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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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That's the one. *sigh* My mom, my grandma... arguing over... I don't even remember what, but someone HATED Mindy and loved Alex and they both hated Nick until forever later (really about '95 when he broke up with Mindy and met Susan).

Faces of the Heart was so homey, so comforting, so... I dunno, it was like... just comfortable. I hated the next one and I especially hate the current one. It's like, "It's not that difficult to admit they were wrong! Go back to Faces of the Heart! If anything, old school fans will most likely approve!"

And for me, because I came into GH rather late (right before Faces of the Heart debuted, actually, and I was only a casual viewer for a LONG time after that, wasn't that impressed with the return of Luke and Laura, who I never watched and never cared about until I researched GH history), Hold Onto Love was always, always, a gateway back to my childhood, because I can remember, long before I ever started paying attention to what was actually going on, the 1989 GL opening and then Hold Onto Love when it debuted.

These idiots running everything these days don't get that sometimes it's also the small things that matter. For instance, I don't think I would have cried at the GL cast tribute at the 2009 Emmys had I not heard "Hold Onto Love" rather than whatever the hell their theme song was at the end.

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FOTH was definitely better to me at the time. I thought it was more upbeat, less formal, and I still believe that. I did enjoy HOL, but the lighthouse glass thing annoyed me, because I never got to see everyone and I wanted to see everyone.

I like FOTH because everyone got their own little headshot thing right there.

But I'm liking HOL more these days, if only because of the nostalgia factor. I still wish there was a better way to show everyone individually.

As for the music/songs themselves, for me it's really a draw. FOTH gets the advantage because of the more upbeat factor, but I sure did love HOL. It made me feel like I was one of the grown-ups (in 2002, when HOL was discontinued, I was 22, so *shrugs* whatever) when they would let me watch in the early nineties. Then in the late nineties, my sister and I would watch GL together no matter what anyone said.

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Considering, I'm wondering if that's the reason I kind of look down on ABC Daytime.

NBC was good enough to lease out Wally Kurth for John Ingle's big goodbye and if I'm not mistaken, he's appeared since then. I know he's only on recurring with DAYS, but it's nice that they gave their blessing, knowing that the daytime audience would appreciate it.

Yet ABC Daytime would not "lease" Jerry ver Dorn, who meant so much to GL viewers as Ross Marler (a roll he'd played since before I was born and his Ross was ALWAYS one of my favorites) for ONE day in 2009, for ONE episode, so he could appear to Ed (Ross's best friend) and Blake (Ross's only true love since about 1992).

NBC Daytime acted in a much more classy manner. John Ingle had appeared on DAYS as Mickey for a little while before ABC realized the error of their ways and brought him back and apparently felt the need to allow Wally Kurth to appear on GH as Ned to honor both John Ingle and his GH character, Edward Quartermaine.

I just wish ABC Daytime had had the class to honor GL in the same way and lend out JvD (who WANTED to appear on GL one last time) for one or two days.

What does this have to do with GH?

Uh... Yeah! Faces of the Heart! Despite my long-abiding loyalty to GL, I do remember when I was a teenager, wishing that GL had a more upbeat theme like GH.

(Of course, now, I LOVE HOL and curse CBS for ever replacing it.)

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Well, it was a nice tip of the hat to John Ingle, that they publicly gave their blessing anyway.

If there had been that same "we're all in this together" mentality earlier, maybe others would have gotten the same satisfaction as we got when Ned came back for Edward's funeral.

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Maybe at that point, but I'm thinking ABC viewers should be giving NBC a little credit for realizing that Wally Kurth/Ned would be missed and even if they had any thought of stopping him, they couldn't, and gave their public blessing because GH is a fellow daytime show and they're all just hanging in there by the skin of their teeth (DAYS just recently got renewed for a year and GH recently got renewed through the 50th, with no real long-term guarantees for either show).

At this point (three years after GL was cancelled), yes, I do think many of these shows should be throwing their lots in with each other. Maybe not CBS and NBC, since Y&R and B&B tend to overlap with DAYS in some markets, but ABC and NBC SHOULD be throwing their lots in with each other, considering NBC's only soap is generally done in most markets by the time GH starts.

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I actually would have been okay with no Brad Cole during GL's finale week. I didn't really give a crap about either Cassie (LW or Nicole Forrester), but I did feel bad for those who were hoping Cassie might make an appearance.

Personally, I was just glad the Bauers weren't forgotten as they had been for the five years before that.

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