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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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That's why I said possible because you know on soaps almost anything is possible LOL. He didn't help him cover it up but the writers could say he was an accessory after the fact. I doubt it they go that way though. I just want some kind of repercussions for him.

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No they always forgive him too easily. Victoria is back working for him, Nikki is married to him for the umpteenth time and Nick still allows him to much say in his life. Even Adam temporarily forgave Victor. If he loses his company that will be good enough for me since that's his true love. I'm just skeptical of it happening. Jack always gets the raw deal some kinda way.

Yeah I think it should go to Jill too.

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SLEEP INDUCING...Like Tyler and Abby...and that wedding plannerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Wake me up 2moro

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I haven't seen it yet but I heard/read it was hot. I saw pics on twitter and thought it looked sweet. But what stood out was the strategic candles to cover up SBUs body. *side eye* stop trying to be a romantic lead if you don't want to show your body. This is a soap! Dangummit!

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Hilarious. That is just what I was going to write. I just flipped to TVGN and Y&R is on. I couldn't believe Lauren was still talking about Carmine. I still think the affair was cut off way too soon. But every time I tune in, it's still all about this "who killed Carmine?" C'mon. Unless Fen meets some nice guy in prison for hot consensual "fun" to pass the time, I don't care!

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