Members Bright Eyes Posted September 2, 2019 Members Share Posted September 2, 2019 I have a weird request. Obviously, you should only do so if you wish and whenever you have the time and inclination, but because there are so many shows I see in your lists I've never or barely heard of, would you be willing to make a master list of all the soaps/soap adjacent shows you follow and do research on? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 2, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 2, 2019 I just started re-organizing my primetime stacks to go through them for "Hoppers". Once I get it all together and plow through them to update the hoppers, I'll type up a list of show titles. I don't have any Netflix or Amazon or steaming shows, mostly basic network tv. I'll also type up a list of radio shows I have cast lists I accumulated about twenty years ago. I've been planning to set these up for a while, but..... Please register in order to view this content Hahaha. Seriously, though, I'll be working on them and posting soon. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 4, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 4, 2019 AS THE WORLD TURNS UPDATES, CHARACTER INFO, SPELLING CHANGES, etc. Mr. MacDougal Keith Gerchak 2008 Garrick MacLaren Alan Coates 2002 "Duke" Ian MacLaren Peter Giles 2002 Hank MacPherson ????? stable boy, tried to rape Lily 9/1985 Henry MacPherson Robert Gerringer 1985 Hank's daddy Detective MacRae Robert Prescott Judge Madden Ben Hammer 9/94 Dr. Maddux John Leone 2005 Alan Mallory Jay Alan Christensen 2000 Detective Malloy Trevor Richardson 2001 Mallory Malloy Jennifer Kroll Michael Malloy Rudolph Willrich 1982 henchman, Mr. Big Reverend Malone Tom Roland 1997 Rita Malzone Priscilla Garita 1996 Umberto Malzone (Diego Santana) Rick Gianisi 1996 Bronson Pickett 1996-97 Lenny Mancuso Jonathon Del Arco 2/88 Officer Mancuso John Fiore Melanie Mannarino Melanie Mannarino Brenda Manning Rosalyn Coleman 2008 Judge Manning Ben Jones 1999 Dr. Wayne Manning Marcus Lovett 1992 Ruth ______ Mansfield Ann Flood 1992-93 Kirk's client "Aunt" Marie Ciccone Manzo Marisa Redanty 2010 Janet's aunt "Uncle" Ralph Manzo Stuart Damon 2009-10 mobster Nurse Laura March Georgann Johnson early 60s secretary at Memorial Cesare Marichi Matt Servitto 1994; 1997 Eduardo's assistant Esther ____ Marino Donna Martella 1989-90 Marjorie Lombard's mother Frank Marino Ed Setrakian 1989-90 Marjorie Lombard's father Maria Fernando Marino Jill Harmon 1972 patient (Dan Stewart) that died on the table Tony Marino Carmine Stipo 1972-73 Maria's widower Eliot Markham Philip Bosco 1993-94 con artist partner/father figure Samantha (Keller) Markham Anderson Buzzy Markman Steve Talley 2002 Jill Marks Ruby Jerins 2006-07 Melissa Marks Angela Bullock Dr. Neil Marlette Helmar Augustus Cooper 1997 Editor ___ Marlowe Ward Asquith 1994 Robert Ari 1997 Bilan Marlowe Kathleen Rowe McAllen 1981-83 daughter of Miranda and "The Corsican", kidnapped by "Mr. Big" Lydia Marlowe Zsa Zsa Gabor 1981 Miranda's sister Mrs. Marly Basia McCoy 1999 Peter Marsden Peter Webster 1986 related to Mona Simms; involved in Sabrina story (faux) Charles Cioffi 1986 Kevin Marshall Jeff Phillips 1990 Karen Atkins Martell Dee Hoty 1992 wife, Shorty Willard "Shorty" Martell Peter D. Greene 1992-93 murder victim Guido Martelli Michael Burstyn The Brad Martin Band Brad Martin 2002 Dan Cohen 2002 James Cook 2002 Mike Geiger 2002 Derek Mixon 2002 Bill Martin Rick Stear 2007 Dr. Cheryl Martin ?????? 5/80 dated Bob Hughes District Attorney Dick Martin Joe Maross 1966 dated Claire and Lisa Ed Kemmer 1966-70; 1974-78 Otto Martin Allen Nourse 1966-68 Dick's father; retired cop Reverend Martin Andy Taylor 1993 Reverend Martin Amy Taylor 1994 Dr. Maslin Armande Anthony 2005 Belva Mason Barbara Neal Bill Mason Michael P. Moran 1996 Commissioner Mason Ron Parady 11/84 disliked Margo Derek Mason Thomas Gibson 1988-89 Lily's former husband, wanted to kill her Joe Mason Mark Elliott Wilson Niles Mason Charles Keating 1988-89 Derek and Trish's father Trish Mason Sherry Ramsey 1988-89 Derek's sister Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis 1991 singer Cliff Matson Jay Acovone 1981-82 dated Sofia K. investigated James for Stan Holden Mitzi Matters Anne Sayre 2000-04 showgirl friend of Rose D. later embezzled from her and poisoned herself (accidentally). Dr. Henry "Matt" Matthews David Brand 1990 Iva's therapist Reverend Wally Matthews Charles Siebert 1972-74 took over Paul Stewart's practice; father of Peter Burton Bobbi Maxwell Avra Holt 1983 Lonnie's wife Janice Maxwell Holly Cate 1993-95 Kim's manipulative WOAK assistant; dated Holden Lonnie Maxwell Matthew Cowles 1983 Bobbi's husband; involved in coin caper with Steve/Betsy Ameera Ali Aziz Mayer Tala Ashe 2008 married Noah Noah Mayer Jake Silberman 2007-10 Luke's boring true love Colonel Winston Mayer Daniel Hugh-Kelly 2007; 2008; 2009 Noah's homophobic murderer father ______Mayes Jack Poggi Gloria ___ Maynard Never Seen Denise's Mother Dr. McBurney Never Seen dental records switched with James Stenbeck Fiona McBurney ????? 11or12/87 Dr. McBurney's daughter Beatrice McKechnie McCall Ashley Crow 1986-87 Duncan's daughter by Mary Callahan; thought she was his sister; married Brian, mother of Mary Joanna, Duncan Brian and Whitney Brian McCall Robert Burton 1982 editor, dated Dee Stewart, Barbara Ryan and Shannon O'Hara before marrying Beatrice Frank Telfer 1983-84 Mark Pinter 1984-87 Charmane L'Amour McCall Lee Meredith 1983-84 Whit's wife, pretended to be his sister Duncan Brian McCall Never Seen son of Brian and Beatrice Joanna ___ McCall Never Seen mother of Brian and Diana Kirk McCall Christian J. LeBlanc 1983-85 son of Whit and Dorothy Connors gambling addict, dated Frannie and Marcy. learned his best friend Jay was his half-brother Mary Joanna McCall Never Seen daughter of Brian/Beatrice Whitney "Whit" McCall Robert Horton 1982-84 widower of Joanna; bigamist--married to Charmane and Lisa at the same time, fathered Kirk by Dorothy; murdered by Dorothy owned City Times and McCall Industries Whitney Margaret McCall Never Seen daughter of Brian and Beatrice _____ McCann Dominic Marcus thug Dylan McCarthy Zach Sorrow 2008 Morgan McCarthy Lexie Drago 2007 Bernice McCloskey Jaclyn Ross 1988 Dan's daughter Captain Daniel "Dan" McCloskey Dan Frazer 1984-96 Captain of Police Squad, married Nancy Hughes, had Alzheimer's Nancy ____ Hughes McCloskey former schoolteacher, town matriarch, meddlesome mother turned town confidante; volunteer. Wife of Chris and Dan; close friend to Katie Betty Runnell (temporary) Betty Low 1988 Helen Wagner 1956; 1956-80; 1983; 1985-2010 Dr. Lewis " Lew "McCloud Marc Gomes 1997 skeevy ex boyfriend of Camille Bennett, paralyzed by explosion, then faked paralysis until he tried to rape Camille Monti Sharp 1997-98 Pamela ____ McCloud Helen Goldsby 1997 Lew's wife, killed in explosion Ronnie McCloud Scott Cumberbatch 1997 Lew and Pamela's son Agnes ___ McDermott Sydney Anderson 1992 Larry's mother "L.J." McDermott Robert Hogan 1991-92 Larry's father Dr. Larry McDermott former boyfriend of Frannie, dated Lyla, married Susan Stewart. fathered Alison by in vitro fertilization (via Emily's egg); later used another of Emily's eggs via Aurora Hunter, fathering Lyon Hunter McDermott Marcus Lovett (temporary) 1994 Ed Fry 1990-95; 2009 Lia McDermott Deja Kreutzberg 2005-06 Casey's ex-girlfriend, found murdered at country club Lyon Hunter McDermott Evan Alex Cole 2009-10 in vitro child of Larry and Aurora Mr. McDonnell Jim Mohr 1996 Officer McDonough Jim Schoefield 1996 Dana Woodward McFarland Deborah Hobart 1979-80 former wife of Ian M., Ballerina; engaged to Bob Hughes Ian McFarland Peter Simon 1979-80 composer, ex husband of Dana, fell for Dee Stewart, died in the sack with her Bud McGann Charlie Pollack 2008 Sergeant McGill Brian St. August 2009 Jimmy McGuire Michael Cody 1970 son of Sandy and Roy Kelly McGuire Shauna Hicks 1991-92 Roy McGuire Konrad Matthaei 1966-68 ex-husband of Sandy and Penny Mr. McHenry Graeme Malcolm 1987 Dr. Marsha Palladino McKay Justine Miceli 1992-93 Holden's doctor/ dated Spencer McKay Nell Mooney 2008 faked her death with the help of Dani Andropoulos Angus McKechnie Michael Swan 1986 (flashbacks) Bonnie Louise McKechnie (Jenkins) daughter