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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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Looks like WdV is having a breakdown on Twitter

William deVry @WilliamdeVry1 31m

LOL. I won't stop putting on links. But for everyday I see "are you leaving GH?". I won't answer any Tweets. Too much. Enjoy night all.

William deVry @WilliamdeVry1 11m

Just PS. I know you care, and I care that you care, but it's too much, too many times about leaving show.

William deVry @WilliamdeVry1 8m

And yet, someone asked "again". Wow. NOT LEAVING GH!!! Okay. Thank you. Had to yell so everyone heard. LOL

William deVry @WilliamdeVry1 52s

ya, it's just not even funny no matter how you put it. Maybe I should just take the week off?

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I really enjoy it when soap fans and soap actors attempt to be condescending on social media... Entertainment!

Some of those people have no self control at all. It's so embarrassing. Ridiculous! And if his tweets are any indication, William DeVry is just as douchey and smarmy in real life as he is on television.

Most actors aren't stupid enough to waste their time engaging crazy soap fans (some really are nuts!!) on social media. It's actually kinda creepy when people on social media waste so much time engaging and cyberstalking people they supposedly hate so much. It's like when I was cyberstalked by one of my dumb ex-boyfriends on FB. Is it really that hard for people to agree to disagree?

Anyway, I love Donna Mills and I love Madeline!!! She's too good for Cartini's GH. At least she's not playing a battered wife, I'll give Cartini points for that for not taking pages out of all her old lifetime movies. We'll see how long that lasts.

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It always makes me laugh when people refer to Donna Mills as the gal who played a number of battered wife becuz to me shes Abby Frreaking Ewing and i just cannot reconcile the two.

I liked Madelyne (not sure im supposed to since shes angst to the narcoleptic Siam) and there are similarities with Abby.

Im just relieved that DM didnt end up playing Sydne Chase.

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For a first eppy, Vinessa Antoine did a really good job. I like her and Sean already. TJ seeing his mother after all these years was good, but he should not take her back so quickly.

The fight Shawn and Jordan had was good (with the exception of Sonny and his level of gangstahood).

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If a more likable actor than Sean Kanan was AJ, I'd be sickened by what's being done to him. I don't really care. That said, there are about ten people I'd probably get rid of before him.

Ryan Paevey could not be any more out of his element with Donna Mills.

Alexis and her horrible daughter are insufferable. And so is TJ. The ONLY way those scenes could have been worse was if Rafe showed up...

I like the actress that plays Jordan. There are some actresses that I like on GH but the only actor that I even think is OK is Jon Lindstrom. Well, maybe Shawn's actor isn't too bad either.

Could Jason Thompson at least try to hide how much he hates his story? I certainly don't blame him for hating it but he would be good if he ever made an effort. He makes Michael Easton look like Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford having a meltdown about wire hangers in Mommie Dearest.

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Really? I thought yesterday he for the first time showed signs of life. First they compliment each other visually to the point you could take a screenshot of them and turn it into an ad campaign for probably anything. More importantly he started to actually use a hint of inflection in his speaking and I sort of felt bad for him almost when he told his mother he had no friends. He seemed to be happy she was staying in town. IF DM can do some good waking up this guy then she will have done a good deed. In any case, he seemed more engaged with her than he has with anyone else.

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Can you blame fans of not trusting any report that wdv isnt leaving? Sk spent months denying he was leaving and look what happent. I personally dont care one way or another about wdv but i would be thrilled if i learnt jillian was killed off. I would take Wdv as a lookalike or whatever so he wouldnt be out of a job but if the day comes jillian gets killed off i will do cartwheels

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For me this isn't about trust. It's about boundaries and people minding their own [!@#$%^&*] business. He's doing the right thing by telling people he's not going to address the question anymore. Now if he would only show similar good judgment where Shatner is concerned.

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I agree, but I just think it's unwise to engage the cray.

If they don't trust what he's saying then what is the point of continuing to ask? It is weird that Sean kept denying reports that he was exiting, and now it seems he's known for quite awhile that he was and by his own choice.

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