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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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PP is wasting precious money on this suit by filing it, which cost a couple of thousand for that peace of paper, a thousands more to go to court over the matter. Just forget it and move on. They money could be used to benefit the shows.

I just hope that ABC doesn't hold this against PP, and ten years from now these shows are successful, yet when it's time to renew the licensing fee, ABC says "No" out of vengeance and OLTL & AMC go back into the vault and cease to exist. People in the industry can petty and ruthless.

And Cassadine1991, I just saw that article you posted, and if Brian Frons is going to be consulting on these shows, cancel them NOW.

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PP has some legit claims..some they could've let slide but after recent events..can you blame them? It's very interesting that PP loaned GH these characters for one year but ABC ended up signing the stars to longer contracts...as some of you said..ABC + Frank & Company probably assumed that PP was DEAD DEAL.. at least at first. ABC had to know that PP was working on something months prior to PP making the announcement prior in december...reading Frank's comment around the 12 Emmys says THEY DID.

I wonder how Disney feels about this..ABC didn't want PP to have the extension but Disney went over them..obviously Disney wants PP to succeed and ABC doesn't?

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PP has managed to get free advertising for their soaps one week before the premiere.

Were they expecting the OLTL3 to show up on screen with PP t-shirts without any storyline? And I am the only one who remembers that the two soaps where dead and burried for quite some time since PP didn't do anything with them? That some viewers were happy that OLTL was being remembered through RC's writing?

This is crazy and is nothing more than a publicity stunt. PP wants every OLTL character back home and they are 100% right, some actors chose to stay GH and this is their right as well. Too much drama and too much negativity just a few days before the relaunch of this iconic shows is not a good thing.

PP work with what you have. RC had been writing these characters on OLTL for years and he continued his own stories with them on another show. The AMC/OLTL returns were forgotten and nobody really expected them to be brought back.

ABC stop obsessing over characters of a show you cancelled yourself. GH is a show with a very rich history. For a every John, Todd and Starr there is a number of missing Port Charles residents who could be brought back. Work with the actors who want to work with you (same for PP).

Write great stories and continue fighting with the other soaps on a creative level.


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No they don't. The breach of contract itself is enough for PP to receive damages. If every person who ever sued someone for breaking a contract had to prove they were hurt by it to receive any damages that would be absurd. It may effect the amount, but don't think that the breach itself doesn't matter or won't grant them some damages because that's incorrect.

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Way to put a damper on the launch. I'm disturbed and distressed by Prospect Park filing a lawsuit. Surely something short of this could have been worked out between the parties. The blame is not all on one side in situations like this. No one expected Prospect Park to bring back the shows successfully ... To say that ABC was deliberately undermining it with things that were happening around this time last year seems ridiculous.

It also makes me believe ABC more now when they were blaming Prospect Park for being unreasonable a few weeks back ... I don't buy anymore the rumor that Prospect Park just wanted to use Starr for a week or something and let her go back to GH.

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insider explains PP v. ABC situation

"The brief reads like none I have read before either. As I hear, lines 19-22 are the "real" relevant legal arguments.

19. ABCD/GH was ignoring PP's orders to cease and desist their "imposter" plans. ABC only acknowledged PP's rights because Disney stepped in and forced them. There appears to be documented proof of the steps PP was forced to engage in to "halt" ABCD/GH and therefore, support their case they were never acting in "good faith."

20. ABC already acknowledged being in the wrong on item 20 (the websites) today.

21. The January 2012 amended licensing agreement is the real issue here. It makes plain the characters were licensed for one year only and with limited usage clause. ABCD/GH never showed any intent of honoring these limitations.

22. The real issue is ABC's threat to refuse airing of any PP ad during GH. This can be perceived as "sabotaging" PP's efforts to market their launch and productions.

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