of Duncan and Jessica; dated Isaac,Brad, Derek, and Dusty Allison Gangadesu 1993 Caroline Aimetti 1993-96 Chloe Morris 1996 Napiera Daniela Groves 2001-03; 2004 Chauntee Shuler 2007-09 Duncan McKechnie Michael Swan 1986-95; 2001; 2003 part Scotsman, part pirate, part hero and part rogue; married Shannon and Jessica; father of Beatrice and Bonnie Lilith DeVries McKechnie Sara Botsford 1988-90 psychotic ex-wife of Duncan, sister of Roderick, allegedly shrunk Shannon's head(she didn't) Margaret ____ McKechnie Margaret Reed 1986 flashbacks Shannon O'Hara McKechnie Margaret Reed 1985-90; 1994-95 aka Erin Casey (also Erin Cavanaugh) Niece to Earl Mitchell; dated Brian M., Glenn and Mark Harrington; took care of Dusty for John, almost married Brian, married Duncan; presumed dead, returned in 94 Reverend Angus McKenzie J.R. Horne justice of the Peace Doris ___ McKenzie Carole Monferdini wife, Angus Bridget McKinnon Jenna McGrane 2000-02 Jake and Vicky's daughter Megan Ferrara 2000-02 Jake McKinnon Tom Eplin 1999-2002 editor of City Times, lost wife Vicky; married Molly; killed by crazy Mary Mennihan (vast history on Another World) Marly Love (Hudson) McKinnon Ellen Wheeler 2000; 2001; 2002 Vicky's twin; Jake's ex-wife; took custody of the twins Michelle McKinnon Kayla McGrane 2000-02 Bridget's twin Lauren Ferrara 2000-02 Molly Peterson Conlan McKinnon cousin of Carly mother of Abigail formernews anchor at WOAK; dated Nick Scudder,Holden, Andy, David Stenbeck, Chris, Mike and Dusty Cristina Chambers 2004 Lesli Kay 1997-04; 2009-10 Victoria "Vicky" (Carson) Love Hudson Frame Harrison McKinnon twin to Marly; mother of Bridget and Michelle; wife of Jake; killed in plane crash Jensen Buchanan Brian McKnight Brian McKnight 1995 singer Alan ":Red" McLean Peter Maloney 1994 Major Gerard McLean Brian Delate 2007 George McLellan (aka Mel Asher) ????? 1989 Security Head in Florida Hospital Sandra McLure Stephanie Raye 2004 fashion reporter Dick McMahon Ed Kurtzman Mrs. McMillan Joann Bayes Fred McNeil ????? 12/77 alibi Jay Stallings Sandy McNeil Ted Pejovich 1987 Duncan's buddy, James' employee James stole his money; turned up dead _____ Mead Bill Kux Nurse Meade Lori March early 1960s ________Meadows John DiBenedetto mausoleum guard Anne ___ Meadows Barbara Joyce 1959-61 couple that raised Jimmy aka Danny Stewart friend, Doug Cassen Dr. Joe Meadows John Boruff 1959-61 couple that raised Jimmy aka Danny Stewart friend of Doug Cassen Mary Dolan Mennihan Marian Thomas Griffin 2001-02 crazy nanny that killed Jake McKinnon Valerie Merediz Sara Ramirez 1997 attorney Dr. Merker Gregory Chase 1996 Officer Jessie Meyer Cathy Diane Tomlin 2007-09 occasional Captain Meyerson David Wilson Barnes 2007 Jake Meyerson Robert Bacheler Dr. Lynn Michaels Oakdale's favorite psychiatrist Haunani Lee (temporary) Barbara March (temporary) Beth McDonald 1997 Courtney Simon 1985-05 Lois Middleton Diane Franklin 1979 Betsy's friend dated Kirk Simmons and Matt Kelly got pregnant Terry Milburn Scott Klavan 2010 Judge Marilyn Milian Judge Marilyn Milian 2007 Alma ____ Miller Joanna Roos 1960 Lisa's mother Ethel Remey 1963-77 Dorothy Blackburn 1978 Dr. Miller Doug Ballard 1983-84 Henry Miller Luis Van Rooten 1960-61 Lisa's father Mr. Miller ????? 8/85 one of Guy Howard's thugs Nicole Miller Nicole Miller 1984 fashion designer Dr. Milton Greg Zittel Officer Eugene Milton Daniel Pearce 2010 Roy Feinberg 2010 Carmine Minardi Frank Gulli 1993 Renata's brother Gino Minardi Mark Lotito 1992 Renata's brother Emmanuel Xuereb 1992-93 Renata Minardi Gianna Ranaudi 1992 former lover, Damian executive assistant at Kingsley-Malta Elizabeth Sastre 1992-93 Dr. Ming Stephen Sable Agent Earl Mitchell Farley Granger 1986-88 secret agent; Shannon's uncle; Lisa's late husband Nurse Mary Mitchell Joan Anderson 1963-65 dated Chuck Ryan Matt Mitchell Noah Mazaika 2005 Ralph Mitchell Keith Charles businessman divorced from Sally; affair with Joyce; engaged to Mary Ellison; dated Lisa and Ellen Sally ____ Mitchell Delphi Harrington 78 ex-wife, Ralph Stan Mitchum Daniel Ahearn 2005 Iris D's fling Reginald Moffett ?????? 6/85 attorney Stewart Cushing Jake Molino David Wasson Dr. Henry Moller John Seitz 1982 Barbara's sanitarium doctor Miss Moloney April Adams 1985 Mitch Monroe Mitchell McGuire Monty Montague Paul Schoeffler Andre Montand ?????? 11/85 Shannon's ex-lover Senor Montez Greg Mitchell Bart Montgomery James Raymond 1984 Bryant Montgomery son of Sierra and Craig; loved Jennifer; died in car crash; also dated Abigail and Ruby Dennis Marotta 1987-89; 1990 Jaime Kenyon (young) Zach Sorrow 2000 Todd Rotondi 1999-2001 Cabot Sinclair Montgomery (age 16) Micah Alberti 2004 Aiden Wagner 2004 Billy McFadden 2004 Lucas Kelly 2005 Daniel Menake 2005-07 Craig Montgomery Son of Bart and Lyla; brother of Cricket; half-brother to Margo and Katie; father of Bryant and Lucy by Sierra; father of Gabriel Caras by Lydia; father of Johnny by Jennifer; adoptive father of Cabot with Rosanna. charismatic conniver best known for sleeping with Lucinda and daughter Sierra in the 80s; faked paralysis during his first marriage to Betsy; presumed dead in Greece; founded Montgomery and Associates; later married Sierra,Barbara, Meg and Rosanna twice. Scott Bryce 1982-87; 1988-89; 1990; 1993-94; 2007-08 Hunt Block 2000-05 Jeffrey (Geoffrey) Meek 2006-07 Jon Lindstrom 2008-10 Johnny Montgomery son of Craig and Jennifer, taken away by Lucy and Dusty Daniel Menake 2005-06 Bailey Harkins 2008-10 Dr. Lucy Montgomery daughter of Craig and Sierra; dated Clark, Rafael, Aaron, and Dusty. Dusty and Luci took Johnny away and brought him back Chelsea Braden Amanda Seyfried 2000-01 Peyton List 2001-05 Spencer Grammer 2006 Sarah Glendening 2008-10 Rosanna Cabot Walsh Montgomery SinclairRyan Montgomery Ryan Montgomery spoiled daughter of Alexander, half-sister of Carly; tried to steal Carly's kids several times over the years Yvonne Perry 1992-96; 1998; 1999 Cady McClain 2002-05; 2007-08; 2009; 2010 Melba Moore Melba Moore singer 1986 Detective Moran ????? 2/85 killed by bootleggers Mrs. Moran Jennifer Joyce 4/85 Shirley Morehouse Isabel Glasser 1999 best friend, Deena Silva ??Diana Morgan Michelle LaMothe 1978-80???? Errol Morgan Jeremy Peter Johnson 1997 Jason Roth 1997 Evan Morgan Jack Ryland 1977 Reverend Morgan Bennett Stephens Agent Robert Morgan Armand Schultz 2005 Terrence McCrossin 2005 Dr. Morris David Furr 2006 Judge Morris John Wojda Mrs. Morris Never Seen raised Samantha Markham Mr. Morris Never Seen raised Samantha Markham Keith Morrissey Kin Shriner 2005-06 pilot; Julia Larrabee's brother; JJ's uncle; affair with Lily Leo Morrissey Zack Conroy 2008 intern; dated Liberty Percival Morrison (aka Missouri Spats) ????? 9/84 pool shark (Maggie) Detective Morrow Louis Mustillo 2008 Henry Moss Greg Baglia Judge Moss Frank Raiter Libby Mueller Irma St. Paule Captain Muggins Robert Ferro 4/87 ship's captain Detective Mulcahy Jack Davidson 1991 ____ Mulligan Andrew T. Murphy 1986-87 bar owner Adam Munson son of Margo and Hal, raised by Tom; film school student, loved Abigail; screwed around with Jade Taylor; became obsessed with Gwen; almost died in Afghanistan; came home with face grafts and the name Riley Morgan. Left town.. Philip "Phips" Smith 1988-89 Michael Zderko 1989-95 Harry Zittel 1996-98 Bret Cooper Craig Lawlor 1998-2002 Matthew Morrison 2006 Matt Cavenaugh 2006-07 Tom Degnan 2009 (Riley Morgan fake name) Gwen Norbeck Munson Daughter of Iris D and Ray Tenney, half sister to Carly, mother of Billy (by Casey) and Hallie by husband Will Jennifer Landon 2005-08; 2010 Detective Hal Munson "the father of half of Oakdale" ; son of Harold, brother of Claire, police chief; fathered Nikki with Lynda; fathered Adam with Margo; did not father but raised Jen as his own;fathered Will by Barbara; raised Paul as a father figure; fathered Parker with Carly; he went by Harold Gleason while undercover as chauffeur for the Harper family.; married Lynda, Barbara (3 times), Carly, and Emily. John Hillner (temporary) 1994-95 Richard Council (temporary) James Kiberd (temporary) 2001 Randolph Mantooth 2003;2004-05 Benjamin Hendrikson 1984-2004; 2005-06 Hallie Munson ????? 