin-marrying moron.)


And don't hand me that "Hey, I thought blackface looked ridiculous, too" line, when too many who frequent this board know only too well your history of insane, and insanely racist, comments.  Just don't.


Again, just because others as recently as Jimmy Kimmel have worn blackface doesn't mean it was ever okay.  It was NEVER okay.  Certainly not okay among certain African-Americans -- and before you drag Bert Williams' name into this conversation, just do us all a favor and STFU.

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Jimmy Kimmel wearing it on national television without repercussions means it's obviously ok with some people, just not with you. Julia was the one that was outraged with Suzanne's getup, but Julia was also outraged with porn... so there is that. You just keep putting words in my mouth over and over again. I said it looks ridiculous, because I think it DOES. Just because you are shady as hell and deal with innuendo and subtext, doesn't mean everyone else is. I was TRYING to make the point that the classic definition of "blackface" which is pretty much unacceptable everywhere is getting confused with little girls wanting to be Beyonce for halloween. One is an act of derision and ridicule, the other is an act of admiration. 50 years ago, a little white girl would never want, ask, or even be permitted to dress as a black celebrity for halloween, the fact that little white children today would WANT to do that, shows progress. And that's a good thing. 

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you know, you can put people on ignore.

as a black man. I found it highly offensive and vile. to me, she was not totally accurate. she just made another racist, incendiary comment like the ones she's made on FN. I find her disgusting, and NBC News, who knew she was a racist, gets no props from me for firing her (even if she's leaving with 50 million). she is evil, and anyone who thinks she was accurate in her ignorance...

IMPO, is just as ignorant as her.

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You have your right to that opinion... I think you are not willing to cut as much slack to her on this occasion because of what she has done or said in the past. I've not seen anyone calling for Kimmel to be fired, and he actually DID the act, not just talk about it. The upshot of this is that the definition of "blackface" has been expanded over the last 20 years, and some people just weren't aware of it, or think it's an overreach. For instance, if you take the 1985 episode of Gimme A Break, where Joey Lawrenece  is convinced to put on blackface by Samantha, you see what people think of as blackface in the classic sense, and the anger an outrage in that episode is understandable, and totally appropriate (Treated TOTALLY differently than the Designing Women episode). You have different opinions on what is appropriate coming from all directions, you have Loni Love last week say that if you want to dress up like Diana Ross... go ahead, just don't put on dark makeup. But Unless it's Supremes-era Diana Ross.. part of that costume would consist on an afro wig, which in interview, Victoria Rowell has said is patently racist. So in the end do people want cultures to be segregated in this area? 

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I’ve noticed that I’m seeing ignored users again as well.


I just can’t be arsed to get angry at Megyn while Andrew Lack walks around unscathed scandal after scandal. Nothing irks me more than mediocre dudes failing upward in corporate environments (the story of the West) while stupid celebrities take all the heat.

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