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The Flash: Discussion Thread

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So say the TR-Flash that died was from last year, what happens to that timeline? There is no Flash in that timeline since he died and that's why we saw Barry being wiped out from existence when he was standing behind the door? 

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This show gives the writers such easy outs because they can always undo any big moment they want.  I remember when Wells "killed" Cisco and they quickly undid that with Barry's quick trip back in time. 

Writing-wise I don't get why Barry would be so lost over the death of his father and disturbed by seeing his doppelganger yet choose to go back and save his mother instead of just going back in time a little bit to save his father.  Even if John Wesley Shipp did not want to be a regular, they should have handled Henry's prison release in a more sensible manner.  Having him decide to leave right away, after years of separation from his son, only to return to be killed off was such a waste.  And I really find the whole idea that Flash's adversaries can only find his loved ones if they are geographically close to him silly.  I guess that goes for Oliver Queen as well, since the same reason was used to send his son to another city. 

So if this Flashpoint is going to be more than one episode then the modifications are probably going to be selective.  I can see why they would eliminate his being raised with Iris, as this shuts down the idiotic "incestuous" relationship  criers.  But I cannot imagine that they completely abandon his relationship with Joe.  And if his mother never died and his father never went to prison then they would both be around which goes back to why kill Henry then? 

Barry is such an emotional character but they highlight his selfishness in the worst way.  Maybe they will come up with some great season of showing Barry why his mother had to die, laced with lots of pep talks that will speed him on back to taking back his words to Reverse Flash.

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This season is missing a real villain.  Savitar is lingering out there like a waiting game.  The episodes feel like everyone is just sort of hanging around filling up time until the season finale.  Flashpoint should have been given more than one episode instead of being the usual Barry messes up the timeline and gets another lecture.


At least they finally got around to Barry and Iris although I don't see why they needed to move in together instead of just getting married.  They pretty much skipped over the dating which could have taken place a few episodes into last season since Barry's romance with Patty was unnecessary.  I get that they probably felt they needed to do Eddie and Iris in order to make Eddie's big sacrifice more dramatic, but Barry knew he loved Iris and that he would always love Iris and giving her a little time to mourn Eddie should have been enough.  


Cisco and HG are, imo, the best characters on this show. 

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