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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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Devon and Bryton must be really good with the kids, they ran to him so fast--seems like he has a natural rapport with the twins. They didn't even get that close to Cain in such immediate fashion (LOL). They did run to Lily/CK fast too, so I'd say she's probably pretty good with them too. Either that or the twins got confused and thought CK and Bryton were their parents (lol). Although they did seem to like Traci too.

Speaking of Traci, I wonder whether she should adopt. Seems like Traci has so much love to give and nowhere to put it all. I know plenty of people have a lot of love but don't want kids but Traci really seems like she misses being a Mother. Too bad they shifted out that Jaime kid. Traci would've made an excellent mother to him.

Avery and Nick's scenes are dragging to me. It seems as if they could merge some of their scenes with less time spent. They seem to be discussing the same issues over and over-- sometimes repeating things can be okay, if there is something new to learn each time, but I get the impression that much of the content in their scenes are filler.

The other day with Sharon's graveside talk with Cassie, I didn't get the vibe that she had plotted with the DNA results. When she mentioned that she 'did what she did' I saw it as more of her talking about her promiscuous behavior being a result of her feeling like she needs to belong with someone. I also thought of the possibility that she might have been confessing the burning down of the ranch (which Adam advised she never admit to) as a result of feeling lost but my first instinct was her talking about her promiscuity as a result of her self-loathing in feeling like an outsider.

Personally, it would be cool with me if they could bring back VR but I'm dubious. Looking at VR's twitter feed (I got curious), it seems like fans are tweeting her a lot and asking her when she's coming back and at first she said she's not. When people still pressed her on whether she could be Rose, she said she said something like 'not unless they've moved to Maine, Atl, NYC (something like that) to film scenes and I haven't seen them here' (I'm paraphrasing). Then she mentioned that she had upcoming news and when people asked whether it related to Y&R, she said No, even better. But she has some later tweets that said she had even newer News, so I have no idea what that means laugh.png

I do think she is clever at keeping her followers intrigued, she's an actress so I guess she kind of has to show that she can still generate interest to put herself in contention for future project possibilities. I can't believe her son is a H.S. graduate! Time flies.ohmy.png

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I will NEVER stop saying it, MAB belongs in soap hell for killing Colleen. I was so sad when Traci gave Lily that game that she used to play with Colleen as a little girl. I don't care, I want Colleen back somehow.

Avery and Nick's scenes have been dragging for months. They are a piss poor couple with no chemistry.

I did not get that Sharon changed the DNA results either.

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For the first time, I was actually interested in Abby and Chavez. I think the financial/class tension is an interesting point to play up between the characters. Her money makes him uncomfortable. Soaps don't really talk about the wealth gap these days but it is a reality in American life today, especially post-recession. I know people already have Abby paired with Tyler, but I would actually be interested in seeing how Abby and Chavez could try to navigate these economic tensions. The more uncomfortable the better.

Lily & Cane WTH- Does no one in GC own a bed anymore? People make fun of the online soaps' budget but when the heck is the last time that you saw a couple make love in a bed on this show? Funny thing is that Lauren and Carmine springs to mind.

I know Lane fans will think it's romantic but it seems so silly to be doing it in the living room when you have twins that can run right in there.huh.png

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