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James Scott OUT at Days

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I was always under the impression his "real" British accent was far different from his posh accent on Days. I read it somewhere, long ago. Something like a Texan attempting a New York accent, or vice versa, and not well. Anybody know for sure?

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I think that sometimes good elocution gets confused for good acting. James has excellent, crisp pronunciation, but I find him pretty bland and uninspiring, and too heavily reliant on his blinking and pouting repertoire. He was certainly given his share of weighty, emotional scenes, lots of room to shine, but I found him underwhelming, particularly in scenes that should have been redemptive for his character, and especially up against both Ali Sweeney and Ari Zucker, both of whom have done much better work with redemptive scenes over the years. I just don't understand the praise he's gotten for his acting with respect to his castmates.

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The show needs lung (i.e. worthwhile and watachable characters) in order to make your work metaphor work.

I agree. I can understand that he was oversaturated, but he was utilized so often because he was able to be everything Days needed at that point in time. There was no other character on the canvas like him.

Sami is exactly who she has always been, with EJ. One could argue that she is more of the character she was when she was initially created to be while with EJ. She's never been the character she portrays herself in any of her relationships and that is why they all fail. But more than any other relationship Sami has been in, the biggest farce was her pairing with Rafe. That was a relationship which completely undermined the character of Sami and everything she was. That was the greatest example of a character transplant if there ever was one.

Sweeney and Zuker's best acting was opposite James Scott. If I am not mistaken the only time either of them have recieved emmy nominations (or even pre-nominations) were when they were heavily paired with him.

He was Minshew's best acting partner. tongue.png

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Not that daytime Emmy's mean much anymore, but Ari Zucker got her first lead actress nomination this year and it wasn't working opposite James Scott, it was I believe working in story with Greg Vaughan.

I like JS, but EJ hasn't really been that relevant a character for some time. And I am not a fan of actors who pick and choose when they bring it on screen based on whether they like a story, something he has tended to do over the years.

I do think shackling Sami to EJ and Rafe for so long hurt her and FINALLY Sweeney is getting a story that really plays to what her strengths as an actress and Sami's strengths as a character always were, as a plotter and schemer and she's fun to watch again. I watch her scenes with BD and I have to say, AS comes across so much more relaxed and relatable with him. I'd venture to say on Days he is her acting soul mate.

Days has been less the EJ and Sami show and more the Dr. Daniel Jonas hour for a good part of over a year now. But the characters that really made a difference to the canvas these past 2 years have been Kristen and Nick. Writing Nick into a corner and killing him off really hurt the younger set of characters IMO. And Eileen Davidson is a dynamo, its a shame she's returning and not sticking around.

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I think the baby switch story was by far her best work , she drove that story, and should have been nominated as lead. But my point was working opposite James Scott really wasn't any kind of advantage in terms of Emmy nods.

Days this year actually won 2 acting Emmys, and neither of the people that won them was working opposite him in any story. Eileen Davidson doesn't need to work opposite anyone in particular to get a nod and she made Eric Martsolf a better actor working with him. While I like James Scott, I haven't seen anyone up their game or be better because they worked with him, where I firmly believe Martsolf's performances were all made better by Eileen. Ari Zuckers nods, as evidenced by her nod his year opposite another actor, is all on her and the material IMO. Her performances as a whole are pretty consistent IMO.

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Disagree profoundly with that. PROFOUNDLY. TBH, I like Ali Sweeney better with just about anyone on the show -- Bryan Datillo, Lauren Koslow, Deidre Hall, Chandler Massey, Joe Mascolo...I could probably list the entire cast past and present. And Ari Zucker earned her Emmy nom entirely on her own as far as I'm concerned. She could have been acting next to a ficus. She practically was acting next to a ficus. I think storyline focus, screentime, and politics had more to do with it than anything James did.

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I guess we will just agree to disagree then. Datillo was never an acting force to be reckoned with, and he always came across the screen as a loser who was way out of his depth when he played against Sami dramatically. He was never able to match her energy on screen. As to their chemistry, I never bought their love scenes or their comedic ones. It always felt a bit forced. They work as friends better than anything else. Lucas always seemed too small time for Sami and was always the lowest man on the totem poll compared to Austin, Brandon, Rafe and EJ in terms of apperance, chemistry and story potential. Which is why I always felt Lumi was so forgettable in it's past incarnations, especially since towards the end there was essential no difference between Lumi and Safe.

If one wants to admit it or not, Zucker finally got noticied because of her work opposite James Scott. How else can one explain being ignored by her peers for 10 years she was on the show before getting an acting nomination or prenomination for her performances? He is the reason she got her first two emmy nomintations.

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James Scott is attractive and has lots of charisma, but he isn't the best acting partner these ladies have had.

Maybe Ari rose to the occasion in a front burner storyline that gave her emotional, gritty material that she excelled at delivering.

I think when Sweeney is not bored she can be entertaining, but I also think she is a true blue soap actress. Bad stereotype type soap actress. I'm entertained by her antics, but she's never been a powerhouse in acting.

Also in the last 3 years I found James Scott truly engaged in his material only a few times. With Kristen, at the beginning of the Abby storyline, and when he made the acting choice to seem like he was willing to seduce or flirt with Will to get what he wanted.

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