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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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Oh nope it won't stick. Tyler and now Hillary are just temporary interlopers. You see they're shifting Tyler elsewhere now. Same will happen with Hillary if they keep her around. I'd put her with Noah over Devon. The latter already has a girlfriend, albeit seldom seen. Noah should not be limited to these random dayplayer girls.

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I am really hoping that Hilary is for Noah down the road. It is ridiculous that he does not have a real love interest. I am sure that this chick's involvement with Cane and Tyler getting a love interest is plot device to get Lily even more jealous. No way JG gives up on Tyler and Lily like that. He has invested too much airtime into pushing Lily in that direction. However, I really like the idea of Tyler and Abby together. What would that mean for Alex? Chloe?

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Morrow already admitted for the first 10 years of his yenure, he played Nick as an overgrown Frat Boy, so dont go bla,omg that on any paoring. I always found CK more lively and spirited when acting opposite Graz and Miller, as opposed to Goddae but then again Lily has had some major stories that were just wrong and downers penned by MAB! FYI, I dont think LML was gonna go with Lane, she backed offof them right before the strile, it was JG and MAB who went full force with Lane in 08.

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Morrow already admitted for the first 10 years of his tenure, he played Nick as an overgrown Frat Boy, so dont go blaming that on any pairing. I always found CK more lively and spirited when acting opposite Graz and Miller, as opposed to Goddard but then again Lily has had some major stories that were just wrong and downers penned by MAB! FYI, I dont think LML was gonna go with Lane, she backed offof them right before the strike, it was JG and MAB who went full force with Lane in 08.

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I am really loving Y&R right now. It's still not must see TV. I record it every day, but I delete episodes a lot, so I probably watch two full episodes a week. I am not as invested in the history of the show as I am other shows I watch, and honestly it's a relief and enhances my enjoyment. I don't really have any favorites on the show except maybe Phyllis so that's not long for this world. But I do have a lot of characters I intensely dislike. But the bottom line for me is when I do take the time to sit down and watch an episode, I watch all of it, and usually enjoy every minute. After being so invested in other shows for so long, and disappointed in how my favorite characters were written, it's just a positive experience to sit down and watch and be entertained.

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I agree people talk about getting rid of everyone...no biggie there. But it surely is not tied to bringing in a new white family to replace them. IMO, having a second core black family or any family of color would enhance the the Winters because it gives them someone to be paired with that wont be gone in a year the way that Neil has had a revolving door of women since Dru left. I love Dru and miss her too. But I don't think that the Winters need her to be viable. Neil needs an age appropriate pairing that the writers are invested in...not a placeholder or some attempt at a Dru redux. Someone that they invest in long term.

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Devon has never had an onscreen love interest or onscreen romance...NEVER! That is ridiculous! I prefer Devon over Noah for this simple reason. They can, and will put Noah with anyone (Chloe, Chelsea, Lily, Summer now, etc). Not the same for Devon. He can only be paired with a Black woman it seems (is there any doubt that if Cane, Kevin, or Daniel or some other person had been Tucker's child that they would have paired them with Abby to increase the drama of the daddy reveal...I mean it is classic soap writing). And I would hate to see them finally bring one on and waste the opportunity for him.

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The only person that Devon seemed to have had chemistry with was Chloe, and I agree with a previous poster that pairing Chloe/Devon right around the Lily/Cane/Chloe baby drama would have been interesting.. but alas no.

If it's true that Chloe/Kevin are breaking up (never understood why the show was intent on pairing them as more then just buddies), does this mean Kevin will soon be leaving? His functions have slowly been disappearing (Dylan buying the coffee house, Fen becoming the darker problem child).. so why keep him on except as a guest shot character like Gloria/Jeffery.

It angers me that MAB wrote Jana off and ruined Kevin/Jana. I wonder if JG would have written for Jana or not. Did he write for her any during the brief time he was head-writer before?

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But that was only a guest star role on Vampire Diaries. I do think they either need to do something with Devon or get rid of him. I'd love for Devon to stay b/c he had chemistry with Chloe and MR's Abby, but the writers never developed it along with not giving Tatyana Ali a contract (as Roxanne) to provide him a story. If he is let go eventually, Bryton does voice acting on the side so he'll be fine and always find work IMO.

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Disagree. Nick has always drifted away from NE especially when things with Victor go badly. That has been canon since 96. There is hardly an NE story besides everybody standing around in Victor's office and Adam snarking at people. I think the club story is a joke but I don't think the NE story is any better. Adam is barely at the office, he spends more time drinking and acting emo over Chelsea.

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