Members NothinButAttitude Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 ^ They renewed Saints and Sinners as it was BounceTV's highest original series watched thus far. I think that Greenleaf might hurt that show though seeing as Greenleaf has it all--stellar acting, writing, production.... That aside, I thought Lady Mae's offer for Noah to have his wedding on the estate was so gutter butt. I really cannot wait for them to dig deep into why she and Grace have such tension between them b/c I can't imagine a mother doing that to her own daughter. I liked the tension between Lady Mae and Kerissa too. It's obvious that Lady Mae does not care for her much either. I hope this is explored more too. I hope they put those two against each other down the road as well. It was obvious that Charity's husband was into men from the first episode. I am not shocked that he has set his sights on that man that he worked with on the lock-in for the kids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted June 23, 2016 Author Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 I wonder why they wrote series finale then... but I guess it could just mean the Season 1 series... eh. I actually agree that Greenleaf could hurt them but to be honest I can only watch Bounce online and it isn't that big of a market like OWN so it may be ok.YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS B! So happy you touched on that! I was cracking up at that scene with Lady Mae & Kerissa. I'm like she was on your side ONE time ma'am and that was mainly probably to make her daughter feel even more uncomfortable but I didn't think that she liked her. I loved how Kerissa could NOT take the hint and JUST. STOP. PUSHING the subject of Grace and the church. I mean, your husband is sooooooooooo disinterested in basically everything... he rather got ass with his side-piece than sit in the pulpit while his father preached. My only thought is that she wants to eventually be First Lady THAT bad and doesn't care how she gets to the top.I felt bad watching that video of the girl. Mac is just so ew and I love that actor but this role is making me hate him a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 Yeah, Kerissa needs to take the hint. Lady Mae only sided with her b/c she loathes Grace. Otherwise, you can tell she hates Kerissa even though Kerissa seems like she is willing to jump through hoops to appease her. This whole family is a mess and in a good way. I know the remainder of the season is gonna be epic. I'd love to know how uber religious people feel about this show. They probably hate it with a deadly passion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr Neil Curtis Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 I just realized Kerissa is played by Kim Hawthorne, I haven't seen her since she originated the role of Belinda Keefer on All My Children. She was good on there and on Another World as Dana Kramer. I am loving Lady Mae, Grace, Kerissa, and James. I am ready to see the sibling interaction between Mae, Mavis, and Mac and to see who is closer to Grace: Charity (don't seem like her) or Jacob. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted June 23, 2016 Author Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 Why did I think that Mavis and Mac were married and just Mae and Mavis were siblings. I clearly didn't pay attention that well.Yeah, after that table outburst I'd love to see that too with the kids. I mean Jacob clearly doesn't care one way or another. He seems to like his sister judging by their small interactions but at the end of the day, they're just that... small.Kerissa and Jacob seem like mother and child or anything else under the sun but husband and wife. Even the way he said "Yes ma'am." to her was just... I just don't get why she is pushing this ministry so much. I wonder if the Deacon's don't respect him because he seems so aloof from the church. He's more interested in getting in that woman's panties. I'm hoping for a side piece pregnancy!Noah, I can't take him serious and I think that's due to his past stint on Noah's Arc and plus there is zero chemistry between the actor and Merle.I liked the scene between Grace & Danielle a lot. It was sad and I hope Danielle does come forward and tell the truth, maybe if there were more girls she'd be willing. I can't imagine he gave them hush money because of that shack that they live in.... unless they spent it on nicer things on the inside or is saving up for college or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 I think that the main reason that Lady Mae may not like Kerrisa is because she is so forceful and tries to be so domineering. I think that Lady Mae finds that offputting. Even the preachers that her and Jacob went to dinner with found one of her interactions with Jacob offputting. (The female preacher gave her a funny look at the scene where he said that she was making fun of is father). I wonder what is driving her so hard to push for her husband to have more power in the church. Especially since he doesn't seem interested. Maybe she does want to be First Lady that badly. Heck, she might as well just try and gain a bigger role in the church herself, by getting more involved with it. She might have a better shot of doing that, than trying to push for Jacob who no one respects. I think that Kerrissa and Jacob come off as more like mother and child than husband and wife too. At the very least bossy big sister and little brother. She acts much older than him. She's too hard for him IMHO. I wonder if might actually be in love with his mistress. I wonder how the writers might try and save Kerissa and Jacob's marriage. I do think that based off the small interaction between them that we saw, that Jacob does like his sister. I think he doesn't really care about anything, but that he likes Grace. I wonder who Lady Mae's favorite child is. Grace definitely seems to be Bishops favorite child. Lady Mae doesn't seem to care for Grace much or even like Charity a whole lot. Maybe her favorite child is Jacob or maybe it was actually Faith, in spite of Faith running in the wrong crowds. Or maybe she does not even have a favorite child, and is disappointed in each of her children for various