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DAYS: October Discussion Thread

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These two basically have the same conversation over and over again, but it is so entertaining.


Just for SFK!




Apparently this was one year ago yesterday. Zuker should of got an emmy for that, but what a shitastic SL that was overall. The show has come a long way in one year.



Celebrating Spirit Day.

Back row: James Reynolds, Kate Mansi, Casey Moss, Lauren Koslow, Eric Martsolf, Greg Meng, Chrishell Stause (???), some random lesbian and not Nu-Will, Deidre Hall, Meredith Scott Lynn

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James Scott's skill is amazing, just every scene he is in he makes work. What's even more astounding is that most of these are probably all in 1 or 2 takes considering Day's taping schedule. He just never misses. Definitely one of if not the best actors on the show and he has been on fire for 6 years straight now. He just never lets up. You know you are getting his all in every scene.

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DAYS always has the most mentally disturbed fanbases - The Marlena Militia, the Ejami/Safe/Lumi wars (as if Sami is a prize worth winning, whatever), the cray cray cult of Matt Ashford etc. But these Wilson fans may be the most deranged. I don't care for Chandler either way but I don't think Guy is going to work out well.

KFC? I thought she was a Chick-fil-A ho!

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Those Anne Milbauer tweets make.my.life. LOL. They're so great.

I also LOVE that the actress is still taping for 2014 (as evidence by the Spirit Day photo). Yay. I'm glad they seem to recognize they have something in her and continue to use her.

Ugh, I just realized they're probably taping February now. Sheesh. I just hate their schedule.

I could care less about the Wilson fan drama. They need to get over it. Chandler left. The show recast. DEAL WITH IT. lol. I have no idea how the new Will will be but I admit to not thinking he looks like how I think Will should look, but that doesn't mean I'm going to reject him because of it. If he sucks, then I'll say it. Do we have an airdate for him? I rarely visit the spoiler section anymore so I don't know. I guess I can go check .... :)

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I know right? Daniel is her son but JJ and Jennifer are her family too and she's completely disregarding their ordeal and fails to realize that Daniel's presence would only make things worse for them right now. Where is Vivan when you need her to lock someone up in a sarcophagus?

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You know it's really bad when even Daniel has to tell Maggie to STF up with the Dannifer pimping.

I really liked the Sami/Stefano flashbacks, the rest was meh.

Not feeling this new Theresa/Anne plan going on, but I do like both characters and actresses. We need more motivation from Anne, because this is far too much this effort just because your co-worker is a lazy entitled cow.

I liked Jen/JJ's confrontation. Rory and Bev are better friends to JJ than they should be - its refreshing and unrealistic at the same time.

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They never hit it off from their first meeting, but Theresa has enough justification from her warped point of view to hate Jen:

1. Jen fired her and had Anne not stepped in, Theresa would be in a jail cell in California. Yes, it is all of Theresa's making, but she doesn't see it that way - she sees it as Jen tried to send her to jail

2. Jen is always cockblocking her access to her most consistent source of drugs, JJ.

3. Although Theresa doesn't love Daniel, it wounded her pride that he wouldn't bone her, double wounding her pride because he was single too, and all because he "loves" Jenny.

That's alot of character motivation imho.

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Quite frankly, once Kristen leaves town, I wouldn't mind if the entire Horton household does a Don Craig trip to the mailbox, with Daniel going on a Neil Curtis hospital round. That entire portion of the show seems so tacked on and pointless at this point, and it drags an otherwise fabulous show way down.

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