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Two Vets to Days

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I really don't get the TP love.I find his acting style annoying and all the rewrites have destroyed whatever the character could bring to the canvas.

Maree Cheatham,the only original surviving cast member needs to be announced as returning pronto.

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I'd love to see Marie, but more as a talk-to and counselor for troubled people. I think some type of religious center would be an interesting topic, especially if they had a gay Christian or person of faith on the show.

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Sheffer (with the encouragement from Corday) was the one who took the easy way by making Tony good and Andre bad instead of keeping Tony as one, dark, complex character. The 2007 retcon was the one that did the most damage to the character of Tony and created many plotholes for storylines in the 90s and early 00s.

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Yes, Marie Horton played by Maree would be welcome. Just as a talk-to character. Someone who's a little more grounded than Julie, and has more pep in their step than Doug.

I've always liked Thaao, but the constant character rewrites have worn me out. Ever since the Melaswen/Captive Island/Captive Castle/Boys-in-Iraq storylines, I'm completely checked out of making sense of the Tony/Andre thing. Also, I'm not a fan of the shoe polish hair dye job. Just sayin'....

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True, but Tony was already an absolute cartoon by that point. The 2002-03 Tony was interesting. The one who got mauled by a tiger, walked around behind Marlena telling her to kill people, trained with a Samurai master, kidnapped Philip in a war zone, etc., was a ridiculous, over-the-top villain. JER 2.0 did so much damage to Tony that I don't think it would've been possible to play him as much besides a Stefano-lite. But yeah, the 2007 retcon then created so many holes and so much confusion that Tony just feels… lost.

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