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Does Taylor Swift think Amy Poehler and Tina Fey will burn in hell?


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It was just a freaking joke, I don't see why people are getting all up in arms. Similar jokes have been made about John Mayer's manwhorishness or Kim K.'s penchant for black dudes. It's just silly celebrity fodder.

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I don't think it matters whether she was joking or not about TF and AP. That can slide under youth.

If she has a song in which she calls Camilla Belle or any other woman a mattress or the like, then that speaks volumes about her.

Whether fact or not, she does come across as someone who uses celebrities to bring attention to herself. I try to avoid award shows but I believe I read that she mocked Harry Styles on one. Perhaps she was joking but if she would not be fine with the same being done to her then she shouldn't throw stones.

So far I haven't heard anything of hers that I find iPod worthy but I haven't gone out of my way to listen to her music. I have seen some of her performances on television and I think she's overrated which puts her in good company. She really doesn't have much stage presence and she doesn't stand out. That wholesome thing she had going for her isn't quite there anymore either.

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I don't think Swift is a slut, quite the opposite actually. I just think her entire love life is manufactured by herself and her management team for publicity and to strategically coincide with her songs/albums.

I would have no issue with it if both she and the team behind her didn't insist on playing the victim card and they were more subtle about it. Clearly she loves the publicity her love life is giving her and is using it to her financial advantage - it's part of what makes her, well, her.

It's just becoming more transparent now and people are catching on to act. It's not always easy to ignore when the celebrity herself feeds into the media machine she helped create.

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In theory, I agree with that quote 200%, as there's nothing worse in this world than a catty-ass female.

In this case, however, this no-talent chick needs to sit her ass down and thank the heavens that she's made millions off of tweens and the tween-minded instead of whining about this and that person cracking on her.

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It's Taylor's career, essentially, not anything she seems to keep private. There's a certain shell game where she doesn't say too much directly, but I think that's becoming too obvious, like that Vanity Fair interview where she won't talk about Harry Styles, but a "source" will.

I don't even know how funny they were trying to be with the comment - there was more truth in it than anything else. I think that's why Taylor was stung.

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If she wants women to be respectful of her emotions then she should be respectful about what she says or sings as well.

I do take issue with her using a 17 year old boy like that. That rationale about going from 30 somethings to teens is suspect. If she found the older guys immature then what does she expect from a teenager? It's not as if she's so far removed from 17 that she doesn't know any better. Her people need to put some more thought into how she's coming across.

Those boys need to turn the table on her and write some songs about an insecure singer sniffing around the playground.

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I don't see how Harry Styles sharing his sad relationship story in a song for his tween fans compares to Kanye West taking his frustrations with the selection of Taylor Swift for an award out on Taylor Swift. Harry Styles could garner some sympathy from those fans feeling his heartache or heartbreak. Kanye West brought that bit of negative attention on himself. He could have found expressed his disdain at her being chosen in some other way.

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Is Taylor a slut or is she just dating a lot of in the closet guys? One could argue each I suppose...although I tend to believe that half the guys she's "dated" were not real relationships at all.

That being said the girl has made a career out of talking sh*t about her past boyfriends and its the point where its completely defined her. And the Kanye West incident a few years ago just solidified the impression of her being the "innocent can do no wrong" girl that she likes to project.

I still like her music but I don't kid myself about her as a person. I think underneath all the pretend Southern charm is a vindictive b*tch who secretly hates what being a celebrity has done to her life and her ability to find true love....

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The problem is that anytime anyone is seen together it's plastered all over the magazines as the next big couple. The other problem is that Taylor blatantly uses her relationships to make songs. Which is fine. I like a lot of her songs. I like her. I'm not at all bashing her but if she can dish it out and make fun of her 'boyfriends' then she has to be able to take some criticism and some shots. It was all in good fun and I never saw it as Tina or Amy (I'm not really into them, TBH) bashing another female. They're very pro-women for the most part, especially Amy who gives advice to women constantly.

I think it's a case of the press blowing everything out of proportion as usual in this ridiculous gossip fueled world we live in.


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