2007-08 Alexa Kaplan 2010 Harold Munson John Seitz 1986 Hal's father Barton Heyman 1989 Liberty Ciccone Munson daughter of Janet, dated Leo,married Parker Meredith Hagner 2008-10 Sarah Wilson 2010 Detective Nikki Graves Munson Hal's daughter by Lynda former IRS agent, dated Jeremy, Ryder, Andy, Matt, and Henry Jordana Brewster 1995-98; 2000 McKenzie Satterthwaite 2004 Parker Munson son of Carly and Hal (Brad and John were also in the running) briefly married true love, Liberty Justin Weiss 1999 Cole Kachelhofferr 1999-2004 Giovanni Cimino 2004-06 Mick Hazen 2006-10 Will Munson son of Barbara and Hal, dated Gwen, Celia, and had affair with Jade; accidentally killed Rose D'Angelo as a teen John Pink 1993-96 Bryan Abadrabo 1996-99 Brett Groneman 2000-04 Jesse Lee Soffer 2004-08; 2010 Mandy Murdoch ????? 9/1984 dated Bob Mrs. Murphy Madeline Sherwood 1983 Officer Murphy David Courier 1992-93 Valerie Murphy Toni Lewis 2002 Sergeant Musgraves Josh Pais Mabel of Mabel's Red Hots Lynne Lipton 1997 Maggie Task Madeline the reporter Barbara Gulan 1998 Magda in charge of wedding security Judy Gold Maggie the little girl Julia and Jack helped Joanna Wolff 1998 Maggie the nanny Erica Thomas 2009-10 Maggie Cheryl Ann Leaser 2007 Magnifico the magician Ryan Oakes 2006 Mahalia that helped James S. Gammy Singer Mandy the student Victoria DeMare 1999 Manny Holter Graham 2010 Marco Mario Campanaro 1994 Jordi Caballero 1994 Marco ?????? 2/1984 stopped Richard from killing Gunther Marcy Meghan Strange 1999 Marcy Larisa B. Emanuele 2009 Margaret the waitress Ruth Kulerman Margarita the flower lady Ida Bernadini "Mental" Marge Cheryl Moore 2001 Margery Mary McTigue Maria Judith Delgado 2008 Maria Jackie Cossett Marie Claire Winters 2006 Marilyn, Lyla's nanny for Katie Melissa Johnson 1990-94 Marilyn that dated Jack Marla Sucharetza 1998 Marilyn the stage manager Lisa Jolley Marissa Marissa Chibas 1986 Marj Robin Groves 1987 Marla from Rhodes College Buffy Cannon 2002 Marlena Ingrid Whittakher Marsha the waitress Stacie Linardos 1997 Martha Jackie Hoffman Martha Elizabeth Swain 4/85 Aunt Martha (voice-over) Glynis Bell 7/1999 Martin Blaise Hemingway Martino, David's employee James Soviero 2001 Marty Adam LeFevre 1998 Mother Mary/Mother Monica Margaret Hall 1991 Mother Superior Mary Kristen Stewart Chase 2006 Mary, Brad's friend Annie Mistak 2009 Mary Beth the model Heather MacRae Mason (Claudia Colfax's first husban) Never Seen Matt the rude teen Scott DeFrietas 1984 Maurise the limo driver John Reger Max the Java manager Marcus Schenkenberg 2000 Max the maitre'd John Jenis Max from Virginia Common Sean Hemeon 2002 Max Ryan Link 2006 Max Tim Kubart 2005 Max Craig Chester Max Scott Brown Max Alex Garcia (Darke) Maynard Dick Martinsen 1986 Megan Aaron's friend Katie Lowes 2004-05 Megan dated Clark Kristina Apgar 2004 Mei Ling Elaine Tse 1996 Mel the messenger Jan Austell Mel the kidnapping witness Jessamyn Bradley Melanie Craig's assistant Dontee Kiehn 2005 Melvin the businessman Greg Moody Melissa Wendy Allyn 2004 Mercedes the divorcee with Simon Laura Sametz Merle Kevin Thomas Mia Athena Curry 2007 Miguel the hotel clerk Eddie Andino Mike George Gerdes 5/86 Mikki, Frannie's friend Jane Krakowski 1983 Mildred the maid Julie Jirousek Mildred Marilyn Redfield 7/87 Millie, Julia's supervisor Kit Flanagan Mimi Diana M's friend Julia Murray 5/84 Miranda Linda Warren Miranda Jackie Hoffman 2007 Miranda Sarah Viccelleo (Clements) 2007 Mitzi the waitress Sue Ellen Estey Moe Brian Huskey 2005 Mona (Damian) Kim Sweeney Monica Barbara's model Jennifer Karr Monique from Doctors Without Borders Eleanor Handley 2010 Morlin the Protector Peter Dinklage 2002 Mort Joseph Prussak 2008 Muffy Lisa Peluso ?1974 Murray Jerry Matz 1985 Murray the security guard Bill Christ 2000 Murray, Rose''s friend Matt Walton 2000 Musiq the singer Musiq 2003 played at Jessica and Ben's wedding Mya Martha Milian 2005 Myra Claudia Rocafort 1996 Nurse Nash Beth Glover Gus Navarro Gilbert Cruz 1994 ___ Nelson Michael Mulheren Blythe Nelson Shelley Conger 1989-93 (occasional) debutante; WOAK anchhorwoman; dated Tonio Ellis Nelson Kurt Robin McKinney 2010 Craig's thieving accountant Sandy Nelson Melinda Page Hamilton Elroy Nevins Cliff Weissman 1992-93 brutally raped Margo with Sam Fickett Gerald Nevins (aka Gray Gerard) Dominic Fumusa 2008 won Al's Diner from Henry, Elroy's brother that went after Margo for payback Herbert Newman Robert Stanton 2003 Marshall Travers' lawyer Terrence Mann 2003 Monica Newman Vickie Patik 1979 dated Ian McFarland Mr. Nguyen Dalton Leong 1988 Dr. Niarchos Gregory Roziakis 6/1987 Vinnie Nichols ?????? 4/83 convict uprising at prison Anne Nielsen Never Seen dated David Allen (Stenbeck) Jens Nillson Jens Martin Krummell Gregory Noble Christian Baskous 1992 Detective Nolan Ben Thomas 5/1986 Judge Nolan Jerry Mayer Officer Nolte Darren Pettie 2002 Billy (Hughes) Norbeck Daniel Menake 2005 stillborn son of Gwen and Casey Colton "Cole" Norbeck Chris Heusler 2007;2008 son of Iris,father of Hallie Munson with Sofie Duran; drug addict; killed Sofie for hiding money; went to jail James Norman James Broderick 1962 dumped Ellen Cole Brian Norris Marcus Diamond 1983 Frank Norris Steven Marcus Inspector Edwin Norton Christopher Wynkoop 1988 Colin Fox 1988 Albert Norville Kevin Carrigan 2001 former Montgomery and Associates employee turned bartender Miss Nussbaum Marina Zenovitch Dr. Nutton Greg Zittel Nan Melanie Vaughn 2007 Nancy Dawn Yanek 2007 Naomi the maid Dorothy Lyman 2004 Nassos the fisherman Titos Vandis 1983-84 Nate Kelly Neal Nate, Bryant's bro Cameron Scott 2000 Neal Michael Gaston Nello Spiro Malas 1987 Nick Brandon Dooling Nick the homeless kid Neal Huff Nick Chance Kelly Nicole the model Brandhyze Stanely Nicole Alison's cellmate Joselyn Reyes 98 Degrees Justin Jaffrey Drew Lachey Nick Lachey Jeff Timmons Norman the guard Jerrome Clark Officer O'Brien David McDonald 1990 Matt O'Connor Eric William Morris 2008-09 met Casey in jail and joined him in Oakdale Agent O'Malley Abraham Smith 20008 Sister Mary Catherine O'Malley Tresa Hughes (Young) Tara Falk Mary Pat O'Neal Barbara Garrick 1987 met Dusty at Rose's diner Officer O'Neill Krista LePore 2000; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2009 Siobhan O'Rourke Priscilla Shanks 1993 April O'Shea Garland Hunter Aiden O'Toole George Heslin Angus Olliver James Rebhorn Reid's uncle, arrived post Reid's death Dr. Reid Olliver Eric Sheffer Stevens 2010 Unapologetic, arrogant and witty doctor brought in to cure Noah by Luke; moved in with Katie and son Jacob; started to fall for Luke before getting killed off, donating his heart to Chris Hughes. One of the best written gay characters in daytime--- Noah should have been driving over those train tracks Celia Ortega Alyssa Diaz 2004-05 singer, Rafael's sister, dated Casey Rafael (Rafi) Ortega A.J. Lamas 2004-05 boxer, Celia's brother; dated Luc Michael Cardelle 2005 Beverly Overton Mary Elaine Monti 1994 Charlotte Overton Julie Potter 1993-94 Bradley Cooper Owens Paul Rolfes 2003 Dr. Owens Bryan Hicks 1997 Olga the babysitter Ann Marie Casson Olga at the spa Charley King 2005 Olga the maid Nereida Otis the orderly Stu "Large" Riley Major Page Leon Janney 1964 head of Military School Gregory Paget Never Seen Tennis bum/hit and run victim of Joyce Colman Francois Pakoud Katy Selverstone 2010 Lucinda's French employee Joseph Palladino Victor Arnold 1992 father of Marsha McKay Mary __ Palladino Bernice Masse 1992 mother of Marsha McKay Stan "Mr. Pants" Pantoliano Michael Crecco 2009 Inspector Pappas Alex Oliensis 1988 Greek policeman James Michael Gregary 1988 Peter Paramour ???? 3/1982 dated Ellen Albert Parks Jeff Talbott 2005 Attorney ___ Parsons Never Seen Mother of Amy Hughes Mrs. Parsons Augusta Dabney 1973-74 Amy H's Grandmother Mr. Parsons William Prince 1973-74 Amy H's Grandfather George Patelli Vyto Ruginis 1988-89 history teacher; drugged Andy and tried to kill Lien; Vietnam vet Ed Patterson Robert Michael Tomlinson 1988 Frank Patterson John LaGioia 1980 PI worked for John Dixon Artemio Paz Roger DeKorven 1985 Jacobo Esteban's best friend Ms. Peabody Virginia White 1986 Mr. Peacock Eric Deskin 2009 Hester "Miss Thompson" Pearce Jacqueline Brookes 1969-70 patient of Bob Hughes; confessed to Bob for killing Michael Shea then died. Tom was in jail for the murder and no one could prove her guilt. Trooper Pearson Andrew Call 2006 Agent Pendleton Marc Webster Gil Penn Van Hughes 2006-07 Mitch Pepper Jon Rowland 2002 student at Franklin College - stole Aaron's Motorcycle Juanita Pererra ?????? 