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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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Are we actually supposed to sympathize with Michael? He's going to be mad at his brother for lying to keep Michael from stealing his girlfriend away from him? That's some bull. I've never seen any chemistry between KA and CD, so this need to pair them again at the sacrifice of Morgan baffles me.

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Is it me or does Carlos look a little like Jason Cook after he grew his beard?

I think I could like the actress who plays Taylor if she was, say, a recast of Maya. This actress could probably even play Keesha. But a teenager?

Isn't everything with Rafe a 180 of who his character was supposed to be? is he a schemer now?

The whole show just feels so alien to any GH I remember. And I hate the way "Cartini" do flashbacks.

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I think Carlos is what Ron's answer is to critics of her saying how teeney bopper/immature she is poor Sabrina got a lot of flack and some IMO is justifiable...Ron's writing turned her into Candy Girl, Sparkle Pony, the Disney Princess; I think Carlos is to counteract some of that negativity....for some reason I can't explain, its very very important that Sabrina makes it on GH (I feel the same about Britt). She absolutely must be popular

and Ron will hire people have characters worship and adore her and even hire someone for her...it amazes me the lengths he's gone and time Ron/Franks have spent on this.

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Also, I really hope Penny is not supposed to be

because the actress is seriously, seriously dodgy, and I thought so when they introduced her a couple months back. You know who I miss? Anna Donely. That girl was alright. But then we'll have about 40 white chicks roaming around this show. I like big casts but the ensemble is like 90 people at this point.

And I have always understood and sympathized with the FV method of rotating stories and cast in, out and around increments of time to keep a show on or under budget - as he and RC did at OLTL, often to good effect IMO - but when you have a show with this many huge storylines and moving parts, you've got to be more on the ball. The pacing is shot in so many storylines. Remember Lucy, Laura and Deception? No? How about Scott?

Also, I'm sorry but the new Taylor looks old as hell. And the poor kid playing Rafe - that character is barely there to begin with. But don't let me get into my "Rafe Barrington, runaway kewpie doll" rant again.

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Carlos aside, I don't hate the newbies they're bringing on or have brought on because they do tie into history and are tied to families and characters on the show now. They're all viable characters that I think have a place on the show. It's just that's there's so damn many of them and they're just arriving en masse it seems.

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Exactly a lapsed viewer could have flipped on Thursday's ep and with the exception of Nikolas probably wouldn't recognize anyone (depending on how long their lapse was- I guess Sam or Patrick could be familiar). That's just not a good way to structure an ep.

I so want to like GH again but it just does little for me right now. I did like the Sam/Patrick scenes last week. Felt almost mid 90s GH-esque- platonic friends talking about life and love. Just understated, no frills but really nice stuff.

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