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Another Y&R actor out??

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Soon after MM took over the role and it became an even worse disaster, I proposed that they have the "real" Victor Jr. come to town and everyone discover that the "Adam" they knew was actually fraud. I still think that this can be done to salvage such an important character and start over with a clean slate.

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LMAO! I wish I had the term "math molester" at my disposal in high school. Those hilarious tweets are everything that is wrong yet sinfully right about Twitter. MTS defending her name from the rabble in 140 characters or less, WHAT IS THIS LIFE!?

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rewrite. Not like it's never been done before. Maybe they can say he was Hope's nephew that spent a lot of time there and they had a relationship like mother/son , hence the flashbacks. Real Victor JR had an accident that left him in a coma for the past decade and Adam knew, kept him hidden and took over his life. Seriously, it's not like anyone would know. Victor only saw him a few times when he was growing up right? It's possible he wouldn't recognize him as a man and could confuse him for his cousin that looks a lot like him.
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I detest convenient rewrites like this. Y&R has still, shockingly, stayed above that. But... BUT.... God damn it, Adam is so important, especially since most next generation characters have been decimated. And it could be done if they somehow claimed the "flashbacks" were memories that he was told of and we just saw them too. Or something. :lol:

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This would totally work. The genetic eye condition that Adam inherited from Hope along with the flashbacks could be explained if he was her nephew. Victor could get a call from the hospital that Victor Jr. was waking up and they could not reach his cousin, "Adam." Victor would visit the hospital and be shocked to discover that he had been duped and here was his real son. The Newman family would be rocked to the core and we would get a new dynamic. Instead Victor hating his youngest son, he could fawn over him, encouraging him to join Newman Enterprises to Nikki, Victoria and Nick's dismay. It could be really great. I wish I knew someone at Y&R to suggest that they got this route with Victor Jr.

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wow, perfect. I could definetly go for that. Adam's father was a loser that abandoned him and his mother was a drug addict that was in and out of his life, which is why he would be sent to live with his aunt Hope for months/years on end while his mother tried to fix up her messed up life. When he learned who Victor Jr's real father was, he was envious. Maybe they got into a fight and he caused the accident that landed him in the hospital. He saw that as the opportunity to carry out his scheme. This would not only give him money and power, but would give him the opportunity to truly feel like he belonged in a caring family. Unfortunately for him, that's not exactly what he got. He used his newfound money to pay for Victor Jr's hospital bills out of guilt but also to ensure no one would learn of his existence.

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Hmmm, I know you're playing devil's advocate but I don't think that's comparable at all. All those people were sick and twisted but burning a fetus in the fireplace goes way, way, waaaay too far. If was one of those moments when you just knew the Y&R of old was dead. What's more, it was clear that it was an aimless plot driven mess done for shock value--and, even worse, we were supposed to root, justify and forgive Adam! Just because he was Adam and he was hot and he was a Newman.

Any rooting that the audience had for Sheila or even Michael came from the fact that Bell never tried to force it upon the viewers, the psyches of these people were explored deeply, their motivations made sense and the actors were truly terrific & immensely popular. And, even then, when it was done, it was done.

Not the mention those stories were written a 1000x better.

Michael & Kevin's transformations happened under Smith. Kevin's was worse because Michael PAID for his crimes with years of being in jail and then about 6 or 7 years of being treated like scum by more than half of Genoa City. Eventually, it made sense that he would be accepted by some. But Kevin went from statutory rapist, arsonist & STD carrier to having Lauren prop his ass and he never paid for anything. Ugh.

You are so right regarding the multiple age and social groups and Y&R had a sense of place that was unrivaled. I mean, how often does a detective hang out with a billionaire mogul in real life? Y&R knew the importance of these societal rules and the effect it had in creating a world. Now you have people interacting with everyone from everywhere.

And agreed, once they went psycho with Adam, he should have been gone. Patty should have been gone, too.

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