reasons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted June 23, 2016 Author Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 I would say Faith was her favorite. I mean we never saw her but also that could just be a mother grieving and realizing that she'll never see her child or why did she have to bury her child and not the other way around.My only thing with Jacob that I laugh continuously about when they show it in the upcoming season previews is when he says to the Bishop, "You're going to make her pastor." or something like that. I mean you don't want it, don't want anything to do with the church half the time and then in that moment when you find out his plans you look like someone stole your dog. I simply can't with him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members xtr Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 I think it would be interesting if she had a favorite and it was indeed Faith. I could see that. Maybe we'll find out she liked Faith the best. Even though she was upset when Faith's life went downhill and she ran around with the wrong crowd. Maybe Faith was the person in the family that everyone could turn to. Grace seems to really care about Faith as well. And even Grace's daughter seems to connect with comments Faith had made in the past, when she was listening to a CD of Faith talking. I wonder if there is anything that Jacob really cares about. I guess his children. We found out that him and Kerrissa have another child, their little boy. Maybe he at least loves his children, even though his daughter needs some serious guidance. I think that he could end up getting one dimensional real quick, if he is just written as the disinterested, cheating son. Maybe they will reveal he wishes he had a different type of career and he will try and pursue that. That might help his character and his development. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Vanguardian Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 This show represents everything that I wanted FOX's Empire to be: Great in depth drama that delves nicely into the lives of the characters along with fair amounts of music that doesn't overwhelm along with steady plots building over the entire course of the season. There will be no quick wrap-ups to the stories on this show, and I'm going to love it for that. Lee Daniels should take note. This is how it's done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 23, 2016 Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 The pilot was strong but I have to say the second one was a bit of a letdown. Didnt do it for me them little kids are getting way too much airtime. I am not here for them. I wonder if one of those little girls will get molested by Mac as thats the only reason why I can see them getting so much focus Charity, Grace, Faith....why do these women look like they were inspired by Passons? So is that girl that look like Kelly from ILYIW's husband gay? i got that vibe between he and the white dude Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted June 23, 2016 Author Members Share Posted June 23, 2016 THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU! They seriously add nothing to the show for me and I'm seeing them too much. The only decent scene I liked was when the other girl told Sophia that she wished she had a sister. The school scene was a bit much, like why laugh just because she doesn't know what TT means and then them being hyped over the word crunk? Maybe I'm just too old. I just don't get the meaning or anything like that in relation to when they're on the screen. I only like Sophia with Grace.LMAO! I never realized that.That's what everyone is saying in here, but I get that vibe more from the white dude but I also don't care about Charity & Kevin at this time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr Neil Curtis Posted June 24, 2016 Members Share Posted June 24, 2016 according to the family tree on the OWN Website, the gay men gives him attention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 24, 2016 Members Share Posted June 24, 2016 Please register in order to view this content I love them! So glad they are reviewing this show as they are entertaining Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted June 24, 2016 Members Share Posted June 24, 2016 Watched the second episode. I may sound blind but I didn't see the gay Kevin thing coming. Charity was very sweet in the episode and it helped make the actress more likable -- or maybe she's settling in more. I also, miraculously, ended up liking Kerissa more after this episode, what with both her husband and mother-in-law not caring whether she lives or dies lol Lady Mae using Noah to spy on Grace was such a grand bitch move and the best scene of the episode. Oh, please, follow on this path of villainy with Lady Mae, Show! My second favorite thing is how the investigation into Danielle (too little Oprah! I can't wait until she and Lady Mae have a bitchfest) intersected with the cop. That was some KNOTSian writing right there. I find the daughters to actually be somewhat interesting. Sophia feeling like she doesn't fit in was nice and, although I can't believe they would go through Faith's things, I can believe they would do just that! Faith's ghost is haunting the show, just like it should, and Sophia being affected by her words will be great to watch, I think. It was nice to see Grace get into preparing for the baptism, both annoyed and excited about it. Her arc of questioning a faith that obviously still has a strong hold on her is wonderful. Mac finding out about Grace's investigation was a good ending. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members London Posted June 24, 2016 Author Members Share Posted June 24, 2016 LOL, see for me I had NO sympathy for her with Lady Mae because you could tell she was over the subject and trying to move on but like a dog with a bone she kept trying to push the conversation back to her own personal agenda of Grace and the church.I don't know -- maybe it's because I don't pay a lot of attention to the kids and kinda zone out that I wind up hating their scenes when I am engaged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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