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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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For me, no one could make Ryan Paevey or Bryan Craig watchable. Neither of them can act and neither have any screen presence. Not that they're alone in that, of course!

FH/Anna reminds me more and more of Florencia Lozano's Tea Delgado every time I watch Anna, no matter how different their characters are. Even the screeching is the exact same. I wonder if it's intentional, since RC loves his winks to "his" OLTL. And since Tea was one of his favorites.

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....they garnered a huge fanbase despite the writing, the dysfunction, Ric's obsession with Sonny to the exclusion of everything else...because Rick Hearst is a hella actor. That plus the couples sheer magnetism drew the fans and the not fans in.

RHe is the kind of actor who does a lot with his eyes, with his face. You totally bought his complete, total love for Liz. He is very intense...at times he looked as though he wanted to devour her. And Liz/BH has a very angelic persona. Ric's dark, twisted obsessive love...Liz, gentle and compassionate, trying with all her might to lead him away from all that...Both RHs played off that very well.

All very Harlequin romance,really. But it worked...

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I don't see any similarity between Finola and Florencia Lozano beyond the fact that they're both strong actresses with strong characters. Téa is naturally fiery and at times histrionic (and I miss her dearly, among many others from OLTL) and I don't think Anna is. I certainly wouldn't call Anna a screecher. When Anna lets her rage out it's because it's been simmering a long, long time, as it did last year until she finally caught up with Obrecht and Faison.

I don't think Ryan Paevey is the worst I've ever seen or anything - far from it - but he's not a great talent by any stretch of the imagination. He has decent moments but mostly he is very, very green.

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Lucas Jones is a Sean Cody/Corbin Fisher type of name, but it's a silly thing to nitpick about. Felix is a sour old priss. I keep expecting Laura Ingalls to appear and for Felix to chase her out of the hospital.

I have to admit that Paevey doesn't do anything for me. It's something with his face.

Of course someone will say I find all guys unattractive. That's not true (believe me), but it's that "Cartini" casting type. It just repulses me.

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Poor old Lurchin' Duke can't even tie his shoes!

Notice, "Luke" was looking over Cartullo jewelry. Cartullo is Brenda, Brenda is Barrett Enterprises. Unless I am remembering my pointless trivia wrong which is very possible, Eckert worked with or for Harlan Barrett and Faison in their criminal cartel back in the day.

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