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Janet Jackson Appreciation Thread


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I couldn't find one so I decided to start one.

Yesterday (September 19) marked the 25th anniversary of the release of Rhythm Nation 1814. Although it was Janet Jackson's 4th solo album and her prior album Control is considered her breakthrough album by most music fans, I think Rhythm Nation 1814 is the album that cemented Janet Jackson as a global music icon.

Looking back at Janet Jackson's biggest hits on the Billboard Hot 100


When I Think of You (1986)

Miss You Much (1989)

Escapade (1990)

Black Cat (1990)

Love Will Never Do (Without You) (1991)

That's the Way Love Goes (1993)

Again (1993)

Together Again (1997)

Doesn't Really Matter (2000)

All For You (2001)

Top 5s

What Have You Done For Me Lately (1986, #4)

Nasty (1986, #3)

Control (1986, #5)

Let's Wait A While (1987, #2)

Rhythm Nation (1989, #2)

Alright (1990, #4)

Come Back to Me (1990, #2)

If (1993, #4)

Any Time, Any Place (1994, #2)

Runaway (1995, #3)

I Get Lonely (1998, #3)

Someone to Call My Lover (2001, #3)

Top 10s
Because of Love (1994, #10)

You Want This (1994, #8)

1986-1994 were the peak years; the three best albums (Control, Rhythm Nation 1814, janet.) and the bulk of the top 10 hits all released then.

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I grew up with Janet, but I don't think she's put out anything listenable since The Velvet Rope (and probably 1993's janet. if I'm being honest). All For You seemed like the end of career in retrospect and was the first album from her where I was utterly disappointed, and the albums since have just not been good. However, she hadn't released anything in years, so I wonder what she's up to now...

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Rhythm Nation 1814 had some great singles, but like many of Janet's albums, the flow was a bit off and the interludes a bit too intrusive. For that reason alone, I think Control is a superior product and the best album out of her big trilogy (Control/Rhythom Nation 1814/janet.).

Edited by BetterForgotten
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I'm a fairly new drag queen (like 8 months) and I auditioned for an up and coming clubs slot as a Janet impersonator and I did That's The Way Love Goes. I had the performance routine down and the hair and I thought I was hitting it, but the crowd looked at me like I was crazy and then afterwards they asked me why I did such an obscure Janet song. I WANTED TO SCREAM!!! That is not only one of her biggest hits, but one of her best lol. Needless to say I was not the new Janet. It went to some 60 year old tired queen. :(

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I think Janet from 85-93 produced the best pop music around. Even Rhythm Nation, which is a little ponderous (although I do like "The Knowledge") very badly dated, has some wonderful, infectious pop songs. Sometimes the songs are a little samey, but the mix of edge and accessibility on the uptempo numbers and the plaintive quality of the ballads hold up very well. She was so good in these years it was easy to take it for granted.

My favorite videos and songs.

She always made this "hanging out, just folks" stuff in her videos seem much less forced than it should have been.

It's a cheesy song but I always thought it was pretty, as is the video.

By the late '90s I feel like she lost her identity and began trying too hard, and there is some type of overwhelming sadness surrounding her.

Edited by DRW50
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I also think Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis's production just wore very thin after a while. Her collaboration with them stopped working after her 1993 janet. album, IMO. It hit an all time low by the All For You album in 2001.

She probably should have branched out from them sooner than she did, but probably couldn't since much of her success at the time was due to them and their sound.

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I worshipped her as a child - my CD and cassette collection were wall to wall Janet, especially janet. and Rhythm Nation. But she hasn't made a good album since The Velvet Rope. She got scared of the sales and she's been doing embarrassing, sex or youth-obsessed tripe ever since. I don't need another 16 songs about Janet's vagina.

Edited by Vee
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