1989 Montegan uprising Manuel Pererra John Enrique Varea 1988 Montega Adeline Peretti ???????? 1987 Casey's aunt Dr. Casey Peretti Bill Shanks 1986-90 Frannie's ex, saved her from Marsha Talbot; delivered Chris Hughes at the Hughes cabin; dated Taylor Baldwin; fell in love with Lyla and fathered Katie. Was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, was paralyzed, and begged Margo to pull the plug. She did. Claudia Peretti Alice Barrett 1988 Casey's cousin Gino Peretti ???? 1987 Casey's nephew Joe Peretti Frank Biancama no 1987-90 Casey's dad; heard tape of Casey begging Margo Lorraine ___ Peretti ????? 1987 Shaun's wife; Gino and Tony's mother Nurse Lyla Crawford Montgomery Peretti Ex-wife of Bart, the father of Craig and Cricket;had an affair with John Dixon fathering Margo. Sister of attorney Maggie Crawford; engaged to Bob Hughes, dated Frank Andropoulos and Larry McDermott; married Casey and had Katie; lost Casey and was engaged to Cal. Rented room in her home; chanteuse, left town on tour. Veleka Gray 1980 Lee Bryant 1985 (temporary) Anne Sward 1980-93; 2000 Maureen Pettigrew Peretti Luce Ennis 1987-90 Casey's mother Michael Peretti ?????? 1987 Casey's brother Rose ___ Peretti Miriam Phillips 1987-89 Casey's grandmother Seraphina Peretti Never Seen 1987 Casey's aunt Shawn Peretti ????? Casey's brother 1987 Tony Peretti ???? Casey's nephew 1987 Arturo Perez Gilberto Companion Henry Perkins James Callahan Neil Perkins Michael Izquierdo 2008 murder victim of Evan Walsh IV Officer Perkins Brian Letscher Andre Perrin Scott Hampton 2003 boyfriend, Jennifer Judge Peters Never Seen 1978 father of Karen involved in illegal activities Karen Peters (aka Karen Parker) Leslie Denniston 1978 arrived in Oakdale on the run from her father and fiance, district attorney Walter Vested who was trying to convict the judge. Dated Bob Hughes as a cover, but when all was said and done, she was involved in the crime syndicate, as was Walter. All three went to jail Mr. Peters David Byron 1999 Dr. Anthony Peterson Brad Schmidt 2002 Miss Peterson Nancy Andrews 1970 Margaret Hamilton 1970 Violet Peterson Nancy Reilly Diane ___ Petrie Barbara Eda-Young 1988 Herb's wife Herb Petrie Stan Tracy 1988 station manager, had affair with and was killed by crazy Laura Simmons James Gleason 1988 Loretta Pettigrew Never Seen 1987 Casey's aunt Dr. Dick Phalen Irving Allen Lee 1992 Isaiah Whitlock 1992 Officer Oscar Phelps Chris Lucas 2002 Bill Phillips Craig Wroe 2008 George Phillips Robert Blackburn 1992-93 Gus Phillips Sal Vaccarino Lloyd Phillips ???? abused his wife, Amy who married Roy F. Steve Phillips Patrick Boll 2006 Dolores ___ Snyder Pierce Valerie Perrine 1998-99 Jack and Brad's wretched Mom Frank Pierce Never Seen 1998-99 second husband of Dolores Hester Blake Pierce Ann Stanchfield 1979 Martin Blake's sister, Martin Hadley's maid tat killed his wife, Ruth and tried to kill Lisa Inspector Pierce ??? 1985 came to Oakdale investigating Lady Veronica Cushing's death/murder Doris __ Pierpont Mary D'Arcy 1987 Duncan McKechnie's ex Charles Pierson Ben George 1987 Duncan's employee that was on James Stenbeck's payroll to ruin his shipping company Inspector Jean Piette Gerard Touroul Officer Pikus Kevin Geer 9/94 Herbert Pinely Edward McPhillips 1987 groundskeeper Miss Piper Polly Adams 1996 Owen Pitt Michael Cannis Jamie Platt David Norton 1978-79 hung out with Betsy and Lois Gary Podvitz Rocky Stone 1990 Dr. Polk ???? 1976 Joyce's OBGYN Tom Pope Attorney that dated Penny. Let her go when he heard her profess her love for Jeff Baker Hal Hamilton 1957 Biff McGuire (Temporary) 1958 Charles Baxter 1957-58 ____ Porter Jason Schuler Dr. Porter Stephen James 1992-93 Greg Porter Joshua Sutton Luke Porter Ted Agress 1975-76 Margaret's husband that slept with his brother, Ralph's wife, Natalie Bannon Margaret ___ Porter Kathleen Noone 1975-76 Luke's cuckolded wife Ralph Porter Never Seen 1975-76 Natalie's husband that overdosed Bruno Portolano Jaime Passer 2001 Craig's business associate, friend of Rose, smitten with Katie ___ Posner Dean Harrison Bud Potter ???? 5/1984 beat up Craig Morgan Powell Eric Martin Brown 2005 Reverend Powers Walter Hudson 1997 Louella Pratt Kathleen Butler Will Pratt Gordon Lockwood 1986 assistant, Marsha Talbot Dr. Prendergrast Patrick Melville 2009 Mike Prendergrast Michael Landrum Dr. Prescott George Rose early 1970s Douglas Prescott John O'Hurley 1988 Dr. Pressman Mark Irish 2010 ___ Price James Ciccone 2010 Leland Price Gregg Edelman 2010 Mr. Price Don Creech Reverend Price Bill Massof 2009 Dr. Richard Price Murphy Guyer 1999 Edith ____ Prisk Ronnie Farer 2007 Judge Pritzker Brian Smiar 2010 Hermione Proulx Jacqueline Bertrand Lucas Pryor Mark Garfield 1989-90 Lombard family employee Tony Pugliese Nick Adams 2010 Tonya Pugliese Diana Bologna 2010 Dr. Bill Purcell Eugene Boles 1990 Mrs. Putnam Marcella Martin Rick Putnam Tony Cummings 1985 tried to rape Marcy Ronald Putney Jay Russell St. Bart's hotel desk clerk 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 4, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 4, 2019 AS THE WORLD TURNS ADDITIONS Gloria Dunne Mary Denham 1979 friend, Ruth Hadley Ruby Fisk ..... Diane Perelli 2008 witness that helped free Parker Inspector Emil Filloux ... Matthew Dixon 2004 AW, OLTL member of the RCMP came to bring Cabot back to Canada ...Neal Jones 2004 Mrs. Flanagan ... ???? woman in shop with Gloria Dunne and Lisa 1979 Matthew Haversham David Varnay 1984 AMC Lucinda's butler Thom Zimerle Paul Martel 1986-95 Mark Irish 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 11, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 11, 2019 ADDITIONAL AS THE WORLD TURNS INFORMATION Emily: courtesy of @Brolden Daughter of Dan and Susan; Betsy's sister; Donated the eggs that were used to conceive her sister, Alison, and Hunter; Mother of Daniel and Jennifer; Married to Holden, Hal, Paul and Casey; Dated James, Tonio, Craig, Brock, Gavin, Evan, Larry, Royce, Jef, Diego, David, Chris and Dusty; Journalist; Owner of the Intruder; Former prostitute. Paul" courtesy of @Brolden Son of James and Barbara; Raised temporarily by Claudia and Raymond Colfax; Brother of David, Jordan, Henry, Jennifer, Will and Johnny. Father of Jennifer and Eliza; Married Rosanna, Emily and Meg; Dated Tess, Sarah and Rose; Slept with Sofie; Former partner in Barbara Ryan Originals Meg courtesy of @Brolden Daughter of Harvey and Emma; Sister of Iva, Seth, Ellie, Caleb and Holden; Mother of Eliza; Married to Tonio, her "cousin" Josh/Rod (but it was OK, because he was adopted), Craig and Paul. Dated Dusty and Damian. Once tossed aside by Damian, spiralled completely out of control and ended up in a psychiatric hospital in Washington. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Paul Raven Posted September 12, 2019 Members Share Posted September 12, 2019 Re Secret Storm Cleveland reporter Jenny Crimm had a cameo role in 1967. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 12, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 12, 2019 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS THE WORLD TURNS courtesy of @Brolden Josiah Clack Richard Gallagher 2010 Minister Vienna and Henry's wedding "Vulcan" Del, Maya Gold's partner John Ahlin 2006 ADDED 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 16, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 16, 2019 AS THE WORLD TURNS NEW ADDITIONS/INFORMATION Dr. Alsop... Jack Koenig 1993 Brittany Nicole Weaver 2002 Benjamin James Congdon 88-89 faux Earl Bud Graham Beckel 1982 Lenore ___ Cassidy Emma Walton 1988 cellmate, Barbara PI Slocum Chapman Chris LaPlanta 2009 Dr. Peter Clayton Robert Trumbull 1989 Lee Cody Chris Kowanko 1989 Mrs. Cipperley Suzanne Sheperd 1987 Charles Carl Stark 1990 Removed Cryer wrong year Agent Duffy Dennis Pfister 1994 Jim Enright Allyn Burrows 1994 _______Fiddler Ron King 1982 District Attorney Bill Fowler ... Tom Keena 84-85 boss Maggie, EON Nella Franklin Kasi Lemmons 1987-89 AW Judge Lawrence Hanlin Herb Petras Nevins trial 93 Cliff Higgins Kevin Thigpen 1993 brother, Joel +Kira Inspector Hogan John Jellison 1994 took out Ernie the bartender James Doerr last name Smith 1993 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 16, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 16, 2019 Katherine ____ Johnson Kim Staunton 91-92 OLTL Kira's mother Kira Johnson Lauryn Hill 91-93 illiterate girl who Nancy taught to read Joel Frank Tomen 1989 Kevin, Carly's butler Callum Keith King 1999 Hannah ___ Lafferty Carole Demas 90-91 Linc's religious mother EON, OLTL Crystal Lennon Dana Wheeler-Nicholson 93 AMC, AW, NASH Reverend Middleton Alex Molina 1989 Agent Earl Mitchell Farley Granger 1986-89 secret agent; Shannon's uncle; Lisa's late husband Mrs. Moran Jennifer Joyce 4/85 wife of Detective Judge Moss Frank Raiter 1994 Luis (Vasquez) Navarro Gilbert Cruz 1994 Juanita Pererra 1989 Vivianne E . Castanos Montegan uprising Melissa Roebling Elizabeth Heflin liaison between StrickCo and Walsh Enterprises 93 All additions will be added to the lists. Coming up this week, As The World Turns S-Z and Loving. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 16, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 16, 2019 (edited) edit Edited September 19, 2019 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Paul Raven Posted September 17, 2019 Members Share Posted September 17, 2019 Some details for The Bennetts. Wayne Bennett was a lawyer, the Bennetts had a son, Bert was Wayne's friend who Wayne suspected was involved in the store theft of $2000 when Bert turned up with an anniversary ring for his wife Ellie. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 19, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 19, 2019 (edited) AS THE WORLD TURNS S Signore Sabatino Frank Savino Justin Saint Claire Joel Fabiani 1994 Rosie Salcedo Rosa Arredondo Dr. Salerno Ali Marsh Dr. Audrey Samuels Donna Mitchell 1986 OB/GYN Maureen Anderman 1986 Maggie Burke 1986-1996 Elaine Bromka 1996-2003? Geneva Samuelson Geneva Hyman 2006 one of Eve Browning's murder victims Dr. Sanborn Jack Gilpin 2004 psychiatrist, Barbara Hector Sanchez Rui Baptista 1994 Ms. Sanchez Amanda Diaz Nita Sanchez Judy Reyes 1994 Robbie Sanchez Carlos Alberto Valencia Lynn Sands Patricia Hodges ________ Santiago Never Seen Montegan criminal Officer Santiago Albert Michel, Jr. Merv Santini ???? 1980 supplier, Jay Stallings Helen __ Saunders Lisa Howard ?1961-62 Theresa Saunders Sofia Landon (Geier) 1987-88 servant, McKechnie Castle; murder victim Lieutenant Gary Savage Lloyd Allen 1981-82 police officer Dr. Savitt Munson Hicks Dr. Sawyer ???? 1972 Mr. Sawyer Barry Cullison 1989-90 Lucinda's Pilot Signore Scarzini Nicholas Kepros Martha Schaeffer Julie McKee 1988 Doug Schaff Terry Eno 1994 Mike's parole officer, bad cop Adam LeFevre 1994-95 Dr. Schiff Jean DeBaer 1998 heart specialist Dr. Elaine Schiller Tracey Godfrey 2005-08 OB/GYN Captain Rudolph Schilling Edmund C. Davys Hans Schmidt Gerrit Vooren 1993-95 shot Eduardo, responsible for many Kingsley Malta disasters; kidnapped Lily and Holden Hilda Schmidt Lisa Mandel 2002 spa Officer Schwartz Jeffrey Spodan 1990 Dr. Jack Scott Edward Moore 1984 Myrtle ___ Scott Marcia Haufrecht 2003 elderly victim of Rick Decker Nick Scudder Carl Tye Evans 2001-02 Molly's former lover, jailbird; acted reformed bu was still a sleaze; tried to seduce Abigail and run away with her; murdered by Mary Jill Scully Tara Westland Dr. Searle (?Serle?) Sue Jin Song 2007 Emile Seblon Tom Galantich 1992 Gavin's hired hit man Henri Seblon Christian Aubert 1992 Emile's brothe Dr. Seidmann Ali Marsh 2007 worked with Parker Hope Chernov 2008 Randy Selkirk Craig Austin 1994 reporter Don R. McManus Neal Jones Alex Draper 1997 Dr. Steven Seltzer George Dickerson 1993 Lois Serafin Kathryn Meisle 2004 psychic Reverend Seton Nicholas Kepros 1986 Dean Severn John Hillner 2009 Oakdale U Officer Ron Shanks David Harbour 1997-2004 gullible police officer Nurse Shapiro Lynn Cohen 1992 ___ Sharkey Jeremy Holm 2010 Milo Shaughnessy Ross Partridge 2007 Sarah's husband, demanded to know how she died at gunpoint Sarah _____ Shaughnessy Crystal Bock 2007 patient that died from an allergy after an operation Judge Shaw Lewis Arlt 1997 Charles "Chuckie" Shea Keith Pomeroy son of Lisa and Dr. Michael Shea; killed in 1977 by a car accident Pip Sarser Roger Morgan Willie Rook Johnny Breen Shane Nickerson David Perkins ?? - 1977 Claire English Lowell Cassen Shea best friend of Nancy Hughes; cheated on by husband Jim with Edith Hughes; mother of Ellen; sister of Steve, widowed, married Doug Cassen; inadvertently caused the death of Diane Steiner, widowed again; married Dr. Michael Shea,lost him to Lisa, became a drinker, which may have caused her death Anne Burr 1956-60 Gertrude Warner 1960 Nancy Wickwire 1960-64 Jone Allison 1964-65 Barbara Berjer 1965-71 Dr. Michael Shea scheming doctor; married Claire; impregnated Lisa with Chuckie; Tom Hughes stole drugs from his office and went to jail for his murder; killed by Hester (Miss Thompson) Pearce, whose daughter had committed suicide John Lasell 1966 Jay Lanin 1966-68 Roy Shuman 1968-70 Bartleby Shears Jonno Roberts 2003 con man who worked with Simon, murdered by Simon ; twin of Mordecai Mordecai Shears Jonno Roberts 2003 wanted revenge on Simon and Katie Becky Shelby Larissa Auble 1989 Hal's niece Ben Shelby Donovan Sylvest 1989 Hal's brother-in-law Ben Shelby, Jr. Sam Gold, Jr. 1989 Hal's nephew Cassie Shelby Stacey Morley 1989 Hal's niece Claire Munson Shelby Kirtan Coan 1989; 1993 Hal's no-nonsense sister Davey Shelby Sean Kalish 1989 Hal's nephew Tess Shelby Parker Posey 1991-93 Hal's niece ; dated Hutch; pretended she was pregnant to save their relationship Milt Shepherd Thom Sesma 2005 pharmacist Elizabeth Sheriden Betsy Aidem 1990-91 ???? Noelle's mother Dr. Sherwood John Ottavino 2007 Mr. Shink Patrick McNulty 2009 Parker's lawyer Bobby Short Bobby Short ?? Musician Nurse Showcroft Marisa Redanty 2004 nurse @ Deerbrook Harry Siegler Randy Kovitz 2009 backer, Carly's vodka business Deena ___ Silva Deborah Hedwall 1998 Eddie's mother;drug addict; killed by Margo (young) Sarah Thompson 1998 Eddie Silva Nathaniel Marston 1998-2000 son of Deena and Alec Wallace; juvenile delinquent; Lost his mother; crushed on Margo; fell for Georgia; found out Alec was his father; Georgia killed Alec in self defense; married her and moved away (young) Frankie J. Galasso 1998 Georgia Tucker Silva Jaime Nicole Dudney 1998-2000 daughter of Cody Tucker and Samantha Markham, abandoned by Sam a second time; contemplated suicide after killing Alec; cleared ; married Eddie Dr. Silverman Allen Enlow 2005 doctor that supplied Rosanna with a drug Daisy ____ Simmons Paula Trueman 1985 woman that almost froze to death Darren Simmons Never Seen 1988 husband of Laura Jennifer Simmons Never Seen 1988 daughter of Laura and Darren Kirk Simmons Dan Monahan 1979 dated Lois Middleton "PORKYS" movies Laura Farrell Simmons Carolyn Anne Clarke 1988 daughter of Mary, sister of Beau; disturbed woman, "Fatal Attraction" for Bob Hughes; murdered Herb Petrie Victor Simmons Never Seen 1988 son of Laura Mr. Simms Phil Pruneau 2/1990 Mr. Simms Tom Cappadona 2005 Mona Marsden Simms ?????? 1985 kept tabs on Frannie in Europe, Peter Marsden's aunt Phil Simms Phil Simms 2007 former New York Giant turned Sportscaster cameo Debbie Simon Sharon Case 1992-93 Ned and Valerie's unbalanced daughter; fell for Hutch, but ended up in a bad situation because of Linc Dr. Simon Craig Wroe 1997 Ned Simon Frank Converse 1992-93 Seth's publisher, fell in love with Emma; Debbie's over-protective father; killed Linc for hurting Deb; died of a cerebral hemorrhage Valerie ____ Simon Sigrunn O'Mark 1993 Ned's wife, Deb's mom, stayed with Ned for Debbie's sake Bud Simpson Vasili Bogazianos 2004 gym manager Detective Simpson ?????? 1988 dead police officer Mary Simpson Mary Joy Mrs. Simpson ?????? 