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Is JFP a better fit for Y&R than GH?

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Again, I'm not willing to speak for everyone else, but I felt the issue was not so much who was featured and who wasn't but just that the general tone of stories under JFP's regime was dark, brutal, misogynistic, and depressing.

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Hillary was vocal - both ten years ago and more recently - about hating the JFP era.

It's not always about how much story you get, it's what story and with who. JFP's only purpose for mobilizing those vets was to move story for her ready-made favorites.

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I agree with your every description except misogynistic. I never found her OLTL to be misogynistic. But dark, brutal, and depressing? Parts (most) of it were, yes, but at least there was something to watch every day. The year before that, literally NOTHING happened on OLTL. At least with JFP's version, like it or not, there was something going on that you were invested in, whether it be hating or loving it, it was impossible to feel indifferent to her OLTL. Honestly, I thought it was a departure from the kind of stuff she had done on SB and GL and found it to be shocking.....but in a good way.

And as dark as it was, at least in the beginning, I felt the Blair/Max/Asa Renee story gave it some balance, though that story's bread and butter is when it got heavy and Renee realized the truth. Man, Pat Elliott acted her ASS off and I've never understood why no other regime that came after bothered to use her. It was during this period that I fell in love with she & Renee and I'm glad, if for nothing else, that JFP gave her the chance to shine.

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Hehehe, dare I say that I LOVVVED the period where JFP was writing it?

I agree about the Long period (that was '98, no?)- but I enjoyed everything that came after, including McTavish. This was actually the only time that I was more entertained by OLTL than I was by AMC.

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I somewhat agree with this. Definitely the couple of years before were a muddled mess of boringness (I thought the Labines' stuff started off promising but that didn't last long) between Malone (whose work fell apart anyway after Griffith left, with all the Irish mob stuff, etc) and JFP.

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Wasn't this when AMC was going through headwriter HELL? Rayfield/Cascio, Richard Culliton (who ALWAYS needs a co-head), Jean Passanante? I remember just HATING everything they did to my Liza and Brooke during that period. This was also the time of the botched Maria return, right?

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Weren't there rumors that after the TV Guide interview she was pretty much cut off at the knees?

(although to be honest I didn't think much of her producing skills at ATWT and they were decent but flawed at AMC)

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I went from loving Y&R to deploring it. It does not even look like Y&R anymore. It does not have the aesthetic of Bill Bell show. Also, the cast overall seems to be phoning it in. There is something about the tempo that seems far off.

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