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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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Felix comes across SOOO immature referring to Britt as the Britch. Like grow the F up. Rolling my eyes at him telling Anna to call her that.

Mac and Felicia got married in a damn bar. She had a full wedding gown to. Like WTF. They couldn't use the MetroCourt set for this ceremony? There was like 9 people in the audience. Also did they really have Kevin miss Mac's wedding so he could talk to Connie about her love life?

Lucy's haircut is super cute

Its been 18 years since the Loving murders? Wow. I feel old

Richard Simmons, so unnecessary.

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I feel like Holly's the only actual bright spot of this episode.

Yeppers. It was Laura that Luke found. She at least seems to be trying today. I guess.

- And here is Nikolas sniffing around Liz. Zzzzz. Filler/recap

- I love me some bitchy Tracy but I feel like they make her really awful sometimes when they just don't have to.

Wow, in one fell swoop Ron really has done quite the number on AJ. Damn. That man is BROKEN again. I shouldn't have expected any better, I suppose. Nothing earth shattering with him today so far but it's just sad to see him so broken. Again.

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God, Laura's explanation is awful.

Meh, that friendship went to a different level during their tryst, so I just find it a bit weird now that she's confiding in him. I mean, of course it makes sense but at the same time I just don't see why Liz has to air AJ's business but that's just me.

LOL at Dr. O barganing with Robert's life.

Anna's actually somewhat delightful interrogating Britta.

I really hate baby crazy Lulu. A well written Dante and Lulu should be on adventures, not fossil Luke and Snora.

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Finola Hughes is playing Anna's disbelief at Britta great. The amusement Anna has as Britta is clearly lying through her teeth is fun to watch. I'm liking them.

Oh Ellie, just spit it out. What a waste she's become. She had potential. "I HAVE to give you children or I'll never forgive myself." Um, WTF kind of [!@#$%^&*] writing is this. Oh Ellie. Ugh.

God, when is Connie's last day ... damn.

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