1979 Social worker Jordan Sinclair Chris Beetem 2004-05 came to work for Barbara; married Rosanna to help her get custody of Cabot, found out he's Cabot's father; divorced Rosanna; dated Jen, found out James was his father; worked for Lucinda; left for NYC Bing Skaggs Jeff Robins 2009 threatened Holden's life Jasmine Skyler Chelsea Lagos 2005 J.D. Slade Jason Kravits 1997 Ike Slattery William Hickey 1983 con man, impersonated Steve for Craig and stole rare coins Dr. Sloan Andrew William Smith 2006 Officer Slocum Brandon Fisher Steven Cimino Tiffany Slovinsky Katie Bennett 1996 dated Clegg Dorrie _____ Smith Paula Laurence 1979 gossipy woman Ernie Smith James Doerr 1989 bartender Harry Smith Harry Smith 1994 CBS TV host cameo Jerry Smith Haywood Nelson ?1971-73? John Smith Ed Kemmer Aaron Snyder Son of Holden Snyder and Julie Kenney Wendall, ; adopted by Iva; raised by Holden, then Julie and Caleb in Seattle; rode a motorcycle;fell for Lucy, chased by Alison (they married and divorced twice; worked as a cashier, mechanic, boxer, and bartender; was injured by a weighted glove by Rafi Ortega (Rafi didn't know); moved to Seattle to help his dying mother; came back; fell for Sofie, testified against her in family court, lost her; fell for Alison; smartened up and left town. Mason Boccardo 1991-95 occasional ?????????????? 1998 Agim Kaba 2002-05; 2007-09 Alison (McDermott) Stewart Snyder Snyder daughter of Larry McDermott and an egg from Emily Stewart, Susan Stewart carried her; waitress;; porn star/meth fiend; nurses' aide. dated Gordo; Dylan McCarthy; Jesse the drug dealer; Matt O'Connor, ONS with Dusty; pregnant by/ engaged to Chris Hughes; married Aaron twice; left town engaged to Casey Amy Principe 1994-96 Krista & Mary Ricchiuti 1996-99 Jill Shackner 2000 Sarah Hyland 2001 Jessica Dunphy 2002-2005 Marnie Shulenberg 2007-10 Angel Lange Snyder Snyder Alice Haining 1988-94 molested by her father; found help to escape after affair with Caleb ; married Holden; confronted father; married Seth adopted Noelle but gave her back. Bert Snyder Never Seen father of Brad and Jack; late husband of Dolores Bradley "Brad" Snyder Son of Bert and Dolores; brother of Jack; star of Oakdale Now and Oakdale 411; knocked up Janet with Liberty; had affairs with Lucinda, Camille, Rosanna,Vienna, and Bonnie ;blackmailed Carly into marriage(thought Parker might be his), eventually fell in love with Katie and married her. fathered Jacob with her; con man, grifter; grew to love daughter Liberty beating up the boy that drugged and attacked her; killed accidentally by his brother Jack while rescuing Katie from Ralph Manzo Nick Kokotakis 1998-99 Roy Eudon 1999 John LoPrieno 1999 Austin Peck 2007-09 Detective Caleb Snyder Lived in Chicago with his sister, Ellie, accused of murder there, slept with Lily, dated Pam, was engaged to Angel; prime suspect in murder of Brock Lombard; married Julie, became a cop, moved to Seattle to raise her kids, Pete and Jenny Wendall and later, Aaron Michael David Morrison 1988-93 (RIP) Graham Winton 1993-95; 1998; 2001; 2002 Carly Tenney Munson Dixon Snyder (Lowe) Snyder Snyder Maura West 1995-96; 197-2010 Dr. Snyder Ed Prentiss 1956 doctor, Claire Lowell Elizabeth ___ Snyder wife of abusive Henry Snyder; raised her son, Josh (aka Rod Landry) by Cal as Henry's. Eda Seasongood 1987 Annie (Rose) Murray 1987-88 Emma Lape Snyder Matriarch/widow of Harvey; mother of Seth, Ellie, Caleb, Holden and Meg; adoptive mother of Iva; farmer and romance novelist (as Amber D'Amour); dated John Dixon ad Cal Stricklyn; was engaged to Ned Simon before his death; staunch supporter of her children. Kathleen Widdoes Ethan Snyder Holden and Lily's third child Jason & Julian Patrick 2006-09 Brayden & Declan Schenck 2006-09 Justin Bastelli 2009-10 Faith Snyder eldest of Holden and Lily's three children together; kidnapped at birth by David Stenbeck; bulimic; hooked on diet pills; started taking drugs; kidnapped and tied up by Damian; crushed on Parker as the show ended. Keara Dolan 1998-2002 Eliza Ryan 1998-2002 Cassidy Hinkle 2002-06 Ashley Marie Greiner 2006-09 Valentina DeAngelis 2010 Harvey Snyder Never Seen Father of Seth, Ellei, Caleb, Holden and Meg; adopted Iva; died before Snyders arrived Henry Snyder ???? in flashback 1987?? brother of Harvey & Bert, married Elizabeth; abusive; raised Elizabeth's son Josh Holden Snyder Jon Hensley 1985-88; 1990-95; 1997-2010 Detective Jacob "Jack" Snyder Michael Park 1997-2010 Jacob Snyder son of Brad and Katie Joseph & James Ambra Janet Ciccone Snyder (Donovan) "Juicy" Janet; high school OONS with Brad that resulted in Liberty; ran away and raised her as a single parent, arrived in Oakdale after Liberty; waitressed at Al's Diner; fell for Jack; kept Liberty and Parker apart until he saved her from date-rape; destroyed proof that Brad hurt Leo the attempted rapist; married Jack; blamed him for Brad's death; hooked up with Dusty; Lberty had cancer; father Rocco bone marrow match, tried to reconcile with him; married Dusty after pregnant; Jack turned out to not be the Dad, it was Dusty; engaged to Dusty in 2010 Julie Pinson 2008-10 J.J. Larrabee Snyder Son of Les Sweeney (the jailbird) and Julia Larrabee; nephew of Keith Morrissey; found amnesiac Jack with his mother and nursed him to health; after Julia was murdered by Les, stayed with Keith, then was adopted by Jack and Carly; kidnapped by Silas and Ava Jenkins; went away to boarding school. Dylan Denton 2004-06 Daniel Manche 2006-09 Julia Lindsay Snyder Annie Parrisse 1998-2001 (Young) Evedoni Silversmith 1999 Julie Kenney Wendall Snyder Snyder Susan Marie Snyder 1989-95; 1998 Lily Walsh Mason Snyder Grimaldi Santana Snyder Grimaldi Snyder Lucy Deakins 1984-85 Heather Rattray 1989-93 Martha Byrne 1985-89; 1993-2008 Noelle Beck 2008-10 Lorenzo Snyder (Donovan) son of Janet and Dusty, Jack thought was his Anella Bohr 2010 Emily Griffin 2010 Luke Grimaldi (raised Snyder) Spencer Goodnow 1995-96 Sean Cohen 1996 Jeremy Zelig 1996-2001 Christopher Tavani 2001-05 Jake Weary 2005 Van Hansis 2005-10 Natalie Snyder second child of Lily and Holden Tatum Menake 2002 Hailey Wratchfield 2002-05 Alexa Gerasimovich 2006 Makayla Leigh 2006 Ellery Capshaw 2006-09 Isabella Palmieri 2009-10 Noelle Snyder ????? 1990 baby adopted by Holden and Angel; lost custody to mother, (?Elizabeth Sheridan?) Sage Snyder Daughter of Jack and Carly, born in Montana; faked a kidnapping to bring her parents together; pretended to bedying for the Miss Snowflake America contest Cameryn Rose DeRoche 2003 Bianca Pagona 2004 Colleen Feehan 2004-05 Elle Sauli 2006 Allie Gorenc 2006-10 Seth Snyder Eldest son of Emma and Harvey; helped Frannie find her twin half-sister/cousin Sabrina; got engaged to and dumped by both; married Angel and moved to New York; came back for Caleb & Julie's wedding and when Hiolden was presumed dead. Steve Bassett 1986-88; 1991-94; 2001 Marina Sollitto Anna Mastroianni Sister Marta Sollitto Bernadine Santistevan Mike Somers David Brisbin 1988 Mrs. Sommers Sharon Laughlin Reverend Sommers Robert Phelps 1997-98 Richard Seff Musiq Soulchild Musiq Soulchild 2003 sang at Ben/Jessica wedding Lucia Spagnoli Silvia Garufi 2001-02 Charlie Spangler James McCafferty 2003 Dusty's associate; kidnapped Lily thinking she was Rose D'Angelo Ian Spangler Michael Patterson Captain Spaulding Bob Stillman Lewis Spear Robert Blumenfield Bruce Spector Reed Birney Raymond Speer Juliette' uncle and guardian; spy; former ambassador; protected Juliette and Steve about their father's occupation; traded himself for Michael Christopher Donald May 1984 Beau Spencer Law clerk; managed Spencer Hotel; son of Ron Spencer and Rose Lemay; adopted by Jane Spencer; hit by car by Dee Stewart, fell for Annie Stewart; married her; manipulated by Jane into relationship with Melinda Grey; Annie miscarried; married Melinda; she miscarried; found out truth about Jane Spencer adopting him; left town Wayne Hudgins 1976-79 Jane__ Spencer Adoptive mother of Beau; manipulated Beau with wealth; hospital board member; blackmailed by John Dixon over her secret about Beau Georgann Johnson 1976-79 Julie Spencer young attorney; Mitchell Dru's ward Lisa Howard 1959-61 Lynne Rogers 1962-63 Melinda Grey Spencer Daughter of Jennifer Sullivan Ryan and an unknown man; raised by Mr. and Mrs. Grey;half-sister of Barbara and Rick; Jane Spencer's assistant seduced and married Annie's husband Beau; miscarried Beau's child; chased after Jay Stallings; got involved with Brad Hollister; jumped off his boat and drowned. Ariana Muenker 1978-80 Ron Spencer Never Seen father of Beau with Rose Lemay; owned hotels; divorced Jane. Troy Spencer Christopher Michael Bauer 2003 Vicar Spencer Mickey Dolenz 2002 was to preside at Bonnie and Ian's wedding Joe Spinelli Joe Forbrich 2005 