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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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Three things:

With a few tweaks - some little, some big - this show could be as perfect as it thinks it is, as opposed to just very entertaining and fitfully great with many, many deficiencies. Among the tweaks that crossed my mind today:

  • Tequan Richmond is not a "find" because that would imply GH found him from nowhere. They didn't; he is an established young actor and he is doing great work in a thankless role. The nonsensical, insular backstory Garin Wolf gave the two islanded characters of T.J. and Shawn does nothing to help them grow into characters with roots on the canvas - it fulfills only the classic Fronsian principle of African-American characters as window dressing, which unfortunately FV often took to heart in his years at OLTL, with only a few attempts to broaden that (Evangeline, Rachel, Layla) dying on the vine. But there's no reason to make this the law of the land forever. Tequan Richmond's incredibly talented, and Sean Blakemore, while limited, is very handsome and reasonably charismatic. Their scenes today worked - because someone actually gave them a little time. More could be done. What if T.J.'s "dead" father was actually Tommy Hardy Jr., working in the Middle East under an assumed name? What if he's not dead? What if they brought back the Hardys, including the much-ignored Simone Ravelle, and put her in the mix? Or Carly again? What if this, what if that - the point is there is so much more that could be done here.
  • Lucy and Scott, while always irritating together as a romantic pairing IMO on PC, still have amazing chemistry which reminds me of what I later enjoyed watching their work together in the old days of the '80s and early '90s on GH proper. I think you could do more with their dalliance - at least on a scheming level - while also bringing in their daughters. And if their scheming and skullduggery should eventually lead to (temporary) rifts in their relationships with Kevin and/or Bobbie (though I really don't want Scott and Bobbie re-paired because I don't think they have romantic chemistry anymore, I'm sure RC will do it) or whoever, so much more dramatic and better. I'd mix that old triangle up again.
  • Laura deserves a real third party to challenge Luke for a while. Scott is not it. Stefan could be again. Maybe. Wasn't he rumored to be returning?
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Brandon Barash@BrandonBarash 4h

Filmed my last scenes at GH today...quite the strange and surreal day. I'll miss you, Johnny Z...see you in another life, brother.

lisa locicero@lisalocicerogh 4h

@BrandonBarash great stuff today.. It's been an honor and pleasure to work with you.

Brandon Barash@BrandonBarash 4h

@lisalocicerogh Ditto. #thxforthememories

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I'm just surprised he's getting an exit. Of course, he will take hostages and murder a few people (Laura Spencer, Sabrina and Clown Falconeri, please be in the line of fire!) and we might even get a rape out of this. But, beggers can't be choosers! An exit is an exit.

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