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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Loving this Ice Princess 2.0 storyline. RKK rocks as Stravros - he's campy one minute and scary another a minute. "My Ice Princess" and we see a frozen Lulu - such an awesome scene. I'm finally having fun watching GH again.

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I really enjoyed today. Love RKK as Stavros. Luke & Laura were just looking rough compared to Stavros. When Laura started screaming...I rolled my eyes. I just can't get into L&L. Didn't care for the Carly/Brenda weak cat-fight but I thought the dialogue was good.

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AJ taking glee in how much this will hurt sonny really made me hate him for a moment. He should be putting Michael first, and realizing telling Sonny will kill him (maybe literally?)

I love RKK, he is so attractive. I will admit to his behind the scenes antics making me less of a fan... but hopefully he has changed.

Loved the brenda vs carly stuff. I do get peoples issues with this storyline, re michael being led to believe something else and the rape issue in that, but i dont really see it that way while understanding how others do. I think it is an interesting, fun storyline with great dybamics to play. Michael should have asked Brenda exactly what happened, not to say she shouldnt have assured him nothing did - but she dropped hints about it. Plus. i will fully own that I am a brenda barrett fanboy who enjoys seeing her more like her true self after that mess of her last return. I loved how Brenda told Carly if she still sees michael as a child she needs help for her overattachment issues, because lord can be that said about her and many of the men in her life but esp Michael.

Vanessa as Brenda is not only giving me classic Brenda vibes, but that catfight today made me flash back to her as Gina as 90210. Love it.

I really like the fact that Starvos has moved on from Laura to Lulu in his obsession. It reminds me, sort of, the way The Dimeras have played with Sami over the years after Stefanos obsession with Marlena on Days. The island house and compound sets look amazing. I love that Nikolas is back, he is one of my GH favorites. Loving them weaving Liz/Alexis into the cassadine story through him too, they both belong in this story. But someone needs to tell Starvos that Lulu is far from pure and innocent.

Frisco is a weak manchild. It is very in character for him to runout after being humiliated In character for the 1987 frisco? Maybe not, but for frisco of the past 20 years who ran out on his wife and children to have fun and couldnt even bother to come home when one of his died i dont find it impossible to believe that he would run out again like this.

It is the worst opening ever though.

praise Ron Christ!

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That dialogue was actually great. And Laura played it very well, in a way I don't think a lot of the campier actors RC really digs would have.

Yeah, they really recast Lulu at the wrong moment. I do think Rylan could work in the role on another day, but the idea of her with RKK in this storyline is like a Siberian wolf with a sexual harassment record mounting a gerbil.

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Carly and Brenda spoke so, so much truth about each other. Carly telling Brenda she is pathological and selfish, Brenda telling carly she has an unhealthy attachment to Michael, etc.. It was such a good scene and LW & VM nailed it and delivered the well written dialogue so well.

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Yes, LW tends to play camp and supercamp usually, but she really brought the dialogue to life and her delivery was just so well done. I liked that she played it straight and laced with anger and rage while Vanessa played it kind of.. i dont know what the word im looking for is, honestly. Coy maybe?

They really should have recasted Lulu months and months ago when JMB turned in her nearly year long notice for this story to have any impact, imo. You are so wrong yet so right for that line about RKK.

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She did. I thought they played her too coy, actually. I realize Brenda was always wild and I enjoyed her trolling Carly, but at her age and given what she and Sonny and Jax have been through I thought she was just slightly too cavalier. It's hard to square that (or most of Brenda in the last decade, really) with the Brenda who matured with Jax in the '90s.

Apparently, FV was convinced he could get her to extend again.

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Watching the Britt reveal episode and the acting from whoever plays Sabrina and Britt is so bad ph34r.png This is like some sort of honorary project given to 12th and 13th place in a Lea Michelle lookalike contest.

I guess we were supposed to think that Britt's comment about Patrick having risky sex was a low blow, but somebody had to say it.

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Kristen Storms seems to be verging more and more on being a Sid and Marty Kroft puppet. I have no real opinion of Ellie but I can see why people enjoy her. From acting to dialogue to storyline, Maxie has become irrelevant and somewhat repulsive.

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