Dr. David Spiros Munson Hicks 1994 Annie ___ Spotted Eagle Victoria Racimo 1987 Keith's mother Keith Spotted Eagle Paul Lemos 1987 Lily and Dusty's friend Ms. Stacell Kathleen Frazier 2006 Amy Stallings-Frazier Claire Doyle 1978-81 daughter of Natalie and Jay; adopted by Carol Gil Stallings Edward Grover 1974 step-father of Jay; romanced Lisa; held her hostage; burned down the Wade Bookstore; killed by police Jay Stallings Married Carol; fathered Amy by Natalie Bannon; assaulted Pete Larsen and Hank Robinson; affair with Susan Stewart; prime suspect in Pete's murder; owned construction company; got involved with shady Roy Barker and the Kelly brothers; died in a mining accident Dennis Cooney 1973-80 (young) Shawn Campbell 1974 flashback ___ Stallman Alan Leach Jay Stanhope (1) alias for James Stenbeck Jay Stanhope Michael Woods 2009 came to Oakdale with Audrey Coleman Dorothy Stanley Maggie Rizzoti Burt Stanton Peter Donat 1959 engaged to Ellen until he found out she was pregnant Mrs. Stanz Viola Harris 2001 Landlady, Owen Dever Jeffrey Starr Jeffrey Deaver 2003 tabloid reporter murdered by Rick Decker Kenny Starziak Daniel Oreskes 2004 gangster Inspector Stavros Taso Stavrakis 1988-89 Greece Judge Steadman George Dickerson Joseph Steed Edmund Genest Laura ___ Steed Suzi Hunt Dr. Steele Peter McRobbie 1980 Joyce's doctor Minister Steiger Evan Sanders Diane Steiner ?????? 1967 Bob's patient, received a blood transfusion without consent Mrs. Steiner Margaret Hayes 1967 didn't approve of transfusion on religious beliefs Mr. Steiner Dan Frazer 1967 didn't approve of transfusion on religious beliefs Mother Steiner Dorit Kelton 1967 patient of Michael Shea David (Allen) Stenbeck Son of James and an unnamed woman; raised by Warren and Marian Allen;burned down their house, killing them; dated Anne Neilsen (killed her, allegedly); Kit(used her to set up Lily in prison; slept with Emily, Molly, Rita, and Julia Lindsay; former DA (never passed the bar); blackmailer; kidnapper; murdered Rita Renfield and Dr. Reid Hamilton (whose identity and face he stole); switched Faith and Hope; arrested; escaped prison; killled (finally) by police Chris Browning 1997 Danny Markel 1997-98 Keith Coulouris 1998-99 (posing as Dr. Reid Hamilton) Enid Costanza Stenbeck Never Seen James' first wife Gunnar (St. Clair) Stenbeck True heir to the Stenbeck fortune; affair with Nicole Berrysea resulted in a son, Dusty, raised by Vurke Donovan; saved Barbara many times from James' married her; died while traveling around the world. Hugo Napier 1982-84 Ingrid Ivenstrom (?Svenstrom) Stenbeck ?????? 5/1982 wife of Lars; daughter of Charles James Stenbeck Anthony Herrerra 1980-83; 1986-89; 1996-99; 2001-02; 2003-05; 2008; 2009 Lars Stenbeck Never Seen 1982 James' "Brother" died in 1982 Lance Sterling Rick Dean Mr. Sterling Jude Cicolella Anna ___ Stevens Phyllis Bash 1990-91 mother, Blake Blake Stevens hired at Walsh to irk Kirk; chased Jessica; stole many clients from Kirk; became a "leak" to Lily; got together with her; stole information for Tonio; got dumped; left town. Peter Francis James 1989-91 Dr. Jerry Stevens mentor, Neil Wade, married widow Judith Wade Stephen Elliott 1964 Roy Poole 1964-65 Judith ____ Wade Stevens had an affair with Doug Cassen which resulted in Dr. Neil Wade; married Frank Wade and raised Neil; married Jerry Stevens Connie Lembecke 1964-67 Dr. Lloyd Stevens Michael Hodge 1990-91 father,Blake Dr. Mel Stevens Carl Mueller 1987 Agent Stephenson Mark Lancaster 1/1992 Dr. Stevenson Sean Haberle Betty Jackson Stewart first wife of David Stewart; adopted Dan; mother of Paul; died of Leukemia Patricia Benoit 1960-62 Cynthia ____ Haines Stewart married Donald Saunders, who was David Stewart with amnesia (invalid); mother of Karen and Todd Linda Dano 1981-82 Dr. Daniel "Dan" Stewart Son of Tim and Ellen; adopted by David and Betty; named Jimmy; hard time accepting Ellen after Betty's death; married Susan Burke in college; she miscarried; fathered Betsy with future sister-in-law Liz; married Liz after Paul died while divorcing her; after a second miscarriage, fathered Emily with Susan; took custody; fell in love with John's wife Kim; dated Valerie but married Kim; started drinking; diagnosed with a brain tumor, passed away while on vacation with his family around him Paul O'Keefe 1962-63 Doug Chapin 1964 Jeff Rowland 1966 John Colenbeck 1966-73; 1976-79 John Reilly 1974-76 Dr. David Stewart Married to Betty; adopted Dan (Ellen and Tim's son) and named him Jimmy; fathered Paul; after Betty passed married Ellen; fathered Carol Ann (Annie) and Dawn (Dee); head of research at Memorial Hospital; hated Dr. John Dixon for the pain he caused Dan and raping his daughter, Dee; threatened him; left town and developed amnesia; married Cynthia Haines (as Donald Saunders, invalid); regained memory and remarried Ellen (after a bit of grovelling); went to Africa to do research on AIDS; moved to Atlanta to compromise with Ellen to continue his research; died in 1991. Ernest Graves 1960 Cec Linder ??? Temporary Alan Manson ???? Temporary William Prince 1981 Temporary Henderson Forsythe 1960-90 Elizabeth Talbot Stewart Stewart Penny's friend from England; Penny stayed with her family 'across the pond', so Elizabeth stayed with the Hughes family; dated Paul Stewart and struck up friendship with Dan; married Paul but he didn't know Dan was the Daddy; had Betsy , then a miscarriage; went to a sanitarium; divorcing Paul when he died of a brain tumor; married Dan; fell up the stairs and ruptured her spleen and died. Jane House 1969-72 Judith McGilligan 1972-73 Ellen Lowell Cole Stewart Stewart Daughter of Jim and Claire Lowell; granddaughter of Judge James T. Lowell; best friend of Penny Hughes; disowned her father for affair with Edith Hughes; fell fore married Tim Cole; got pregnant; sued by Tim's wife, Louise; dated Tom Pope, Jeff Baker, and Donald Hughes; dumped by Jim Norman and fiance Burt Stanton; gave up child Dan (Jimmy), babysat "Jimmy" , her son and didn't realize it; convicted of Franny Brennan's murder; married David and adopted Paul; bore Carol Ann (Annie) and Dawn (Dee); dated Ben Forrest while David was presumed dead and had amnesia; remarried David and eventually movedto Atlanta with him; widowed; became a volunteer at the hospital; left town to travel the world. Wendy Drew 1956-60 ????? Temporary 1962 or 1963 Patricia Bruder 1960-95; 1998 Dr. Paul Stewart Son of David and Betty Stewart; doctor for the poor; met and married Liz,raised Betsy as his own until they lost a child; Liz went to a sanitarium; Paul died while divorcing her. Years later it was discovered he had had a son, Stewart Markham Cushing by Lady Veronica Cushing while he studied abroad. Alan Howard 1962-64 Edmund Gaynes 1964-66 Steve Mines 1966-68 Michael Hawkins 1968-69 (aka) Garson De Bramenio Marco St. John 1969-70 Dean Santoro 1970-71 Mrs. Stiegler Martha Greenhouse 1987 Meg and Tonio's wedding Reverend Stiegler Arthur Anderson 1987 Meg and Tonio's wedding Richard Stiles Richard Borg 2000 supplied a picture of Julia with Winston Lowe Justin Stiver Justin Stiver Neal Stokes Michael E. Rodgers 2008 Mike's boss; Carly's date Detective Stone Chris McKinney Dr. Stone Laurine Fowler Nurse Dorothy Stone Marsha Clark ?1976 Eb Stone Frank Clem 2009 kidnapped Holden, Maeve's husband Evelyn ______ Stone ????? 