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AMC: Thursday, May 2, 2013 Episode Discussion Thread

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So forgive the lateness....

Episode I

I've just started watching this on Hulu and took a look at the credits, is that seriously all there is? There is like no cast. What's the point of having Zach here at all with no Kendell? Why are Cara and Griffin here? They have a decent teen scene, at least there is that. I can see AJ, Miranda, Cassandra and Petey working well at least. But this show feels so sparse we have large blocks of vets and a vinaigrette of teens with no middle ground of middle pillars that used to hold this show up (Kendell, Ryan, Greenlee, etc). David is the only interesting catalyst here.

This Petey storyline is just a re-tread of what they did earlier with the Dallas revamp.

I don't like the new AJ at all. I'm loving the new Miranda though even though she has [!@#$%^&*] taste in men, really Hunter is the hottest guy in school? AJ is totally being positioned as the gay best friend here. I'm getting major Ford vibes from Petey. Couldn't care less about Celia. All of these love stories need to be better written. It's like each character has a screeching halt moment of who they are interested in, there should be better build up. Who uses the term "gap year" still. Seriously Petey decides to stay just because he saw a pretty girl? rolleyes.gif

They could use some more (and better) sets.

Episode II

Bianca is too young to have a teenager.

Is Dixie spending all of her time in her room? This show feels like ATWT.

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I totally agree. There has actually been worse than this happen in PV and people have "gotten over it" sooner. I get they have to talk about it some to get viewers up to speed, but usually people can move on even though one never "gets over" things like this.

Since we only have David's explanation(and the flashback depicts that), it will be interesting to see how JR remembers it. I think in the end, we will possibly find out JR's true intent, which to keep JR on the canvas, I think killing himself was going to be his ultimate action.

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You can pick and choose who to fill in those roles, I am not to concerned. My point though still stands. There is no middle ground to blend the generations together and that is an issue. There is no 20's-30's set of characters and it's painfully apparent.

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How old are Cassandra, Jane, Griffin, Cara and JR supposed to be?

I think the shows were wise not to bring back toxic characters who had eaten the show in the past.

How old are Cassandra, Jane, Griffin, Cara and JR supposed to be?

I think the shows were wise not to bring back toxic characters who had eaten the show in the past.

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I agree with this, but I disagree on Ryan, Kendall, and Greenlee being viable options. Those characters were on day in and day out for nearly ten years. They need a rest, or really, frankly, they're just done. And technically, with the five-year jump, they're no longer hip 30somethings, they're all either pushing 40 or already there.

There are a number of characters who weren't worn out by the show's ABC closer that could come back and fill that generation gap. Frankie, Natalia, Scott, Jamie, and Madison -- any two or three of those characters would be fine.

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I was gonna say, they're all in their 30s except Cass. She should be in her mid-20s, like Pete. But since Pete is embroiled in the romance with 18-year-old Celia, I guess he doesn't count. And we have Bianca for a short period and undetermined amount later. We'll also have Colby soon but she'll be mid-20s as well.

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I hear you on Greenlee, Kendell and Ryan being worn out, however they also bare very strong value in terms of ties and nostalgia which is why they were on the top of my head. My main thing is how these characters look, even though the characters may be older I don't get the impression at all that Cameron, Rebecca and Alicia look to be in the same age range as David Canary or Julia Barr. Frankie would be fine, I would even tolerate Scott and Jamie although their ties aren't that strong to the AMC brand either but just no to every other C listed character that came up post 2008 they were not memorable characters, no thoughts have been spared in regards to them and that was for a reason.

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I mostly just hear people say they took a year off, they traveled away, etc. I have never heard someone say explicitly "I took a gap year" so awkwardly in the middle of a conversation. But I guess that's nitpicking, but that's just one example of the writing annoying me. It doesn't flow conversationally, especially with the way it was presented.

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It's definitely just my opinion--but I hear it dropped into sentences, myself, all the time. But maybe the writers just emphasized it because they were worried people would think Celia dropped out of school or something (never mind that half of the people online seemed to think she was still in school anyway.)

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At this point, I don't really think any of that matters. Kendall, Ryan, and Greenlee didn't save the show from cancellation -- none of the characters did -- so I can understand PP not seeing them as essential right out of the gate. Would I have been down with any of the three, or all three, returning? Sure. I was tired of them, but I accepted them as a part of the show that was seemingly never going away, so I would have just hoped for better writing for them. But am I sad they're not present full-time? No indeed lawd. I don't think their absence have kept too many people away.

In regards to the "C-list" characters who came after http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R7Tlj7EFTU'>2008, it's hard to get relevance on a soap that is permanently fixated on three worn-out characters.

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