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DAYS: The scoop on Chandler's exit & the future of Wilson

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I just don't get the (crazy) love for CM. He's not all that and, frankly, Will is written like a whiny, crybaby. Compare CM to the other CM (JJ) and it becomes oh so clear. I hope the new guy is good because it's great that DAYS finally broke the gay barrier and that fans care. Hopefully, there will be adjustments/growth for the character.

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Massey is a pretty boy - they always have tons of fans. And he was endlessly hyped by the soap press in 2011, pushing the idea that he was going to be a superstar. He never did anything for the ratings, most of his work was subpar, but the hype always seems to remain.

Even now I'm sure someone will say if he'd nailed EJ, DAYS would have been #1.

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Backlot/Afterelton is, aside from the person who writes their shipping article, and Anthony D. Langford, a pretty shitty site, poorly put together and with nonsensical recaps and thin articles that always feel strangely dated and like someone impersonating gay men.

The comments section embarrasses me. They seem to keep saying that he wanted to stay and was fired and pushed out. He himself said he was leaving, months before any of this ever happened!

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That's because, as someone stated earlier in this thread, the obsessive Massey stan fans from Twitter and Facebook cannot cope with the fact that Massey himself was the one who stated his plans on leaving the show and not portraying the character anymore.

It's just really pathetic, because they just cannot deal and they're lashing out at all the wrong folks. They don't want to be angry at Massey, but that day will come.

Watch, when info about him auditioning for new roles gets leaked, because you know that's going to happen. Then we'll see comments like, "I thought that he was trying to get his degree. Was it all a lie?"

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I don't think Chandler Massey fans should be bashing the producer, but I also must stick up for Gwinnett County, Georgia's own, Chandler Massey. The writing and acting for Will made me a fan of Days, a soap I had never watched in my entire soap life for more than 1 or 2 episodes at a time. This idea he didn't help the ratings, well how could you possibly test that without knowing what would have happened without him? All I know is I started watching because of what was happening with his character. The sensitivity, the layers, the dilemmas his character faced and the character's relationship with the rest of the town.

I know people don't think the Emmys mean anything here unless it's for an actor they already like, but winning the Emmy twice in a row, the first for a male actor portraying a gay role in daytime, is also indicative of talent.

One of the few things I don't like about him is his association with Charlie Sheen.

As for Casey Moss, he's fine, but what's been happening with JJ has been pretty one-note acting-out type stuff, and I don't see him being leagues above Chandler or whatever.

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Chandler announced he was quitting six months before his contract was up and the show started the recasting process. They found one early and let CM go early. It really isnt this huge scandalous thing some are trying to make it into.

Its funny how CM fans are acting like Days committed some huge sin here, given he was an immediate recast for an actor who was fired.

As for what his post days plans are, he likely wont start college until at least the spring semester, if not next fall, and many people do act while in college but having a full time job often doesnt work. I wish him the best in his career of acting, his getting a degree, whatever he may do. He was a great Will and will be missed, but i also think Will is important and the show needed to recast, and i hope the man they found the role is good.

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It actually was scandalous (before Charlie Sheen got involved). DAYS fired him. Chandler courteously let the show know he wasn't staying in advance, so they could decide what to do and he was honoring his contract, he's said the entire time he was staying until his contract was up. DAYS went along until one day said nope you're done this day and that was it, left. So he was pushed out earlier than he planned.

Chandler and his Will got no goodbyes, no final scenes, nothing with his on screen actors he spent all these years with.

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That is far from scandalous. It's pretty much entertainment 101. An actor quit the show. The show recasted the role. He was let go early because he quit 6 months before his contract and they found a replacement faster than likely expected.

Actors are let go early, if they quit or not. He did quit. Very publicly. Days held auditions for a recast and I highly doubt CM had no idea it was happening. As for goodbyes, often times it doesn't happen when there is an immediate recast. Will is far too important to the canvas to write out just to give chandler a goodbye scene. And no he didn't the cake and hourglass and goodbye party. When is the last time someone did? Eileen didn't either. Hall didn't when she was fired years ago. Those days are over.

This is only a scandal and issue with some fans. Did Dylan Patton get goodbye scenes and a farewell party? No. Granted he was terrible at will and wasnt there for years, but at the same time chandler has only been there for a few years.

At the end of the day he choose to leave at the end of his contract. The show recasted the role and did so a few months before thee nd of his contract. That simple.

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