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I could swear there was also a Lucy recap that I remember from back then, this hilarious longwinded ramble about everything that's happened, I think it was intro'ing Season 2. But I can't find it.

I did also find Season 1 promos, which I should've posted first.

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I really hope David Bowie returns as Jeffries, but I am not holding my breath. He can be elusive, for one thing; for another, Mark Frost was not involved in FWWM and was rumored to not be a huge fan (although he has made it clear in the new interviews about the revival that FWWM will be honored and its mythos acknowledged).

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Thanks. I enjoyed hearing her stories about Jack Nance.

I'm so glad she didn't decide to play a Mexican character. Yikes.

It's funny about her Carrie work, because she did become a camp figure to many. Of course, if Depalma had directed it as camp, it might not have worked.

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SON's own Ian Buchanan in one of my favorite moments with his character, ladies' gentleman Dick Tremayne.

He always used to crack me up on TP, and I must be one of five people on Earth who loved the pine weasel subplot - possibly because I was a kid and I loved furry animals at the time, but I still was laughing 10, 15 years later. I wish Buchanan got to play more comedy on GH, and not just Duke dragging Lucy off somewhere. He could do snark and fun - dour drama is hardly helping shufflin' old Duke.

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And here are Dick, Andy and Lucy with future SNL star Molly Shannon. And Little Nicky, another subplot which annoyed everyone but me (and Kimmy Robertson) because I thought everyone in this story was hilarious.

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Pretty good ranking and surprisingly insightful comments. Sad to see Big Ed, Norma and Nadine didn't get any love though.


THRILLED if the news about Ontkean is true. We haven't heard a single actor say they will absolutely not be back or have no interest. I love it.

Even if they can get appearances by most of the former cast, which actors do you see as the series regulars in most of the episodes? I think MacLachlan and Amick are shoo-ins, being two of David's favorites and having aged so gracefully.

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I would expect MacLachlan and Catherine Coulson, and I expect to see all of the Palmers in some way, shape or form, even if it's smaller appearances. Lynch is obsessed with them. If nothing else, I expect Sheryl Lee to either appear as Laura or finally get to be that redhead. I don't think Lynch will be able to resist using Leland and Sarah, though.

I would say expect everyone, but I just don't know. I would be very surprised if Mädchen Amick did not at least make an appearance (she is currently committed to her Lifetime series, along with another Lynch favorite, Julia Ormond), or Sherilyn Fenn. We just have no idea what the structure of the show will be - how much of it will be the originals, how much of a role they will or won't play along with new people. Mark Frost seems to indicate there will be a lot of involvement with the original characters and stories, but it's hard to say. And I know Lynch has always loved to bring people back, even the most obscure. But there will have to be a new mystery, and I expect (and welcome) new people.

In terms of regular cast, beyond Cooper I have no clue. Maybe not even him.

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I always wondered if the Annie character that dropped in at the last minute might have worked if she wasn't the love interest of Cooper? I still believed had the show returned the next year that she would have been revealed as Norma's daughter, not sister.... hence all the hostility between Norma and her mother. Probably would have been the reason why Big Ed and her broke up back then.

I do think Amick will be back... cable shows have a different filming schedule then shows on traditional broadcast tv so it is possible for her to come back. Also, I'd love a mix of new and old characters... it has been twenty five years so I could totally see new characters coming into focus.

The only thing is that I hope the Palmer family doesn't dominate.. though I do think Laura Palmer's murder changed the town forever.. and those effects could be felt with the next generation.. but I don't want it to dominate since so much time has passed.

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I finally got to see the "Between Two Worlds" skit tonight on the Blu-Ray - sadly, I know of nowhere to watch it online. It's a interview segment with David Lynch interviewing Sarah, Leland and Laura Palmer, then switches over to a discussion between him and their performers. It's beautifully done, and I have to wonder what bearing it may have on the new series.

Grace Zabriskie is such a strange, interesting actress, and she can do so much with just a twitch of her lip. She's the most harrowing part of it for me. Sarah says she still lives in the same house, never remarried - "I'm alone" - and that the house is falling apart a little. She says she fills her days putting on "the happy face" for the grocery store or the hairdresser, and goes home and watched football, bowling, etc. It's all pretty sad. I had hoped that Cooper's wonderful speech to Sarah at Leland's wake might help her move on someday, but who knows. (And who knows if any of this segment is canon?)

Leland denies that he did "those things" and reminisces about happy times with Sarah and Laura. Admits he was with many women, including some as young as Laura or younger. Ray Wise is perfect. Laura's answers are very elliptical; she says there are "many things still not known," or even half known, and says she used to love horses. She talks a little about being in a circus full of dark creatures and flickering lights during her life, about "knowing a man named BOB" and how she knew her life was over. She seems to allude (IMO, anyway) to the end of FWWM, when she was so happy she cried, and "saw what it was ... it was beautiful." But she says there are still "questions," and smiles and says "I meet many people with no names."

Whether it ends up pertaining to the new show at all, or not, it's definitely worth a watch for any fan, especially those who love FWWM.

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Thanks for the recap. Poor Sarah. I felt like Cooper's speech was something that wasn't really said to her as much as said at her so I'm not all that surprised if she wasn't able to listen. I wonder what her hair looks like now.

I can't remember how often the show mentioned horses (I do remember the white horse in the room when Maddy was murdered), but her diary had those heartbreaking passages about the beautiful horse Laura got for her birthday and how she drove it away a few years later as she felt she was cursed and was too impure for such a creature.

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