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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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Damn, Eileen rocked that underwear dress. It was very 1999 Friends where Rachel tries to seduce Tate Donovan. Remember those dresses that looked like negliges and basically were negliges? For 54 she looks impeccable. It was such stark contrast to Marlena's hideous dress. Dee Hall often is one of the best dressed women at the Emmys, she looks great, that dress just made her look like a potato sack from Liberace's pantry.

Casey Deidrick seems like a helluva lot of fun. I wish him well on his career ahead, I hope he finds much success.

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Sonny was considered to give blood? Is there not a blood ban against men who've had sex with men in the US like there is in Canada or was that an oversight?

Also, Corday's daughter on again today? Nepotism is alive and well in Salem.

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Bleh at today's show. I swear that in every single scene there was some kind of mention about how Daniel's a hero and the best surgeon evah. Puke.

Also, I think I probably missed the explanation since I was multitasking during today's show - what was with Theresa going to Daniel's apartment? I saw her go in, sit on the couch for a few minutes, look at the Dannifer picture, and leave. Seemed really pointless to me, so I know I must've missed something there.

I liked Nicole's dress but that jacket didn't really go with it. And Kristen's hair was mess again today.

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JJ and his temper tantrums are starting to annoy me. Everyone in this town is bending over backwards trying to help him and he just sits there, sulks and beats on people. His entire character just seems irrational at this point and I don't understand him or his motivation. He's just an angry teenager for the sake of being an angry teenager.

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I felt that way today in his scenes with Justin, but he is a teenager and think its natural for him to be angry at his family and upset with all of them whether justified or not. For what its worth, IMO though, his anger towards Jennifer, Daniel and Abigail has been justified.

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Martha aka Little Miss Motel Marple cracked me up sitting there in her movie theatre usher uniform unraveling the mystery for Eric. "The wig, the bad accent... They both had a very assertive nature..."

Oh my God, can someone edit a video of Abigail shooting Jen that exact same look in the courtroom like 37 times!? And dang, when JJ told her to go be with Chad she couldn't even give her brother an, "Are you sure?" It was just, "Thanks for understanding!" and she bounced.

I don't know the actor's name, but I remember the judge from his several sitcom appearances over the years. Was he the principal on Parker Lewis Can't Lose? My mind's a blur. I love how he called out all of JJ's character witnesses as being his relatives.

Did you catch Kristen's Jackie Mason impersonation? What am I gonna do when she leaves...

Sami/Caroline scenes are priceless. It is so nice to see someone sitting and talking to a grandparent at length on a soap. So refreshingly old school.

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I missed the episode, but in Canada, I know from experience that you can give personal blood donations--ie if you have a family member or even friend in the hospital who immediately needs blood they'll let you (I believe you need a parent or whoever to sign though.) It's giving blood at blood drives, etc, you can't technically (unless you just don't check that you've had sex with a man... I mean they check the blood anyway--don't get me started. Didn't Canada just change the rule that gay men CAN give blood if they haven't had sex with a man in 5 years or some such? lol)

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I remember one of my college classmates being very upset that he couldn't give blood after 9/11. Like you said, they check the blood anyway, but I guess that shows the medical community's lack of faith in itself or fear of the unknown. There was a county-wide high school blood drive when I was a teenager and looking back I don't know how much of it was embellished, but one school in particular had a startling number of students testing positive for HIV and other STDs.

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And were they all gay? :P Yeah my mom can't give because she had Hep (not sure which one--A?) in high school. It used to really bug me--on campus they'd always have drives and the people would positvely harass you or try to make you feel guilty when you passed them, so I just took to basically saying "Sorry 'm gay" and moving on.

I believe it was in the US, but maybe it was Canada where recently someone who WASN'T gay was turned away because the woman said he looked and seemed gay... (Maybe it was the US, since I believe he sued, which is a very American thing to do.)

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Yeah, it's like..a 6 year ban or something now. There's a lot of rolled eyes from friends of mine over that. I didn't know about that technicality though, that's something I'll have to look up. I think it's because CBS (Canada Blood Services for you non-Canadians) is not a government agency, just affiliated with it, so they can get away with it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the guy was turned away in Canada though. Wasn't there that guy recently who had been giving blood for years and lying about having sex with men the whole time? I'm sure they'd get leery after that.

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