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GH Guza Years Thread

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For me, Guza is the worst writer to ever hit General Hospital. I absolutely hate he did to the vets. I am so happy he is no longer the head writer. I hate him about 10 times more than Ron and that's saying a lot as I'm not liking Ron too much these days.

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I feel like 90s Guza and 00s Guza were 2 different writers, one that I mostly adored and one that I mostly hated. So I think that means that the EP and the Frons factor are more at fault for what I didn't like. I wonder what a Guza/Frank team would look like now.

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Frons may have put the mandate out to get rid of the vets but Guza was the creative mind for how that was executed. He killed off too many vets and legacy characters, when there were other ways to write them out. Too much longterm damage and that was on him. I doubt Frons was penning the plots revolving around the many many exits
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What can I say about Guza . . . oh yes, I'll NEVER forgive this trashbox of a hack for destroying my GQ for that slag, Lulu. I won't forgive him for killing off Cooper Barrett (and Logan too as aforementioned) because he was the ONLY pairing I like with Maxie. 3M forever!! And finally, I hate him for killing Georgie along with making her "talk-to" the final year she was on the show. She should've been put with Spinelli. The bastard killed my Georgie--one of the characters that got me into really tuning into GH!!!

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