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Another Y&R actor out??

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I can't tell if she's emotionally unstable or if she just needs a good dicking. She is coming across very thirsty and extra. It's one thing to stand by a friend/miss a costar, but she's acting as if he's some type of fallen hero, and she needs to realize it doesn't paint her in a flattering light. Not to mention, publicly supporting an actor who was (allegedly) fired for something as serious as sexual harassment, will not have her in good graces with the higher ups. She really needs to log off twitter, and while she's taking this time to regain her sanity, she should get a new haircut as well.

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Ok, I live for SC but I'm gonna need for her to build a bridge and get over that b*tch. These stars acting like MM & BM built the house that is YR. They should've been doing all this speaking out when MAB put Jess Walton on recurring and stopped using her. That's a time when I would've spoke out. MM is a dime a dozen.

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Thank you for pointing out the difference in how Roger Thorpe was written, portrayed and viewed in his era compared to how "bad boys/villians/misunderstood woobies" have been written, viewed and portrayed within the last 30 years.

I don't know why things like this had changed in how these characters have been written.

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I couldn't stomach watching it in its entirety. The music and the poses of MM - I just couldn't...

That said; Sharon Case is/was apparently very close to Michael Muhney and so good for her to do this video tribute. There are always more than one side to a story and everyone deserves some friends/support.

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Maybe, Sharon Case is worried about her place on the show, since MM was canned? Since MM took over the role, Sharon and her character have been chained (and ultimately destroyed) to the Adam character (with little breaks/new pairings in between).

When Sharon was with Adam, she had an audience who could understand aka justify her actions in choosing to be with him, because they liked the pairing. Yet now, in what she's done to Nick, Jack and Summer, folks are finally just done with her pathetic cray cray behind.

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Why is Sharon Case being hated for actually supporting a friend of hers?

And because she is doing so, it casts doubt in my eyes over what has been alleged about MM here and in other places - would SC really be putting up on her twitter page tribute videos dedicated to a supposed sexual deviant(which is what MM has been painted as here)?

I guess most of you will argue she is either in denial or the Shadam SL intruded into real life or whatever.

Heck, Joshua Morrow retweeted the thing too - I guess that means he also condones what MM is being accused of on this board.

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