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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Hannah, aka the runaway slave, making Benny respect that nosy racist bitch. She pleads with Candace to let her have the kid bc Quincy knows where Candace lives. He'd be safe with you Hannah? Quincy choked you out and ran a car through your house


DEAD at Veronica reading the f--k out of Benny. "If I wanted to make my man jealous, I would need a man, not a boy. If I would would need someone that knew how to conjugate a verb. I would need a man who had some degrees behind his name. I would need a man who knew how to find a way around these parts without assistance from an experienced woman. If I wanted to make my husband jealous, I would need a man with several zeroes in front of the decimal point in his bank account. See I could never use you, son to make my husband jealous, but I did use you....for sex and it wasnt good sex." "Listen little boy, dont get involved in a man's game. Your little penis, cant reach that far. Trust me, I know"

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Hanna for once did the right thing. She already judged Katheryn enough, so the least she could do was help her through a hard time. As judgemental as Hanna is, she is the only person Katheryn has.

Benny telling Veronica look at his manhood and let her mouth water was so over the top. The writers may have well had him say Mandingo, because that was just one black manhood waving line as it was.

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Check out the Runaway Slave doing exactly what her master wants. Why is Hannah still involved with these people? Katherine really thought it would be best that Hannah tell him about Wyatt when they are not on good terms?


Benny is dumb as hell. Candace is too. Remember when she used to be the smartest one on the show? She really thought a bank would be able to round up $2M in cash for her like she's some well known patron like Donald Trump. No, ho, you are just a random civilian off the street. I guess desperation is making her dumb


Im strangely finding Jeffrey and Justin hot. Ive liked the man he's become but he loses all that when he's around his mother as he reverts back into that scared punk bitch.


Speaking of which, Demonica is evil! Truly evil. She is dictating Jeffrey and Melissa's "relationship" down to the most minute details. I also laughed when she wouldnt allow her white maid to use the front door. LOL....a mess

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Holy sh-t at that ending! For once i can say Tyler truly shocked and surprised me. Didnt think he (or Jeffrey) had it in him. You can only push a person so far before they snap and Demonica has been asking for that since the show started

Mitch is about to get Candace killed just when she was in the clear


that seems like such a stretch. Wyatt was doing what he does best. Partying and snorting it up. He took all those drugs on his own. No one forced him

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I cant believe how long that 911 operator stayed on the phone arguing with Hannah over who stabbed Veronica. Who was that? Esperanza from If Loving You Is Wrong? 

Ambulance sure took their sweet time getting to the mansion. They then show up and say "we have to wait for the police bc we were told it was an accident." WTF! The woman was stabbed, bleeding and still has the knife in her chest. You cant help her till the cops get there.

Wyatt is alive. WTF kind of bulls--t is that! They said his body was lying there for 32 hours. How incompetent are ALL those police, ambulence, etc... to not notice he was still breathing. Tyler, what the hell are you doing

Mimi from All My Children is absolutely horrible at her job. She thinks Jim and Katherine had Wyatt murdered. Really? He aint even dead.

That Benny and Hannah scene was dumb as hell and accomplished nothing

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Benny is so damn dumb! His great big plan was to expose Jeffrey being gay to David? He rolled up in there like he was so big and bad too

Evil bitch


Hannah saying she isnt the type of Christian that judges people. LIAR! She stay judging Candace

Now Candace wants to get revenge on David by going after him. This is why its hard to feel sorry for her. She puts herself in these bad situations and when people strike back at her, she becomes the victim. War wouldnt have raped and threatened her had she just left Jim alone

Jim has bee locked up for like 2 seasons. First held captive by Candace and War. He is freed only to get arrrested an hour later where he's been since last year

LMAO at War finding out that Candy Cane lied to him again

Benny still going on about the phones. Why doesnt his dumbass just change the number?

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Did they hire some 25 year old to play Mitch's grandfather on the phone? That voice was not some 70 year old


I really cant stand Benny's ass anymore. I swear he got some permanent brain damage when he was in a coma bc I liked him in season 1


Candace is still in her car? She's been driving for 3 episodes. Girl, where you going?


Hannah rocking a velour suit....that mess hasnt been in style since the early 00s. My mother and aunts used to be all over that


Erica and that actor. Bad acting doing bad acting. Art imitating life


"I never did see that man come out of that house." STFU. You didnt see your son go there last night


Hannah has $867. Where she get that? She didnt even have $13 for a cab ride before. "Get off my property and dont walk on my grass" LMAO at Candace. She's a mess and I love it. Her best scenes are acted against Hannah. Hannah: "You'll black mail me...your mother?" What does that have to do with anything? This is the same woman that said God should have let her own child die. "You'll never know what its like to be a mother that has hope for her child" Wht hope does Hannah have for Candace? She hates her and wrote her off years ago


I really hope Tyler isnt killing Katherine off bc her scene with Hannah seemed to foreshadow it.


I cant belevie Hannah kidnapped Quincy! What the hell is sh going to do with him? As if the cops wont go looking to her. What is she going to do about his medication? Love how she is all over Katherine now that she needs her

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