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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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1) I agree I felt a little letdwown from Marge's shooting. The build-up was great.. but I was hoping for something a little more JER-esque. I wish Marge would have held the place hostage for an episode or two and then escape by kidnapping Sami (or anyone really) and holding her hostage in a cabin tied to the bed tormenting her - the kidnapping could have gone on for a couple months leading to Sami being "rescued" by EJ (or Rafe, Lucas, etc) during a blizzard just in time to make it home for Christmas

2) Anyone else notice on Mondays' show that Missy Reeves seemed to have a sore throat/head cold?? She sounded very hoarse.

3) Loved Ciara practicing to be the flower girl "for Brady and Kristen of course." Love her!

4) Loved seeing the hospital chapel. When was the last time we saw that set? I'm thinking at least a couple years ago! It looked the same (with some updated coloring), I enjoy seeing old sets :)

5) Good character interaction this week with Anne/Teresa (I love them working together), Sami/Jonny, and the best was Sami/Caroline!!!

6) I agree that Rafe's PT storlyine needs to be sped up. The man has been in the hospital since May.

7) I also really enjoyed the Sami/Stefano flashbacks.. as well as one scene earlier in the week that panned from Stefano's face to his portrait.

8) The character of Maggie... I'm NOT a Maggie hater. I love SR and she is one of the most iconic characters on the show.. but they have GOT to stop wasting her as a Danifer prop. Can we get just a couple scenes of Maggie with Victor alone having a romantic moment.. NOT talking about Dan, Jen, or JJ???

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Her skin is so wrinkled and saggy these days.



Doctor extraordinaire!





These 2 still have smoking chemistry but I'd still rather have Ericole.




Loved this exchange


They are cute together, but really pointless now.


I hope we are not getting another Jealous-Kate-goes-cray-cray storyline again. Koslow deserves better.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head as to why this storyline is such a drag to sit threw. We have been shown (if those reasons you pointed out are her true motivation) that Theresa is irrational and illogical to the point of psychosis, and yet we have not been shown that she has truly broken from reality. So instead we have this robot of a character who is just there to make Jennifer's life horrible, with no solid basis to fuel her actions. How is she any different from a character like Jan Spears? She just winds up looking both insane and asinine to the point of farce. Ultimately Theresa is just a tool to create problems for Dannifer. Which makes the story as I said before plot driven.

She's had nothing worthwhile to do since Stefano's fake death last year.

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I think it's quite a reach to say "Theresa is irrational and illogical to the point of psychosis". She is self absorbed with a persecution complex, but that is hardly on the verge of psychosis - I meet people like that everyday as I'm sure you do. She wants to hurt Jennifer because she thinks Jennifer wanted her to go to jail - if Jennifer really wanted her to go to jail, she would have called the police in for fraud Her actions are a response to her interpreting Jennifer wanting to ruin her life. That's a world away (trademark Beebs!) from Jan Spears who was just bonkers. My problem with the story is that she and Anne are acting like two mean girls in high school, trying to ruin her relationship with Daniel - it's immature and stupid.

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how about she's not psychotic nor has she done anything criminal to intentionally endanger the lives of anyone else. Jan tried to kill. The worst thing Theresa has done to date is unsuccessfully try to embezzle money from the hospital and soon that might be trumped by making people think she and Daniel are involved. She ain't nowhere on Jan's level. Until she kidnaps and plots murder, it isnt fair she is the same as Jan.

As for her dislikeof Jen, I totally get it. Jen has been a bitch to her from day one and hasnt let up. Sure she has good reason to but Teresa is the type of person that doesnt take to authority well and Jen has been a figure of authority thats constantly let her know that. It makes sense why she has such contempt for her and her current scheme against her is fueled by Jen firing her, essentially sending her off to prison even after Teresa pleaded and tried to come up with a compromise. Jen pretty much spit in her face and told her to get packing. Its personal for her now even if ultimately it is her fault. Anne rehired her and gave her a second chance with the stipulation that she makes life miserable for Jen. Of course that wasnt a hard sell for Teresa considering how she already felt about her by this point

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I love how Kristen has not sh*t to give about her enemies, Eileen has rocked her return in a big way.

Daniel is a character who doesn't irritate me, but his worth is overestimated by the writing team to the detriment of the show. I thin Shawn Christian has a comedic side to him that could be exploited for the show's benefit and would also place him firmly in the supporting capacity he should be in.

I hope we're getting a 'Stefano Woos Kate' storyline. Koslow deserves much better than being Rafe's carer. And for nearing in on 61 she is STUNNING.

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My point in comparing the two characters is to show that they both have a very skewed perception of the way the world is, and how that perception is ultimately deluded. Theresa makes no logical sense and can't be rationed with. Theresa's issues are in the same vein as Jan's were, she's just not as severe a head case as Jan was (for now). Ultimately we are still getting a vengeful psycho though (or at least heading that way with her creepy, stalker like Daniel fixation), whose thoughts and mindset has no basis in reality. She's showing signs of emotional and mental imbalances.

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Teresa is not fixated on Daniel and to date has done nothing to suggest she has some creepy stalker attachment to him. Maybe that could change in the future, but its not in the cards now. She had a brief attraction to him when she first met him (as we've seen her with other guys), but it wasn't going anywhere, so she dropped it and moved on. And it wasn't really about him, but rather the fact that he was a doctor and had money. She doesn't even want to have sex with him now and almost seemed disgusted when Anne brought that up. She only wants people to think they are having sex and it has nothing to do with being fixated on Daniel, but rather using him as a means to hurt Jennifer.

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Then why is she consistently breaking into his apartment, having daydreams about them moving in together and caressing portraits of him? Yeah, I don't buy that Theresa doesn't want Daniel, hurting Jennifer is obviously priority number one but she definitely does seem to desire Daniel to some extent as well.

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I was in a MarDar induced coma when it happened, but Victor stole Maggie's eggs that she had stored years ago and Daniel's mother, Lillian Parker received the egg, which he was born from. This was in Septemberish 2011. Hence the term eggbaby.

Just another reason why MarDar rank up there with Higley in worst headwriters of all time.

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I really liked Monday's epsiode overall. Daniel didn't even annoy me (don't hate me!).

The Jen/Theresa, Jen/Adrienne scenes were great.

I loved gabbi's cheersthanxbye to Nick.

The Hope/Rafe friendship is a great example of the little things that this show does to actually make this show seem like a community.

Chandler can't leave soon enough - his only delivery tone seems to be smug now.

This Kate/Jordan stuff is lame.

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