1985 body found in Kim Hughes yard Maeve ___ Stone Judi Evans 2009 kidnapper, Holden Reverend Stone Pamela Burrell Dr. Zachary Stone Leon Russom 1983-84 psychiatrist, worked with Barbara; dated Kim Huck Stover Raynor Scheine 2002 neighbor, Emma Christopher Braden Jones 2002 Dr. Jim Strassfield Geoffrey Horne 1976-78 dated Kim Dr. Henry Strauss Never Seen 1985 hit and run victim of Douglas Cummings, his former patient Reverend Strickland Reathal Bean 2008 Cal Stricklyn Using the name 'Rod Landry'. had an affair with Elizabeth Snyder; left before finding out she was pregnant; founded Stricklyn Oil; dated Emma Snyder, Susan Stewart, Lucinda; had broken engagement with Lyla, married Connor; after she cheated on him, he headed back to Waco, divorcing her. Patrick Tovatt 1988-97 Captain Aaron Striker Mark Gordon 1982-83 Margo's boss, made her job difficult Walter Strinberg Tom Titone 2008 Paul's accountant Judge Strongwater Peter Davies Mr. Stubbs Davis Hall Jim Stuckey John Speredakos 2004 Carrie Sturgess Brooke Mills 1988-89 hung out with Andy District Attorney Ross Sturgess James Shannon 1989 Carrie's father Attorney Sturmer John Rothman 2004 Marilyn Reese's lawyer Dr. Al Suker Well respected doctor; married to Martha; father of Helene; after Helene's accident, didn't want to tell her about paralysis.; divorced Martha; married Sylvia Hill. Michael Ingram 1964-66 Helene Suker Drama student; fell off the stage; Bob's patient; paralyzed; forgave father; died of kidney failure. Jerianne Raphael 1964 Martha ____ Suker Anne Hegira Helene's mother; told her the truth about paralysis Sylvia Hill Suker nurse, engaged to Bob; married Al Millette Alexander 1964-66 Cody Sullivan Jeff Ward's step-brother; sent to Oakdale by Natalie to watch Carol; film producer; dated Cricket and Sofia; fathered Billy with Cricket Beau Gravitte 1981-82 Dr. Sullivan John Gould Rubin 1998-99 Frances __ Sullivan Never Seen Mother of Kim and Jennifer Jade Sullivan Laura Baler 1990-92 Gavin Kruger's assistant Officer Sullivan David Purdham Agent Sumner Amir Arison 2008 Dr. Sussman John Rothman 1992 Holden's surgeon Otis Sutton Charles Brown 1984-85 Heather's recording manager/agent ____ Svenson Kevin Dowling Dr. Swann TomGalantich 2005 John Gabriel 2005 Les Sweeney Former prison inmate; divorced from Julia Larrabee; father of JJ; murdered Julia; escaped during ride to prison; tried to kill Keith, Holden and Lily by fire when Jack showed up and shot him. Michael Lowry 2004-05 Judge Swenson Anne St. Onge Geneva Swift Trent Dawson 2009 Henry's talk show alter-ego Jeff Swindleheart Lee Moore Harrison Switzer Rik Walter 1996 Dr. Sylvestre Never Seen Lilith's psychiatrist 1988 Victor Symington David Snell Sadie that knew Henry Marni Lustig 2005 Sal that worked for Dante Marco Zunino 2001 Sal the thug Robert Funaro ???? Sal that worked for Ralph Manzo Anthony J. Gallo 2009 Sally that dated Tom Christopher Norris ???? Sally MaryLouise Burke 2008 Sally Stacey Lynn Martz Sally at the club Colleen Werthmann Sally the babysitter Liz Holtan Sam William Andrews "Sailor" Sam Michael Derek Sam from UNCC Will Poston 2002 Sam Michael Bryan French 1990 Sandy, Jeff Ward's neighbor ????? 4/1984 Sandy from Ohio State Amy Cuthbertson 2002 Sandy Pamela Burrell 1986 Sarah Liann Pattison 12/92 Sean Collins Pennie 2002; 2003 Sergio Scott Crawford 1980-81 Sergio the fashion retailer Stephen Abadie 4/1984 Seth Peter Rom Nurse Sharon Alix Strauss 1995 Nurse Sharon Elizabeth Santos 2008-09 Shauna Anne Kraglund 2006 Sheila Fiona Hutchison Sheila Ruth Moore 2000 Nurse Shelley Heidi Kristoffer 2003 Sherman Daniel Murray 4/1985 Sherry that found Joyce ???? flashback 1980 Sherry Beulah Garrick 1987 Sherry that dated Chris Hughes Julie Nathanson Shirley that was married to Claence; horse farm; had twins with the help of Brad and Annie ????? 1979 Sid Marcus Ho Sid Edmund C. Davys 2007 Sidney Richard B. Schull 1997 Ski that accosted Pete and Dani George Griffith 9/1994 Sky Dog hippie with 'Wyoming' T. Erik Hart 2004 Skylar Betsy Beutler 2006 Skyler (Rosanna) Grant Albrecht Slade the bad guy Antonis Fragakis 2002 Sly Jim Berry 2007 Sophia Holly Perkins 2004 Sophie Julia Barnett Spiros Steve's assistant Larry Atlas 1987 Spirro Josh Renfree 2006 Spree that dated Chuck and Jay Dana Kaminski 1985 Stacey, Courtney's friend Calista Flockhart 3/1990 Stacey Kate Miller 1997 Stacey the wedding photographer Elizabeth Marvel 1997 Stacy Samantha Hahn 2007 Stan the lifeguard Derek Stewart Stan Mark T. Dold 2008 Stan Fletcher McTaggart 2007 Stan David Alan Baker 1998 Stanley Robert Blumenfield Stanley from the Spa Martin Kildare Stanley the thug after Dusty Tony DeVito 2003-04; 2005 Steffi Raquel Mondin 1995 Stephanie Dayna Lee Morgan 1985 Stephanie Cornelia Kiss 1989 Stephanie, babysitter that worked for Holden Karen Clark Smith Steve the john Peter Rini 2007 Steve the video editor Larry Green 1997 T. Scott Cunningham Stu, Dusty's friend from New Mexico ????? 1986 Stuart Jayce Bartok 5/1990 Sue Lydia Gaston Sylvia Anne Reinke The following characters will have info added shortly: Carly Holden Jack Julia Julie Lily and Luke Gimaldi-Snyder James Stenbeck ^^^^^^^^^ As each of the above has extensive info, I'll post them once I get them typed up. Edited September 19, 2019 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted September 19, 2019 Members Share Posted September 19, 2019 @slick jones not sure if you already know about this but there's a full cast list on the Loving credits around 2 minutes. Please register in order to view this content 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 20, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 20, 2019 Thanks @DRW50. It will help line up dates as well. Much appreciated. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted September 20, 2019 Author Members Share Posted September 20, 2019 (edited) AS THE WORLD TURNS A FEW SHORT LISTS U Ugo, Liberty's bodyguard Brian Rogalski 2008 Uri Khan Baykal 2007 V Elle Vandenberg Annie Heise 2009 Mrs. VandenBosch Avril Gentles Nicole ____ Van Doren Magda Wawryzniak 1991 Philippe's second wife; received a briefcase from Gavin and then murdered Philippe Van Doren Simon Jutras 1991 married to Carolyn Crawford and Nicole (both deceased; blackmailed Arthur Claiborne; knew about Barbara and Darryl in Paris; found floating in the river Gregory Varner Mark Kevin Lewis 1993-94 Franco Visconti's employee; realized Barbara was faking threatening letters; tried to kill Hal in a falling elevator, but Barbara got in; ?Fell through a skylight wrestling with Hal and died. Dahlia Ferrarra Ventura Colleen Dion 2001-02 Got Katie into the Workout video business; believed Simon killed her sister Monique, his ex-wife; pretended to be dead twice, murdered her own lawyer; shot Simon; revealed to be her sister's murderer as well. Maurice Vermeil David McCallum 1983 numismatist involved with stolen coins, Craig, Steve and Betsy. Mark Vero Lannon Killea 2008-09 Kevin's homophobic campaign manager Miss Vesta Alyson Reed District Attorney Walter Vested ex-fiance of Karen Peters; was just as involved with the mob as Karen and her father. Joel Stedman 3/1978 Angela ___ Visconti Lilianna Komorowska 1988 wife of lecherous Franco Visconti Franco Visconti Lecherous businessman; hit on Barbara an Emily among others; drug smuggler Ronald Guttman 1987-90; 1991-94 Lee Godart 1990 Hank Volpe Tom Galantich Dr. Gordon Voss Adam Grupper 2007 Valencia Bonnie's friend Sophina Brown 2000 Van Paul Downs Colaizzo Vance Brian Dallas Fields Vanya Will Swenson 2006 Velvet the hooker Anne Lange 1987 Vera that dated Eliot Markham Patricia O'Connell 1994 Vernon the volunteer Reggie White, Jr. 2008 Jonathon Stewart 2008-09 Veronica the model that dated Royce Felicia Dyer 1993 Veronica Veronica Welch 1998 Vic Kevin McCorkle 1984 Victor Sean Morales 2010 Victor Thomas Bowman 1985 Victoria Angela Muto 2004 Vin Chris D'Annunzio 2005 Vince Emily's attorney Todd Gearhart Vince drug dealer at Duke's gym ?????? 1990 or 1992 Vito Alex Romaguera 1988-89 X Prince Xavier Julia Lindsay's fiance he ran away from Damon Taylor 1998 Y Kano Yamamoto James Saito 2006 businessman Mori ____ Yamamoto Mariko Takei 2006 wife Corey Yates Jonatnon Holter Graham 1996 Zoe Crane's estranged (?ex?) husband Dr. Yeager Skipp Sudduth Private Investigator Yeager John Lantz 2010 Dr. Mary ____ Yee Kitty Mei Mei Chen 1981 wife, Sam; dietician Dr. Sam Yee Aki Aleong 1981 husband, Mary; helped John deal with blindness Candace Young Holly Marie Combs 1989 Norma ___ Young Dolores Sutton early 1960s Yolanda the dancer Irma Estella La Guerre Yvette Eliza de Croes 1982 Yvonne the hooker Pamela Lewis Nurse Yvonne Peggy Gormley 1992 Z Paula Zahn Paula Zahn CBS Morning Show Hostess cameo Zack the boxer Jason McDermott Zander Matthew Robinson Zeke, Teague's buddy Michael Laurence 1998 Zeke Matte Osian 2007 Zelda Diana Lamar 1998 T NAMES AND W NAMES AND NOTABLE NAMELESS CHARACTERS SHOULD ALL BE UP SATURDAY. LOVING WILL BE UP SUNDAY/MONDAY As always, anyone with additional names/dates/character information, please feel free to let me know. Everyone's contributions are welcome. Edited September 20, 2019 by slick jones 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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