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Dynasty: Discussion Thread


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He went around talking to people basically, among one of those who was in jail (who Fallon paid off not to say anything). I think we're supposed to believe that word travels fast, which might be true.


At least this weeks Fallon / Liam story seemed to change the status quo for a bit and had Liam leave (?) temporarily.


Since they've made a few Knots references during the run, could the funeral be a fake out a la Gary's on Knots and it's Liam's funeral to try and lure out the people who killed his father?

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This show gets more and more absurd:

1.  The odd soapy way that everyone speaks to each other - case in point Sam's ex-boyfriend, "I'm your ex whom you weren't sure about, but then we impulsively slept together, and you haven't told your current boyfriend" - why don't they just say, "previously on Dynasty..."

2. Everyone gives up their secrets with very little duress - case in point Oliver telling Joseph that Alexis paid him to come to Atlanta.

3. Fallon is mean and unsympathetic, unless anyone from Jeff to Liam or Blake points it out and then she is instantly sympathetic

4.  They refuse to acknowledge COVID, but go to extreme lengths to create scenes that don't need extras - its getting a little claustrophobic that 75% of scenes happen at the Manor.

5. Each episode there's an important scene that happens off camera, case in point the dissolution of Sam's club deal, why didn't we get to see his ex getting fired?

6.  The costumes, great to look at but it is absurd that Sam would be wearing a see through jacket at the reception desk of La Mirage (why doesn't he have an office),  Jeff is constantly in head to toe Gucci, and Fallon inexplicably stops to change clothes in between every scene.

7.  That tiny male model that was cast to pair with Kirby, when she threw her leg up I thought it would catch him on his shoulder he was so short.

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I would have died for COVID to have been included... and how people like Alexis, Dominique and Fallon would accessorize their masks with their outfits, or even complain about them smudging their makeup. How passé. Plus, around filming of these episodes, COVID cases were on the up in Atlanta, so they probably had to restrict how many sets they could use, et al. From what I've seen, COVID protocols around this time on-set were followed pretty close.

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I think it is most noticeable in the sets that seem sparse, like the strip club and the lobby at La Mirage. 

(BTW, did Sam know that Lachlan Buchanan (the twinkiest stripper in the South) went back to stripping? I recall he made a joke about it, but Sam seemed surprised to see him at the club.)

It is less noticeable when they return from places where they would have seen other people like when Adam comes home from the hospital, or Blake and Cristal come back from the track.

(I thought going from the Carrington Racetrack to the Carrington Plane was very Batman, going from the Batcar to the Batplane).

(Also, what was up with the scene about Blake telling Fallon to buy plane, when her father who works for the company already owns one?  I keep thinking they are setting up a plot that Blake is secretly working to destroy Fallon's company from within but nothing supports that theory).

(And can we agree that only in soaps dresses come in those boxes with the lid wrapped separately from the rest of the package, and only in soaps would a woman want someone else to pick out a surprise wedding dress?)

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I'm leaning toward a fake out because there's been so much foreshadowing of Liam's death (from the wedding topper with its head chopped off, to the psychic, and all of the drama around his investigation).  It is easy to see how Liam could have to escape, pretend he died, and then return in the cliffhanger at the end of season, just as Fallon has moved on with another guy. 

However, as a newly committed viewer, I would be let down by a fake death.  There's been so many good scenes of Fallon and Liam as a team that I would hate for him to betray her trust by faking his death.  We know he can't get amnesia again because that breaks all of the soap rules.  And we know that if he fakes his death Fallon will forgive him immediately, which all seems too predictable.

I'm still hoping for either Blake to die on the eve of Fallon's IPO, (which would have an impact on the entire family, as well as her relationship with Liam, and be a great intro for Amanda), or for Cristol to die (which would impact Adam, Kirby, and Blake).  Either way with the number of times that they've mentioned the date of the IPO it has got to have something to do with the death.

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Given that ratings seem to show that nobody is watching this season, it seems fortunate that they're already renewed for season five. I wonder if it will run during the summer again or restart in late fall?


I continue to be endlessly amused by Dominique's full body shimmy every time she speaks. The cover of diver's license was fun.  Anders and Alexis commiserating over the kids they abandoned as teens was ironically fun. I still don't understand Blake's wealth - he could afford to buy back the manor, but can't seem to start his own business?

Edited by j swift
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The ratings for Dynasty isn't much worse than most of CW's programming considering it's airing late in the summer at 9PM on Fridays after another low-rated drama (Charmed). Most of their viewers just stream.

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Exactly. And, if what they're doing with Saturday nights is true, I could see them either pushing Dynasty to Saturdays (to avoid competition from other networks). What they DO need to do is market Dynasty more. The CW sucks with marketing any show that is not a superhero-centric one.

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What if Amanda is the person in Europe that keeps messing up Fallon's IPO?


My new theory is that Liam is reported dead, Fallon goes to Europe to meet Amanda, she falls for her husband Miles.  Fallon and Miles begin an affair, then in the season finale, Liam returns!

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Do anyone else think that was supposed to be the mid season finale, because the cliffhanger was gripping?


We have multiple candidates for death.  Liam was kidnapped, and Fallon doesn't know where he is.  Blake is going back to flying after being a failed pilot once before.  Cristol's convenient brain tumor that doesn't effect her speech, attention, logic is causing her to randomly pass out.  Culhane is being threatened by the mob.  And Kirby is a coke addict after a single hit.  So, anyone could be in the casket.


Also, I adore the throwbacks to the origin story, this week Dominque's husband was named Brady, just like in the 80s when he was played by Billy Dee Williams (I'm just glad it wasn't Garrett Boydston)

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Note the lighting was so much brighter in the 80s.

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