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Helen wants to take Amanda out eventually but she's alienating and taking out everybody who wanted to do that as well. I hope these girls can get it together and actually get the MVP nominee evicted by next Thursday. If Helen could just wait a dang minute before throwing her allies UTB. And she keeps on using 'Elissa and I' to preface and affirm her dictations and pronouncements. Elissa needs to have another chat with her about throwing out her name in the crap she does without even discussing a crap with her first.

I don't know how they could get it together to get Aaryn or Amanda out on Thursday but I hope it happens and hope that it's Aaryn evicted. Helen is insane. Candice and Jessie dislike each other nearly as much as they dislike Amanda and Helen. Elissa no longer tries to have straight forward discussions with most of these people because she's deduced this is BB: The Hunger Games.

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Candice/Elissa/Helen/Aaryn/Amanda would be the cattiest final 5 ever.

And don't let production fool you, Elissa is just as catty as the others. She tries to mask and hide it but it comes out bs he talked about how embarrassed Rachel made their entire family on this show so we are def getting a phony version of her.

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She's been on "TV" 24/7 for about 40 days, if she was really as bad as the others no amount of faking could hide it. She definitely has a catty side that she masks as joking and that side is a pretty da*n judgmental side. She's as alpha as Amanda and Helen but in a different, "quieter" way.

Agreed. Really any combination of the 7 women left would be the cattiest Final 5 ever, lol.

I'm sure Candice is the target but things can change. I'd really like the MVP nominee to be taken out if it's Aaryn although I think Aaryn is a stronger player than Candice. I'd like to think Candice will get her head back in the game with another week. Best case scenario is Elissa gets picked to play POV and wins and takes Candice off but that may put the target back on Elissa (and she's gone a long way in decreasing the target recently) and Candice may not even be grateful due to Howard's brain-washings on top of that. Elissa will be safe (she may need it if Aaryn is picked as the MVP nominee). Candice will be safe. That'll put Spencer, Jessie and Aaryn on the block. Jessie has a good chance to stay in this scenario.

I got to give GM props for how she's been handling HoH so far, unlike most other HoH winners GM is acting more decent with the title.

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Rachel Reilly on Thursday nights episode...

If Amanda is MVP this week Judd is really a dead man walking and if somehow Spencer gets evicted instead of one of the girls poor Judd is going to be terrified. I hope the DR messes with him about it too.

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Judd has been a bitch too. I'm not sure Judd is a production favorite as he stepped in the way of Aaryn's eviction. He's been a fan favorite.

GM nominated Candice and Jessie, meanwhile, it appears that at the least Judd and Elissa broke into uncontrollable laughter during the nomination ceremony due to GM's speech. Judd was apologizing to Jessie a few moment ago. He explained to her that he wasn't laughing at her at all, he was just shocked by GM's speech and Elissa was sitting right next to him and they were holding hands so tight trying not to laugh but they couldn't stop.

In MVP news. Andy is digging Judd about MVP. Judd is saying he think it'll be Elissa this week. So if Aaryn goes up we're definitely going to get the Judd framing Elissa paranoia as well as the Elissa and probably Candice paranoia.

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