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Ladies of London


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I am loving this season and I am loving Caroline Stanbury. How did that happen!? She's sort of fearless in how she lets it all hang out. The dinner party scenes with Caroline Fleming's family highlighted why Caroline Stanbury is different from the rest of 'em (aside from Annabelle): she can paint on the perfect appropriate face and make witty party banter even as her whole business implodes.


Annabelle is losing me with her behaviour with Julie. She's expecting Julie to read her mind, it seems so stupid. 


I still love Sophie Stanbury because she's a lush and a total hot mess at all times and one withering comment away form decimating someone.


Marissa behaved just perfectly at the Fleming castle...she really knows how to fit in.


The same cannot be said for Juliet who just SCREAMS Illinois. 


Finally, Caroline Fleming can go play in traffic. What a pretentious bitch. She's awful.


I can't believe next week is the finale!

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The finale of Ladies of London...


Caroline Fleming can go f--k herself. What a bitch. Thank goodness she was hardly in the episode. She is such a haughty, nasty, ugly souled bitch. Condescending doesn't even begin to explain her. She needs to GO. 


Annabelle needs to get ahold of some maturity and stop being so selfish. She did explain that she gets introspective under pressure, which was valid, but she is a mature woman and should know better by now that if she has an anxiety issue that she needs to be up front about it. It is not fair for her to expect people to read her mind. 


Julie is a tightly wound wreck. Her implosion at the table was sad because she clearly has a lot of pressure. I am so glad she basically told Caroline Fleming to shut up and let her talk. It's good that she basically worked things out with Annabelle. One thing I don't like about Julie is she pleads poverty and that the family estate is in dire financial straits - and that just isn't true. The Montague family has been running their home well for years.


Juliet is totally irrelevant. Now that she has her blog she doesn't seem to have much to do and nobody wants to deal with her loud, Chicago ass. 


Marissa is a boss. She's in control of herself and her future and she does it without being a gloating, offensive, cow. She is great. I was so impressed with how well mannered her little boy was, asking "May I have a babyccino?"...that was super cute. Adorable. Marissa is good at managing all of the other women and seems to get along with all of them, sans Juliet and Caroline Fleming, very well - and who needs those two hacks?


Caroline Stanbury won me over this season. Big time. Between losing the business and not wallowing in self pity about it, being a mother to children who clearly adore her (she actually seems like a very chill, unflappable mother, and laying down the law with basically everyone in the show, she was the standout. I really liked how she explained things to Annabelle in a way that held her accountable for her crap but didn't trash her. I think Caroline Stanbury is one of those people who laughs at themselves when nobody is looking and otherwise seems quite serious. I dig her.


**Honourable mention to Sophie Stanbury who was always a hot mess and hilarious.

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I'm glad to hear it is coming back, I thought it had been cancelled! I wish it was more closely aligned to the RH franchise as I think that would win the show more fans, but I also understand why the show wanted to preserve a very London brand of uniqueness. LOL is very much unlike the other foreign RH franchises, but it does reflect a certain kind of London perfectly. 


Glad Caroline Stanbury will be in it, she is pretty much the tent pole personality of the show. Even tho she was absolutely awful and fake and inauthentic (kinda like Kelly Bensimon in a way!), I hope Caroline Fleming returns so she can be torn to shreds lol.


I forget the name of the needy, try hard brunette who was always kissing up to Caroline Stanbury to the detriment of her longtime friends but it will be interesting if she returns.

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Ugh Juliet that whiney complainer. She sucks the air out of every room!




I love Caprice too. I've seen her in a bunch of reality stuff, and while obvs she has an image to maintain, she is also pretty self-deprecating and doesn't try to be something she is not. I'd love it if she came back. She can take Annabelle's place (who I will actually miss for drama-stirring purposes).

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Thanks NBA! I love this show (for obvs reasons). :wub:


"I'm not here for your amusement. You're here for mine." :wub: Love it, even tho having Caroline as a friend IRL must be hella trying. Please let this be her opening tagline! She also looks like she's tweaked her face some more. Her hair is still uber fabulous, however.


I see Caroline's boozy sister in law may have a leading role -- about time, she's been campaigning for a place for about two seasons. Fake-ass Caroline Fleming is also back. <_<


I'm American, but I can't seem to get super-interested in the American ladies. They are kind of prim and tightly wound. And I can't stand Juliet who is trying too hard to be relevant. Also, for a self-titled 'fashion insider,' her personal style is meh at best. 

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