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Does Taylor Swift think Amy Poehler and Tina Fey will burn in hell?


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I don't see it as slut shaming. Her entire public persona is now based on her love life. Tina joked about this. She also suggested that Taylor focus on herself.

They could have gone to town on Taylor in their responses, and both were pretty polite about it. I don't think there's any great hatred of her for dating a variety of men. It's that these relationships mostly seem to be done just to get attention and songwriting material, in lieu of any other goal or identity.

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She's attacked & judged for dating around. Nobody know the depth of these, if she's banging them all or not, and in most cases if its even an actual date. The media has created this man crazed whore and people eat it up because they like to call women sluts. Even if she is sleeping with hem all, so what? She's not married. She's not committed. Why not have fun. I just think she's a typical 23 yea old who happens to live a public life and her friends and dates are famous instead of not. She reminds me of many of my friends. As for Tina, she annoys me in general with her pro woman stance when she trashes many types of women just because they aren't like her.

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Honestly though, Tina and Amy are comediennes, it's not like they haven't said worse about other people. Get a sense of humour or just ignore it. It's not like they weren't going to take some type of crack at her.

The Golden Globes was almost two months ago, no one cared about the joke then, no need to really drag up it now and make a fuss about it,

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The problem is that we are invited to know the depth of these relationships, from her POV. She writes songs about these relationships. She talks about these relationships. Rinse and repeat. She's far from the only person who writes songs about her love life, but she's basically had this as her entire connection to the public. I think the timing of her relationship with Harry Styles was just a little too much for some people. And then it's time for more songs about him, public performances about their breakup, etc.

It's not that I'm that into Tina Fey - I enjoy some of her comedy but have never been interested in 30 Rock - but I just don't see what she said that was so degrading to women or slut-shaming. I think Taylor Swift has put herself in a role where she's only known based on who she's dating at the moment.

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She's not. An interviewer doing a profile in a magazine asked this question, likely right after the event, and she answered. It's not like she's on twitter obsessing over it yesterday. The author also tends to take profiles and make them scandalous. I love her stuff, but she knows what she's doing.
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The full article isn't even out yet (at least I haven't seen it yet), so we don't even know the full context of that quote. Of course the magazine is going to give out that quote because it's "controversial" and will get a lot of press for this upcoming article to drive up sales.

I don't think a person who dates a lot is a "slut." Like JP said, she's not married, and I haven't read anything about her constantly cheating on her boyfriends. I haven't kept up with her dating timeline, but she says she's dated two guys since 2010, which I believe are Harry Styles and Connor Kennedy. I don't see anything slutty about that.

I'm a fan of all three parties (Tina, Amy, Taylor) and I thought Tina/Amy's joke was funny but I also don't mind Taylor's quote. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

As for Taylor's music, I really like her songs and I hope she continues to create songs that I will enjoy. "Red" was a fantastic album - I don't dislike one song on that album. It's the only album of hers where I have every song on my ipod. I hope "Twenty-Two" will be released as her summer song (it's very catchy and perfect for summer) and it's my favorite on the album. I think the only people who care/complain about Taylor writing songs about her exes are those who hate her. Like, why do you care about the material she writes if you dislike her music? It's not like you have to listen to it. When her song comes on the radio or if she's performing on TV, change the channel. She can write about whatever she wants just as long as the song is good, which I think the majority of her songs are.

And JP, nice to see another Taylor fan here. But the question is, are you a big enough fan to create a Taylor thread? LOL I thought of creating one, but didn't since I thought I'd just be posting by myself. :lol:

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I wouldn't mind it if she said that the joke hurt her feelings, or that she was being judged and she shouldn't be, but a quote like that is very charged. And she has written songs about other women in a negative context, she's said she's not a feminist, so I end up wondering where this stuff about women dogging other women has come from.

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you dont have to be a feminist to be against women mocking other women.

you also really dont know the context of the quote, was in response to only about amy/tina or did the interviewer also ask about sites like jezebal and other females bashing swift?

She was also quotting something KC told her-

She also has this to say about her dating-

and this-

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But hasn't she mocked other women in her songs? (someone who dated a Jonas)

Maybe it was taken out of context, I don't know. If so I'm sure someone will let us know. But it's a very strong quote compared to the amount of criticism she's actually received.

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No not really, there's a line in a song about an actress who's better known for the things she does on a mattress true, but thats really about the only anti-woman lyric i can think of that one would be reaching for to be anti-woman.

She also wrote something about calling a boyfriend gay when she was like 15. Im sure that makes her anti gay too, according to sites like jezebel.

And honestly, the quote was strong but people are making it seem like she said "AP & TF will BURN. IN. HELL!" with an evil laugh or something. Its pretty amusing.

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Jezebel is mostly interested in page views and empty squawking - they brushed off that 9 year old girl being called the c word. I read them sometimes but mostly avoid them because the writing is just so bad.

I'm sure she's not literally wishing for them to burn in hell, but when I saw the quote my jaw dropped a little. It just seems so out of sync with what they even said.

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