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B&B - Ivy Spoiler

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Among all the plot faults I have with B&B, the 'marriage' thing bothers me most. Why are young, good-looking RICH and successful Angelinos so desperate to get married??? Seriously, marriage is not just the end-game, it's the only game. The only one I give a pass to is Hope, because of what she saw growing up, but the others should be out partying, hooking up, having FWB-situations and enjoying the lifestyle. Seriously, women like Steffy (and previously Caroline) are not sitting around pining for a man at 27 to get married and pop out babies. The only character who seems to have a 'mysterious' social life is Carter - whenever the script calls for him to change shirts at the office before going out. Note to B&B skip the marriage, baby 'twists' and have couples/triangles actually have conflicts and philosophical, moral or whatever reasons to keep them apart, etc. In the real world, Liam would be hooking up with both Steffy AND The Vine with no immediate long-term commitment. It's just a turn-off to see these attractive and smart women so desperate.

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In a lot of ways B&B is still stuck in the 90s, when marriage was the end game, the one special even that would seal a couple's love forever, and the one event the love rival had to stop. In 2015, not so much.

I was thinking about this the other day, and trying to figure out what has replaced the wedding/marriage as the goal in the 21st centuary. People don't get married so young any more, and marriage is not as big a deal as it was for the previous generation. The 20-something characters should be doing anything but fantasizing about marriage and kids. A baby should be the last thing they'd want to be saddled with at that age.

For some characters it can still work, like I imagine Aly wants the whole fairytale, whereas Oliver should be trying to avoid that level of commitment for as long as possible. There are many ways to create conflict and drama, but as I said in another thread, B&B is lazy. This way they don't have to bother giving characters personalities or depth.

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Its stupid bc assuming she has no visa, it makes no sense why she cant just go back to Australia for a few weeks to take care of it. A quickie marriage to keep her in the US is so extreme and unnecessary. She'd be gone for maybe a month at most. Its not that serious. She can take that as a vacation to visit her mother, whom she hasnt seen in a year, and old friends. Liam can even go with her for a few days. Nope, we gotta get married instead....lame

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but this goes against that dumb 'Summer of Steffy' promo where Steffy was, like, dating both bros? LOL Unless Liam dumps Ivy, and then this whole kerfuffle comes about? Mess.

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To think that in Los Angeles, of all places, an INS officer would spend time trying to deport a wealthy Australian is pathetic. I think they've already got their hands full with illegals. I also agree that she should even have VISA issues. Stupid writing...too many other ways they could have written this. I'm surprised she isn't pregnant or pretending to be.

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