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Dynasty: Discussion Thread


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Liam and Fallon demonstrate the soap couple storyline that displeases me the most: He: is self involved and unavailable (leaves town to investigate a story, goes to cabin the week her best friend OD's), but fighting for a moral cause; therefore good, She: is self involved and slightly unavailable (arrives for dinner one hour late) but fighting for her company, therefore bad.

Liam is cute and romantic, but also an unevolved poseur.  After all, it was Anders who actually figured out the crime around his father's death, while Liam (who still doesn't use his real name), maintains access to the Van Kirk estate without doing anything to preserve that dynasty.

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I've said it before but nu-Jeff with his post-ayahuasca space enthusiasm is one of the wackiest stories in soap history.  They seem to avoid saying the drug, and Jeff just referred to it as a "spiritual journey" when talking about with Dom, but it is a proverbial trip.

I also appreciate the amount of actual Chanel and Gucci that Jeff and Fallon wear.  The wardrobe budget is remarkable.  Even Liam was wearing Zegna when he went hiking.

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Surprisingly, I really liked this week's episode.  I was getting annoyed at Liam for wanting Fallon to step away from FU (still love that name) when he abandons her at the worst times.  However, he really let her off the hook when he recognized how much her work meant, and I am glad that he hasn't slept with Eva.  The ending was so sad, but I am not rooting for their reconciliation rather than wishing Fallon would go with Colin.

The Amanda and Adam rivalry is really fun (also loving the humor of calling the new company PPA).  At times this series feels too beholden to the plots of the OG series.  So, I am glad for this new take on Adam and Amanda.  As new Carringtons it makes sense that they would fight for their respective seats at the table and I look forward to their shenanigans.

The way this series handles drugs is remarkable.  You know if Fallon took an edible in daytime she would be immediately addicted, and there would be no humor derived from her experience.  Soaps have traditionally glamorized alcohol by having everyone have a bar cart with an eternally filled ice bucket.  So, it nice to see a more liberal view on casual THC usage.

Jeff continues to be able to carry off the most extreme Gucci looks with gallantry.    That black suit with red piping, and a red striped helmet were chicer than most of the looks at this week's Met Gala. 

But, I missed Kirby, she was the focus of last week's cliffhanger and then just disappeared this week.

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4x21 was very messy, very soapy and very entertaining. It's probably one of the top ten episodes this show has delivered.


I love how Cristal is turning into the puppet-master behind Blake - hell, it's a plot the original show should've pulled if they hadn't had the attitude that "people like their women strong, but their men stronger".

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So much fun.

I have to mention a few scenes that were made for the visual medium of TV rather than reality.

1. When Culhane came to thank Blake and then Cristal's plan was exposed.  Why Culhane would drive all the way to the manor to have that discussion, rather than just texting Blake?

2. The fake background when Liam and Fallon were at the valet stand of La Mirage?  It is 2021, at least do a green screen.

3. Kirby flipping through a copy of her father's diary.  Did she really go to Kinkos when she could have just taken a photo with her phone using the Notes app?

4. Crazy Eva has made a photo album using cut out pictures of her and Liam?  The girl worked for a tech company, doesn't she know how to make a digital Photoshop album?

All that being said, the visual of Dom in Jeff's room with the manic notes covering was super creepy and effective.

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Dominique questions:


When she was first introduced, she was making mysterious calls to a man (?) asking about “the kids.”


Who was the man?  Was Vanessa, a grown adult, one of the kids?


Was Vanessa the daughter of Brady, a man Dom was married to for one year?  Or who was Vanessa’s father?  Another husband of Dom from an invalid marriage?


Odd how Vanessa and Monica couldn’t sustain storylines considering Dom still manages to have one. 

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Once again I am amused by the soapiness


Where did Alexis get dressed for the gala and why didn't she see the guy who died on the sidewalk in front of her building?

Why did Eva get made up, change her hair and dress, and then drive back to La Mirage to shoot Fallon, when she was already at the hotel moments earlier?

So, Dom turns down Brady for dinner because she's afraid that Jeff is in a crisis, but then he says that he'll see her at the gala, as if by the next night everything would be OK?

I'll give a pass to the security companies on soaps who never seem to screen for weapons, but what gubernatorial candidate has a "gala" (with ten guests) at the opening of a nightclub?  Here in California, our governor had a recall election, in part, because he ate dinner at a fancy restaurant!


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