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GL Alumni Joins Y&R

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I thought she was the least memorable Marah. She just looked bored all the time.

She was on Supernatural a few times over the years and always did a good job - very ethereal and otherworldly, and soft yet strong.

It's too bad she will just pop up here to have her panties lowered by Victor or Jack.

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Yuk - that scene. I regretted 'revisiting' that clip posted here. Now I'm starting to remember why I'd have to tune in and out of GL. Why, oh, why do they have these young, vibrant women going after men old enough to be their Gramps or Aunts.... Now, if she and Nick, Adam or Cane were to sweat up the sheets.....

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OT but omg that scene ohmy.png Yikes. I was watching GL back then too (it was during that Marianne mess) but I missed this moment straight out of method amateur hour. blink.png

JFP really loves the blonde generic look for a female actress, huh.

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It took place a year or so before the Marianne story. It was one of many stories that made me barely tune into the Rauch/Taggart period.

It was a disgusting scene. Even more disgusting was reading Millee Taggart or whoever go on about the scene was Marah showing her independence.

She hasn't been blonde in a number of years, unless she's dyed it again for Y&R?

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Production-wise GL looked amazing that era but in all other respects it was messy and the writing felt very agenda-driven. Too much Cassie and Jeffrey for my liking. I also recall LM's Marah having borderline inappropriate chemistry with her dad, Josh (played by the incomparable Robert Newman). Actually, that dynamic was one of the more interesting things about the show that period.

I can't believe a writer of Millee Taggart's experience said that! ohmy.png But why should I be shocked by anything in Daytime any more?

Well.... I do like the name Felicity. unsure.png

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